1,640 research outputs found

    Artificial Intelligence and Interstitial Lung Disease: Diagnosis and Prognosis.

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    Interstitial lung disease (ILD) is now diagnosed by an ILD-board consisting of radiologists, pulmonologists, and pathologists. They discuss the combination of computed tomography (CT) images, pulmonary function tests, demographic information, and histology and then agree on one of the 200 ILD diagnoses. Recent approaches employ computer-aided diagnostic tools to improve detection of disease, monitoring, and accurate prognostication. Methods based on artificial intelligence (AI) may be used in computational medicine, especially in image-based specialties such as radiology. This review summarises and highlights the strengths and weaknesses of the latest and most significant published methods that could lead to a holistic system for ILD diagnosis. We explore current AI methods and the data use to predict the prognosis and progression of ILDs. It is then essential to highlight the data that holds the most information related to risk factors for progression, e.g., CT scans and pulmonary function tests. This review aims to identify potential gaps, highlight areas that require further research, and identify the methods that could be combined to yield more promising results in future studies

    Deep Learning with Limited Labels for Medical Imaging

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    Recent advancements in deep learning-based AI technologies provide an automatic tool to revolutionise medical image computing. Training a deep learning model requires a large amount of labelled data. Acquiring labels for medical images is extremely challenging due to the high cost in terms of both money and time, especially for the pixel-wise segmentation task of volumetric medical scans. However, obtaining unlabelled medical scans is relatively easier compared to acquiring labels for those images. This work addresses the pervasive issue of limited labels in training deep learning models for medical imaging. It begins by exploring different strategies of entropy regularisation in the joint training of labelled and unlabelled data to reduce the time and cost associated with manual labelling for medical image segmentation. Of particular interest are consistency regularisation and pseudo labelling. Specifically, this work proposes a well-calibrated semi-supervised segmentation framework that utilises consistency regularisation on different morphological feature perturbations, representing a significant step towards safer AI in medical imaging. Furthermore, it reformulates pseudo labelling in semi-supervised learning as an Expectation-Maximisation framework. Building upon this new formulation, the work explains the empirical successes of pseudo labelling and introduces a generalisation of the technique, accompanied by variational inference to learn its true posterior distribution. The applications of pseudo labelling in segmentation tasks are also presented. Lastly, this work explores unsupervised deep learning for parameter estimation of diffusion MRI signals, employing a hierarchical variational clustering framework and representation learning

    A Multiscale in Silico Study to Characterize the Atrial Electrical Activity of Patients With Atrial Fibrillation. A Translational Study to Guide Ablation Therapy

