106 research outputs found

    Dielectric Elastomer Cooperative Microactuator Systems : DECMAS

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    This paper presents results of the first phase of “Dielectric Elastomer Cooperative Microactuator Systems” (DECMAS), a project within the German Research Foundation Priority Program 2206, “Cooperative Multistable Multistage Microactuator Systems” (KOMMMA). The goal is the development of a soft cooperative microactuator system combining high flexibility with largestroke/high-frequency actuation and self-sensing capabilities. The softness is due to a completely polymer-based approach using dielectric elastomer membrane structures and a specific silicone bias system designed to achieve large strokes. The approach thus avoids fluidic or pneumatic components, enabling, e.g., future smart textile applications with cooperative sensing, haptics, and even acoustic features. The paper introduces design concepts and a first soft, single-actuator demonstrator along with experimental characterization, before expanding it to a 3 × 1 system. This system is used to experimentally study coupling effects, supported by finite element and lumped parameter simulations, which represent the basis for future cooperative control methods. Finally, the paper also introduces a new methodology to fabricate metal-based electrodes of sub-micrometer thickness with high membrane-straining capability and extremely low resistance. These electrodes will enable further miniaturization towards future microscale applications

    Design and optimal control of a multistable, cooperative microactuator

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    In order to satisfy the demand for the high functionality of future microdevices, research on new concepts for multistable microactuators with enlarged working ranges becomes increasingly important. A challenge for the design of such actuators lies in overcoming the mechanical connections of the moved object, which limit its deflection angle or traveling distance. Although numerous approaches have already been proposed to solve this issue, only a few have considered multiple asymptotically stable resting positions. In order to fill this gap, we present a microactuator that allows large vertical displacements of a freely moving permanent magnet on a millimeter-scale. Multiple stable equilibria are generated at predefined positions by superimposing permanent magnetic fields, thus removing the need for constant energy input. In order to achieve fast object movements with low solenoid currents, we apply a combination of piezoelectric and electromagnetic actuation, which work as cooperative manipulators. Optimal trajectory planning and flatness-based control ensure time- and energy-efficient motion while being able to compensate for disturbances. We demonstrate the advantage of the proposed actuator in terms of its expandability and show the effectiveness of the controller with regard to the initial state uncertainty

    A Review of Cooperative Actuator and Sensor Systems Based on Dielectric Elastomer Transducers

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    This paper presents an overview of cooperative actuator and sensor systems based on dielectric elastomer (DE) transducers. A DE consists of a flexible capacitor made of a thin layer of soft dielectric material (e.g., acrylic, silicone) surrounded with a compliant electrode, which is able to work as an actuator or as a sensor. Features such as large deformation, high compliance, flexibility, energy efficiency, lightweight, self-sensing, and low cost make DE technology particularly attractive for the realization of mechatronic systems that are capable of performance not achievable with alternative technologies. If several DEs are arranged in an array-like configuration, new concepts of cooperative actuator/sensor systems can be enabled, in which novel applications and features are made possible by the synergistic operations among nearby elements. The goal of this paper is to review recent advances in the area of cooperative DE systems technology. After summarizing the basic operating principle of DE transducers, several applications of cooperative DE actuators and sensors from the recent literature are discussed, ranging from haptic interfaces and bio-inspired robots to micro-scale devices and tactile sensors. Finally, challenges and perspectives for the future development of cooperative DE systems are discussed

    A Micromachined Permalloy Magnetic Actuator Array for Micro Robotics Assembly Systems

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    Arrays of permalloy magnetic actuators have been studied for the use as precision micro robotics assembly systems. The actuator arrays have been tested for lifting and moving silicon and glass chips. The actuator unit consists of a permalloy plate 1 mm x 1 mm X 5µm in size together with polysilicon bending supports. Experimentally, it can lift a 87 µN (or 8.88 mg) force under a magnetic field of approximately 2 x 10^4 A/m. A proposed synchronous driving mode has been observed, and both translation and rotation of a silicon chip has been demonstrated

    Microsystems technology: objectives

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    This contribution focuses on the objectives of microsystems technology (MST). The reason for this is two fold. First of all, it should explain what MST actually is. This question is often posed and a simple answer is lacking, as a consequence of the diversity of subjects that are perceived as MST. The second reason is that a map of the somewhat chaotic field of MST is needed to identify sub-territories, for which standardization in terms of system modules an interconnections is feasible. To define the objectives a pragmatic approach has been followed. From the literature a selection of topics has been chosen and collected that are perceived as belonging to the field of MST by a large community of workers in the field (more than 250 references). In this way an overview has been created with `applications¿ and `generic issues¿ as the main characteristics

    Finite element modeling and validation of a soft array of spatially coupled dielectric elastomer transducers

