8 research outputs found

    Dataset Evaluation for Multi Vehicle Detection using Vision Based Techniques

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    Vehicle detection is one of the primal challenges of modern driver-assistance systems owing to the numerous factors, for instance, complicated surroundings, diverse types of vehicles with varied appearance and magnitude, low-resolution videos, fast-moving vehicles. It is utilized for multitudinous applications including traffic surveillance and collision prevention. This paper suggests a Vehicle Detection algorithm developed on Image Processing and Machine Learning. The presented algorithm is predicated on a Support Vector Machine(SVM) Classifier which employs feature vectors extracted via Histogram of Gradients(HOG) approach conducted on a semi-real time basis. A comparison study is presented stating the performance metrics of the algorithm on different datasets

    Overview of Environment Perception for Intelligent Vehicles

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    This paper presents a comprehensive literature review on environment perception for intelligent vehicles. The state-of-the-art algorithms and modeling methods for intelligent vehicles are given, with a summary of their pros and cons. A special attention is paid to methods for lane and road detection, traffic sign recognition, vehicle tracking, behavior analysis, and scene understanding. In addition, we provide information about datasets, common performance analysis, and perspectives on future research directions in this area

    Symmetry Shape Prior for Object Segmentation

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    Symmetry is a useful segmentation cue. We develop an algorithm for segmenting a single symmetric object from the background. Our algorithm is formulated in the principled global optimization framework. Thus we can incorporate all the useful segmentation cues in the global energy function, in addition to the symmetry shape prior. We use the standard cues of regular boundary and coherent object (background) appearance. Our algorithm consists of two stages. The first stage, based on seam carving, detects a set of symmetry axis candidates. Symmetry axis is detected by first finding image “seams” that are aligned with intensity gradients and then matching them based on pairwise symmetry. The second stage formulates symmetric object segmentation in discrete optimization framework. We choose the longest symmetry axis as the object axis. Object symmetry is encouraged through submodular long-range pairwise terms. These pairwise terms are submodular, so optimization with a graph cut is applicable. We demonstrate the effectiveness of symmetry cue on a new symmetric object dataset

    Real-time vehicle detection using low-cost sensors

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    Improving road safety and reducing the number of accidents is one of the top priorities for the automotive industry. As human driving behaviour is one of the top causation factors of road accidents, research is working towards removing control from the human driver by automating functions and finally introducing a fully Autonomous Vehicle (AV). A Collision Avoidance System (CAS) is one of the key safety systems for an AV, as it ensures all potential threats ahead of the vehicle are identified and appropriate action is taken. This research focuses on the task of vehicle detection, which is the base of a CAS, and attempts to produce an effective vehicle detector based on the data coming from a low-cost monocular camera. Developing a robust CAS based on low-cost sensor is crucial to bringing the cost of safety systems down and in this way, increase their adoption rate by end users. In this work, detectors are developed based on the two main approaches to vehicle detection using a monocular camera. The first is the traditional image processing approach where visual cues are utilised to generate potential vehicle locations and at a second stage, verify the existence of vehicles in an image. The second approach is based on a Convolutional Neural Network, a computationally expensive method that unifies the detection process in a single pipeline. The goal is to determine which method is more appropriate for real-time applications. Following the first approach, a vehicle detector based on the combination of HOG features and SVM classification is developed. The detector attempts to optimise performance by modifying the detection pipeline and improve run-time performance. For the CNN-based approach, six different network models are developed and trained end to end using collected data, each with a different network structure and parameters, in an attempt to determine which combination produces the best results. The evaluation of the different vehicle detectors produced some interesting findings; the first approach did not manage to produce a working detector, while the CNN-based approach produced a high performing vehicle detector with an 85.87% average precision and a very low miss rate. The detector managed to perform well under different operational environments (motorway, urban and rural roads) and the results were validated using an external dataset. Additional testing of the vehicle detector indicated it is suitable as a base for safety applications such as CAS, with a run time performance of 12FPS and potential for further improvements.</div

    Gesture recognition using principal component analysis, multi-scale theory, and hidden Markov models

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    In this thesis, a dynamic gesture recognition system is presented which requires no special hardware other than a Web cam . The system is based on a novel method combining Principal Component Analysis (PCA) with hierarchical m ulti-scale theory and Discrete Hidden Markov Models (DHMMs). We use a hierarchical decision tree based on multi-scale theory. Firstly we convolve all members of the training data with a Gaussian kernel, w h ich blu rs d iffe ren c e s b e tw e en images and reduces their separation in feature space. Th is reduces the number of eigen vectors needed to describe the data. A principal component space is computed from the convolved data. We divide the data in this space in to several clusters using the £-means algorithm. Then the level of b lurring is reduced and PCA is applied to each of the clusters separately. A new principal component space is formed from each cluster. Each of these spaces is then divided in to clusters and the process is repeated. We thus produce a tree of principal component spaces where each level of the tree represents a different degree of blurring. The search time is then proportional to the depth of the tree, which makes it possible to search hundreds of gestures with very little computational cost. The output of the decision tree is then input in to the DHMM recogniser to recognise temporal information

