280 research outputs found

    The Complexity of Fixed-Height Patterned Tile Self-Assembly

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    We characterize the complexity of the PATS problem for patterns of fixed height and color count in variants of the model where seed glues are either chosen or fixed and identical (so-called non-uniform and uniform variants). We prove that both variants are NP-complete for patterns of height 2 or more and admit O(n)-time algorithms for patterns of height 1. We also prove that if the height and number of colors in the pattern is fixed, the non-uniform variant admits a O(n)-time algorithm while the uniform variant remains NP-complete. The NP-completeness results use a new reduction from a constrained version of a problem on finite state transducers.Comment: An abstract version appears in the proceedings of CIAA 201

    The PATS Problem : Search Methods and Reliability

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    This work studies an NP-hard combinatorial optimisation problem, the Pattern self-Assembly Tile set Synthesis (PATS) problem, which stems from the field of DNA self-assembly. In this problem, we are given a coloured rectangular pattern as input, and the task is to find a minimal set of unit square tiles that self-assemble that pattern in the abstract Tile Assembly Model (aTAM). We present two new search methods for the PATS problem: a heuristic algorithm that conducts a search in the lattice of partitions of the input grid, and a declarative approach that uses the Answer Set Programming (ASP) paradigm. The former is based on a previous algorithm by Göös and Orponen (DNA 2010), and performs better in finding relatively small solutions even for quite large input patterns. The latter proves to find the optimal solution quickly in cases where it is small. In addition to the search procedures, we develop a method for estimating the reliability of solutions to the PATS problem from a stochastic point of view. It turns out that tile sets found by our procedures, as well as small tile sets in general, have a higher probability of error-free assembly compared to those that can be found by previous methods

    Self-assembly: modelling, simulation, and planning

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    Samoskládání je proces, při kterém se kolekce neuspořádaných částic samovolně orientuje do uspořádaného vzoru nebo funkční struktury bez působení vnější síly, pouze za pomoci lokálních interakcí mezi samotnými částicemi. Tato teze se zaměřuje na teorii dlaždicových samoskládacích systémů a jejich syntézu. Nejdříve je představena oblast výzkumu věnující se dlaždičovým samoskládacím systémům, a poté jsou důkladně popsány základní typy dlaždicových skládacích systémů, kterými jsou abstract Tile Assembly Model (aTAM ), kinetic Tile Assembly Model (kTAM ), a 2-Handed Assembly Model (2HAM ). Poté jsou představeny novější modely a modely se specifickým použitím. Dále je zahrnut stručný popis původu teorie dlaždicového samoskládání společně s krátkým popisem nedávného výzkumu. Dále jsou představeny dva obecné otevřené problémy dlaždicového samoskládání s hlavním zaměřením na problém Pattern Self-Assembly Tile Set Synthesis (PATS), což je NP-těžká kombinatorická optimalizační úloha. Nakonec je ukázán algoritmus Partition Search with Heuristics (PS-H ), který se používá k řešení problému PATS. Následovně jsou demonstrovány dvě aplikace, které byly vyvinuty pro podporu výzkumu abstraktních dlaždicových skládacích modelů a syntézy množin dlaždic pro samoskládání zadaných vzorů. První aplikace je schopná simulovat aTAM a 2HAM systémy ve 2D prostoru. Druhá aplikace je řešič PATS problému, který využívá algoritmu PS-H. Pro obě aplikace jsou popsány hlavní vlastnosti a návrhová rozhodnutí, která řídila jejich vývoj. Nakonec jsou předloženy výsledky několika experimentů. Jedna skupina experimentů byla zaměřena na ověření výpočetní náročnosti vyvinutých algoritmů pro simulátor. Druhá sada experimentů zkoumala vliv jednotlivých vlastností vzorů na vlastnosti dlaždicových systémů, které byly získány syntézou ze vzorů pomocí vyvinutého řešiče PATS problému. Bylo prokázáno, že algoritmus simulující aTAM systém má lineární časovou výpočetní náročnost, zatímco algoritmus simulující 2HAM systém má exponenciální časovou výpočetní náročnost, která navíc silně závisí na simulovaném systému. Aplikace pro řešení syntézy množiny dlaždic ze vzorů je schopna najít relativně malé řešení i pro velké zadané vzory, a to v přiměřeném čase.Self-assembly is the process in which a collection of disordered units organise themselves into ordered patterns or functional structures without any external direction, solely using local interactions among the components. This thesis focuses on the theory of tile-based self-assembly systems and their synthesis. First, an introduction to the study field of tile-based self-assembly systems are given, followed by a thorough description of common types of tile assembly systems such as abstract Tile Assembly Model (aTAM ), kinetic Tile Assembly Model (kTAM ), and 2-Handed Assembly Model (2HAM ). After that, various recently developed models and models with specific applications are listed. A brief summary of the origins of the tile-based self-assembly is also included together with a short review of recent results. Two general open problems are presented with the main focus on the Pattern Self-Assembly Tile Set Synthesis (PATS) problem, which is NP-hard combinatorial optimisation problem. Partition Search with Heuristics (PS-H ) algorithm is presented as it is used for solving the PATS problem. Next, two applications which were developed to study the abstract tile assembly models and the synthesis of tile sets for pattern self-assembly are introduced. The first application is a simulator capable of simulating aTAM and 2HAM systems in 2D. The second application is a solver of the PATS problem based around the PS-H algorithm. Main features and design decisions are described for both applications. Finally, results from several experiments are presented. One set of experiments were focused on verification of computation complexity of algorithms developed for the simulator, and the other set of experiments studied the influences of the properties of the pattern on the tile assembly system synthesised by our implementation of PATS problem solver. It was shown that the algorithm for simulating aTAM systems have linear computation time complexity, whereas the algorithm simulating 2HAM systems have exponential computation time complexity, which strongly varies based on the simulated system. The synthesiser application is capable of finding a relatively small solution even for quite large input patterns in reasonable amounts of time

