1,603 research outputs found

    Impact of New Technology on Reading Habits: A Glimpse on the World Literature

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    Reading helps in all-round development of a person from his birth to death. It adds new sight to eyes and new wisdom to mind. A dump person becomes a communicator and a lame climbs mountains of knowledge through reading. However, in the modern multimedia society, the radio, television, cell phone, computer and the Internet have captured a big slice of time and reading has taken a back seat. These new gadgets of technology have become the “Time Eating Machine” and reading has almost become a closed book. Children, youth and adults alike are more inclined towards new technology for information, entertainment and pleasure. This paper attempts to summarize the literature available worldwide on this issue to identify the impact of new technology on reading habits

    The impact of internet and social media on the habit of reading books: A case study in the southern region of Bangladesh

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    This study tries to find out the influence of Internet and social media on students’ habit of reading printed books. The entire study is conducted among a sample of 96 students of two different institutions of Khulna, a southern district of Bangladesh. Primary data are collected through a questionnaire survey where the number of variables is 16. The study tries to explore that students are less interested in reading books and are prone to gather information through passive sources like movies, television, the Internet, etc. The result shows that students spend more hours on electronic media than on reading books. They take more pleasure in technology or social media than reading books. So, this study tries to bring the present vulnerable condition of reading habit into light

    Perception of trainers and students on the measures to be taken to solve the addiction of young people to social networks

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    Addictions to online social networks is a problem facing technological societies, and those most affected by this phenomenon are young people and teenagers. Among its effects are the decrease in academic performance and the increase in violent behavior. Given these facts, governments around the world are adopting mechanisms for their prevention. The present work describes the results of research focused on investigating the proposals that would be adopted by the members of the educational community to carry out preventive actions against the addiction and abuse of online social networks. The methodological design has been based on the intensive use of the Nominal Groups technique developed by Delbecq and Andrew in 1971 and which facilitates reaching consensus in a structured group process. The results show the high degree of coincidence among the participants stands out, which validates the usefulness of the measures, and that the addiction to social networks perceives it as a direct consequence of the addition to mobile phones and the Internet. Therefore, it seems necessary that prevention plans should have a generalized perspective that encompasses all three technologie

    Out-of-school language learning and educational equity

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    This chapter explores existing scholarship on out-of-school learning at both a local (Catalan) and an international level. We particularly focus on research that documents foreign language learning and literacy development in both informal and nonformal education across diverse socioeconomic, linguistic and cultural contexts. Research shows that access to extracurricular initiatives and opportunities to engage in informal language learning can positively impact upon formal academic achievement and future professional trajectories, especially for economically under- resourced students, and thus can play a significant role in tackling socioeducational inequalities. These positive effects are enhanced when out-of-school initiatives focus on students' competences and build on their linguistic and cultural funds of knowledge to include their everyday communicative practices. However, while offer of and demand for out- of- school learning - and particularly of foreign language learning - have increased in recent years, so too have inequalities in participation between more and less affluent families, in part due to economic burdens such as access fees, and to public restraints on funding and scholarships

    Nomophobia in teenagers: digital lifestyle, social networking and smartphone abuse

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    Smartphone use influences teenagers’ behaviors and lifestyles, not always in a positive way. Abuse and dependence on the use of this device is what has led to the study of nomophobia. The objective of this research is to measure the level of nomophobia in adolescents, and to study their digital consumption habits. The study seeks to analyze the relationships between risk of nomophobia, digital behavior, age and smartphone use. A structured questionnaire has been applied to a sample of 850 students aged 12 to 16. The data has been analyzed with SPSS and SPAD. Multivariate statistical characterization, one of the most recent data mining techniques, has been used to study differences in teenagers’ behaviors according to their risk of nomophobia, and to find related explanatory variables. Teenagers’ nomophobia risk ranges from mild to moderate, showing a relation with age, academic performance and intensity of use of mobile social networking apps. The risk of nomophobia responds to differences in students’ digital, social, relational and educational behaviors, and exhibits differences according to academic performance, age, gender, motivation and self-perception

    Impact of Social Networking Sites (SNSs): Are Youth affected by its usage?

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    The popularity of online social networking sites (SNS) is constantly growing. New social networking practices are being used in areas such as knowledge sharing, development of ideas, creative production, communication etc. especially by adolescents and young adults. These groups can be called the IGENERATION as majority of their daily activities including staying connected, doing project work/assignments as well as information gathering about the happening around them, they use internet as opposed to the older generations who used resources like newspaper, library or television to stay update. The purpose of the study was to examine the usage pattern of social networking sites among the youth of today’s generation. Descriptive research design was used in order to understand the usage pattern of SNS amongst youth and its impact on their performance and psychological well being. Survey was conducted using a self-made questionnaire to study the ‘usage pattern of social networking sites amongst the youth and its impact on their performance and psychological well-being’ in Dehradun, capital of Uttarakhand. Stratified random sampling technique was used for the study. The sample includes different age groups, gender, and regional background. Results indicated that the students have access to internet, 73% are members of any one of the social networking sites, Facebook being very popular followed by Google +.Majority of the students used social networking sites mainly for social purposes rather than for educational purposes. It was also reported that SNSs did not affect performance and study habits though it affected language to a certain extent

    'Sand in the hand': young people's relationships with commercial media in the digital age

