85 research outputs found

    A Methodology for Engineering Collaborative and ad-hoc Mobile Applications using SyD Middleware

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    Today’s web applications are more collaborative and utilize standard and ubiquitous Internet protocols. We have earlier developed System on Mobile Devices (SyD) middleware to rapidly develop and deploy collaborative applications over heterogeneous and possibly mobile devices hosting web objects. In this paper, we present the software engineering methodology for developing SyD-enabled web applications and illustrate it through a case study on two representative applications: (i) a calendar of meeting application, which is a collaborative application and (ii) a travel application which is an ad-hoc collaborative application. SyD-enabled web objects allow us to create a collaborative application rapidly with limited coding effort. In this case study, the modular software architecture allowed us to hide the inherent heterogeneity among devices, data stores, and networks by presenting a uniform and persistent object view of mobile objects interacting through XML/SOAP requests and responses. The performance results we obtained show that the application scales well as we increase the group size and adapts well within the constraints of mobile devices

    SyD: A Middleware Testbed for Collaborative Applications over Small Heterogeneous Devices and Data Stores

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    Abstract. Currently, it is possible to develop a collaborative application running on a collection of heterogeneous, possibly mobile, devices, each potentially hosting data stores, using existing middleware technologies such as JXTA, BREW, compact.NET and J2ME. However, they require too many ad-hoc techniques as well as cumbersome and time-consuming programming. Our System on Mobile Devices (SyD) middleware, on the other hand, has a modular architecture that makes such application de-velopment very systematic and streamlined. The architecture supports transactions over mobile data stores, with a range of remote group invo-cation options and embedded interdependencies among such data store objects. The architecture further provides a persistent uniform object view, group transaction with Quality of Service (QoS) speci¯cations, and XML vocabulary for inter-device communication. This paper presents the basic SyD concepts, introduces the architecture and the design of the SyD middleware and its components. We also provide guidelines fo

    Distributed Web Service Coordination for Collaboration Applications and Biological Workflows

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    In this dissertation work, we have investigated the main research thrust of decentralized coordination of workflows over web services. To address distributed workflow coordination, first we have developed “Web Coordination Bonds” as a capable set of dependency modeling primitives that enable each web service to manage its own dependencies. Web bond primitives are as powerful as extended Petri nets and have sufficient modeling and expressive capabilities to model workflow dependencies. We have designed and prototyped our “Web Service Coordination Management Middleware” (WSCMM) system that enhances current web services infrastructure to accommodate web bond enabled web services. Finally, based on core concepts of web coordination bonds and WSCMM, we have developed the “BondFlow” system that allows easy configuration distributed coordination of workflows. The footprint of the BonFlow runtime is 24KB and the additional third party software packages, SOAP client and XML parser, account for 115KB

    Proxy Module for System on Mobile Devices (SyD) Middleware

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    Nowadays, users of mobile devices are growing. The users expect that they could communicate constantly using their mobile devices while they are also constantly moving. Therefore, there is a need to provide disconnection tolerance of transactions in the mobile devices’ platforms and its synchronization management. System on Mobile Devices (SyD) is taken as one of the examples of mobile devices’ platforms. The thesis studies the existing SyD architecture, from its framework into its kernel, and introduces the proxy module enhancement in SyD to handle disconnection tolerance, including its synchronization. SyD kernel has been extended for the purpose of enabling proxy module. SyDSync has been constructed for synchronization with the proxy. The timeout has been studied for seamless proxy invocation. A Camera application that tries to catch a stolen vehicle has been simulated for the practical purpose of using the proxy module extension

    A Centralized Cluster-Based Hierarchical Approach for Green Communication in a Smart Healthcare System

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    The emergence of the Internet of Things (IoT) has revolutionized our digital and virtual worlds of connected devices. IoT is a key enabler for a wide range of applications in today's world. For example, in smart healthcare systems, the sensor-embedded devices monitor various vital signs of the patients. These devices operate on small batteries, and their energy need to be utilized efficiently. The need for green IoT to preserve the energy of these devices has never been more critical than today. The existing smart healthcare approaches adopt a heuristic approach for energy conservation by minimizing the duty-cycling of the underlying devices. However, they face numerous challenges in terms of excessive overhead, idle listening, overhearing, and collision. To circumvent these challenges, we have proposed a cluster-based hierarchical approach for monitoring the patients in an energy-efficient manner, i.e., green communication. The proposed approach organizes the monitoring devices into clusters of equal sizes. Within each cluster, a cluster head is designated to gather data from its member devices and broadcast to a centralized base station. Our proposed approach models the energy consumption of each device in various states, i.e., idle, sleep, awake, and active, and also performs the transitions between these states. We adopted an analytical approach for modeling the role of each device and its energy consumption in various states. Extensive simulations were conducted to validate our analytical approach by comparing it against the existing schemes. The experimental results of our approach enhance the network lifetime with a reduced energy consumption during various states. Moreover, it delivers a better quality of data for decision making on the patient's vital signs

    Internet of Things 2.0: Concepts, Applications, and Future Directions

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    Applications and technologies of the Internet of Things are in high demand with the increase of network devices. With the development of technologies such as 5G, machine learning, edge computing, and Industry 4.0, the Internet of Things has evolved. This survey article discusses the evolution of the Internet of Things and presents the vision for Internet of Things 2.0. The Internet of Things 2.0 development is discussed across seven major fields. These fields are machine learning intelligence, mission critical communication, scalability, energy harvesting-based energy sustainability, interoperability, user friendly IoT, and security. Other than these major fields, the architectural development of the Internet of Things and major types of applications are also reviewed. Finally, this article ends with the vision and current limitations of the Internet of Things in future network environments