    Self-Assembly of Tiles: Theoretical Models, the Power of Signals, and Local Computing

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    DNA-based self-assembly is an autonomous process whereby a disordered system of DNA sequences forms an organized structure or pattern as a consequence of Watson-Crick complementarity of DNA sequences, without external direction. Here, we propose self-assembly (SA) hypergraph automata as an automata-theoretic model for patterned self-assembly. We investigate the computational power of SA-hypergraph automata and show that for every recognizable picture language, there exists an SA-hypergraph automaton that accepts this language. Conversely, we prove that for any restricted SA-hypergraph automaton, there exists a Wang Tile System, a model for recognizable picture languages, that accepts the same language. Moreover, we investigate the computational power of some variants of the Signal-passing Tile Assembly Model (STAM), as well as propose the concept of {\it Smart Tiles}, i.e., tiles with glues that can be activated or deactivated by signals, and which possess a limited amount of local computing capability. We demonstrate the potential of smart tiles to perform some robotic tasks such as replicating complex shapes

    Design Automation of Polyomino Set That Self-Assembles into a Desired Shape

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    The problem of finding the smallest DNA tile set that self-assembles into a desired pattern or shape is a research focus that has been investigated by many researchers. In this paper, we take a polyomino, which is a non-square element composed of several connected square units, as an element of assembly and consider the design problem of the minimal set of polyominoes that self-assembles into a desired shape. We developed a self-assembly simulator of polyominoes based on the agent-based Monte Carlo method, in which the potential energy among the polyominoes is evaluated and the simulation state is updated toward the direction to decrease the total potential. Aggregated polyominoes are represented as an agent, which can move, merge, and split during the simulation. In order to search the minimal set of polyominoes, two-step evaluation strategy is adopted, because of enormous search space including many parameters such as the shape, the size, and the glue types attached to the polyominoes. The feasibility of the proposed method is shown through three examples with different size and complexity

    3-Color Bounded Patterned Self-assembly

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    Enabling New Functionally Embedded Mechanical Systems Via Cutting, Folding, and 3D Printing

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    Traditional design tools and fabrication methods implicitly prevent mechanical engineers from encapsulating full functionalities such as mobility, transformation, sensing and actuation in the early design concept prototyping stage. Therefore, designers are forced to design, fabricate and assemble individual parts similar to conventional manufacturing, and iteratively create additional functionalities. This results in relatively high design iteration times and complex assembly strategies

    Design, Synthesis and Analysis of Self-Assembling Triangulated Wireframe DNA Structures

