105 research outputs found

    Analysis of the Components of Knowledge Management on the Postgraduate IAIN Kendari

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    This study aims to describe the component analysis of Knowledge Management at Postgraduate IAIN Kendari that includes elements of people, process and technology. This research uses qualitative descriptive method, research respondents are students, Postgraduate lecturer at once Manager IAIN Kendari. Data collection is done by observation, interview and documentation. Data analysis starts from the data collection (data collection), the reduction of data (data reduction), the presentation of data (display data), and the withdrawal of the conclusion (verification of data). The results of the study explained that components of Knowledge Management consist of people, processes, and technology. Component browses on i.e human resources include education, experience, and understanding of the standard operational procedure (SOP), a component of the process include cycle Knowledge Management i.e. socialization, externalization, combination and internalization. In the process of socialization of individuals in organization that is done through face-to face meetings, discussions and monthly meetings. In the process of externalization of tacit knowledge changes, i.e. knowledge into explicit knowledge is performed by means of document the minutes of meetings or discussions in the form of print and electronic such as minutes of meetings, reports of activities as well as sharing information through the media what’s app. In the process of internalization that is a change from explicit knowledge into tacit knowledge through collaboration with several other institutions to build up a more concrete knowledge in the form of activities. And in the process the combination change knowledge from explicit knowledge into explicit knowledge, which is done by doing a working document exchange between employees. In the components of the process also includes a learning organization consists of personal mastery competencies include an individual commitment is accompanied in the organization, shared vision includes openness between individuals in the Organization, mental models include mutually accept and value the opinions of others, system thinking covers the interplay and cooperation within the organization and team learning includes share insights and learn together between individuals and groups in organizations. While the technology components include the means of internet bandwidth capacity that is in the scope of the graduate has divided 16 MB for admin and students by using a fiber optic transmission media and means of such academic information system intranet (SIA) and integrated information system (SIMADU)

    Knowledge Mangement System sebagai Dasar Pengembangan Sistem Informasi Kinerja Dosen

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    In the current digitalization era, the application of knowledge management systems can improve the performance of information systems for the better. The knowledge management system is very important to be implemented in higher education. Having different abilities in implementing the tri dharma of higher education, therefore it is necessary to share knowledge to increase the career advancement of lecturers. The development of a lecturer performance information system based on a knowledge management system is an information system used to carry out community service activities. This system can also generate information on the achievement of targets every semester. The target achieved will be used for determining rewards and punishments. The method used for software development is a waterfall. The classical method is still often used because the stages are simpler and easier to implement. Lecturer performance information systems can help programs and supervise, run and improve the performance of lecturers at Universitas IG


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    The government in an effort to increase global competitiveness makes a plan through the RPJPN document (2005-2025) which implies a gradual transformation to develop a competitive economy in accordance with regional competencies and excellence. Thus, the challenges faced are efforts to increase competitiveness through the development and implementation of innovation systems (innovation driven economy). The national innovation system (SINAS) consists of the support of a number of regional innovation systems (SIDa) so that industrial clusters are formed based on the thematic superior regions. South Sumatra Province in the process of determining the plantation industry cluster based on regional superior commodities is based on the results of deliberations by the regional government without the support of an educational approach undertaken in the determination of the thematic superior. The determination of this industrial cluster can be used as a direction for regional development that can facilitate regional innovation actors in taking strategic policy steps in advancing the region. So this research aims to determine the regional superior commodities and products that are carried out with the academic draft approach to have acceptable and operational characteristics. In this study the determination of regional superior commodities and products is carried out with a scientific approach using the LQ, Integration DEMATEL and ANP methods. The results of this study are coffee (4.54), rubber (4.49) and oil palm (4.45) priority commodity-based priority products that have a good industrial value chain to be developed by innovation actors in formulating policies and programs for support the regional superior products in order to have national and global competitiveness

    Impact of Knowledge Management on Organizational Learning in Telecom Sector of Pakistan

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    This study aims to investigate the emerging trend of Knowledge Management (KM) system on organizational learning in telecommunication industry.KM is the propagating issue of concern for management, it’s the outcome of practice and research and it’s still emerging as an essential concept. This paper is going to address KM concerns related to human capital and ICT in the telecom sector. It would help the telecom sector to have a good insight at KM discipline in order to prioritize KM practices by facilitating its adoption. Academicians can employ the outcomes of this study to fabricate replica models and it would further aid to inflate the KM realm. This research is significantly the foremost to steadily establish the importance of knowledge management in the Telecommunication industry of Pakistan. It proffers a favorable reserve of salient information to the telecom sector as it is still sheathing far behind in application of Knowledge Management Tools and practices. Keywords: Organizational Learning , Knowledge management, Telecom Sector, Pakistan

    Peran Quadruple Helix dalam Meningkatkan Kreativitas dan Kapabilitas Inovasi (Studi pada Industri Kreatif Sektor Fashion)

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    Creative industries are significantly contribution to economic development, however the development of   creative industries are still many problems, especially human resources, so it has an impact on the innovation capability. This study aims to examine the effect of quadruple helix (intellectual, government, business, civil soceity) to enhance the crativity and innovation capability, on sectors of fashion in Central Java. Sampling methods using purposive sampling and data analysis using the Partial Least Square (PLS). The research results    that intellectual, government, business and civil soceity are significantly effect on    the creativity. Intellectuals and business are significantly effect on the innovation capability, but  government and civil soceity not significantly effect on innovation capability. Creativity is significantly effect on innovation capability

