13 research outputs found

    Hierarchical agent supervision

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    Agent supervision is a form of control/customization where a supervisor restricts the behavior of an agent to enforce certain requirements, while leaving the agent as much autonomy as possible. To facilitate supervision, it is often of interest to consider hierarchical models where a high level abstracts over low-level behavior details. We study hierarchical agent supervision in the context of the situation calculus and the ConGolog agent programming language, where we have a rich first-order representation of the agent state. We define the constraints that ensure that the controllability of in-dividual actions at the high level in fact captures the controllability of their implementation at the low level. On the basis of this, we show that we can obtain the maximally permissive supervisor by first considering only the high-level model and obtaining a high- level supervisor and then refining its actions locally, thus greatly simplifying the supervisor synthesis task

    Solving Parity Games in Scala

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    Parity games are two-player games, played on directed graphs, whose nodes are labeled with priorities. Along a play, the maximal priority occurring infinitely often determines the winner. In the last two decades, a variety of algorithms and successive optimizations have been proposed. The majority of them have been implemented in PGSolver, written in OCaml, which has been elected by the community as the de facto platform to solve efficiently parity games as well as evaluate their performance in several specific cases. PGSolver includes the Zielonka Recursive Algorithm that has been shown to perform better than the others in randomly generated games. However, even for arenas with a few thousand of nodes (especially over dense graphs), it requires minutes to solve the corresponding game. In this paper, we deeply revisit the implementation of the recursive algorithm introducing several improvements and making use of Scala Programming Language. These choices have been proved to be very successful, gaining up to two orders of magnitude in running time

    Visibly Pushdown Modular Games

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    Games on recursive game graphs can be used to reason about the control flow of sequential programs with recursion. In games over recursive game graphs, the most natural notion of strategy is the modular strategy, i.e., a strategy that is local to a module and is oblivious to previous module invocations, and thus does not depend on the context of invocation. In this work, we study for the first time modular strategies with respect to winning conditions that can be expressed by a pushdown automaton. We show that such games are undecidable in general, and become decidable for visibly pushdown automata specifications. Our solution relies on a reduction to modular games with finite-state automata winning conditions, which are known in the literature. We carefully characterize the computational complexity of the considered decision problem. In particular, we show that modular games with a universal Buchi or co Buchi visibly pushdown winning condition are EXPTIME-complete, and when the winning condition is given by a CARET or NWTL temporal logic formula the problem is 2EXPTIME-complete, and it remains 2EXPTIME-hard even for simple fragments of these logics. As a further contribution, we present a different solution for modular games with finite-state automata winning condition that runs faster than known solutions for large specifications and many exits.Comment: In Proceedings GandALF 2014, arXiv:1408.556

    Methodology based on coordinate mode principle for interfacing of management systems in case of complex organizational and economic separations

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    The problem of interface of managing systems in relation to organizational and economic objects-economic entities of legal relations functioning in modern conditions is considered. It is shown that in this conjugation there can be situations with one-level and poly-level organizational separations from sets of different subject dimensions. However, in all cases of coupling, management innovations must be introduced to support the harmonization of interfaced managing systems in a number of aspects. Conceptual versions of interface of managing systems are considered. It is proved that in any case, a certain integration managing super-system is subject to introduction. The methodological expediency of applying the principle of co-ordination to ensure appropriate polysubject self-government with access to the specific typology of optimization problems of integrated managerial decisions is substantiated. The issue of accounting for different levels of intelligence of interfaced managing systems is discussed

    Метод аналізу процесів перетворення даних в обчислювальних вузлах цифрових систем управління

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    Ушкаренко, О. О. Метод аналізу процесів перетворення даних в обчислювальних вузлах цифрових систем управління / О. О. Ушкаренко // Вчені записки ТНУ ім. В. І. Вернадського. Сер. Технічні науки. – Київ, 2021. – № 4, т. 32 (71). – С. 162–168.У статті розглядається метод аналізу логіко-динамічних процесів перетворення аргументів в обчислювальних вузлах цифрових систем управління. Визначені обмеження та недоліки формальних методів, які використовуються для опису процесів обробки даних у цифрових системах управління, запропоновано метод опису процесів перетворення аргументів з використанням графоаналітичних моделей. Запропоновано спосіб аналітичного запису процесу перетворення вхідних даних, який більш узгоджений зі структурними схемами, в яких функції представлені у вигляді логічних елементів. Розроблено математичні моделі процесів перетворення аргументів, які являють собою формалізований запис процесів перетворення сигналів. Проведено дослідження логіко-динамічних процесів перетворення цифрових кодів, що відбуваються в суматорах і помножувачах у складі цифрових систем управління. Позиційно-знакова система числення дозволяє істотно підвищити швидкодію суматорів і помножувачів в цифрових системах управління. При цьому з’являється необхідність у формуванні науково обґрунтованих аналітичних правил перетворення логічних аргументів і функціональних структур, за допомогою яких вони реалізуються. Аналітичний опис процесів перетворення інформаційних аргументів у цифрових системах управління дозволяє формувати їх математичні моделі з підвищеними технологічними та інформаційними якостями, а також вирішувати оптимізаційні задачі. Процес додавання в арифметичних пристроях реалізується у відповідності з логікою перетворення аргументів трійкової системи числення. Теоретичною основою процесу додавання аргументів, реалізованих у форматі двійкової системи числення, можуть бути аксіоми трійкової системи числення. Запропонований підхід дозволяє оцінити швидкодію виконуваних арифметичних операцій при використанні різних цифрових кодів, відкриває можливість вдосконалення методів і алгоритмів обробки даних в цифрових системах управління