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    This thesis explores young people's experiences of contemporary, commercial media. It aims to provide a holistic understanding of new and more traditional media use.The study draws its theoretical framework from the fields of communication studies, consumer behaviour, cultural studies, marketing, sociology and social psychology. Despite several studies investigating young people and new media, a richer understanding of media consumption is needed, located within an ever more commercialised landscape. Assumptions of new media participation are frequently taken for granted, with limited critical analysis of the consumer experience. Studies from a marketing perspective have focused exclusively on managerial effectiveness to the detriment of consumer realities. Moving beyond media effects, it takes an active consumer-centered approach, contextualising new media consumption within the everyday lives of young people. It compares and contrasts practitioner tactics with young people's lived experiences of new and traditional media.Multiple methods of enquiry were used, informed by an interpretive approach. The initial fieldwork consisted of 15 interviews with 'expert' agency practitioners, investigating perceptions of youth marketing and the tactics deployed. Following a pilot study, the main consumer phase explored the mediated experiences of adolescents aged 13-17. A total of 175 secondary school pupils from three diverse school settings participated. Each completed a self-completion questionnaire, a smaller sample also contributing a time-based diary. 45 pupils participated in the qualitative phase, guided by the principles of phenomenology. Photo-elicitation and psycho-drawing techniques were utilised to enrichen discussions.The new media experiences of young people in this study were indeed bound up in their everyday lives. Young people were found to have a complex range of 'newmedia' experiences, embedded in their 'in home' and 'out of home' lifestyles. Their active use of the internet, for mood enhancement, experiential learning, escapism and communication, rarely encompassed commercial motivations. Of several barriers to new media use, online practitioner tactics caused the greatest concern. For many young people, such actions were deeply de-motivating, constituting an unwanted intrusion, in contrast to the symbiotic relationship synonymous with traditional advertising. Their consequent elusiveness is epitomised through the metaphor "sand in the hand"

    Beyond the English Classroom: A Study of Upper Secondary School Students’ Extramural English in Norway

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    Formålet med dette studiet har vore å undersøka norske elevar sin bruk av extramural English (EE) (engelsk utanfor klasserommet), til å identifisera ulikskapar mellom kjønn og for å sjå samanhengen mellom elevar sin EE og resultat i engelskfaget på skulen. Dette studiet tar for seg to TAF vidaregåande klasser på VG1. Klassane bestod til saman av 42 elevar (19 gutar og 23 jenter). Dataa frå studiet vart samla gjennom spørjeundersøking, vokabulartestar og skuleoppgåver. Målet med spørsmåla i spørjeundersøkinga var å samla bakgrunnsinformasjon, informasjon om elevane sin bruk av engelsk utanfor klasserommet, og elevane sitt syn på eigen bruk av engelsk i og utanfor skulen. I tillegg vart to små grupper bedne om å skrive dagbok i minst ein veke om korleis dei brukar engelsk utanfor skulen. Resultata visar at elevane brukar mange forskjellige type EE og omfanget av elevanes bruk av engelsk utanfor klasserommet varierer frå elev til elev. I tillegg brukar dei lite engelsk på jobb. Ein stor del av eksponeringa av det engelske språket elevane registrerte, kan gjenspeglast i elevanes bruk av engelsk i klasserommet, både gjennom resultata på vokabularprøvane og elevanes antyding til at dei opplever skriftleg og munnleg engelsk på skulen som vanskeleg. Det latar til at elevane brukar det som essensielt er eit L2-språk, i sosiale situasjonar, og svært få av dei er skeptiske til eksponeringa dei er utsette for. Dei er motiverte til å betra ferdigheitene sine i engelsk. Kjønn har lite å si for omfanget av engelsk utanfor klasserommet, men gutane brukar meir tid på YouTube og gaming. Forskjellane mellom jenter og gutar er større når det kjem til korleis elevane presterer i faget på skulen. Jentene fekk gjennomsnittleg betre resultat enn gutane, noko som reflekterer europeiske trendar. Det er også tydeleg i denne studiegruppa at det er manglande samanheng mellom location of learning (læringsstad) og locus of control (kontrollplassering) når det kjem til den engelske språkutviklinga. Desse resultata har didaktiske implikasjonar når det gjeld elevar i norsk vidaregåande skule og deira bruk av engelsk utanfor klasserommet, noko som gjer det enklare å identifisera områder der det er eit behov for meir forsking.Erfaringsbasert masteroppgåve i undervisning med fordjupning i engelskENGMAU650VID-MAUEN

    Indonesian EFL Learners’ Digital Reading Habits

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    Reading has long been one of the most crucial skills individuals should master to function effectively in society. Due to the revolutionary penetration of information and communication technology (ICT) into almost all aspects of human life, reading has transformed from paper-based to screen-based. Thus, facilitating students to cultivate digital reading should be one of the educational priorities. This study aims at exploring the digital reading habits of students majoring in English as a foreign language (EFL) in Indonesian context. Employing a mixed-methods design, quantitative and qualitative data were collected using an online questionnaire including close-ended and open-ended questions from 79 students of the English Language Education Study Program of Universitas Kristen Indonesia, Jakarta. The results show that a majority of the participants prefer to read in English in digital reading mode due to several reasons. Their most favorable tool for reading is smartphones. Additionally, a majority of them prefer to read at home as far as they have good access to the internet. Finally, based on the analysis of the motivational and de-motivational factors of reading, the participants’ preference towards digital reading has a stronger motivational foundation than print reading