1,321,671 research outputs found

    Memorandum for the Heads of Executive Departments and Agencies, August 25, 2022: Ensuring Free, Immediate, and Equitable Access to Federally Funded Research

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    This memorandum provides policy guidance to federal agencies with research and development expenditures on updating their public access policies. In accordance with this memorandum, OSTP recommends that federal agencies, to the extent consistent with applicable law: 1. Update their public access policies as soon as possible, and no later than December 31, 2025, to make publications and their supporting data resulting from federally funded research publicly accessible without an embargo on their free and public release; 2. Establish transparent procedures that ensure scientific and research integrity is maintained in public access policies; and, 3. Coordinate with OSTP to ensure equitable delivery of federally funded research results and data. Includes background and policy principles, lessons learned from COVID-19, updates to policy guidance on increasing equitable access to Federally funded research results including peer-reviewed scholarly publications and scientific data, ensuring scientific and research integrity in agency public access policies, public access plan coordination among federal agencies, general provisions, and taking next steps together

    Evaluation of transparency in local decision-making through the information availability on Czech municipal websites

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    Transparency is considered to be the fundamental element of well-functioning and effective public administration on the local level of government. Open and straightforward access to information considerably supports transparency with better public control as well as supporting compliance with the public interest. One suitable tool that allows better public access to information, greater transparency and citizen participation in decision making is the use of the Internet in the public sector and the development of e-government. This paper focuses on e-government on the local level, especially the disclosure of information on municipal websites. The research was conducted on selected Czech municipal websites. The main goal was to evaluate the availability of information about decision making in the Czech municipalities and the availability of participation tools for citizens. For this purpose, selected information published on the municipal websites in the Moravian-Silesian Region was analysed. The results of the research pointed out the shortcomings in the publishing of information on municipal websites. The low level of citizen participation on the local level of government was also stressed

    Mhealth terhadap Manajemen Diri dan Motivasi Pengobatan pada Pasien Hipertensi

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    This research aims at hypertension management, which is very important to improve public health and reduce suffering from chronic diseases with the support of mobile health technology (mHealth). The research method used is a literature review through electronic databases and websites, namely Scopus, PubMed, Science Direct, and ProQuest. The research results show that from 11 research articles, there is primary education based on health care technology or mHealth in the form of voice calls, web-based, and applications that can provide access, assessment, assistance, awareness, ability, and activation where mechanisms are felt regarding the use of mHealth services in supporting their hypertension self-management. In conclusion, patients can monitor their health status and self-management progress in real time thanks to mHealth services, which in turn encourages more self-management as well as mHealth services also provide patients with access to health education and reminders to help with their Blood Pressure (BP) self-management.  Keywords: Hypertension, Self Management, Mhealth, Motivation, Public Health Service


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    The medical record document (DRM) of COVID-19 patients is public information of a special nature. The openness of DRM for COVID-19 patients in supporting health data research is very important in the future. This study aims to determine the medical record documents in guaranteeing the identity of COVID-19 patients, as well as to describe the impact of DRM on COVID-19 patients in supporting health data research. The method of this research is qualitative with a literature study approach. Scientific literature searches are carried out through the help of a web-based paper link system. The results of this study suggest that DRM for COVID-19 patients used for health research data needs can be carried out by considering the rights of patients, medical staff, and hospitals by applicable legal provisions. Furthermore, researchers must involve the Health Research Ethics Commission (KEPK) to conduct ethical studies on health research. The impact of medical access for COVID-19 patients on the quality of health care and services, increasing public knowledge in dealing with future pandemics, and new knowledge of health in the world

    Open Access in scientific Information: sustainability model and business plan for the infrastructure and organization of OpenAIRE

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    In 2008 European Commission launches the open access infrastructure for research in Europe project (OpenAIRE), supporting open access (OA) in scientific information and research output. In this paper, we assess the economic sustainability of the OpenAIRE project. The empirical strategy is developed through a Cost-Benefit Analysis framework to evaluate and compare the costs and benefits of OpenAIRE services to provide recommendations on the project's economic efficiency and sustainability, a non-market valuation method based on the results of a Choice Experiment to calculate the Total Economic Value generated by OpenAIRE and a full preference ranking approach. Findings indicate that stakeholders prefer interoperability between research platforms and output, better access to scientific results and compliance to OA mandates. Furthermore, net social benefits for the basic services for 15A years are at least five times higher than costs' present value while the potential R&D effect from research suggests even larger benefits in the long run. Subscriptions based on the estimated willingness to pay and cost, institutional subsidies and public awareness are the main recommendations for the sustainable operation of OpenAIRE. This study contributes to the literature on monetary valuation of the benefits and costs of OA to scientific knowledge

