489 research outputs found

    Collective program analysis

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    Encouraged by the success of data-driven software engineering (SE) techniques that have found numerous applications e.g. in defect prediction, specification inference, etc, the demand for mining and analyzing source code repositories at scale has significantly increased. However, analyzing source code at scale remains expensive to the extent that data-driven solutions to certain SE problems are beyond our reach today. Extant techniques have focused on leveraging distributed computing to solve this problem, but with a concomitant increase in computational resource needs. In this thesis, we propose collective program analysis (CPA), a technique to accelerate ultra-large-scale source code mining without demanding more computational resources and by utilizing the similarity between millions of source code artifacts. First, we describe the general concept of collective program analysis. Given a mining task that is required to be run on thousands of artifacts, the artifacts with similar interactions are clustered together, such that the mining task is required to be run on only one candidate from each cluster to produce the mining result and the results for other candidates in the same cluster can be produced using extrapolation. The two technical innovations of collective program analysis are: mining task specific similarity and interaction pattern graph. Mining task specific similarity is about whether two or more artifacts can be considered similar for a given mining task. An interaction pattern graph represents the interaction between the mining task and the artifact when the mining task is run on the artifact. An interaction pattern graph is used to determine mining task specific similarity between artifacts. Given a mining task and an artifact producing an interaction pattern graph soundly and efficiently can be very challenging. We propose a pre-analysis and program compaction technique to achieve this. Given a source code mining task and thousands of input programs on which the mining task needs to be run, our technique first extracts the information about what parts of an input program are relevant for the mining task and then removes the irrelevant parts from input programs, prior to running the mining task on them. Our key technical contributions are a static analysis to extract information about the parts of program that are relevant for a mining task and a sound program compaction technique that produces a reduced program on which the mining task has similar output as original program. Upon producing interaction pattern graphs of thousands of artifacts, they have to be clustered and the mining task results have to be reused between similar artifacts to achieve acceleration. In the final part of this thesis, we fully describes collective program analysis and illustrate mining millions of control flow graphs (CFGs) by clustering similar CFGs

    On Accelerating Source Code Analysis At Massive Scale

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    Encouraged by the success of data-driven software engineering (SE) techniques that have found numerous applications e.g. in defect prediction, specification inference, etc, the demand for mining and analyzing source code repositories at scale has significantly increased. However, analyzing source code at scale remains expensive to the extent that data-driven solutions to certain SE problems are beyond our reach today. Extant techniques have focussed on leveraging distributed computing to solve this problem, but with a concomitant increase in computational resource needs. This work proposes a technique that reduces the amount of computation performed by the ultra-large-scale source code mining task. Our key idea is to analyze the mining task to identify and remove the irrelevant portions of the source code, prior to running the mining task. We show a realization of our insight for mining and analyzing massive collections of control flow graphs of source codes. Our evaluation using 16 classical control-/data-flow analyses that are typical components of mining tasks and 7 Million CFGs shows that our technique can achieve on average 40% reduction in the task computation time. Our case studies demonstrates the applicability of our technique to massive scale source code mining tasks

    Partitioning Interpolant-Based Verificationfor effective Unbounded Model Checking

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    Interpolant-based model checking has been shown to be effective on large verification instances, as it efficiently combines automated abstraction and reachability fixed-point checks. On the other hand, methods based on variable quantification have proved their ability to remove free inputs, thus projecting the search space over state variables. In this paper we propose an integrated approach which combines the abstraction power of interpolation with techniques that rely on AIG and/or BDD representations of states, directly supporting variable quantification and fixed-point checks. The underlying idea of this combination is to adopt AIG- or BDD-based quantifications to limit and restrict the search space and the complexity of the interpolant-based approach. The exploited strategies, most of which are individually well-known, are integrated with a new flavor, specifically designed to improve their effectiveness on difficult verification instances. Experimental results, specifically oriented to hard-to-solve verification problems, show the robustness of our approach

    A BMC-Formulation for the Scheduling Problem in Highly Constrained Hardware Systems