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    [ES] La fibrilación auricular es la arritmia cardíaca más común. Durante la fibrilación auricular, el sustrato auricular sufre una serie de cambios o remodelados a nivel eléctrico y estructural. La remodelación eléctrica se caracteriza por la alteración de una serie de canales iónicos, lo que cambia la morfología del potential de transmembrana conocido como potencial de acción. La remodelación estructural es un proceso complejo que involucra la interacción de varios procesos de señalización, interacción celular y cambios en la matriz extracelular. Durante la remodelación estructural, los fibroblastos que abundan en el tejido cardíaco, comienzan a diferenciarse en miofibroblastos que son los encargados de mantener la estructura de la matriz extracelular depositando colágeno. Además, la señalización paracrina de los miofibroblastos afecta a los canales iónicos de los miocitos circundantes. Se utilizaron modelos computacionales muy detallados a diferentes escalas para estudiar la remodelación estructural inducida a nivel celular y tisular. Se realizó una adaptación de un modelo de fibroblastos humanos a nivel celular para reproducir la electrofisiología de los miofibroblastos durante la fibrilación auricular. Además, se evaluó la exploración de la interacción del calcio en la electrofisiología de los miofibroblastos ajustando el canal de calcio a los datos experimentales. A nivel tisular, se estudió la infiltración de miofibroblastos para cuantificar el aumento de vulnerabilidad a una arritmia cardíaca. Los miofibroblastos cambian la dinámica de la reentrada. Una baja densidad de miofibroblastos permite la propagación a través del área fibrótica y crea puntos de salida de actividad focal y roturas de ondas dentro de esta área. Además, las composiciones de fibrosis juegan un papel clave en la alteración del patrón de propagación. La alteración del patrón de propagación afecta a los electrogramas recogidos en la superficie del tejido. La morfología del electrograma se alteró dependiendo de la disposición y composición del tejido fibrótico. Se combinaron modelos detallados de tejido cardíaco con modelos realistas de los catéteres de mapeo disponibles comercialmente para comprender las señales registradas clínicamente. Se generó un modelo de ruido a partir de señales clínicas para reproducir los artefactos de señal en el modelo. Se utilizaron electrogramas de modelos de dos dominios altamente detallados para entrenar un algoritmo de aprendizaje automático para caracterizar el sustrato fibrótico auricular. Las características que cuantifican la complejidad de las señales fueron extraídas para identificar la densidad fibrótica y la transmuralidad fibrótica. Posteriormente, se generaron mapas de fibrosis utilizando el registro del paciente como prueba de concepto. El mapa de fibrosis proporciona información sobre el sustrato fibrótico sin utilizar un valor único de corte de 0,5 milivoltios. Además, utilizando la medición del flujo de información como la entropía de transferencia combinada con gráficos dirigidos, en este estudio, se siguió la dirección de propagación del frente de onda. La transferencia de entropía con gráficos dirigidos proporciona información crucial durante la electrofisiología para comprender la dinámica de propagación de ondas durante la fibrilación auricular. En conclusión, esta tesis presenta un estudio in silico multiescala que proporciona información sobre los mediadores celulares responsables de la remodelación de la matriz extracelular y su electrofisiología. Además, proporciona una configuración realista para crear datos in silico que pueden ser usados para aplicaciones clínicas y servir de soporte al tratamiento de ablación.[CA] La fibril·lació auricular és l'arrítmia cardíaca més freqüent, en la qual el substrat auricular patix una sèrie de remodelacions elèctriques i estructurals. La remodelació de tipus elèctric es caracteritza per l'alteració d'un conjunt de canals iònics que modifica la morfologia del voltatge transmembrana, conegut com a potencial d'acció. La remodelació estructural és un fenomen complex que implica la relació entre diversos processos de senyalització, interaccions cel·lulars i canvis en la matriu extracel·lular. Durant la remodelació estructural, els abundants fibroblasts presents en el teixit cardíac comencen a diferenciar-se en miofibroblasts, els quals s'encarreguen de mantenir l'estructura de la matriu extracel·lular dipositant-hi col·lagen. A més, la senyalització paracrina dels miofibroblasts amb els miòcits circumdants també afectarà els canals iònics. Es van utilitzar models computacionals molt detallats a diferents escales per estudiar la remodelació estructural induïda a nivell tissular i cel·lular. Es va fer una adaptació a nivell cel·lular d'un model de fibroblasts humans per reproduir-hi l'electrofisiologia dels miofibroblasts durant la fibril·lació auricular. A més, l'exploració de la interacció del calci amb l'electrofisiologia dels miofibroblasts va ser avaluada mitjançant l'adequació del canal de calci a les dades experimentals. A nivell tissular es va estudiar la infiltració de miofibroblasts per tal de quantificar l'augment de vulnerabilitat que això conferia per patir una arrítmia cardíaca. Els miofibroblasts canvien la dinàmica de la reentrada, i presentar-ne una baixa densitat permet la propagació a través de la zona fibròtica, tot creant punts de sortida d'activitat focal i trencaments