    Automated Temporal Equilibrium Analysis: Verification and Synthesis of Multi-Player Games

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    In the context of multi-agent systems, the rational verification problem is concerned with checking which temporal logic properties will hold in a system when its constituent agents are assumed to behave rationally and strategically in pursuit of individual objectives. Typically, those objectives are expressed as temporal logic formulae which the relevant agent desires to see satisfied. Unfortunately, rational verification is computationally complex, and requires specialised techniques in order to obtain practically useable implementations. In this paper, we present such a technique. This technique relies on a reduction of the rational verification problem to the solution of a collection of parity games. Our approach has been implemented in the Equilibrium Verification Environment (EVE) system. The EVE system takes as input a model of a concurrent/multi-agent system represented using the Simple Reactive Modules Language (SRML), where agent goals are represented as Linear Temporal Logic (LTL) formulae, together with a claim about the equilibrium behaviour of the system, also expressed as an LTL formula. EVE can then check whether the LTL claim holds on some (or every) computation of the system that could arise through agents choosing Nash equilibrium strategies; it can also check whether a system has a Nash equilibrium, and synthesise individual strategies for players in the multi-player game. After presenting our basic framework, we describe our new technique and prove its correctness. We then describe our implementation in the EVE system, and present experimental results which show that EVE performs favourably in comparison to other existing tools that support rational verification

    On Promptness in Parity Games*†

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    Reasoning about LTL Synthesis over finite and infinite games

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    In the last few years, research formal methods for the analysis and the verification of properties of systems has increased greatly. A meaningful contribution in this area has been given by algorithmic methods developed in the context of synthesis. The basic idea is simple and appealing: instead of developing a system and verifying that it satisfies its specification, we look for an automated procedure that, given the specification returns a system that is correct by construction. Synthesis of reactive systems is one of the most popular variants of this problem, in which we want to synthesize a system characterized by an ongoing interaction with the environment. In this setting, large effort has been devoted to analyze specifications given as formulas of linear temporal logic, i.e., LTL synthesis. Traditional approaches to LTL synthesis rely on transforming the LTL specification into parity deterministic automata, and then to parity games, for which a so-called winning region is computed. Computing such an automaton is, in the worst-case, double-exponential in the size of the LTL formula, and this becomes a computational bottleneck in using the synthesis process in practice. The first part of this thesis is devoted to improve the solution of parity games as they are used in solving LTL synthesis, trying to give efficient techniques, in terms of running time and space consumption, for solving parity games. We start with the study and the implementation of an automata-theoretic technique to solve parity games. More precisely, we consider an algorithm introduced by Kupferman and Vardi that solves a parity game by solving the emptiness problem of a corresponding alternating parity automaton. Our empirical evaluation demonstrates that this algorithm outperforms other algorithms when the game has a small number of priorities relative to the size of the game. In many concrete applications, we do indeed end up with parity games where the number of priorities is relatively small. This makes the new algorithm quite useful in practice. We then provide a broad investigation of the symbolic approach for solving parity games. Specifically, we implement in a fresh tool, called SPGSolver, four symbolic algorithms to solve parity games and compare their performances to the corresponding explicit versions for different classes of games. By means of benchmarks, we show that for random games, even for constrained random games, explicit algorithms actually perform better than symbolic algorithms. The situation changes, however, for structured games, where symbolic algorithms seem to have the advantage. This suggests that when evaluating algorithms for parity-game solving, it would be useful to have real benchmarks and not only random benchmarks, as the common practice has been. LTL synthesis has been largely investigated also in artificial intelligence, and specifically in automated planning. Indeed, LTL synthesis corresponds to fully observable nondeterministic planning in which the domain is given compactly and the goal is an LTL formula, that in turn is related to two-player games with LTL goals. Finding a strategy for these games means to synthesize a plan for the planning problem. The last part of this thesis is then dedicated to investigate LTL synthesis under this different view. In particular, we study a generalized form of planning under partial observability, in which we have multiple, possibly infinitely many, planning domains with the same actions and observations, and goals expressed over observations, which are possibly temporally extended. By building on work on two-player games with imperfect information in the Formal Methods literature, we devise a general technique, generalizing the belief-state construction, to remove partial observability. This reduces the planning problem to a game of perfect information with a tight correspondence between plans and strategies. Then we instantiate the technique and solve some generalized planning problems

    Dynamic resource allocation games

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    In resource allocation games, selfish players share resources that are needed in order to fulfill their objectives. The cost of using a resource depends on the load on it. In the traditional setting, the players make their choices concurrently and in one-shot. That is, a strategy for a player is a subset of the resources. We introduce and study dynamic resource allocation games. In this setting, the game proceeds in phases. In each phase each player chooses one resource. A scheduler dictates the order in which the players proceed in a phase, possibly scheduling several players to proceed concurrently. The game ends when each player has collected a set of resources that fulfills his objective. The cost for each player then depends on this set as well as on the load on the resources in it – we consider both congestion and cost-sharing games. We argue that the dynamic setting is the suitable setting for many applications in practice. We study the stability of dynamic resource allocation games, where the appropriate notion of stability is that of subgame perfect equilibrium, study the inefficiency incurred due to selfish behavior, and also study problems that are particular to the dynamic setting, like constraints on the order in which resources can be chosen or the problem of finding a scheduler that achieves stability