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    Abstract This paper describes a novel application for SAT-based Bounded Model Checking (BMC) within hardware scheduling problems. First of all, it introduces a new model for control-dependent systems. In this model, alternative executions (producing "tree-like" scheduling traces) are managed as concurrent systems, where alternative behaviors are followed in parallel. This enables standard BMC techniques, producing solutions made up of single paths connecting initial and terminal states. Secondly, it discusses the main problem arising from the above choice, i.e., rewriting resource bounds, so that they take into account the artificial concurrencies introduced for controlled behaviors. Thirdly, we exploit SAT-based Bounded Model Checking as a verification technique mostly oriented to bug hunting and counter-example extraction. In order to consider resource constraints, the solutions of modifying the SAT solver or adding extra clauses are both taken into consideration. Preliminary experimental results, comparing our SAT based approach to state-of-the art BDD-based techniques are eventually presented

    Fast Generation of Random Spanning Trees and the Effective Resistance Metric

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    We present a new algorithm for generating a uniformly random spanning tree in an undirected graph. Our algorithm samples such a tree in expected O~(m4/3)\tilde{O}(m^{4/3}) time. This improves over the best previously known bound of min(O~(mn),O(nω))\min(\tilde{O}(m\sqrt{n}),O(n^{\omega})) -- that follows from the work of Kelner and M\k{a}dry [FOCS'09] and of Colbourn et al. [J. Algorithms'96] -- whenever the input graph is sufficiently sparse. At a high level, our result stems from carefully exploiting the interplay of random spanning trees, random walks, and the notion of effective resistance, as well as from devising a way to algorithmically relate these concepts to the combinatorial structure of the graph. This involves, in particular, establishing a new connection between the effective resistance metric and the cut structure of the underlying graph


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    High-level abstractions for parallel programming are still immature. Computations on complicated data structures such as pointer structures are considered as irregular algorithms. General graph structures, which irregular algorithms generally deal with, are difficult to divide and conquer. Because the divide-and-conquer paradigm is essential for load balancing in parallel algorithms and a key to parallel programming, general graphs are reasonably difficult. However, trees lead to divide-and-conquer computations by definition and are sufficiently general and powerful as a tool of programming. We therefore deal with abstractions of tree-based computations. Our study has started from Matsuzaki’s work on tree skeletons. We have improved the usability of tree skeletons by enriching their implementation aspect. Specifically, we have dealt with two issues. We first have implemented the loose coupling between skeletons and data structures and developed a flexible tree skeleton library. We secondly have implemented a parallelizer that transforms sequential recursive functions in C into parallel programs that use tree skeletons implicitly. This parallelizer hides the complicated API of tree skeletons and makes programmers to use tree skeletons with no burden. Unfortunately, the practicality of tree skeletons, however, has not been improved. On the basis of the observations from the practice of tree skeletons, we deal with two application domains: program analysis and neighborhood computation. In the domain of program analysis, compilers treat input programs as control-flow graphs (CFGs) and perform analysis on CFGs. Program analysis is therefore difficult to divide and conquer. To resolve this problem, we have developed divide-and-conquer methods for program analysis in a syntax-directed manner on the basis of Rosen’s high-level approach. Specifically, we have dealt with data-flow analysis based on Tarjan’s formalization and value-graph construction based on a functional formalization. In the domain of neighborhood computations, a primary issue is locality. A naive parallel neighborhood computation without locality enhancement causes a lot of cache misses. The divide-and-conquer paradigm is known to be useful also for locality enhancement. We therefore have applied algebraic formalizations and a tree-segmenting technique derived from tree skeletons to the locality enhancement of neighborhood computations.電気通信大学201

    Verification of high-level transformations with inductive refinement types

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    International audienceHigh-level transformation languages like Rascal include expressive features for manipulating large abstract syntax trees: first-class traversals, expressive pattern matching, backtrack-ing and generalized iterators. We present the design and implementation of an abstract interpretation tool, Rabit, for verifying inductive type and shape properties for transformations written in such languages. We describe how to perform abstract interpretation based on operational semantics, specifically focusing on the challenges arising when analyzing the expressive traversals and pattern matching. Finally, we evaluate Rabit on a series of transformations (normaliza-tion, desugaring, refactoring, code generators, type inference, etc.) showing that we can effectively verify stated properties. CCS Concepts • Software and its engineering → General programming languages; • Social and professional topics → History of programming languages