d'ones dins d'aquesta àrea. A més, les composicions de fibrosi tenen un paper clau en l'alteració del patró de propagació, afectant els electrogrames recollits en la superfície del teixit. La morfologia dels electrogrames es va veure alterada en funció de la disposició i la composició del teixit fibròtic. Per comprendre els senyals clínicament registrats es van combinar models detallats de teixits cardíacs amb models realistes dels catèters de cartografia disponibles comercialment. Es va generar un model de soroll a partir de senyals clínics per reproduir-hi els artefactes de senyal. Es van utilitzar electrogrames de models de bidominis molt detallats per entrenar un algoritme d'aprenentatge automàtic destinat a caracteritzar el substrat fibròtic auricular. Les característiques que quantifiquen la complexitat dels senyals van ser extretes per identificar la densitat i transmuralitat fibròtica. Posteriorment, es van generar mapes de fibrosi mitjançant la gravació del pacient com a prova de concepte. El mapa de fibrosi proporciona informació sobre el substrat fibròtic sense utilitzar un sol valor de tensió de tall de 0,5 mV. A més, utilitzant la mesura del flux d'informació com l'entropia de transferència combinada amb gràfics dirigits, en aquest estudi es va fer un seguiment de la direcció de propagació de l'ona. L'entropia de transferència amb gràfics dirigits proporciona informació crucial durant l'electrofisiologia per entendre la dinàmica de propagació d'ones durant la fibril·lació auricular. En conclusió, aquesta tesi presenta un estudi multi-escala in silico que proporciona informació sobre els mediadors cel·lulars responsables de la remodelació de la matriu extracel·lular i la seva electrofisiologia. A més, proporciona una configuració realista per crear dades in silico que es poden traduir a aplicacions clíniques que puguen donar suport al tractament de l'ablació.[EN] Atrial fibrillation is the most common cardiac arrhythmia. During atrial fibrillation, the atrial substrate undergoes a series of electrical and structural remodeling. The electrical remodeling is characterized by the alteration of specific ionic channels, which changes the morphology of the transmembrane voltage known as action potential. Structural remodeling is a complex process involving the interaction of several signalling pathways, cellular interaction, and changes in the extracellular matrix. During structural remodeling, fibroblasts, abundant in the cardiac tissue, start to differentiate into myofibroblasts, which are responsible for maintaining the extracellular matrix structure by depositing collagen. Additionally, myofibroblasts paracrine signalling with surrounding myocytes will also affect ionic channels. Highly detailed computational models at different scales were used to study the effect of structural remodeling induced at the cellular and tissue levels.At the cellular level, a human fibroblast model was adapted to reproduce the myofibroblast electrophsyiology during atrial fibrillation. Additionally, the calcium handling in myofibroblast electrophysiology was assessed by fitting calcium ion channel to experimental data. At the tissue level, myofibroblasts infiltration was studied to quantify the increase of vulnerability to cardiac arrhythmia. Myofibroblasts alter the dynamics of reentry. A low density of myofibroblasts allows the propagation through the fibrotic area and creates focal activity exit points and wave breaks inside this area. Moreover, fibrosis composition plays a key role in the alteration of the propagation pattern. The alteration of the propagation pattern affects the electrograms computed at the surface of the tissue. Electrogram morphology was altered depending on the arrangement and composition of the fibrotic tissue. Detailed cardiac tissue models were combined with realistic models of the commercially available mapping catheters to understand the clinically recorded signals. A noise model from clinical signals was generated to reproduce the signal artifacts in the model. Electrograms from highly detailed bidomain models were used to train a machine learning algorithm to characterize the atrial fibrotic substrate. Features that quantify the complexity of the signals were extracted to identify fibrotic density and fibrotic transmurality. Subsequently, fibrosis maps were generated using patient recordings as a proof of concept. Fibrosis map provides information about the fibrotic substrate without using a single cut-off voltage value of 0.5 mV. Furthermore, in this study, using information theory measurements such as transfer entropy combined with directed graphs, the wave propagation direction was tracked. Transfer entropy with directed graphs provides crucial information during electrophysiology to understand wave propagation dynamics during atrial fibrillation. In conclusion, this thesis presents a multiscale in silico study atrial fibrillation mechanisms providing insight into the cellular mediators responsible for the extracellular matrix remodeling and its electrophysiology. Additionally, it provides a realistic setup to create in silico data that can be translated to clinical applications that could support ablation treatment.Sánchez Arciniegas, JP. (2021). A Multiscale in Silico Study to Characterize the Atrial Electrical Activity of Patients With Atrial Fibrillation. A Translational Study to Guide Ablation Therapy [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/171456TESI

