22 research outputs found

    A research review of quality assessment for software

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    Measures were recommended to assess the quality of software submitted to the AdaNet program. The quality factors that are important to software reuse are explored and methods of evaluating those factors are discussed. Quality factors important to software reuse are: correctness, reliability, verifiability, understandability, modifiability, and certifiability. Certifiability is included because the documentation of many factors about a software component such as its efficiency, portability, and development history, constitute a class for factors important to some users, not important at all to other, and impossible for AdaNet to distinguish between a priori. The quality factors may be assessed in different ways. There are a few quantitative measures which have been shown to indicate software quality. However, it is believed that there exists many factors that indicate quality and have not been empirically validated due to their subjective nature. These subjective factors are characterized by the way in which they support the software engineering principles of abstraction, information hiding, modularity, localization, confirmability, uniformity, and completeness

    Managing Change in Information Systems : technological challenges

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    Information systems and other computer-based systems must continuously undergo change in order to reflect change in their environments. The present technology used to implement such systems, including models, methods, tools and languages, does not have an inherent understanding of the nature of evolution. The rigidity of existing systems is a hindrance for user requested enhancements.Propagating changes correctly is a particular problem. It is common to find that necessary changes consequent on some other change have not been made, so that the system is inconsistent and will eventually fail to operate correctly. The paper discusses tools for system maintenance and focuses on the issue of automation. A tool that automatically generates and maintains all the information it needs is presented. To provide more information about the form and extent of the evolution in real-world systems, the same tool was instructed to collect change measurements. Information about the evolution of a large health management system was recorded over a period of 18 months. Methods for and problems of automatic change measurements collection are discussed

    The Relationship of Software System Flexibility to Software System and Team Performance

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    Organizations are evolving at an ever-increasing rate due to economic changes, globalization, and technology enabled changes such as e-business. These changes require existing and new software systems to be flexible enough to support rapid change while still being reliable and cost effective. Software flexibility has previously been studied only from a structural perspective with little attention to the people and processes that support the software, especially in the maintenance environment where most changes occur. This research builds on a previously validated technology flexibility model with two dimensions: structural and process flexibility (Nelson and Ghods 1998). We empirically test the relationship of flexibility to the performance of the software system and the IS support team. The relationships between flexibility and performance are analyzed using a ìfitî analysis to fully understand the complexity of the relationships. Our findings indicate that software flexibility is related to both system and team performance, and is characterized by the amount of interaction, or ìfit,î between structural and process flexibility


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    Information Systems Working Papers Serie

    Mitigating the Effects of Structural Complexity on Open Source Software Maintenance through Accountability

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    In this research, we investigate the relationships between structural complexity, accountability, and software maintenance performance in Open Source Software development projects. Additionally, we investigate the moderating role of monetary incentives on various relationships. We collected data on 5,000 bug reports from the SourceForge database and perceptual data from 181 open source software developers registered on SourceForge for model validation. Results support our hypotheses. The important implications of the results are discussed

    The development and application of composite complexity models and a relative complexity metric in a software maintenance environment

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    A great deal of effort is now being devoted to the study, analysis, prediction, and minimization of software maintenance expected cost, long before software is delivered to users or customers. It has been estimated that, on the average, the effort spent on software maintenance is as costly as the effort spent on all other software costs. Software design methods should be the starting point to aid in alleviating the problems of software maintenance complexity and high costs. Two aspects of maintenance deserve attention: (1) protocols for locating and rectifying defects, and for ensuring that noe new defects are introduced in the development phase of the software process; and (2) protocols for modification, enhancement, and upgrading. This article focuses primarily on the second aspect, the development of protocols to help increase the quality and reduce the costs associated with modifications, enhancements, and upgrades of existing software. This study developed parsimonious models and a relative complexity metric for complexity measurement of software that were used to rank the modules in the system relative to one another. Some success was achieved in using the models and the relative metric to identify maintenance-prone modules

    Omission of quality software development practices : a systematic literature review

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    Software deficiencies are minimized by utilizing recommended software development and quality assurance practices. However, these recommended practices (i.e., quality practices) become ineffective if software professionals purposefully ignore them. Conducting a systematic literature review (n = 4,838), we discovered that only a small number of previous studies, within software engineering and information systems literature, have investigated the omission of quality practices. These studies explain the omission of quality practices mainly as a result of organizational decisions and trade-offs made under resource constraints or market pressure. However, our study indicates that different aspects of this phenomenon deserve further research. In particular, future research must investigate the conditions triggering the omission of quality practices and the processes through which this phenomenon occurs. Especially, since software development is a human-centric phenomenon, the psychological and behavioral aspects of this process deserve in-depth empirical investigation. In addition, futures research must clarify the social, organizational, and economical consequences of ignoring quality practices. Gaining in-depth theoretically sound and empirically grounded understandings about different aspects of this phenomenon enables research and practice to suggest interventions to overcome this issue.fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    Software maintenance: redocumentation of existing Cobol systems using hypertext technology

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    One of the major problems associated with the maintenance of existing software systems is their lack of documentation. This can make very large, poorly structured programs very difficult to maintain. Nearly all traditional documentation tools are either designed for use in the development stage of the software lifecycle or are report generators such as cross reference generators. The problems of lack of documentation are compounded when applied to third party software maintenance as the staffs are often initially unfamiliar with the code they are maintaining. This thesis describes these problems in detail and evaluates the feasibility of a tool to help with redocumentation based on current hypertext technology