276 research outputs found

    Accurate 3D Cell Segmentation using Deep Feature and CRF Refinement

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    We consider the problem of accurately identifying cell boundaries and labeling individual cells in confocal microscopy images, specifically, 3D image stacks of cells with tagged cell membranes. Precise identification of cell boundaries, their shapes, and quantifying inter-cellular space leads to a better understanding of cell morphogenesis. Towards this, we outline a cell segmentation method that uses a deep neural network architecture to extract a confidence map of cell boundaries, followed by a 3D watershed algorithm and a final refinement using a conditional random field. In addition to improving the accuracy of segmentation compared to other state-of-the-art methods, the proposed approach also generalizes well to different datasets without the need to retrain the network for each dataset. Detailed experimental results are provided, and the source code is available on GitHub.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, 3 table

    Leveraging Supervoxels for Medical Image Volume Segmentation With Limited Supervision

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    The majority of existing methods for machine learning-based medical image segmentation are supervised models that require large amounts of fully annotated images. These types of datasets are typically not available in the medical domain and are difficult and expensive to generate. A wide-spread use of machine learning based models for medical image segmentation therefore requires the development of data-efficient algorithms that only require limited supervision. To address these challenges, this thesis presents new machine learning methodology for unsupervised lung tumor segmentation and few-shot learning based organ segmentation. When working in the limited supervision paradigm, exploiting the available information in the data is key. The methodology developed in this thesis leverages automatically generated supervoxels in various ways to exploit the structural information in the images. The work on unsupervised tumor segmentation explores the opportunity of performing clustering on a population-level in order to provide the algorithm with as much information as possible. To facilitate this population-level across-patient clustering, supervoxel representations are exploited to reduce the number of samples, and thereby the computational cost. In the work on few-shot learning-based organ segmentation, supervoxels are used to generate pseudo-labels for self-supervised training. Further, to obtain a model that is robust to the typically large and inhomogeneous background class, a novel anomaly detection-inspired classifier is proposed to ease the modelling of the background. To encourage the resulting segmentation maps to respect edges defined in the input space, a supervoxel-informed feature refinement module is proposed to refine the embedded feature vectors during inference. Finally, to improve trustworthiness, an architecture-agnostic mechanism to estimate model uncertainty in few-shot segmentation is developed. Results demonstrate that supervoxels are versatile tools for leveraging structural information in medical data when training segmentation models with limited supervision

    Fast global interactive volume segmentation with regional supervoxel descriptors

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    In this paper we propose a novel approach towards fast multi-class volume segmentation that exploits supervoxels in order to reduce complexity, time and memory requirements. Current methods for biomedical image segmentation typically require either complex mathematical models with slow convergence, or expensive-to-calculate image features, which makes them non-feasible for large volumes with many objects (tens to hundreds) of different classes, as is typical in modern medical and biological datasets. Recently, graphical models such as Markov Random Fields (MRF) or Conditional Random Fields (CRF) are having a huge impact in different computer vision areas (e.g. image parsing, object detection, object recognition) as they provide global regularization for multiclass problems over an energy minimization framework. These models have yet to find impact in biomedical imaging due to complexities in training and slow inference in 3D images due to the very large number of voxels. Here, we define an interactive segmentation approach over a supervoxel space by first defining novel, robust and fast regional descriptors for supervoxels. Then, a hierarchical segmentation approach is adopted by training Contextual Extremely Random Forests in a user-defined label hierarchy where the classification output of the previous layer is used as additional features to train a new classifier to refine more detailed label information. This hierarchical model yields final class likelihoods for supervoxels which are finally refined by a MRF model for 3D segmentation. Results demonstrate the effectiveness on a challenging cryo-soft X-ray tomography dataset by segmenting cell areas with only a few user scribbles as the input for our algorithm. Further results demonstrate the effectiveness of our method to fully extract different organelles from the cell volume with another few seconds of user interaction. © (2016) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only

    ADNet++: A few-shot learning framework for multi-class medical image volume segmentation with uncertainty-guided feature refinement

