25 research outputs found

    Characterization, design and re-optimization on multi-layer optical networks

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    L'augment de volum de tràfic IP provocat per l'increment de serveis multimèdia com HDTV o vídeo conferència planteja nous reptes als operadors de xarxa per tal de proveir transmissió de dades eficient. Tot i que les xarxes mallades amb multiplexació per divisió de longitud d'ona (DWDM) suporten connexions òptiques de gran velocitat, aquestes xarxes manquen de flexibilitat per suportar tràfic d’inferior granularitat, fet que provoca un pobre ús d'ample de banda. Per fer front al transport d'aquest tràfic heterogeni, les xarxes multicapa representen la millor solució. Les xarxes òptiques multicapa permeten optimitzar la capacitat mitjançant l'empaquetament de connexions de baixa velocitat dins de connexions òptiques de gran velocitat. Durant aquesta operació, es crea i modifica constantment una topologia virtual dinàmica gràcies al pla de control responsable d’aquestes operacions. Donada aquesta dinamicitat, un ús sub-òptim de recursos pot existir a la xarxa en un moment donat. En aquest context, una re-optimizació periòdica dels recursos utilitzats pot ser aplicada, millorant així l'ús de recursos. Aquesta tesi està dedicada a la caracterització, planificació, i re-optimització de xarxes òptiques multicapa de nova generació des d’un punt de vista unificat incloent optimització als nivells de capa física, capa òptica, capa virtual i pla de control. Concretament s'han desenvolupat models estadístics i de programació matemàtica i meta-heurístiques. Aquest objectiu principal s'ha assolit mitjançant cinc objectius concrets cobrint diversos temes oberts de recerca. En primer lloc, proposem una metodologia estadística per millorar el càlcul del factor Q en problemes d'assignació de ruta i longitud d'ona considerant interaccions físiques (IA-RWA). Amb aquest objectiu, proposem dos models estadístics per computar l'efecte XPM (el coll d'ampolla en termes de computació i complexitat) per problemes IA-RWA, demostrant la precisió d’ambdós models en el càlcul del factor Q en escenaris reals de tràfic. En segon lloc i fixant-nos a la capa òptica, presentem un nou particionament del conjunt de longituds d'ona que permet maximitzar, respecte el cas habitual, la quantitat de tràfic extra proveït en entorns de protecció compartida. Concretament, definim diversos models estadístics per estimar la quantitat de tràfic donat un grau de servei objectiu, i diferents models de planificació de xarxa amb l'objectiu de maximitzar els ingressos previstos i el valor actual net de la xarxa. Després de resoldre aquests problemes per xarxes reals, concloem que la nostra proposta maximitza ambdós objectius. En tercer lloc, afrontem el disseny de xarxes multicapa robustes davant de fallida simple a la capa IP/MPLS i als enllaços de fibra. Per resoldre aquest problema eficientment, proposem un enfocament basat en sobre-dimensionar l'equipament de la capa IP/MPLS i recuperar la connectivitat i el comparem amb la solució convencional basada en duplicar la capa IP/MPLS. Després de comparar solucions mitjançant models ILP i heurístiques, concloem que la nostra solució permet obtenir un estalvi significatiu en termes de costos de desplegament. Com a quart objectiu, introduïm un mecanisme adaptatiu per reduir l'ús de ports opto-electrònics (O/E) en xarxes multicapa sota escenaris de tràfic dinàmic. Una formulació ILP i diverses heurístiques són desenvolupades per resoldre aquest problema, que permet reduir significativament l’ús de ports O/E en temps molt curts. Finalment, adrecem el problema de disseny resilient del pla de control GMPLS. Després de proposar un nou model analític per quantificar la resiliència en topologies mallades de pla de control, usem aquest model per proposar un problema de disseny de pla de control. Proposem un procediment iteratiu lineal i una heurística i els usem per resoldre instàncies reals, arribant a la conclusió que es pot reduir significativament la quantitat d'enllaços del pla de control sense afectar la qualitat de servei a la xarxa.The explosion of IP traffic due to the increase of IP-based multimedia services such as HDTV or video conferencing poses new challenges to network operators to provide a cost-effective data transmission. Although Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing (DWDM) meshed transport networks support high-speed optical connections, these networks lack the flexibility to support sub-wavelength traffic leading to poor bandwidth usage. To cope with the transport of that huge and heterogeneous amount of traffic, multilayer networks represent the most accepted architectural solution. Multilayer optical networks allow optimizing network capacity by means of packing several low-speed traffic streams into higher-speed optical connections (lightpaths). During this operation, a dynamic virtual topology is created and modified the whole time thanks to a control plane responsible for the establishment, maintenance, and release of connections. Because of this dynamicity, a suboptimal allocation of resources may exist at any time. In this context, a periodically resource reallocation could be deployed in the network, thus improving network resource utilization. This thesis is devoted to the characterization, planning, and re-optimization of next-generation multilayer networks from an integral perspective including physical layer, optical layer, virtual layer, and control plane optimization. To this aim, statistical models, mathematical programming models and meta-heuristics are developed. More specifically, this main objective has been attained by developing five goals covering different open issues. First, we provide a statistical methodology to improve the computation of the Q-factor for impairment-aware routing and wavelength assignment problems (IA-RWA). To this aim we propose two statistical models to compute the Cross-Phase Modulation variance (which represents the bottleneck in terms of computation time and complexity) in off-line and on-line IA-RWA problems, proving the accuracy of both models when computing Q-factor values in real traffic scenarios. Second and moving to the optical layer, we present a new wavelength partitioning scheme that allows maximizing the amount of extra traffic provided in shared path protected environments compared with current solutions. Specifically, we define several statistical models to estimate the traffic intensity given a target grade of service, and different network planning problems for maximizing the expected revenues and net present value. After solving these problems for real networks, we conclude that our proposed scheme maximizes both revenues and NPV. Third, we tackle the design of survivable multilayer networks against single failures at the IP/MPLS layer and WSON links. To efficiently solve this problem, we propose a new approach based on over-dimensioning IP/MPLS devices and lightpath connectivity and recovery and we compare it against the conventional solution based on duplicating backbone IP/MPLS nodes. After evaluating both approaches by means of ILP models and heuristic algorithms, we conclude that our proposed approach leads to significant CAPEX savings. Fourth, we introduce an adaptive mechanism to reduce the usage of opto-electronic (O/E) ports of IP/MPLS-over-WSON multilayer networks in dynamic scenarios. A ILP formulation and several heuristics are developed to solve this problem, which allows significantly reducing the usage of O/E ports in very short running times. Finally, we address the design of resilient control plane topologies in GMPLS-enabled transport networks. After proposing a novel analytical model to quantify the resilience in mesh control plane topologies, we use this model to propose a problem to design the control plane topology. An iterative model and a heuristic are proposed and used to solve real instances, concluding that a significant reduction in the number of control plane links can be performed without affecting the quality of service of the network