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    Dielectric elastomer (DE) transducers are suitable candidates for the development of compliant mechatronic devices, such as wearable smart skins and soft robots. If many independently-controllable DEs are closely arranged in an array-like configuration, sharing a common elastomer membrane, novel types of cooperative and soft actuator/sensor systems can be obtained. The common elastic substrate, however, introduces strong electro-mechanical coupling effects among neighboring DEs, which highly influence the overall membrane system actuation and sensing characteristics. To effectively design soft cooperative systems based on DEs, these effects need to be systematically understood and modeled first. As a first step towards the development of soft cooperative DE systems, in this paper we present a finite element simulation approach for a 1-by-3 silicone array of DE units. After defining the system constitutive equations and the numerical assumptions, an extensive experimental campaign is conducted to calibrate and validate the model. The simulation results accurately predict the changes in force (actuation behavior) and capacitance (sensing behavior) of the different elements of the array, when their neighbors are subjected to different electro-mechanical loads. Quantitatively, the model reproduces the force and capacitance responses with an average fit higher than 93% and 92%, respectively. Finally, the validated model is used to perform parameter studies, aimed at highlighting how the array performance depends on a relevant set of design parameters, i.e. DE-DE spacing, DE-outer structure spacing, membrane pre-stretch, array scale, and electrode shape. The obtained results will provide important guidelines for the future design of cooperative actuator/sensor systems based on DE transducers

    Modeling of Magnetoelectric Microresonator Using Numerical Method and Simulated Annealing Algorithm

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    A comprehensive understanding of the linear/nonlinear dynamic behavior of wireless microresonators is essential for micro-electromechanical systems (MEMS) design optimization. This study investigates the dynamic behaviour of a magnetoelectric (ME) microresonator, using a finite element method (FEM) and machine learning algorithm. First, the linear/nonlinear behaviour of a fabricated thin-film ME microactuator is assessed in both the time domain and frequency spectrum. Next, a data driven system identification (DDSI) procedure and simulated annealing (SA) method are implemented to reconstruct differential equations from measured datasets. The Duffing equation is employed to replicate the dynamic behavior of the ME microactuator. The Duffing coefficients such as mass, stiffness, damping, force amplitude, and excitation frequency are considered as input parameters. Meanwhile, the microactuator displacement is taken as the output parameter, which is measured experimentally via a laser Doppler vibrometer (LDV) device. To determine the optimal range and step size for input parameters, the sensitivity analysis is conducted using Latin hypercube sampling (LHS). The peak index matching (PIM) and correlation coefficient (CC) are considered assessment criteria for the objective function. The vibration measurements reveal that as excitation levels increase, hysteresis variations become more noticeable, which may result in a higher prediction error in the Duffing array model. The verification test indicates that the first bending mode reconstructs reasonably with a prediction accuracy of about 92 percent. This proof-of-concept study demonstrates that the simulated annealing approach is a promising tool for modeling the dynamic behavior of MEMS systems, making it a strong candidate for real-world applications