    Lung Pattern Analysis using Artificial Intelligence for the Diagnosis Support of Interstitial Lung Diseases

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    Interstitial lung diseases (ILDs) is a group of more than 200 chronic lung disorders characterized by inflammation and scarring of the lung tissue that leads to respiratory failure. Although ILD is a heterogeneous group of histologically distinct diseases, most of them exhibit similar clinical presentations and their diagnosis often presents a diagnostic dilemma. Early diagnosis is crucial for making treatment decisions, while misdiagnosis may lead to life-threatening complications. If a final diagnosis cannot be reached with the high resolution computed tomography scan, additional invasive procedures are required (e.g. bronchoalveolar lavage, surgical biopsy). The aim of this PhD thesis was to investigate the components of a computational system that will assist radiologists with the diagnosis of ILDs, while avoiding the dangerous, expensive and time-consuming invasive biopsies. The appropriate interpretation of the available radiological data combined with clinical/biochemical information can provide a reliable diagnosis, able to improve the diagnostic accuracy of the radiologists. In this thesis, we introduce two convolutional neural networks particularly designed for ILDs and a training scheme that employs knowledge transfer from the similar domain of general texture classification for performance enhancement. Moreover, we investigate the clinical relevance of breathing information for disease classification. The breathing information is quantified as a deformation field between inhale-exhale lung images using a novel 3D convolutional neural network for medical image registration. Finally, we design and evaluate the final end-to-end computational system for ILD classification using lung anatomy segmentation algorithms from the literature and the proposed ILD quantification neural networks. Deep learning approaches have been mostly investigated for all the aforementioned steps, while the results demonstrated their potential in analyzing lung images

    Medical Image Analysis on Left Atrial LGE MRI for Atrial Fibrillation Studies: A Review

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    Late gadolinium enhancement magnetic resonance imaging (LGE MRI) is commonly used to visualize and quantify left atrial (LA) scars. The position and extent of scars provide important information of the pathophysiology and progression of atrial fibrillation (AF). Hence, LA scar segmentation and quantification from LGE MRI can be useful in computer-assisted diagnosis and treatment stratification of AF patients. Since manual delineation can be time-consuming and subject to intra- and inter-expert variability, automating this computing is highly desired, which nevertheless is still challenging and under-researched. This paper aims to provide a systematic review on computing methods for LA cavity, wall, scar and ablation gap segmentation and quantification from LGE MRI, and the related literature for AF studies. Specifically, we first summarize AF-related imaging techniques, particularly LGE MRI. Then, we review the methodologies of the four computing tasks in detail, and summarize the validation strategies applied in each task. Finally, the possible future developments are outlined, with a brief survey on the potential clinical applications of the aforementioned methods. The review shows that the research into this topic is still in early stages. Although several methods have been proposed, especially for LA segmentation, there is still large scope for further algorithmic developments due to performance issues related to the high variability of enhancement appearance and differences in image acquisition.Comment: 23 page

    A Multiscale In Silico Study to Characterize the Atrial Electrical Activity of Patients With Atrial Fibrillation : A Translational Study to Guide Ablation Therapy

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    The atrial substrate undergoes electrical and structural remodeling during atrial fibrillation. Detailed multiscale models were used to study the effect of structural remodeling induced at the cellular and tissue levels. Simulated electrograms were used to train a machine-learning algorithm to characterize the substrate. Also, wave propagation direction was tracked from unannotated electrograms. In conclusion, in silico experiments provide insight into electrograms\u27 information of the substrate

