8,834 research outputs found

    The Incremental Multiresolution Matrix Factorization Algorithm

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    Multiresolution analysis and matrix factorization are foundational tools in computer vision. In this work, we study the interface between these two distinct topics and obtain techniques to uncover hierarchical block structure in symmetric matrices -- an important aspect in the success of many vision problems. Our new algorithm, the incremental multiresolution matrix factorization, uncovers such structure one feature at a time, and hence scales well to large matrices. We describe how this multiscale analysis goes much farther than what a direct global factorization of the data can identify. We evaluate the efficacy of the resulting factorizations for relative leveraging within regression tasks using medical imaging data. We also use the factorization on representations learned by popular deep networks, providing evidence of their ability to infer semantic relationships even when they are not explicitly trained to do so. We show that this algorithm can be used as an exploratory tool to improve the network architecture, and within numerous other settings in vision.Comment: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) 2017, 10 page

    Lucid Data Dreaming for Video Object Segmentation

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    Convolutional networks reach top quality in pixel-level video object segmentation but require a large amount of training data (1k~100k) to deliver such results. We propose a new training strategy which achieves state-of-the-art results across three evaluation datasets while using 20x~1000x less annotated data than competing methods. Our approach is suitable for both single and multiple object segmentation. Instead of using large training sets hoping to generalize across domains, we generate in-domain training data using the provided annotation on the first frame of each video to synthesize ("lucid dream") plausible future video frames. In-domain per-video training data allows us to train high quality appearance- and motion-based models, as well as tune the post-processing stage. This approach allows to reach competitive results even when training from only a single annotated frame, without ImageNet pre-training. Our results indicate that using a larger training set is not automatically better, and that for the video object segmentation task a smaller training set that is closer to the target domain is more effective. This changes the mindset regarding how many training samples and general "objectness" knowledge are required for the video object segmentation task.Comment: Accepted in International Journal of Computer Vision (IJCV

    Automated License Plate Recognition Systems

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    Automated license plate recognition systems make use of machines learning coupled with traditional algorithmic programming to create software capable of identifying and transcribing vehicles’ license plates. From this point, automated license plate recognition systems can be capable of performing a variety of functions, including billing an account or querying the plate number against a database to identify vehicles of concern. These capabilities allow for an efficient method of autonomous vehicle identification, although the unmanned nature of these systems raises concerns over the possibility of their use for surveillance, be it against an individual or group. This thesis will explore the fundamentals behind automated license plate recognition systems, the state of their current employment, currently existing limitations, and concerns raised over the use of such systems and relevant legal examples. Furthermore, this thesis will demonstrate the training of a machine learning model capable of identifying license plates, followed by a brief examination of performance limitations encountered

    Wide Field Imaging. I. Applications of Neural Networks to object detection and star/galaxy classification

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    [Abriged] Astronomical Wide Field Imaging performed with new large format CCD detectors poses data reduction problems of unprecedented scale which are difficult to deal with traditional interactive tools. We present here NExt (Neural Extractor): a new Neural Network (NN) based package capable to detect objects and to perform both deblending and star/galaxy classification in an automatic way. Traditionally, in astronomical images, objects are first discriminated from the noisy background by searching for sets of connected pixels having brightnesses above a given threshold and then they are classified as stars or as galaxies through diagnostic diagrams having variables choosen accordingly to the astronomer's taste and experience. In the extraction step, assuming that images are well sampled, NExt requires only the simplest a priori definition of "what an object is" (id est, it keeps all structures composed by more than one pixels) and performs the detection via an unsupervised NN approaching detection as a clustering problem which has been thoroughly studied in the artificial intelligence literature. In order to obtain an objective and reliable classification, instead of using an arbitrarily defined set of features, we use a NN to select the most significant features among the large number of measured ones, and then we use their selected features to perform the classification task. In order to optimise the performances of the system we implemented and tested several different models of NN. The comparison of the NExt performances with those of the best detection and classification package known to the authors (SExtractor) shows that NExt is at least as effective as the best traditional packages.Comment: MNRAS, in press. Paper with higher resolution images is available at http://www.na.astro.it/~andreon/listapub.htm

    Sparse Modeling for Image and Vision Processing

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    In recent years, a large amount of multi-disciplinary research has been conducted on sparse models and their applications. In statistics and machine learning, the sparsity principle is used to perform model selection---that is, automatically selecting a simple model among a large collection of them. In signal processing, sparse coding consists of representing data with linear combinations of a few dictionary elements. Subsequently, the corresponding tools have been widely adopted by several scientific communities such as neuroscience, bioinformatics, or computer vision. The goal of this monograph is to offer a self-contained view of sparse modeling for visual recognition and image processing. More specifically, we focus on applications where the dictionary is learned and adapted to data, yielding a compact representation that has been successful in various contexts.Comment: 205 pages, to appear in Foundations and Trends in Computer Graphics and Visio

    CLIPping the Deception: Adapting Vision-Language Models for Universal Deepfake Detection

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    The recent advancements in Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) and the emergence of Diffusion models have significantly streamlined the production of highly realistic and widely accessible synthetic content. As a result, there is a pressing need for effective general purpose detection mechanisms to mitigate the potential risks posed by deepfakes. In this paper, we explore the effectiveness of pre-trained vision-language models (VLMs) when paired with recent adaptation methods for universal deepfake detection. Following previous studies in this domain, we employ only a single dataset (ProGAN) in order to adapt CLIP for deepfake detection. However, in contrast to prior research, which rely solely on the visual part of CLIP while ignoring its textual component, our analysis reveals that retaining the text part is crucial. Consequently, the simple and lightweight Prompt Tuning based adaptation strategy that we employ outperforms the previous SOTA approach by 5.01% mAP and 6.61% accuracy while utilizing less than one third of the training data (200k images as compared to 720k). To assess the real-world applicability of our proposed models, we conduct a comprehensive evaluation across various scenarios. This involves rigorous testing on images sourced from 21 distinct datasets, including those generated by GANs-based, Diffusion-based and Commercial tools

    Going Deeper into Action Recognition: A Survey

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    Understanding human actions in visual data is tied to advances in complementary research areas including object recognition, human dynamics, domain adaptation and semantic segmentation. Over the last decade, human action analysis evolved from earlier schemes that are often limited to controlled environments to nowadays advanced solutions that can learn from millions of videos and apply to almost all daily activities. Given the broad range of applications from video surveillance to human-computer interaction, scientific milestones in action recognition are achieved more rapidly, eventually leading to the demise of what used to be good in a short time. This motivated us to provide a comprehensive review of the notable steps taken towards recognizing human actions. To this end, we start our discussion with the pioneering methods that use handcrafted representations, and then, navigate into the realm of deep learning based approaches. We aim to remain objective throughout this survey, touching upon encouraging improvements as well as inevitable fallbacks, in the hope of raising fresh questions and motivating new research directions for the reader
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