    자성 조절이 가능한 고분자-나노복합체를 이용한 미세 구조물의 제어

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    학위논문 (박사)-- 서울대학교 대학원 : 전기·컴퓨터공학부, 2013. 8. 권성훈.In this dissertation, I introduce a new magnetic nanocomposite material system and in situ fabrication process that is not shape limited and allows the programming of heterogeneous magnetic anisotropy at the microscale. The key idea is to combine the self-assembling behavior of superparamagnetic nanoparticles, which have stronger magnetization than that of general paramagnetic materials, with a spatially modulated photopatterning process. By repetitively tuning the nanoparticle assembly and fixing the assembled state using photopolymerization, I fabricate microactuators for which all parts move in different directions under a homogeneous magnetic field. To show the feasibility of this concept, I demonstrate polymeric nanocomposite actuators capable of two dimensional and three-dimensional complex actuations that have rarely been achieved using conventional microactuators. This approach greatly simplifies the manufacturing process and also offers effective rules for designing novel and complex microcomponents using a nanocomposite material with engineered magnetic anisotropy. First, I investigate the self-assembling behavior of both ferromagnetic magnetite nanoparticles and superparamagnetic nanoparticles using Monte Carlo simulation. Magnetic materials used to fabricate magnetic polymer composite include ferrimagnetic magnetite nanoparticles with 50nm of averaged diameter and superparamagnetic magnetite nanoparticles with 280nm of averaged diameter. Magnetic particle interactions, that critically affect to the self-assembling behavior of the magnetic nanoparticles, such as particle-field interaction, particle-particle dipole interaction, magnetic anisotropy and steric layer repulsion are considered. I adopt cluster-moving Monte Carlo simulation method to analyze the magnetic self-assembly of magnetic nanoparticles and investigate the self-assembling behavior of the magnetite nanoparticles varying the intensity of the applied magnetic field during the chain formation and the concentration of the magnetic nanoparticles. The result shows that the well-defined magnetic chains are formed as both the intensity of the applied magnetic field and the magnetic nanoparticle concentration increase. Also, a novel method to fabricate magnetic nanoparticle embedded polymer composite microstructure is introduced. Briefly, the combination of photocurable polymer and magnetic nanoparticles is photopolymerized to immobilize the various states of magnetic nanoparticles. I especially adopt a system called optofluidic maskless lithography system to fabricate various shapes of polymeric microstructures within a second. Also, I develop a model system to describe the actuation of a magnetic polymer composite. The magnetic torque, the derivative of system energy, of the composite microstructure embedding magnetic chains is calculated based on the expanded Monte Carlo simulation result. And, the steady state elastic modulus of the magnetic composite microbeam is induced by utilizing the simulated torque and cantilever bending experiment result. The movement of cantilever type microstructure is investigated at equilibrium state that the magnetic torque equals to the mechanical restoring torque. As an application, I demonstrate multiaxial microactuators. Polymeric microcomponents are widely used in microelectromechanicalsystems (MEMS) and lab-on-a-chip devices, but they suffer from the lack of complex motion, effective addressability and precise shape control. To address these needs, I fabricated polymeric nanocomposite microactuators driven by programmable heterogeneous magnetic anisotropy. Spatially modulated photopatterning was applied in a shape independent manner to microactuator components by successive confinement of self-assembled magnetic nanoparticles in a fixed polymer matrix. By freely programming the rotational axis of each component, I demonstrate that the polymeric microactuators can undergo predesigned, complex two- and three dimensional motion. Finally I also introduce a novel color changing microactuators based on the self-assembling behavior of the magnetic nanoparticles. I propose a color-tunable microactuator utilizing the optical and magnetic behaviors of one-dimensionally assembled superparamagnetic nanoparticles that play the role of a one-dimensional Bragg reflector and establish a magnetic easy axis. By combining these properties with rapid photopolymerization, I developed red, blue, and green micropixels whose colors could be tuned by the application of an external magnetic field. This strategy offers very simple methods for the fabrication and operation of soft color tunable surfaces with high resolution.Abstract i Contents v List of Figures vii List of Tables xxi Chapter 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Polymer Nanocomposite 4 1.2 Magnetic Polymer Composite 7 1.3 Magnetic Self-assembly 11 1.4 Main Concept 15 Chapter 2 Magnetic Nanoparticle Self-assembly 18 2.1 Material Specification 19 2.1.1 Crystalline Structure of Magnetite 19 2.1.2 Synthesis of Superparamagnetic Nanoparticles 22 2.1.3 Magnetic Anisotropy of Magnetite Nanoparticles 23 2.2 Interacting Magnetic Nanoparticle with MC Simulation 27 2.2.1 Interaction Energy of Magnetic Nanoparticles 27 2.2.2 2D Cluster-moving Monte Carlo Simulation 31 2.3 Self-assembly of Magnetic Nanoparticles 34 2.3.1 Self-assembly of Ferrimagnetic Nanoparticles 36 2.3.2 Self-assembly of Superparamagnetic Nanoparticles 41 2.4 Conclusion 46 Chapter 3 Magnetic Nanoparticle Embedded Polymer Composite 47 3.1 Optofluidic Maskless Lithography 48 3.2 In-situ Fabrication Process 50 3.3 Torque on Magnetic Composite Structure 54 3.3.1 Magnetic Torque from Self-assembled Nanoparticles 54 3.3.2 Magnetic Torque on Arbitrary Structure 59 3.3.3 Elastic Modulus of Magnetic Composite Beam 61 3.4 Deisgn Principles 65 3.4.1 Simple Cantilever 66 3.5 Conclusion 70 Chapter 4 Multiaxial Microactuators 71 4.1 Fabrication 72 4.1.1 Various Types of Microfluidic Devices 74 4.1.2 Micropatterning of PDMS Thin Film on Glass Substrate 76 4.1.3 Grey Mask for Flexible Hinge 77 4.2 Microfluidic Components 79 4.3 Various Types of Multiaxial Microactuators 82 4.4 Rotating Microstructures 87 4.5 Microrobot 89 4.6 Conclusion 92 Chapter 5 Magnetochromatic Microactuators 93 5.1 Fabrication 94 5.2 Structural Color Generation 97 5.3 Color Change of Microsurface 100 5.4 Micropatterns 103 5.5 Conclusion 105 Conclusion and Future Work 106 Bibliography 109 국문 초록 119Docto