    OceanTEA: A Platform for Sharing Oceanographic Data and Analyses

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    Ocean observation systems, such as Argo floats or the modular ocean laboratory MoLab, produce an increasing amount of time series data. Both, statistical data mining techniques and manual exploration via visualization are necessary for oceanographers to extract scientific knowledge from such vast datasets. Therefore, scientists require a platform to explore and analyze data visually, supporting their collaboration and research. To deliver results and foster the impact of publications, such platform should facilitate automatic and interactive access to research results for scientists, their peers and the public. Our software platform OceanTEA (Oceanographic TimeSeries Exploration and Analysis) supports oceanographers in their research and publication efforts. The platform leverages modern web technology to support the interactive exploration and analysis of high-dimensional datasets. OceanTEA relies on a microservice architecture which can be deployed on desktops and on cloud computing infrastructure

    The Urgency of Local Culture-Based Basic Education Purwokerto

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    This study aims to analyze the need for locally charged education to improve the quality of education in the Purwokerto area. This research is a qualitative research where data sources were obtained through Focus Group Discussions (FGD) involving 25 education practitioners. as well as through a questionnaire given to 250 users, namely grade 1-6 elementary school students who were randomly selected in the Purwokerto area. The results of this study were obtained in the form of a strategic plan for Purwokerto local culture-based education, namely through equity and expansion of access to Purwokerto culture-based education, improving quality, relevance and competitiveness rooted in regional culture, strengthening accountability governance and public image as supporting elements. The conclusion of this research is in the form of recommendation considerations for education containing local wisdom, including equity and expansion of access to learning with local Purwokerto culture to make the identity and identity of education in Purwokerto, improving quality, relevance and competitiveness through unique characteristics in the form of education with regional cultural wisdom, and strengthening governance, accountability and public image regarding education based on local culture

    Hasil Cek Similarity: Pelaksanaan Inovasi Pelayanan Program Program 3 In 1 Dalam Meningkatkan Kualitas Pelayanan Publik (Studi Pada Dinas Kependudukan Dan Pencatatan Sipil Kota Batu)

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    The condition of the regional government in carrying out public services has not been running well, and even seems to be far from the expectations of the people and the normative demands for regional autonomy (Mulyadi, Dedy. Et al. 2018: 58). From the data belonging to the Batu City Population and Civil Registration Service, only 40 percent of the residents had birth certificates. This study aims to determine the Implementation of the 3 In 1 Service Innovation Program in Improving the Quality of Public Services, Supporting Factors and Obstacle Factors. Qualitative research methods. Primary and secondary data sources. Data collection techniques: observation, interviews, and documentation. Informant Determination Technique: purposive sampling. The researcher's own instruments, interview guidelines, and field notes. Data Analysis: Data Reduction, Data Presentation, Draw Conclusions. Data robustness test uses technique triangulation. The results of the study show that the Implementation of Service Innovation in the 3 In 1 Program at the Dispendukcapil in Batu City has been able to run effectively and efficiently in supporting the improvement of the quality of public services. The inhibiting factor is that there are still many people who cannot access online and the biodata differences on the Family Card with the Marriage Certificate. While the supporting factors are adequate facilities and infrastructure and the competence of service providers is good, as well as cooperation between Dispendukcapil and Hospitals / Puskesmas in Batu City. Keywords: Quality of Public Service, Public Service Innovation, Service Program 3 In

    Reforming the posts : abandoning the monopoly-supported postal universal service obligation in developing countries

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    The monopoly-supported universal service obligation (USO) is usually defended on the grounds that the monopoly allows for cross-subsidy in letter services that in turn allows universal access to a service of great importance to all. The author argues that letter delivery (as opposed to other services that may be provided by post offices) is not in universal demand in poor countries, that the size of the market in developing countries is such that USOs could not be met under the monopoly model, and that the monopoly carries heavy costs for sector development and consumer welfare. He proposes in the place of the postal USO a competitive approach involving universal access to a range of services that poor people have a need to access. Regarding reform of the incumbent, the author takes a preliminary first cut at examining the statistical relationship between postal performance (as measured by letters per capita allowing for income per capita), trust in the postal service, and postal efficiency, and finds a significant link between the three. The results suggest that reforms that improve postal efficiency and trust in the postal network will improve the performance of the postal network. The author suggests that there may be better uses of cross-subsidy from within the sector and government subsidy from without than supporting the inefficient delivery of a service rarely used by poor people.Economic Theory&Research,Public Sector Economics&Finance,Governance Indicators,Environmental Economics&Policies,Postal Services