19 research outputs found

    Analisis Luas Lahan Kelapa Sawit Menggunakan Metode FuzzyAHP Terhadap Resiko Pelaku Usaha

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    The aim of this study was to identify the risk of oil palm land ownership and the relationship between oil palm land area and farmers' income, the level of welfare of farmers and workers in oil palm plantations. This research can be a reference for businesses who will invest in oil palm plantations. The research was conducted by giving questionnaires to experts, the experts in question were oil palm industry players and were able to make decisions. The results of the questionnaire are processed using Fuzzy AHP to determine the degree of importance of each expert. The results obtained are the biggest risk at the actor level is the farmer, at the level of the highest risk criteria is the increase in the amount of supply while at the alternative level is the risk of quality

    Analisis Luas Lahan Kelapa Sawit Menggunakan Metode FuzzyAHP Terhadap Resiko Pelaku Usaha

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    Tujuan Penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi resiko kepemilikan lahan kelapa sawit dan hubungan antara luas lahan kelapa sawit dengan penghasilan petani, tingkat kesejahteraan petani dan pekerja diperkebunan kelapa sawit. Penelitian ini dapat menjadi rujukan bagi pelaku usaha yang akan melakukan investasi diperkebunan kelapa sawit. Penelitian dilakukan dengan memberikan Kuestioner kepada para pakar, pakar yang dimaksud adalah pelaku industri kelapa sawit dan mampu mengambil keputusan. Hasil dari kuestioner diolah dengan menggunakan Fuzzy AHP untuk mengetahui derajat kepentingan dari masing-masing pakar. Hasil yang didapatkan adalah resiko terbesar pada level aktor adalah petani, pada level kriteria resiko tertinggi adalah peningkatan jumlah pasokan sedangkan pada level alternatif adalah resiko kualitas


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    The evaluation and selection of an optimal, efficient and reliable supplier is becoming more and more important for companies in today’s logistics and supply chain management. Decision-making in the supplier selection domain, as an essential component of the supply chain management, is a complex process since a wide range of diverse criteria, stakeholders and possible solutions are embedded into this process. This paper shows a fuzzy approach in multi – criteria decision-making (MCDM) process. Criteria weights have been determined by fuzzy SWARA (Step-wise Weight Assessment Ratio Analysis) method. Chosen methods, fuzzy TOPSIS (Technique for the Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution), fuzzy WASPAS (Weighted Aggregated Sum Product Assessment) and fuzzy ARAS (Additive Ratio Assessment) have been used for evaluation and selection of suppliers in the case of procurement of THK Linear motion guide components by the group of specialists in the “Lagerton” company in Serbia. Finally, results obtained using different MCDM approaches were compared in order to help managers to identify appropriate method for supplier selection problem solving

    Uncertainty Models in Reverse Supply Chain: A Review

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    Reverse logistic has become an important topic for the organization due to growing environmental concern, government regulation, economic value, and sustainable competitiveness. Uncertainty is one of the key factors in the reverse supply chain that must be controlled; thus, the company could optimize the reverse supply chain function. This paper discusses progress in reverse logistic research. A total of 72 published articles were selected, analyzed, categorized and the research gaps were found among them. The study began by analyzed previous research articles in reverse logistic. In this stage, we also collected and reviewed journals discussing about the reverse supply chain. Meanwhile, the result of this stage shows that uncertainty factor has not been reviewed in detail. The most common theme as the background research in reverse logistic is environmental and economic aspect. Uncertainty in Close Loop Supply Chain is the most widely used approach, followed by the usage on reverse logistics, reverse supply chain and reverse Model. The most used approach and method on uncertainty are Mixed Integer Linear Programing, mixed integer nonlinear Programing, Robust Fuzzy Stochastic Programming, and Improved kriging-assisted robust optimization method. Customer demand, total cost, product returns are the most widely researched aspects. This paper may be useful for academicians, researchers and practitioners in learning on reverse logistic and reverse supply chain; therefore, close loop supply chain can be guidance for upcoming researches. Research opportunity based on this research combines total cost, quality return product, truck capacity, delivery route, remanufacturing capacity, and facility location got optimum function in uncertainty. The research method and approach for MINLP, IK-MRO and RSFP provide many opportunities for research. For theme and area in reverse logistic, close loop supply chain is the theme that provides the most research opportunities

    Hotel selection with safe tourism certificates in Covid-19 pandemic using SWARA and fuzzy COPRAS methods

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    The virus, which emerged in Wuhan, China, has taken the whole world under its influence in a short time. The World Health Organization declared this period as the "pandemic period", which means a global epidemic, due to the spread of the virus to the world in a short time. This period has undoubtedly been a period when many habits changed for everyone. Vacation habit is also one of the habits that change during this period. Especially in the summer months, people who spend their holidays in hotels had to be more sensitive in choosing the hotel due to the continuation of the pandemic period. While different criteria were considered in hotel selection before, the criterion of having a safe tourism certificate has become the most important criterion due to the pandemic. Businesses with this certificate can provide service without any problems as they take all precautions during the pandemic period. In this study, a hotel selection problem that takes into account the criteria of safe tourism certificate is discussed. In this study, a hotel selection problem that takes into account the safe tourism certification criteria is discussed. In the study, Stepwise Weight Assessment Ratio Analysis (SWARA) and fuzzy logic based The Complex Proportional Assessment (COPRAS) methods were used to solve the problem of choosing the most suitable hotel. As a result of the study, ten hotel alternatives were evaluated according to the criteria of safe tourism certificate during the pandemic period and the most suitable hotel was selected