    The Effect of Management Capabilities and Entrepreneurship Orientation to Innovation and Implication on Business Performance: Study at Embroidery Motifs SMEs in Aceh-Indonesia

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    This study aims to examine and explain the effect of Management Capabilities and Entrepreneurship Orientation to Innovation and Implication on Business Performance: Study at Embroidery Motifs SMEs in Aceh-Indonesia. Survey respondents are 50 owners of Embroidery Motifs SMEs in Aceh. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) applied to test the model that has been previously formed and at the same time examine all the hypotheses. The research found that innovation proved affect positively and significantly toward business performance improvement. Innovation becomes complete mediation in relationship between management capabilities and entrepreneurship orientation toward business performance. An important finding of this study is be able to integrate the affect of entrepreneurial orientation and management capabilities toward business performance through innovation as a mediating. Key word: Entrepreneurial Orientation, Management Capabilities, Innovation, Business Performanc

    Hubungan Knowledge Management dengan Kinerja Perawat Di Ruang Rawat Inap Rumah Sakit Unhas Makasassar

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    Knowledge management merupakan suatu cara yang efektif untuk menata dan mengatur pengetahuan yang beragam yang dimiliki oleh suatu organisasi yang bersumber dari SDM yang terdiri dari tacit knowledge dan explicit knowledge(Mardiana, 2013). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis hubungan knowledge management dengan kinerja perawat diruang rawat inap Rumah Sakit Pendidikan Unhas Makassar. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain cross sectional, dengan sampel sebanyak 73 perawat pelaksana yang diambil dari 182 populasi dengan metode pengambilan sampel purposive sampling. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara menyebar kuesioner dengan skala pengukuran liker dan lembar observasi. Data dianalisis menggunakan SPSS dengan Uji Korelasi. Hasil penelitian diperoleh nilai significancy 0,004 yang menunjukkan bahwa korelasi antara knowledge management dengan kinerja perawat di ruang rawat inap Rumah Sakit Pendidikan Unhas Makassar adalah bermakna. Nilai korelasi spearman sebesar 0,336 menunjukkan bahwa arah korelasi positif dengan kekuatan korelasi yang lemah.Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah knowledge management yang terdiri dari akuisisi pengetahuan, penyimpanan dan pemeliharaan pengetahuan, pengembangan dan pemanfaatan, distribusi dan berbagi pengetahuan, pengembangan dan pemanfaatan pengetahuanmerupakan intangible asset yang dianggap mampu meningkatkan keunggulan bersaing yang dinamis, berharga dan langka. Knowledge managementsebaiknya menjadibudaya yang harus diterapkan di Rumah Sakit Khususnya di bidang keperawatan sehingga perawat mampu mengelola pengetahuan dan berbagi pengetahuan untuk mendukung tercapainya kinerja yang baik dalam memberikan pelayanan keperawatan

    The effect of entrepreneurial orientation, use of information technology, and innovation capability on SMEs' competitive advantage and performance: evidence from Indonesia

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    The purpose of this paper is to analyze the effect of entrepreneurial orientation, the use of information technology, and the capability of innovation on competitive advantage and performance of SMEs through competitive advantage. In this research, the sample was 125 SMEs joined in the digital class "X" in Semarang City. The result of the analysis using SEM shows that entrepreneurial orientation positively affects performance and competitive advantage of SMEs. Innovation capabilities also have a positive effect on SMEs' competitive advantage and performance. The result also suggested that use of information technology has a positive effect on the competitive advantage and competitive advantage has a positive effect on the business performance of SMEs

    Nursing Students' Viewpoints on Teacher Evaluation in Urmia University of Medical Sciences, Iran: Content Analysis

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    Introduction: Teachers are among the most important parts of the education system and have an important role in achieving educational goals. Teachers evaluation and assessing the quality of their work is one of the most important aspects of improving the quality of education. Thus, the aim of this study was to evaluate viewpoints of nursing students on teachers evaluation. Method: This was a qualitative study conducted on 14 nursing students from the Urmia University of Medical Sciences, Iran. Participants were selected through purposive sampling and informed consent was obtained. Data were collected through conducting deep and semi-structured interviews, presence in the field and taking handwritten notes. All interviews were recorded, transcribed, and reviewed on paper. Data were analyzed using inductive approaches and content analysis. Results: Three main themes and 13 subthemes emerged about factors accefting teacher evaluation that included the evaluation process (inefficient questions, time, distribution of questionnaires and explanations), functional characteristics of the students (trueness, awareness, integrity, inclusion of personal feelings) and student view (experience of previous encounters, positive, and negative evaluation). Conclusion: Evaluation is endorsing effective activities and procedures and eliminating or weakening the ineffective or undesirable activities and methods. Based on the results of this study, the assessment process should be changed and the current evaluation process should be corrected to improve the quality of teachers’ work in order to positively impact students’ learning. Keywords: Evaluation, Teacher, Nursing student, Qualitative research, Content analysi
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