6,166 research outputs found

    Using The "Return on Investment" Strategy to Sustain Logistic Supply Provider Toward Indonesia's Logistic Policy

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    The purpose of this paper is to analyze the strategies carried out by Supply Logistics in the supply chain using supply chain management analysis also to facilitate the logistics chain in Indonesia. SCM previous research did not have a studio that discussed supply chain by manager logistics strategies and what methods they used to maintain logistics inventory. The research methodologists carried out using qualitative adopted an exploratory data analysis (EDA) approach to qualitative research that defines and explains the issues obtained. Open coding was applied to find issues the most dominant and was used to classify the number of issues related to the data and visualized into word cloud obtained using NVIVO 12 Plus. Data were collected from Indonesia logistic supply chain sites. The findings of this article is ROI (Return on Investments) is a logistics strategy will support for reducing the investment costs by logistics provider company. Analysis of supply chain management can develop better emphasizes logistic chains in Indonesia.Dalam artikel ini memiliki tujuan untuk menganalisis strategi dalam tantangan penyaluran logistic yang merata. Dengan menggunakan analisis sistem Supply Chain Management (SCM) yang akan memetakan strategi apa yang dilakukan Indonesia dalam tantang penyaluran logistik. Studi SCM terdahulu telah banyak adanya, namun tidak berfokus pada penyaluran logistik dalam strateginya untuk menjaga keseimbangan rantai pasokan logistik. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif yang mengadopisi pendekatan Exploratory Data Ananlysis (EDA) untuk menjelaskan dan mendefinisikan temuan masalah. Open Coding dikukan untuk menemukan topik dan mengklasifikasikan yang dominan dan memvisualisasikannya menjadi word cloud dengan NVIVO 12 Plus. Data diperoleh dari website logistic supply chain Indonesia. Temuan dari artikel ini adalah Return on Investments (ROI) adalah strategi yang digunakan dalam strategi logistik yang akan membantu mengurangi dengan melakukan  investasi dari beberapa perusahaan penyaluran logistik. Analisis SCM dalam penyaluran logistik dapat mengembangan tekanan tantangan logistik di Indonesia

    Taxation and regulation of smoking, drinking and gambling in the European Union

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    Smoking is the single largest cause of avoidable death in the European Union accounting for over half a million deaths each year. One in ten of all 11-year olds have been drunk twice or more times, possibly causing lasting physical and mental harm. Electronic gaming machines are the crack cocaine of gambling. Consumer sovereignty, on the other hand, indicates that people should be allowed to smoke as long as they do not harm others. There is sound medical evidence, furthermore, that a drink each day keeps the doctor away, while recreational gambling can be an enjoyable form of entertainment for many people. These and other salient facts about the harmful and positive effects of smoking, drinking and gambling provide the background for a dispassionate economic analysis of the taxation and regulation of these activities. The main message the studies convey is that it would be unrealistic to rely solely on duty levels and differentiation to curb abusive use. Duty levels do have a clear impact in restraining consumption by children and young adults - an important priority for policy. But complementary policies - including direct regulation and provision of information - also have a meaningful role to play in each of the markets for tobacco, alcohol and gambling.

    Risk-Averse Newsvendor Model with Strategic Consumer Behavior

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    The classic newsvendor problem focuses on maximizing the expected profit or minimizing the expected cost when the newsvendor faces myopic customers. However, it ignores the customer's bargain-hunting behavior and risk preference measure of the newsvendor. As a result, we carry out the rational expectation (RE) equilibrium analysis for risk-averse newsvendor facing forwardlooking customers who anticipate future sales and choose purchasing timing to maximize their expected surplus. We propose the equations satisfied by the RE equilibrium price and quantity for the risk-averse retailer in general setting and the explicit equilibrium decisions for the case where demand follows the uniform distribution and utility is a general power function. We identify the impacts of the system parameters on the RE equilibrium for this specific situation. In particular, we show that the RE equilibrium price for some risk-averse newsvendors is lower than for a risk-neutral retailer and the RE equilibrium stocking quantity for some risk-averse newsvendors is higher than for a risk-neutral retailer. We also find that the RE equilibrium sale price for a risk-averse newsvendor is decreasing in salvage price in some situations

    Strategic and Tactical Design of Competing Decentralized Supply Chain Networks with Risk-Averse Participants for Markets with Uncertain Demand

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    An integrated equilibrium model for tactical decisions in network design is developed. We consider a decentralized supply chain network operating in markets under uncertain demands when there is a rival decentralized chain. The primary assumption is that two chains provide partial substitutable products to the markets, and markets' demands are affected by tactical decisions such as price, service level, and advertising expenditure. Each chain consists of one risk-averse manufacturer and a set of risk-averse retailers. The strategic decisions are frequently taking precedence over tactical ones. Therefore, we first find equilibrium of tactical decisions for each possible scenario of supply chain network. Afterwards, we find optimal distribution network of the new supply chain by the scenario evaluation method. Numerical example, including sensitivity analysis will illustrate how the conservative behaviors of chains' members affect expected demand, profit, and utility of each distribution scenario

    Slowness logistics

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    Works conducted in logistics management mostly emphasize the importance of a `time compression' strategy to develop a sustainable competitive advantage. At the level of the design, manufacturing or distribution of products to consumers, high-speed orientation is now considered to be a universal source of performance. Drawing from current developments in the French food retailing industry, the paper points to a possible alternative path based on `slowness' logistics. This new time orientation is set in a context of the `theatricalization of low prices' adopted by an increasing number of large retailers