    Toward Software-Defined Networking-Based IoT Frameworks: A Systematic Literature Review, Taxonomy, Open Challenges and Prospects

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    Internet of Things (IoT) is characterized as one of the leading actors for the next evolutionary stage in the computing world. IoT-based applications have already produced a plethora of novel services and are improving the living standard by enabling innovative and smart solutions. However, along with its rapid adoption, IoT technology also creates complex challenges regarding the management of IoT networks due to its resource limitations (computational power, energy, and security). Hence, it is urgently needed to refine the IoT-based application’s architectures to robustly manage the overall IoT infrastructure. Software-defined networking (SDN) has emerged as a paradigm that offers software-based controllers to manage hardware infrastructure and traffic flow on a network effectively. SDN architecture has the potential to provide efficient and reliable IoT network management. This research provides a comprehensive survey investigating the published studies on SDN-based frameworks to address IoT management issues in the dimensions of fault tolerance, energy management, scalability, load balancing, and security service provisioning within the IoT networks. We conducted a Systematic Literature Review (SLR) on the research studies (published from 2010 to 2022) focusing on SDN-based IoT management frameworks. We provide an extensive discussion on various aspects of SDN-based IoT solutions and architectures. We elaborate a taxonomy of the existing SDN-based IoT frameworks and solutions by classifying them into categories such as network function virtualization, middleware, OpenFlow adaptation, and blockchain-based management. We present the research gaps by identifying and analyzing the key architectural requirements and management issues in IoT infrastructures. Finally, we highlight various challenges and a range of promising opportunities for future research to provide a roadmap for addressing the weaknesses and identifying the benefits from the potentials offered by SDN-based IoT solutions

    Optimization of Display-Wall Aware Applications on Cluster Based Systems

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    Actualment, els sistemes d'informació i comunicació que treballen amb grans volums de dades requereixen l'ús de plataformes que permetin una representació entenible des del punt de vista de l'usuari. En aquesta tesi s'analitzen les plataformes Cluster Display Wall, usades per a la visualització de dades massives, i es treballa concretament amb la plataforma Liquid Galaxy, desenvolupada per Google. Mitjançant la plataforma Liquid Galaxy, es realitza un estudi de rendiment d'aplicacions de visualització representatives, identificant els aspectes de rendiment més rellevants i els possibles colls d'ampolla. De forma específica, s'estudia amb major profunditat un cas representatiu d'aplicació de visualització, el Google Earth. El comportament del sistema executant Google Earth s'analitza mitjançant diferents tipus de test amb usuaris reals. Per a aquest fi, es defineix una nova mètrica de rendiment, basada en la ratio de visualització, i es valora la usabilitat del sistema mitjançant els atributs tradicionals d'efectivitat, eficiència i satisfacció. Adicionalment, el rendiment del sistema es modela analíticament i es prova la precisió del model comparant-ho amb resultats reals.Nowadays, information and communication systems that work with a high volume of data require infrastructures that allow an understandable representation of it from the user's point of view. This thesis analyzes the Cluster Display Wall platforms, used to visualized massive amounts of data, and specifically studies the Liquid Galaxy platform, developed by Google. Using the Liquid Galaxy platform, a performance study of representative visualization applications was performed, identifying the most relevant aspects of performance and possible bottlenecks. Specifically, we study in greater depth a representative case of visualization application, Google Earth. The system behavior while running Google Earth was analyzed through different kinds of tests with real users. For this, a new performance metric was defined, based on the visualization ratio, and the usability of the system was assessed through the traditional attributes of effectiveness, efficiency and satisfaction. Additionally, the system performance was analytically modeled and the accuracy of the model was tested by comparing it with actual results.Actualmente, los sistemas de información y comunicación que trabajan con grandes volúmenes de datos requieren el uso de plataformas que permitan una representación entendible desde el punto de vista del usuario. En esta tesis se analizan las plataformas Cluster Display Wall, usadas para la visualización de datos masivos, y se trabaja en concreto con la plataforma Liquid Galaxy, desarrollada por Google. Mediante la plataforma Liquid Galaxy, se realiza un estudio de rendimiento de aplicaciones de visualización representativas, identificando los aspectos de rendimiento más relevantes y los posibles cuellos de botella. De forma específica, se estudia en mayor profundidad un caso representativo de aplicación de visualización, el Google Earth. El comportamiento del sistema ejecutando Google Earth se analiza mediante diferentes tipos de test con usuarios reales. Para ello se define una nueva métrica de rendimiento, basada en el ratio de visualización, y se valora la usabilidad del sistema mediante los atributos tradicionales de efectividad, eficiencia y satisfacción. Adicionalmente, el rendimiento del sistema se modela analíticamente y se prueba la precisión del modelo comparándolo con resultados reales

    Mementos: System support for long-running computation on RFID-scale devices

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    Abstract Many computing systems include mechanisms designed to defend against sudden catastrophic losses of computational state, but few systems treat such losses as the common case rather than exceptional events. On the other end of the spectrum are transiently powered computing devices such as RFID tags and smart cards; these devices are typically paired with code that must complete its task under tight time constraints before running out of energy. Mementos is a software system that transforms general-purpose programs into interruptible computations that are protected from frequent power losses by automatic, energy-aware state checkpointing. Mementos comprises a collection of optimization passes for the LLVM compiler infrastructure and a linkable library that exercises hardware support for energy measurement while managing state checkpoints stored in nonvolatile memory. We evaluate Mementos against diverse test cases and find that, although it introduces time overhead of up to 60% in our tests versus uninstrumented code executed without power failures, it effectively spreads program execution across zero or more complete losses of power and state. Other contributions of this work include