    MRI lung lobe segmentation in pediatric cystic fibrosis patients using a recurrent neural network trained with publicly accessible CT datasets

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    PURPOSE To introduce a widely applicable workflow for pulmonary lobe segmentation of MR images using a recurrent neural network (RNN) trained with chest CT datasets. The feasibility is demonstrated for 2D coronal ultrafast balanced SSFP (ufSSFP) MRI. METHODS Lung lobes of 250 publicly accessible CT datasets of adults were segmented with an open-source CT-specific algorithm. To match 2D ufSSFP MRI data of pediatric patients, both CT data and segmentations were translated into pseudo-MR images that were masked to suppress anatomy outside the lung. Network-1 was trained with pseudo-MR images and lobe segmentations and then applied to 1000 masked ufSSFP images to predict lobe segmentations. These outputs were directly used as targets to train Network-2 and Network-3 with non-masked ufSSFP data as inputs, as well as an additional whole-lung mask as input for Network-2. Network predictions were compared to reference manual lobe segmentations of ufSSFP data in 20 pediatric cystic fibrosis patients. Manual lobe segmentations were performed by splitting available whole-lung segmentations into lobes. RESULTS Network-1 was able to segment the lobes of ufSSFP images, and Network-2 and Network-3 further increased segmentation accuracy and robustness. The average all-lobe Dice similarity coefficients were 95.0 ± 2.8 (mean ± pooled SD [%]) and 96.4 ± 2.5, 93.0 ± 2.0; and the average median Hausdorff distances were 6.1 ± 0.9 (mean ± SD [mm]), 5.3 ± 1.1, 7.1 ± 1.3 for Network-1, Network-2, and Network-3, respectively. CONCLUSION Recurrent neural network lung lobe segmentation of 2D ufSSFP imaging is feasible, in good agreement with manual segmentations. The proposed workflow might provide access to automated lobe segmentations for various lung MRI examinations and quantitative analyses

    MRI lung lobe segmentation in pediatric cystic fibrosis patients using a recurrent neural network trained with publicly accessible CT datasets.

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    PURPOSE To introduce a widely applicable workflow for pulmonary lobe segmentation of MR images using a recurrent neural network (RNN) trained with chest CT datasets. The feasibility is demonstrated for 2D coronal ultrafast balanced SSFP (ufSSFP) MRI. METHODS Lung lobes of 250 publicly accessible CT datasets of adults were segmented with an open-source CT-specific algorithm. To match 2D ufSSFP MRI data of pediatric patients, both CT data and segmentations were translated into pseudo-MR images that were masked to suppress anatomy outside the lung. Network-1 was trained with pseudo-MR images and lobe segmentations and then applied to 1000 masked ufSSFP images to predict lobe segmentations. These outputs were directly used as targets to train Network-2 and Network-3 with non-masked ufSSFP data as inputs, as well as an additional whole-lung mask as input for Network-2. Network predictions were compared to reference manual lobe segmentations of ufSSFP data in 20 pediatric cystic fibrosis patients. Manual lobe segmentations were performed by splitting available whole-lung segmentations into lobes. RESULTS Network-1 was able to segment the lobes of ufSSFP images, and Network-2 and Network-3 further increased segmentation accuracy and robustness. The average all-lobe Dice similarity coefficients were 95.0 ± 2.8 (mean ± pooled SD [%]) and 96.4 ± 2.5, 93.0 ± 2.0; and the average median Hausdorff distances were 6.1 ± 0.9 (mean ± SD [mm]), 5.3 ± 1.1, 7.1 ± 1.3 for Network-1, Network-2, and Network-3, respectively. CONCLUSION Recurrent neural network lung lobe segmentation of 2D ufSSFP imaging is feasible, in good agreement with manual segmentations. The proposed workflow might provide access to automated lobe segmentations for various lung MRI examinations and quantitative analyses
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