    Computation of Dispersion Penalty for the Analysis of WDM Link Quality

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    The provisioning of light path over WDM/DWDM network is a challenging factor, which depends on various physical layer impairments such as dispersion in fiber. We proposed a light path provisioning mechanism by considering the effect of dispersion in fiber termed as dispersion penalty, which is the prominent effect at high speed WDM network. In the case of non-ideal filter, light path provisioning without considering the physical layer impairments does not satisfy the signal quality guaranteed transmission. In this algorithm, Quality of Service is described in terms of dispersion penalty values with an assumption that the entire client has a requirement of penalty less than 2 Db. Here we have analyzed the degradation in bit rate due to the effect of dispersion. The maximum possible length of fiber is also reduced due to high dispersion in fiber. Dispersion penalty is the increment in the received power to eliminate the effect of some undesirable distortion in optical fiber. Dispersion penalty is calculated in terms of bit rate and band width for each data path. The proposal of dispersion penalty budgeting is to ensure that the optical power reaching the receiver is adequate under all circumstances. The proposed algorithm defines a mechanism for effective light path provisioning by comparing the requirement of client and the available resources of the network

    Design of QoS aware light path provisioning mechanisms in WDM network

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    In this paper, we explore the issue of connection provisioning and performance analysis in WDM network ensuring the QoS requirement of the connection requests from the client in the network In optical networks. While designing WDM system, we must consider the physical layer impairments (PLIs) incurred by non-ideal optical transmission media, accumulates along the optical path. For high transmission speed Dispersion become a considerable degradation factor and in this work we have concentrated on the effects of dispersion on fiber design parameters such as bandwidth, delay and bit rate. The overall effect of dispersion is described in terms of Q-Factor and dispersion penalty. In this project,we worked on light path provisioning mechanism based on Q-Factor and dispersion penalty. Each path is provisioned satisfying the requirement of client in the network model. This work discusses the improvement in blocking probably for incoming requests while performing routing by proposed algorithm and the traditional shortest path algorithm

