3,102 research outputs found

    Information System Generator

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    Role generátorů zdrojového kódu se stává stále významnější. Ať jde o generování tříd na základě objektového modelu v jazyce UML nebo o vizuální tvorbu uživatelských rozhraní. Tato práce se zabývá generováním zdrojového kódu pro základní operace nad jednou tabulkou. Předkládá informace o technologiích pro implementaci informačních systémů a zaměřuje se na PHP MVC frameworky. Zabývá se generováním zdrojového kódu obecně a popisuje návrh generátoru kódu základních operací nad jednou tabulkou a jeho implementaci v prostředí Qt Creator.The role of the source code generators is becoming increasingly important. Generation of classes based on object model in UML or visual creation of user interfaces is today commonly used. This work deals with the generation of source code for basic operations on one table. It presents information about technologies for the implementation of information systems, focusing on PHP MVC frameworks. It deals with the source code generation in general and describes the design of the generator and its implementation in Qt Creator.

    Information System Generator

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    Cílem této práce je navrhnout a implementovat nástroj pro pasivní generování zdrojových kódů pro specifický framework informačního systému. Tímto frameworkem je ZeroFramework, který je určen k vývoji klient-server aplikací na platformě .NET. Pro generování je použita knihovna T4Scaffolding, která umožňuje rozdělit logiku generování kódu na separátní části (tzv. scaffoldery). Tato práce se zabývá převážně návrhem a implementací těchto scaffolderů a jejich provázání s knihovnou T4Scaffolding. Výsledkem této práce jsou šablony a logika pro vygenerování souborů a tříd, které implementují logiku potřebnou pro zobrazení, přidání, úpravu a smazání konkrétní databázové entity.Goal of this work is to design and implement too for passive code generation for specific information system framework. This framework is ZeroFramework that is targeted at client-server development of applications running on .NET platform. For code generation, T4 Scaffolding library is used, which allows to divide code generation logic into separate parts (scaffolders). This work is mainly concerned with design and implementation of those scaffolders and their linking with T4Scaffolding library. Results of this work are templates and logic for generation of files and classes, which implement logic needed for display, adding, modification and deletion of specific database entity.

    RT-Syn: A real-time software system generator

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    This paper presents research into providing highly reusable and maintainable components by using automatic software synthesis techniques. This proposal uses domain knowledge combined with automatic software synthesis techniques to engineer large-scale mission-critical real-time software. The hypothesis centers on a software synthesis architecture that specifically incorporates application-specific (in this case real-time) knowledge. This architecture synthesizes complex system software to meet a behavioral specification and external interaction design constraints. Some examples of these external constraints are communication protocols, precisions, timing, and space limitations. The incorporation of application-specific knowledge facilitates the generation of mathematical software metrics which are used to narrow the design space, thereby making software synthesis tractable. Success has the potential to dramatically reduce mission-critical system life-cycle costs not only by reducing development time, but more importantly facilitating maintenance, modifications, and extensions of complex mission-critical software systems, which are currently dominating life cycle costs

    TASKers: A Whole-System Generator for Benchmarking Real-Time-System Analyses

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    Implementation-based benchmarking of timing and schedulability analyses requires system code that can be executed on real hardware and has defined properties, for example, known worst-case execution times (WCETs) of tasks. Traditional approaches for creating benchmarks with such characteristics often result in implementations that do not resemble real-world systems, either due to work only being simulated by means of busy waiting, or because tasks have no control-flow dependencies between each other. In this paper, we address this problem with TASKers, a generator that constructs realistic benchmark systems with predefined properties. To achieve this, TASKers composes patterns of real-world programs to generate tasks that produce known outputs and exhibit preconfigured WCETs when being executed with certain inputs. Using this knowledge during the generation process, TASKers is able to specifically introduce inter-task control-flow dependencies by mapping the output of one task to the input of another

    AER and dynamic systems co-simulation over Simulink with Xilinx System Generator

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    Address-Event Representation (AER) is a neuromorphic communication protocol for transferring information of spiking neurons implemented into VLSI chips. These neuro-inspired implementations have been used to design sensor chips (retina, cochleas), processing chips (convolutions, filters) and learning chips, what makes possible the development of complex, multilayer, multichip neuromorphic systems. In biology one of the last steps of the processing is to move a muscle, to apply the results of these complex neuromorphic processing to the real world. One interesting question is to be able to transform, or translate, the AER information into robot movements, like for example, moving a DC motor. This paper presents several ways to translate AER spikes into DC motor power, and to control a DC motor speed, based on Pulse Frequency Modulation. These methods have been simulated into Simulink with Xilinx System Generator, and tested into the AER-Robot platform.Junta de Andalucía P06-TIC-01417Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia TEC2006-11730-C03-0

    A User Interface Management System Generator

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    Much recent research has been focused on user interfaces. A major advance in interface design is the User Interface Management System (UIMS), which mediates between the application and the user. Our research has resulted in a conceptual framework for interaction which permits the design and implementation of a UIMS generator system. This system, called Graphical User Interface Development Environment or GUIDE, allows an interface designer to specify interactively the user interface for an application. The major issues addressed by this methodology are making interfaces implementable, modifiable and flexible, allowing for user variability, making interfaces consistent and allowing for application diversity within a user community. The underlying goal of GUIDE is that interface designers should be able to specify interfaces as broadly as is possible with a manually-coded system. The specific goals of GUIDE are: The designer need not write any interface code. Action routines are provided by the designer or application implementator which implement the actions or operations of the application system. Action routines may have parameters. The designer is able to specify multiple control paths based on the state of the system and a profile of the user. Inclusion of help and prompt messages is as easy as possible. GUIDE\u27s own interface may be generated with GUIDE. GUIDE goes beyond previous efforts in UIMS design in the full parameter specification provided in the interface for application actions, in the ability to reference application global items in the interface, and in the pervasiveness of conditions throughout the system. A parser is built into GUIDE to parse conditions and provide type-checking. The GUIDE framework describes interfaces in terms of three components: what the user sees of the application world (user-defined pictures and user-defined picture classes) what the user can do (tasks and tools) what happens when the user does something (actions and decisions) These three are combined to form contexts which describe the state of the interface at any time

    Design and Development of Vapor Absorption Refrigeration System for Rural Dwellers

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    In this study, the experimental analysis of the performance of vapor absorption system was developed and developed. The influence of generator, evaporator and condenser’s temperatures on the system performance was studied using gas burner as source of energy, ammonia-water combination as working fluid and energy equations as governing equations for the work. There was variation in the results when compared with the earlier worker who used kerosene burner as source of energy and ammonia-water combination. Result of this study shows that if higher cooling capacity and also lower evaporator`s temperature are desired from the system, generator`s temperature should be increased considerably. Also the combination of an analyzer, rectifier and heat exchanger would produce better COP of the Syste