    Appropriate building repair and maintenance strategies using multicriteria decision-making analysis – a Delphi study

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    As an influential and significant factor in improving the service of building components and elements, maintenance plays an essential role in maintaining reliability, availability, and quality, as well as increasing efficiency and security. Therefore, how to define this maintenance system and determine the appropriate criteria and strategies for that play an important role in the cost and longevity of the buildings after construction and during their operation. The purpose of the article is to determine the effective criteria for evaluating buildings based on maintenance and repair (R&M) and finally determining the appropriate strategy for the maintenance of residential buildings, using multicriteria decision-making methods. These criteria were first identified by reviewing the literature and using the Delphi method to obtain the opinions of maintenance experts. The criteria were then prioritized, based on the SWARA method, and the results were compared and evaluated. Based on comparison, safety, health, environment, and proper utilisation were rated the top four criteria to consider for building R&M. Finally, using the VIKOR2 method, it was found that the breakdown maintenance (BM) and corrective maintenance (CM) strategies are the best strategies to use for the R&M of residential buildings


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    Logistics management has been playing a significant role in ensuring competitive growth of industries and nations. This study proposes a new Multi-Criteria Decision-making (MCDM) framework for evaluating operational efficiency of logistics service provider (LSP). We present a case study of comparative analysis of six leading LSPs in India using our proposed framework. We consider three operational metrics such as annual overhead expense (OE), annual fuel consumption (FC) and cost of delay (CoD, two qualitative indicators such as innovativeness (IN) which basically indicates process innovation and average customer rating (CR)and one outcome variable such as turnover (TO) as the criteria for comparative analysis. The result shows that the final ranking is a combined effect of all criteria. However, it is evident that IN largely influences the ranking. We carry out a comparative analysis of the results obtained from our proposed method with that derived by using existing established frameworks. We find that our method provides consistent results; it is more stable and does not suffer from rank reversal problem

    Criteria Uncertainty in Multiple Criteria Decision Analysis of Sustainable Manufacturing Systems

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    Multiple Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) is a discipline used by decision makers to evaluate conflicting features when choosing among alternatives. MCDA methods are applied in the field of sustainable manufacturing to weigh the importance of traditional criteria when compared to sustainability indicators. However, a recurring issue in MCDA is the uncertainty in the assessments of alternatives. In this project, a novel framework to deal with uncertainty in MCDA has been developed. It uses scenario planning to get optimistic and pessimistic assessments for the different alternatives. Then, assigning probabilities to the scenarios and applying COPRAS-N, an introduced modification of COPRAS-G, 11 weighted scenarios are calculated. Finally, the relative significance and ranking of each alternative are graphed according to the weighted scenarios so that their evolution and the different situations are represented. With the presented approach, internal and external uncertainties can be dealt with at the same time. The final decision is made by analysing the graphics and results and, if necessary, looking at the concepts of expected scenario and average performance introduced in this project. The framework has been applied to 3 case studies with a focus on sustainability found in the literature. The results show that providing a final ranking of alternatives without considering other likely scenarios may lead to wrong decisions. In fact, in Case study 1, the choice of the best alternative would have changed if the developed framework had been applied. Representing all the scenarios has proved to ensure the final decision and enable to evaluate all the possible outcomes, solving in this way the uncertainty.Objectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible::9 - Indústria, Innovació i Infraestructur

    A Review of the Criteria and Methods of Reverse Logistics Supplier Selection

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    This article presents a literature review on reverse logistics (RL) supplier selection in terms of criteria and methods. A systematic view of past work published between 2008 and 2020 on Web of Science (WOS) databases is provided by reviewing, categorizing, and analyzing relevant papers. Based on the analyses of 41 articles, we propose a three-stage typology of decision-making frameworks to understanding RL supplier selection, including (a) establishment of the selection criteria; (b) calculation of the relative weights and ranking of the selection criteria; (c) ranking of alternatives (suppliers). The main discoveries of this review are as follows. (1) Attention to the field of RL supplier selection is increasing, as evidenced by the increasing number of papers in the field. With the adaption of circular economy legislation and the need resource and business resilience, it is expected that RL and RL supplier selection will be a hot topic in the near future. (2) A large number of papers take “sustainability” as the theoretical approach to carry out research and use it as the basis for determining the criteria. (3) Multi-criteria decision making (MCDM) methods have been widely used in RL supplier selection and have been constantly innovated. (4) Artificial intelligence methods are also gradually being applied. Finally, gaps in the literature are identified to provide directions for future research. (5) Value-added service is underrepresented in the current study and needs further attention