    Optimization of WDM Optical Networks

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    Optical network, with its enormous data carrying capability, has become the obvious choice for today\u27s high speed communication networks. Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM) technology and Traffic Grooming techniques enable us to efficiently exploit the huge bandwidth capacity of optical fibers. Wide area translucent networks use sparse placement of regenerators to overcome the physical impairments and wavelength constraints introduced by all optical (transparent) networks, and achieve a performance level close to fully switched (opaque) networks at a much lesser network cost. In this dissertation we discuss our research on several issues on the optimal design of optical networks, including optimal traffic grooming in WDM optical networks, optimal regenerator placement problem (RRP) in translucent networks, dynamic lightpath allocation and dynamic survivable lightpath allocation in translucent networks and static lightpath allocation in translucent networks. With extensive simulation experiments, we have established the effectiveness and efficiencies of our proposed algorithms

    Dimensionamento de redes ópticas multicamada

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    Doutoramento em Engenharia ElectrónicaEste trabalho apresenta um estudo sobre o dimensionamento de redes ópticas, com vistas a obter um modelo de dimensionamento para redes de transporte sobreviventes. No estudo utilizou-se uma abordagem estatística em detrimento à determinística. Inicialmente, apresentam-se as principais tecnologias e diferentes arquitecturas utilizadas nas redes ópticas de transporte. Bem como os principais esquemas de sobrevivência e modos de transporte. São identificadas variáveis necessárias e apresenta-se um modelo dimensionamento para redes de transporte, tendo-se dado ênfase às redes com topologia em malha e considerando os modos de transporte opaco, transparente e translúcido. É feita uma análise rigorosa das características das topologias de redes de transporte reais, e desenvolve-se um gerador de topologias de redes de transporte, para testar a validade dos modelos desenvolvidos. Também é implementado um algoritmo genético para a obtenção de uma topologia optimizada para um dado tráfego. São propostas expressões para o cálculo de variáveis não determinísticas, nomeadamente, para o número médio de saltos de um pedido, coeficiente de protecção e coeficiente de restauro. Para as duas últimas, também é analisado o impacto do modelo de tráfego. Verifica-se que os resultados obtidos pelas expressões propostas são similares às obtidas por cálculo numérico, e que o modelo de tráfego não influencia significativamente os valores obtidos para os coeficientes. Finalmente, é demonstrado que o modelo proposto é útil para o dimensionamento e cálculo dos custos de capital de redes com informação incompleta.This work presents a study on the dimensioning of optical networks, aiming to obtain a dimensioning model for survivable optical transport networks. The study relies on a statistical approach rather than a deterministic approach. Initially, enabling technologies and different architectures usually employed in optical transport networks are presented. The main survivability schemes and transport modes are also presented. Useful variables are identified and a transport network dimensioning model is presented, with emphasis on mesh-based network topologies, and considering opaque, transparent and translucent transport modes. A rigorous analysis on the characteristics of real-world transport networks is done, and a topology generator is developed. The topology generator is used for testing and validating the developed models. A genetic algorithm for obtaining an optimized topology for a given traffic load is implemented as well. Expressions for calculating non-deterministic variables are proposed, namely for the average number of hops per demand, protection and restoration coefficient. For the last two, the impact of the traffic model was analyzed. It is shown that results obtained from the proposed expressions are quite similar to the ones obtained from numeric calculation. Moreover, the traffic model does not influence significantly the values obtained for the coefficients. Finally, it is shown that the proposed model is useful for the dimensioning and calculation of capital expenditures of networks in absence of complete information.FCT - SFRH/BD/27545/200

    Scalable Column Generation Models and Algorithms for Optical Network Planning Problems

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    Column Generation Method has been proved to be a powerful tool to model and solve large scale optimization problems in various practical domains such as operation management, logistics and computer design. Such a decomposition approach has been also applied in telecommunication for several classes of classical network design and planning problems with a great success. In this thesis, we confirm that Column Generation Methodology is also a powerful tool in solving several contemporary network design problems that come from a rising worldwide demand of heavy traffic (100Gbps, 400Gbps, and 1Tbps) with emphasis on cost-effective and resilient networks. Such problems are very challenging in terms of complexity as well as solution quality. Research in this thesis attacks four challenging design problems in optical networks: design of p-cycles subject to wavelength continuity, design of dependent and independent p-cycles against multiple failures, design of survivable virtual topologies against multiple failures, design of a multirate optical network architecture. For each design problem, we develop a new mathematical models based on Column Generation Decomposition scheme. Numerical results show that Column Generation methodology is the right choice to deal with hard network design problems since it allows us to efficiently solve large scale network instances which have been puzzles for the current state of art. Additionally, the thesis reveals the great flexibility of Column Generation in formulating design problems that have quite different natures as well as requirements. Obtained results in this thesis show that, firstly, the design of p-cycles should be under a wavelength continuity assumption in order to save the converter cost since the difference between the capacity requirement under wavelength conversion vs. under wavelength continuity is insignificant. Secondly, such results which come from our new general design model for failure dependent p-cycles prove the fact that failure dependent p-cycles save significantly spare capacity than failure independent p-cycles. Thirdly, large instances can be quasi-optimally solved in case of survivable topology designs thanks to our new path-formulation model with online generation of augmenting paths. Lastly, the importance of high capacity devices such as 100Gbps transceiver and the impact of the restriction on number of regeneration sites to the provisioning cost of multirate WDM networks are revealed through our new hierarchical Column Generation model