    Verificación de vehículos mediante técnicas de visión artificial

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    En este trabajo, se proponen sistemas de verificación de vehículos mediante métodos basados en aprendizaje. En primer lugar se realiza un estudio del estado del arte para conocer los problemas actuales en la materia. Después, se muestra la arquitectura de los sistemas que se divide en dos etapas: extracción de características y clasificación. En la primera etapa se realiza una breve exposición de los tipos de características que se van a implementar (simetría, bordes, análisis de componentes principales (PCA) e histogramas de gradientes orientados (HOG)). La etapa de clasificación consiste en una explicación teórica de los clasificadores utilizados en nuestro sistema. Posteriormente, se realiza el desarrollo de estos sistemas, efectuando mejoras para cada uno de ellos. Para el sistema basado en simetría se plantean dos métodos diferentes, introduciéndose una mejora en el segundo método, que consiste en una diferenciación entre ejes compuestos por uno y dos píxeles, junto con una penalización en los valores de simetría para conseguir una mayor diferenciación entre las clases. Respecto al sistema basado en bordes, se utilizan únicamente bordes verticales, donde se analiza el uso de vectores reducidos. Por otra parte, se presenta el uso de la matriz de correlaciones para desarrollar el sistema basado en PCA. En el sistema basado en HOG se estudia qué parámetros son los adecuados para el descriptor en el caso particular de vehículos, proponiéndose descriptores eficientes basados en esta configuración, que pueden ser implementados en sistemas en tiempo real. Finalmente, con los resultados obtenidos en el paso previo se procede a un análisis para los distintos métodos presentando sus principales características y limitaciones.In this work, a vehicle verification systems using learning methods are proposed. First, a study of related work has been done. Afterwards, the arquitecture of these systems is explained. The arquitecure is divided in two stages: feature extraction and clasification. In the first stage, a brief summary of the different features that will be implemented (simmetry, edges, principal components analysis (PCA) and histograms of oriented gradients (HOG)) is given. The second stage is a theoretical explanation of the classifiers used in this system. Subsequently, the systems are developed with new improvements. Two different methods are proposed for the system based on symmetry. An improvement is introduced for the second method that is a differentiation between compounds axes by one and two pixels, also a penalty is introduced into the values of symmetry for greater differentiation between classes. Regarding the system based on edges, vertical edges are used, where the performance reducing the size of the vectors is analyzed. Moreover, the correlation matrix is used to develop the system based on PCA. In the system based on HOG, in the particular case of vehicles, appropiate parameters for the descriptor are studied, proposing efficient descriptors based on this configuration that can be implemented in real-time systems. Finally, the results obtained in the previous step are analyzed for each of the methods, and their main characteristics and limitations are described

    Moving object detection for automobiles by the shared use of H.264/AVC motion vectors : innovation report.

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    Cost is one of the problems for wider adoption of Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) in China. The objective of this research project is to develop a low-cost ADAS by the shared use of motion vectors (MVs) from a H.264/AVC video encoder that was originally designed for video recording only. There were few studies on the use of MVs from video encoders on a moving platform for moving object detection. The main contribution of this research is the novel algorithm proposed to address the problems of moving object detection when MVs from a H.264/AVC encoder are used. It is suitable for mass-produced in-vehicle devices as it combines with MV based moving object detection in order to reduce the cost and complexity of the system, and provides the recording function by default without extra cost. The estimated cost of the proposed system is 50% lower than that making use of the optical flow approach. To reduce the area of region of interest and to account for the real-time computation requirement, a new block based region growth algorithm is used for the road region detection. To account for the small amplitude and limited precision of H.264/AVC MVs on relatively slow moving objects, the detection task separates the region of interest into relatively fast and relatively slow speed regions by examining the amplitude of MVs, the position of focus of expansion and the result of road region detection. Relatively slow moving objects are detected and tracked by the use of generic horizontal and vertical contours of rear-view vehicles. This method has addressed the problem of H.264/AVC encoders that possess limited precision and erroneous motion vectors for relatively slow moving objects and regions near the focus of expansion. Relatively fast moving objects are detected by a two-stage approach. It includes a Hypothesis Generation (HG) and a Hypothesis Verification (HV) stage. This approach addresses the problem that the H.264/AVC MVs are generated for coding efficiency rather than for minimising motion error of objects. The HG stage will report a potential moving object based on clustering the planar parallax residuals satisfying the constraints set out in the algorithm. The HV will verify the existence of the moving object based on the temporal consistency of its displacement in successive frames. The test results show that the vehicle detection rate higher than 90% which is on a par to methods proposed by other authors, and the computation cost is low enough to achieve the real-time performance requirement. An invention patent, one international journal paper and two international conference papers have been either published or accepted, showing the originality of the work in this project. One international journal paper is also under preparation