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    The field of DNA nanotechnology offers a wide range of design strategies with which nanometer-sized structures with a desired shape, size and aspect ratio can be built. The most established techniques in the field rely on close-packed 'solid' DNA nanostructures produced with either the DNA origami or the single-stranded tile techniques. These structures depend on high-salt buffer solutions and require more material than comparable size hollow wireframe structures. This dissertation explores the construction of hollow wireframe DNA nanostructures composed of equilateral triangles. To achieve maximal material efficiency the design is restricted to use a single DNA double helix per triangle edge. As a proof of principle, the DNA origami technique is extended to produce a series of truss structures including the flat, tetrahedral, octahedral, or irregular dodecahedral truss designs. In contrast to close packed DNA origami designs these structures fold at low-salt buffer conditions. These structures have defined cavities that may in the future be used to precisely position functional elements such as metallic nanoparticles or enzymes. The design process of these structures is simplified by a custom design software. Next, the triangulated construction motif is extended to the single-stranded DNA tile technique. A collection of finite structures, as well as one-dimensional crystalline assemblies is explored. The ideal assembly conditions are determined experimentally and using molecular dynamics simulations. A custom design software is presented to simplify the design and handling of these structures. At last, the cost-effective prototyping of triangulated wireframe DNA origami structures is explored. This is achieved through the introduction of single-stranded “gap” regions along the triangle edges. These gap regions are then filled using a DNA polymerase rather than by synthetic oligonucleotides. This technique also allows the mechanical transformation of these structures, which is exemplified by the transition of a bent into a straight structure upon completion of the gap filling.:Abstract v Publications vii Acknowledgements ix Contents xi Chapter 1 A short introduction into DNA nanotechnology 1 1.1 Nanotechnology 1 1.1.1 Top down 1 1.1.2 Bottom up 3 1.2 Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) 4 1.3 DNA Nanotechnology 6 1.3.1 Tile based assembly 9 1.3.2 DNA origami and single-stranded tiles 10 1.3.3 Some applications of DNA nanotechnology 12 1.3.4 Wireframe structures 15 1.3.5 Computational tools and DNA nanotechnology. 17 Chapter 2 Motivation and objectives 19 Chapter 3 Design and Synthesis of Triangulated DNA Origami Trusses 20 3.1 Introduction 20 3.2 Results and Discussion 21 3.2.1 Design 21 3.2.2 Nomenclature and parameters of the tube structures 23 3.2.3 Gel electrophoreses analysis 25 3.2.4 Imaging of the purified structures 26 3.2.5 Optimizing the folding conditions 28 3.2.6 Comparison to vHelix 29 3.3 Conclusions 29 3.4 Methods 30 3.4.1 Standard DNA origami assembly reaction. 30 3.4.2 Gel purification. 30 3.4.3 AFM sample preparation. 31 3.4.4 TEM sample preparation. 31 3.4.5 Instructions for mixing the staple sets. 31 Chapter 4 Triangulated wireframe structures assembled using single-stranded DNA tiles 33 4.1 Introduction 33 4.2 Results and Discussion 35 4.2.1 Designing the structures 35 4.2.2 Synthesis of test structures 37 4.2.3 Molecular dynamics simulations of 6-arm junctions 38 4.2.4 Assembly of the finite structures 40 4.2.5 Influence of salt concentration and folding times 42 4.2.6 Molecular dynamics simulations of the rhombus structure 43 4.2.7 1D SST crystals 44 4.2.8 Controlling the crystal growth 46 4.3 Conclusions 48 4.4 Methods 49 4.4.1 SST Folding 49 4.4.2 Agarose Gel Electrophoresis 49 4.4.3 tSEM Characterization 49 4.4.4 AFM Imaging 49 4.4.5 AGE-Based Folding-Yield Estimation 49 4.4.6 Molecular Dynamics Simulations 50 Chapter 5 Structural transformation of wireframe DNA origami via DNA polymerase assisted gap-filling 52 5.1 Introduction 52 5.2 Results and Discussion 54 5.2.1 Design of the Structures 54 5.2.2 Folding of Gap-Structures 56 5.2.3 Inactivation of Polymerase. 57 5.2.4 Secondary Structures. 58 5.2.5 Folding Kinetics of Gap Origami. 60 5.3 Conclusions 61 5.4 Methods 62 5.4.1 DNA origami folding 62 5.4.2 Gap filling of the wireframe DNA origami structures 63 5.4.3 Agarose gel electrophoresis 63 5.4.4 PAGE gel analysis 63 5.4.5 tSEM characterization 64 5.4.6 AFM imaging 64 5.4.7 AGE based folding-yield estimation 64 5.4.8 Gibbs free energy simulation using mfold 65 5.4.9 List of sequence for folding the DNA origami triangulated structures 65 Chapter 6 Summary and outlook 67 Appendix 69 A.1 Additional figures from chapter 369 A.2 Additional figures from chapter 4 77 A.3 Additional figures from chapter 5 111 Bibliography 127 Erklärung 13