    Network Virtualization Over Elastic Optical Networks: A Survey of Allocation Algorithms

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    Network virtualization has emerged as a paradigm for cloud computing services by providing key functionalities such as abstraction of network resources kept hidden to the cloud service user, isolation of different cloud computing applications, flexibility in terms of resources granularity, and on‐demand setup/teardown of service. In parallel, flex‐grid (also known as elastic) optical networks have become an alternative to deal with the constant traffic growth. These advances have triggered research on network virtualization over flex‐grid optical networks. Effort has been focused on the design of flexible and virtualized devices, on the definition of network architectures and on virtual network allocation algorithms. In this chapter, a survey on the virtual network allocation algorithms over flexible‐grid networks is presented. Proposals are classified according to a taxonomy made of three main categories: performance metrics, operation conditions and the type of service offered to users. Based on such classification, this work also identifies open research areas as multi‐objective optimization approaches, distributed architectures, meta‐heuristics, reconfiguration and protection mechanisms for virtual networks over elastic optical networks

    Efficiency Of Using Partial Path Protection Method In Optical Wdm Mesh Networks

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    Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2006Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2006Bu çalışmada, dalga boyu bölümlemeli çoklama yöntemine dayalı optik ağlarda oluşan bağ aksaklıklarının önüne geçebilmek ve ağın kalımlığını sağlayabilmek için, her bir ana yolun her bir bağı için bir koruyucu onarım yolu belirleyen kısmi yol koruma yöntemi kullanılarak, korumanın etkinliğinin arttırılması sağlanmıştır. Bağlantıları koruyucu yolları oluşturan bağların dalga boylarının, farklı bağlantılar için oluşturulmuş koruyucu yollar ile paylaşılmasına izin verilip verilmemesine dayalı olan, adanmış ve paylaşımlı kısmi yol koruma yöntemleri de dikkate alınarak, paylaşımlı kısmi yol koruma yönteminin, adanmış kısmi yol koruma yöntemine olan üstünlüğü belirlenmiştir. Paylaşım oranı adı verilen, aynı linkte bulunan bir kaynağı paylaşabilen, aktif yolları koruma amaçlı kurulan koruyucu yolların sayısını belirleyen terimin de, başarımı nasıl etkilediği incelenmiştir. En yüksek paylaşım oranı değerine ve kaynağa sahip paylaşımlı kısmi yol korumanın en iyi başarıma sahip olduğu gözlemlenmiştir. Etkinlik başarım ölçüleri olarak, bağlantı isteklerine göre ağda kullanılan dalga boyu-link sayısı ve bağlantı isteklerinin bloke edilme oranı göz önünde bulundurulmuştur.In this study, the increase on the efficiency of protection, which is used to avoid link failures in Optical Wavelength-Division Multiplexed Networks and to ensure survivability for these networks, is provided by using the Partial Path Protection scheme, in which a different restoration path for every link of every primary path is determined. Dedicated Partial Path Protection and Shared Partial Path Protection, which are based on allowance of sharing the wavelengths of the links, which are used on the protection paths, by protection paths are considered. It is observed that Shared Partial Path Protection outperforms the Dedicated Partial Path Protection scheme. Sharing Ratio is the number of protection paths, which share the same resource of the link for protecting the active paths against failures is also analyzed. The simulations confirm that as the value of the sharing ratio increases, the performance of the network increases. Simulation results show that the Shared Partial Path Protection with the highest Sharing Ratio value and the number of wavelengths, has the best performance. The performance metrics used in simulations are, number of wavelength-links occupied per link and blocking probability, according to the number of connection requests in the network.Yüksek LisansM.Sc