612 research outputs found

    Prediction of Dental Milling Time-Error by Flexible Neural Trees and Fuzzy Rules

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    This multidisciplinary study presents the application of two soft computing methods utilizing the artificial evolution of symbolic structures – evolutionary fuzzy rules and flexible neural trees – for the prediction of dental milling time-error, i.e. the error between real dental milling time and forecast given by the dental milling machine. In this study a real data set obtained by a dynamic machining center with five axes simultaneously is analyzed to empirically test the novel system in order to optimize the time error

    Reducing the Computational Effort Associated with Evolutionary Optimisation in Single Component Design

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    The dissertation presents innovative Evolutionary Search (ES) methods for the reduction in computational expense associated with the optimisation of highly dimensional design spaces. The objective is to develop a semi-automated system which successfully negotiates complex search spaces. Such a system would be highly desirable to a human designer by providing optimised design solutions in realistic time. The design domain represents a real-world industrial problem concerning the optimal material distribution on the underside of a flat roof tile with varying load and support conditions. The designs utilise a large number of design variables (circa 400). Due to the high computational expense associated with analysis such as finite element for detailed evaluation, in order to produce "good" design solutions within an acceptable period of time, the number of calls to the evaluation model must be kept to a minimum. The objective therefore is to minimise the number of calls required to the analysis tool whilst also achieving an optimal design solution. To minimise the number of model evaluations for detailed shape optimisation several evolutionary algorithms are investigated. The better performing algorithms are combined with multi-level search techniques which have been developed to further reduce the number of evaluations and improve quality of design solutions. Multi-level techniques utilise a number of levels of design representation. The solutions of the coarse representations are injected into the more detailed designs for fine grained refinement. The techniques developed include Dynamic Shape Refinement (DSR), Modified Injection Island Genetic Algorithm (MiiGA) and Dynamic Injection Island Genetic Algorithm (DiiGA). The multi-level techniques are able to handle large numbers of design variables (i.e. > 100). Based on the performance characteristics of the individual algorithms and multi-level search techniques, distributed search techniques are proposed. These techniques utilise different evolutionary strategies in a multi-level environment and were developed as a way of further reducing computational expense and improve design solutions. The results indicate a considerable potential for a significant reduction in the number of evaluation calls during evolutionary search. In general this allows a more efficient integration with computationally intensive analytical techniques during detailed design and contribute significantly to those preliminary stages of the design process where a greater degree of analysis is required to validate results from more simplistic preliminary design models

    The Sol Genomics Network (solgenomics.net): growing tomatoes using Perl

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    The Sol Genomics Network (SGN; http://solgenomics.net/) is a clade-oriented database (COD) containing biological data for species in the Solanaceae and their close relatives, with data types ranging from chromosomes and genes to phenotypes and accessions. SGN hosts several genome maps and sequences, including a pre-release of the tomato (Solanum lycopersicum cv Heinz 1706) reference genome. A new transcriptome component has been added to store RNA-seq and microarray data. SGN is also an open source software project, continuously developing and improving a complex system for storing, integrating and analyzing data. All code and development work is publicly visible on GitHub (http://github.com). The database architecture combines SGN-specific schemas and the community-developed Chado schema (http://gmod.org/wiki/Chado) for compatibility with other genome databases. The SGN curation model is community-driven, allowing researchers to add and edit information using simple web tools. Currently, over a hundred community annotators help curate the database. SGN can be accessed at http://solgenomics.net/

    Arteriogenesis – Molecular Regulation, Pathophysiology and Therapeutics I

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    An Approach to Pattern Recognition by Evolutionary Computation

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    Evolutionary Computation has been inspired by the natural phenomena of evolution. It provides a quite general heuristic, exploiting few basic concepts: reproduction of individuals, variation phenomena that affect the likelihood of survival of individuals, inheritance of parents features by offspring. EC has been widely used in the last years to effectively solve hard, non linear and very complex problems. Among the others, EC–based algorithms have also been used to tackle classification problems. Classification is a process according to which an object is attributed to one of a finite set of classes or, in other words, it is recognized as belonging to a set of equal or similar entities, identified by a label. Most likely, the main aspect of classification concerns the generation of prototypes to be used to recognize unknown patterns. The role of prototypes is that of representing patterns belonging to the different classes defined within a given problem. For most of the problems of practical interest, the generation of such prototypes is a very hard problem, since a prototype must be able to represent patterns belonging to the same class, which may be significantly dissimilar each other. They must also be able to discriminate patterns belonging to classes different from the one that they represent. Moreover, a prototype should contain the minimum amount of information required to satisfy the requirements just mentioned. The research presented in this thesis, has led to the definition of an EC–based framework to be used for prototype generation. The defined framework does not provide for the use of any particular kind of prototypes. In fact, it can generate any kind of prototype once an encoding scheme for the used prototypes has been defined. The generality of the framework can be exploited to develop many applications. The framework has been employed to implement two specific applications for prototype generation. The developed applications have been tested on several data sets and the results compared with those obtained by other approaches previously presented in the literature