    The impact of IT tools for the creation and implementation of marketing strategy

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    The purpose of this article is to analyse the impact of key IT tools for the implementation of marketing strategies and logistics. This analysis is to identify the level of effectiveness of the strategy in companies in the context of the opportunities created by Business Intelligence systems used in various areas of business intelligence and decision support. Today, they are already treated as business standards conditioning the effective management of an enterprise. Information began to play a special role and efficient way of obtaining it -expanding resource data collected by the company. This gave rise to the development of marketing information systems that support decision-making at every level of the marketing operation of businesses and the implementation of their strategy. Thus, by using Business Intelligence and Business Performance Management system it improves the quality of decisions and the effectiveness of the integration of multiple processes presented in the form of dashboards and scorecards. It should therefore be considered in the context of the BPM model, which purpose is to obtain synthetic information presented in the form of a recommendation of the decision-making associated with the implemented strategy. The confirmation of the thesis of supporting marketing strategies through IT tools will be presented as a case study of a particular companyCelem niniejszego artykułu jest analiza wpływu kluczowych narzędzi IT na realizację strategii marketingowo-logistycznej. Ta analiza ma wskazać poziom skuteczności realizacji strategii w firmach w kontekście możliwości jakie stwarzają systemy klasy Business Intelligence, stosowane w różnorodnych obszarach analityki biznesowej i wspomagania decyzji. Współcześnie są już one traktowane jako standardy biznesowe warunkujące skuteczne zarządzanie przedsiębiorstwem. Szczególną rolę zaczęła odgrywać informacja i efektywny sposób jej pozyskania z ciągle powiększającego się zasobu danych gromadzonych przez firmy. Dało to podstawę do rozwoju systemów informacji marketingowej, które wspierają podejmowanie decyzji marketingowych na każdym szczeblu funkcjonowania przedsiębiorstwa i realizacji jego strategii. Dzięki więc zastosowaniu Business Intelligence oraz systemu Business Performance Management zwiększa się jakość decyzji oraz efektywność integracji wielu procesów prezentowanych w formie kokpitów menedżerskich i kart wyników. Warto więc uznać w kontekście modelu BPM, iż jego celem jest uzyskanie syntetycznych informacji przedstawionych w formie rekomendacji decyzyjnych powiązanych z realizowaną strategią. Potwierdzeniem prawdziwości tezy o wspomaganiu strategii marketingowych przez narzędzia IT, będzie przedstawione studium przypadku konkretnej firm

    Management for Bachelors

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    The textbook contains educational module, which embraces the content of main regulatory disciplines on specialists training by the direction 6.030601 “Management” in the knowledge branch 03.06 “Management and administration” of the educational and qualification level “Bachelor”. According to the content the disciplines completely conform to curricula approved by scientific and methodological commission on management and agreed with logical and structural scheme of educational process. The textbook embraces almost all aspects of bachelor training. The chapters contain questions for self-control and list of recommended literature. While creating the chapters the results of fundamental and applied scientific researches of the evaluation branch, the forecasting and management of economic potential of complicated industrial system were used

    Portuguese SME - field lab on internationalisation the case opf bakery goods in France

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    Company B is a family-led micro company that originated in Sintra, Portugal and is a manufacturer specialising in bakery goods operating in the Portuguese food industry. The project is structured to analyse four main areas: the company’s situational analysis, the external environment surrounding Company B, the market selection for internationalisation, and an implementation plan for Company B to realise successful internationalisation. First, an international market selection process was conducted to establish the countries with the highest potential, subsequently France, Germany, Norway, Spain and the United States of America; in this report, only one for France is presented, being the highest potential market. Finally, an implementation plan was conducted, including details for marketing and financial forecasting for France. This paper also includes a literature review on International Entry Mode Selection. Keywords: Internationalisation, Market Entry Strategy, International Market Selection, Strategic Analysis, Industry Analysis, Franc

    The course of lectures on discipline “Logistics” for the 3rd year students of the specialty 6.030601 “Management” (full-time study bachelors)

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    The course of lectures on discipline “Logistics” have been discussed and approved at the meeting of the department of Innovation activity management and entrepreneurship of the Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University on February 10, 2016, Minutes No12. The course of lectures on discipline “Logistics” have been discussed and approved at the meeting of the methodical committee of the faculty of Management and Business in Manufacturing Sphere of the Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University on February 26, 2016, Minutes No5

    Supply Chain

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    Traditionally supply chain management has meant factories, assembly lines, warehouses, transportation vehicles, and time sheets. Modern supply chain management is a highly complex, multidimensional problem set with virtually endless number of variables for optimization. An Internet enabled supply chain may have just-in-time delivery, precise inventory visibility, and up-to-the-minute distribution-tracking capabilities. Technology advances have enabled supply chains to become strategic weapons that can help avoid disasters, lower costs, and make money. From internal enterprise processes to external business transactions with suppliers, transporters, channels and end-users marks the wide range of challenges researchers have to handle. The aim of this book is at revealing and illustrating this diversity in terms of scientific and theoretical fundamentals, prevailing concepts as well as current practical applications