9,847 research outputs found


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    The purpose of this study is the first to know the organizational climate that includes the physical environment, social environment and management system on PT. Hansa Pratama Sidoarjo. Second, to determine the performance of employees at PT. Hansa Pratama Sidoarjo. Third, to identify organizational climate has a significant influence on the performance of the employees of PT. Hansa Pratama Sidoarjo. Usefulness of research to be achieved, especially for a company that is expected to eventually be taken into consideration in solving the issues related to corporate organizational climate and contributing ideas to senior management in improving the business climate of the organization to improve employee performance. Analysis tools used in this research is by using a range of scales and multiple linear regression. Based on the calculation of average scale range of physical environmental variables obtained by the number of 191.5, which means that the physical environment on PT. Hansa Pratama Sidoarjo been included in either category. Average scale range of social environmental variables obtained by the number of 183.67, which means that the social environment on PT. Hansa Pratama Sidoarjo been included in either category. Range management scale environmental variables obtained figures for 179.75 which means that the environmental management at PT. Hansa Pratama Sidoarjo been included in either category. Result of calculation average variable scale range of employee performance figures obtained for 201.33 which means that the performance of employees at PT. Hansa Pratama Sidoarjo included in the high criteria. Such conditions can prove that during this time, able to meet the target set by the company's high in quality, quantity and time of completion of work established by the company. Based on the F test, it can be concluded that organizational climate has a significant influence on the performance of the employees of PT. Hansa Pratama Sidoarjo. It is proved that the calculated F value of 57.448 is greater than the value of F table that is equal to 3.930. Advice given to firms which expected the company to maintain existing organizational climate conditions in the company. Concrete steps that can be done is to further enhance harmonious relations between employees and with the leaders so they can work optimally in the company. In order to improve the performance of its employees expected the company to pay attention to facilities and production facilities used to support production activity in the company

    A qualitative evaluation of two different law enforcement approaches on dark net markets

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    This paper presents the results of a qualitative study on discussions about two major law enforcement interventions against Dark Net Market (DNM) users extracted from relevant Reddit forums. We assess the impact of Operation Hyperion and Operation Bayonet (combined with the closure of the site Hansa) by analyzing posts and comments made by users of two Reddit forums created for the discussion of Dark Net Markets. The operations are compared in terms of the size of the discussions, the consequences recorded, and the opinions shared by forum users. We find that Operation Bayonet generated a higher number of discussions on Reddit, and from the qualitative analysis of such discussions it appears that this operation also had a greater impact on the DNM ecosystem. Index Terms—cybercrime, policy, law enforcement, qualitative, drug markets, dark webAccepted manuscrip

    Dynamical evolution of V-type asteroids in the central main belt

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    V-type asteroids are associated with basaltic composition, and are supposed to be fragments of crust of differentiated objects. Most V-type asteroids in the main belt are found in the inner main belt, and are either current members of the Vesta dynamical family (Vestoids), or past members that drifted away. However, several V-type photometric candidates have been recently identified in the central and outer main belt. The origin of this large population of V-type objects is not well understood. Since it seems unlikely that Vestoids crossing the 3J:-1A mean-motion resonance with Jupiter could account for the whole population of V-type asteroids in the central and outer main belt, origin from local sources, such as the parent bodies of the Eunomia, and of the Merxia and Agnia asteroid families, has been proposed as an alternative mechanism. In this work we investigated the dynamical evolution of the V-type photometric candidates in the central main belt, under the effect of gravitational and non-gravitational forces. Our results show that dynamical evolution from the parent bodies of the Eunomia and Merxia/Agnia families on timescales of 2 Byr or more could be responsible for the current orbital location of most of the low-inclined V-type asteroids.Comment: 16 pages, 10 figures, 3 tables. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Social capital and collusion: the case of merchant guilds

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    Merchant guilds have been portrayed as ‘social networks’ that generated beneficial ‘social capital’ by sustaining shared norms, effectively transmitting information, and successfully undertaking collective action. This social capital, it is claimed, benefited society as a whole by enabling rulers to commit to providing a secure trading environment for alien merchants. But was this really the case? We develop a new model of the emergence, rise and eventual decline of European merchant guilds which explores the collusive relationship between rulers and guilds, and calls into question the prevailing positive view of merchant guilds. We then confront the model’s predictions with the available historical data. The empirical evidence strongly support our model and refutes existing theories. Our findings show that merchant guilds used their social capital for socially harmful as well as beneficial ends

    Managerial Effiency in German Top League Soccer

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    This study applies stochastic frontier analytic techniques in the estimation of sporting production functions. As ex ante input factors, we use pre-seasonal estimates of wage bills of players and coaches that are transformed during the production process of a season into ex post pecuniary revenues and sporting success. While in the case of athletic output we find a robust pattern of technical efficiency over subsequent seasons, the estimates based on economic output highlight the instability of the German soccer industry