    DNAgents: Genetically Engineered Intelligent Mobile Agents

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    Mobile agents are a useful paradigm for network coding providing many advantages and disadvantages. Unfortunately, widespread adoption of mobile agents has been hampered by the disadvantages, which could be said to outweigh the advantages. There is a variety of ongoing work to address these issues, and this is discussed. Ultimately, genetic algorithms are selected as the most interesting potential avenue. Genetic algorithms have many potential benefits for mobile agents. The primary benefit is the potential for agents to become even more adaptive to situational changes in the environment and/or emergent security risks. There are secondary benefits such as the natural obfuscation of functions inherent to genetic algorithms. Pitfalls also exist, namely the difficulty of defining a satisfactory fitness function and the variable execution time of mobile agents arising from the fact that it exists on a network. DNAgents 1.0, an original application of genetic algorithms to mobile agents is implemented and discussed, and serves to highlight these difficulties. Modifications of traditional genetic algorithms are also discussed. Ultimately, a combination of genetic algorithms and artificial life is considered to be the most appropriate approach to mobile agents. This allows the consideration of agents to be organisms, and the network to be their environment. Towards this end, a novel framework called DNAgents 2.0 is designed and implemented. This framework allows the continual evolution of agents in a network without having a seperate training and deployment phase. Parameters for this new framework were defined and explored. Lastly, an experiment similar to DNAgents 1.0 is performed for comparative purposes against DNAgents 1.0 and to prove the viability of this new framework

    Engineering Innovation (TRIZ based Computer Aided Innovation)

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    This thesis describes the approach and results of the research to create a TRIZ based computer aided innovation tools (AEGIS and Design for Wow). This research has mainly been based around two tools created under this research: called AEGIS (Accelerated Evolutionary Graphics Interface System), and Design for Wow. Both of these tools are discussed in this thesis in detail, along with the test data, design methodology, test cases, and research. Design for Wow (http://www.designforwow.com) is an attempt to summarize the successful inventions/ designs from all over the world on a web portal which has multiple capabilities. These designs/innovations are then linked to the TRIZ Principles in order to determine whether innovative aspects of these successful innovations are fully covered by the forty TRIZ principles. In Design for Wow, a framework is created which is implemented through a review tool. The Design for Wow website includes this tool which has been used by researcher and the users of the site and reviewers to analyse the uploaded data in terms of strength of TRIZ Principles linked to them. AEGIS (Accelerated Evolutionary Graphics Interface System) is a software tool developed under this research aimed to help the graphic designers to make innovative graphic designs. Again it uses the forty TRIZ Principles as a set of guiding rules in the software. AEGIS creates graphic design prototypes according to the user input and uses TRIZ Principles framework as a guide to generate innovative graphic design samples. The AEGIS tool created is based on TRIZ Principles discussed in Chapter 3 (a subset of them). In AEGIS, the TRIZ Principles are used to create innovative graphic design effects. The literature review on innovative graphic design (in chapter 3) has been analysed for links with TRIZ Principles and then the DNA of AEGIS has been built on the basis of this study. Results from various surveys/ questionnaires indicated were used to collect the innovative graphic design samples and then TRIZ was mapped to it (see section 3.2). The TRIZ effects were mapped to the basic graphic design elements and the anatomy of the graphic design letters was studied to analyse the TRIZ effects in the collected samples. This study was used to build the TRIZ based AEGIS tool. Hence, AEGIS tool applies the innovative effects using TRIZ to basic graphic design elements (as described in section 3.3). the working of AEGIS is designed based on Genetic Algorithms coded specifically to implement TRIZ Principles specialized for Graphic Design, chapter 4 discusses the process followed to apply TRIZ Principles to graphic design and coding them using Genetic Algorithms, hence resulting in AEGIS tool. Similarly, in Design for Wow, the content uploaded has been analysed for its link with TRIZ Principles (see section 3.1 for TRIZ Principles). The tool created in Design for Wow is based on the framework of analysing the TRIZ links in the uploaded content. The ‘Wow’ concept discussed in the section 5.1 and 5.2 is the basis of the concept of Design for Wow website, whereby the users upload the content they classify as ‘Wow’. This content then is further analysed for the ‘Wow factor’ and then mapped to TRIZ Principles as TRIZ tagging methodology is framed (section 5.5). From the results of the research, it appears that the TRIZ Principles are a comprehensive set of innovation basic building blocks. Some surveys suggest that amongst other tools, TRIZ Principles were the first choice and used most .They have thus the potential of being used in other innovation domains, to help in their analysis, understanding and potential development.Great Western Research and Systematic Innovation Ltd U

    Hierarchically organised genetic algorithm for fuzzy network synthesis

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    Evolution through reputation: noise-resistant selection in evolutionary multi-agent systems

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    Little attention has been paid, in depth, to the relationship between fitness evaluation in evolutionary algorithms and reputation mechanisms in multi-agent systems, but if these could be related it opens the way for implementation of distributed evolutionary systems via multi-agent architectures. Our investigation concentrates on the effectiveness with which social selection, in the form of reputation, can replace direct fitness observation as the selection bias in an evolutionary multi-agent system. We do this in two stages: In the first, we implement a peer-to-peer, adaptive Genetic Algorithm (GA), in which agents act as individual GAs that, in turn, evolve dynamically themselves in real-time, using the traditional evolutionary operators of fitness-based selection, crossover and mutation. In the second stage, we replace the fitness-based selection operator with a reputation-based one, in which agents choose their mates based on the collective past experiences of themselves and their peers. Our investigation shows that this simple model of distributed reputation can be successful as the evolutionary drive in such a system, exhibiting practically identical performance and scalability to direct fitness observation. Further, we discuss the effect of noise (in the form of “defective” agents) in both models. We show that the reputation-based model is significantly better at identifying the defective agents, thus showing an increased level of resistance to noise