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    A major barrier to applying deep segmentation models in the medical domain is their typical data-hungry nature, requiring experts to collect and label large amounts of data for training. As a reaction, prototypical few-shot segmentation (FSS) models have recently gained traction as data-efficient alternatives. Nevertheless, despite the recent progress of these models, they still have some essential shortcomings that must be addressed. In this work, we focus on three of these shortcomings: (i) the lack of uncertainty estimation, (ii) the lack of a guiding mechanism to help locate edges and encourage spatial consistency in the segmentation maps, and (iii) the models’ inability to do one-step multi-class segmentation. Without modifying or requiring a specific backbone architecture, we propose a modified prototype extraction module that facilitates the computation of uncertainty maps in prototypical FSS models, and show that the resulting maps are useful indicators of the model uncertainty. To improve the segmentation around boundaries and to encourage spatial consistency, we propose a novel feature refinement module that leverages structural information in the input space to help guide the segmentation in the feature space. Furthermore, we demonstrate how uncertainty maps can be used to automatically guide this feature refinement. Finally, to avoid ambiguous voxel predictions that occur when images are segmented class-by-class, we propose a procedure to perform one-step multi-class FSS. The efficiency of our proposed methodology is evaluated on two representative datasets for abdominal organ segmentation (CHAOS dataset and BTCV dataset) and one dataset for cardiac segmentation (MS-CMRSeg dataset). The results show that our proposed methodology significantly (one-sided Wilcoxon signed rank test, p < 0.5) improves the baseline, increasing the overall dice score with +5.2, +5.1, and +2.8 percentage points for the CHAOS dataset, the BTCV dataset, and the MS-CMRSeg dataset, respectively

    Feature-sensitive and Adaptive Image Triangulation: A Super-pixel-based Scheme for Image Segmentation and Mesh Generation

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    With increasing utilization of various imaging techniques (such as CT, MRI and PET) in medical fields, it is often in great need to computationally extract the boundaries of objects of interest, a process commonly known as image segmentation. While numerous approaches have been proposed in literature on automatic/semi-automatic image segmentation, most of these approaches are based on image pixels. The number of pixels in an image can be huge, especially for 3D imaging volumes, which renders the pixel-based image segmentation process inevitably slow. On the other hand, 3D mesh generation from imaging data has become important not only for visualization and quantification but more critically for finite element based numerical simulation. Traditionally image-based mesh generation follows such a procedure as: (1) image boundary segmentation, (2) surface mesh generation from segmented boundaries, and (3) volumetric (e.g., tetrahedral) mesh generation from surface meshes. These three majors steps have been commonly treated as separate algorithms/steps and hence image information, once segmented, is not considered any more in mesh generation. In this thesis, we investigate a super-pixel based scheme that integrates both image segmentation and mesh generation into a single method, making mesh generation truly an image-incorporated approach. Our method, called image content-aware mesh generation, consists of several main steps. First, we generate a set of feature-sensitive, and adaptively distributed points from 2D grayscale images or 3D volumes. A novel image edge enhancement method via randomized shortest paths is introduced to be an optional choice to generate the features’ boundary map in mesh node generation step. Second, a Delaunay-triangulation generator (2D) or tetrahedral mesh generator (3D) is then utilized to generate a 2D triangulation or 3D tetrahedral mesh. The generated triangulation (or tetrahedralization) provides an adaptive partitioning of a given image (or volume). Each cluster of pixels within a triangle (or voxels within a tetrahedron) is called a super-pixel, which forms one of the nodes of a graph and adjacent super-pixels give an edge of the graph. A graph-cut method is then applied to the graph to define the boundary between two subsets of the graph, resulting in good boundary segmentations with high quality meshes. Thanks to the significantly reduced number of elements (super-pixels) as compared to that of pixels in an image, the super-pixel based segmentation method has tremendously improved the segmentation speed, making it feasible for real-time feature detection. In addition, the incorporation of image segmentation into mesh generation makes the generated mesh well adapted to image features, a desired property known as feature-preserving mesh generation
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