    A multi-domain approach to asteroid families identification

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    Previous works have identified families halos by an analysis in proper elements domains, or by using Sloan Digital Sky Survey-Moving Object Catalog data, fourth release (SDSS-MOC4) multi-band photometry to infer the asteroid taxonomy, or by a combination of the two methods. The limited number of asteroids for which geometric albedo was known until recently discouraged in the past the extensive use of this additional parameter, which is however of great importance in identifying an asteroid taxonomy. The new availability of geometric albedo data from the Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) mission for about 100,000 asteroids significantly increased the sample of objects for which such information, with some errors, is now known. In this work we proposed a new method to identify families halos in a multi-domain space composed by proper elements, SDSS-MOC4 (a*,i-z) colors, and WISE geometric albedo for the whole main belt (and the Hungaria and Cybele orbital regions). Assuming that most families were created by the breakup of an undifferentiated parent body, they are expected to be homogeneous in colors and albedo. The new method is quite effective in determining objects belonging to a family halo, with low percentages of likely interlopers, and results that are quite consistent in term of taxonomy and geometric albedo of the halo members.Comment: 23 pages, 18 figures, 6 tables. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Families among high-inclination asteroids

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    We present a new classification of families identified among the population of high-inclination asteroids. We computed synthetic proper elements for a sample of 18,560 numbered and multi-opposition objects having sine of proper inclination greater than 0.295. We considered three zones at different heliocentric distances (inner, intermediate and outer region) and used the standard approach based on the Hierarchical Clustering Method (HCM) to identify families in each zone. In doing so, we used slightly different approach with respect to previously published methodologies, to achieve a more reliable and robust classification. We also used available SDSS color data to improve membership and identify likely family interlopers. We found a total of 38 families, as well as a significant number of clumps and clusters deserving further investigation.Comment: Accepted by Icaru

    Asteroid family ages

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    A new family classification, based on a catalog of proper elements with 384,000\sim 384,000 numbered asteroids and on new methods is available. For the 4545 dynamical families with >250>250 members identified in this classification, we present an attempt to obtain statistically significant ages: we succeeded in computing ages for 3737 collisional families. We used a rigorous method, including a least squares fit of the two sides of a V-shape plot in the proper semimajor axis, inverse diameter plane to determine the corresponding slopes, an advanced error model for the uncertainties of asteroid diameters, an iterative outlier rejection scheme and quality control. The best available Yarkovsky measurement was used to estimate a calibration of the Yarkovsky effect for each family. The results are presented separately for the families originated in fragmentation or cratering events, for the young, compact families and for the truncated, one-sided families. For all the computed ages the corresponding uncertainties are provided. We found 2 cases where two separate dynamical families form together a single V-shape with compatible slopes, thus indicating a single collisional event. We have also found 3 examples of dynamical families containing multiple collisional families, plus a dubious case. We have found 2 cases of families containing a conspicuous subfamily, such that it is possible to measure the slope of a distinct V-shape, thus the age of the secondary collision. We also provide data on the central gaps appearing in some families. The ages computed in this paper are obtained with a single and uniform methodology, thus the ages of different families can be compared, providing a first example of collisional chronology of the asteroid main belt

    Acerca de la escena artística de la Calle 10. Un clúster creativo pionero en la Ciudad de Nueva York

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    Since the beginning of the fifties, 10th Street concentrated an artistic activity unprecedented in the history of the paradigmatic City of New York. A significant number of artists and their diverse ways of production were hosted in the buildings of this urban artery. While the Greenwich Village bohemia or the Coenties Slip’s artists pioneered a sporadic and spontaneous relationship with the city, this synergistic model of multiple and connected art spaces along this axis could be identified as a first creative cluster, inspiring later important phenomena such as the colonization of the South of Houston Street at the hands of the artistic counterculture. The 10th Street artists’ activity would range from singular spaces and projects, such as the Tenth Street Studio Building, to the first structures of artistic cooperatives, Tenth Street Co-ops. While showing the groundbreaking relationship between this city and its art, this article particularly investigates the architectural and cultural scene of 10th Street, which would ultimately influence the 1960s’ popular urban model of the artistic district. Moreover, the revelation of its history is intended to build the antecedents of certain contemporary intervention practices and theories that rely on culture as a way of city improvement.Desde el comienzo de la década de los 50, la Calle 10 concentró desde el inicio una actividad artística sin precedentes en la historia de la paradigmática ciudad de Nueva York. Un número significativo de artistas y sus diversas formas de producción encontraron acomodo en los edificios de esta arteria urbana. Mientras que la bohemia de Greenwich Village o los artistas de Coenties Slip fueron pioneros en una relación esporádica y espontánea con la ciudad, este modelo sinérgico de espacios de arte múltiples y conectados a lo largo de este eje podría identificarse como un primer cluster creativo, inspirando fenómenos posteriores de reconocido alcance como la colonización del South of Houston Street a manos de la contracultura artística. La actividad de los artistas de la Calle 10 abarcaría desde espacios y proyectos singulares, como el edificio Tenth Street Studio, hasta las primeras estructuras de cooperativas artísticas, Tenth Street Co-ops. Al mismo tiempo que se muestra la innovadora relación entre esta ciudad y su arte, este artículo investiga particularmente la escena arquitectónica y cultural de la calle 10, que en última instancia influiría en el popular modelo urbano del distrito artístico de los años sesenta. Además, la revelación de su historia pretende construir los antecedentes de ciertas prácticas y teorías de intervención contemporánea que se basan en la cultura como una forma de mejora de la ciudad