6 research outputs found

    Recursos anchos: una técnica de bajo coste para explotar paralelismo agresivo en códigos numéricos

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    Els bucles son la part que més temps consumeix en les aplicacions numèriques. El rendiment dels bucles està limitat tant pels recursos oferts per l'arquitectura com per les recurrències del bucle en la computació. Per executar més operacions per cicle, els processadors actuals es dissenyen amb graus creixents de replicació de recursos (tècnica de replicació) para ports de memòria i unitats funcionals. En canvi, el gran cost en termes d'àrea i temps de cicle d'aquesta tècnica limita tenir alts graus de replicació: alts valors en temps de cicle contraresten els guanys deguts al decrement en el nombre de cicles, mentre que alts valors en l'àrea requerida poden portar a configuracions impossibles d'implementar. Una alternativa a la replicació de recursos, és fer los més amples (tècnica que anomenem "widening"), i que ha estat usada en alguns dissenys recents. Amb aquesta tècnica, l'amplitud dels recursos s'amplia, fent una mateixa operació sobre múltiples dades. Per altra banda, alguns microprocessadors escalars de propòsit general han estat implementats amb unitats de coma flotants que implementen la instrucció sumar i multiplicar unificada (tècnica de fusió), el que redueix la latència de la operació combinada, tanmateix com el nombre de recursos utilitzats. A aquest treball s'avaluen un ampli conjunt d'alternatives de disseny de processadors VLIW que combinen les tres tècniques. S'efectua una projecció tecnològica de les noves generacions de processadors per predir les possibles alternatives implementables. Com a conclusió, demostrem que tenint en compte el cost, combinar certs graus de replicació i "widening" als recursos hardware és més efectiu que aplicar únicament replicació. Així mateix, confirmem que fer servir unitats que fusionen multiplicació i suma pot tenir un impacte molt significatiu en l'increment de rendiment en futures arquitectures de processadors a un cost molt raonable.Loops are the main time-consuming part of numerical applications. The performance of the loops is limited either by the resources offered by the architecture or by recurrences in the computation. To execute more operations per cycle, current processors are designed with growing degrees of resource replication (replication technique) for memory ports and functional units. However, the high cost in terms of area and cycle time of this technique precludes the use of high degrees of replication. High values for the cycle time may clearly offset any gain in terms of number of execution cycles. High values for the area may lead to an unimplementable configuration. An alternative to resource replication is resource widening (widening technique), which has also been used in some recent designs in which the width of the resources is increased (i.e., a single operation is performed over multiple data). Moreover, several general-purpose superscalar microprocessors have been implemented with multiply-add fused floating point units (fusion technique), which reduces the latency of the combined operation and the number of resources used. On this thesis, we evaluate a broad set of VLIW processor design alternatives that combine the three techniques. We perform a technological projection for the next processor generations in order to foresee the possible implementable alternatives. From this study, we conclude that if the cost is taken into account, combining certain degrees of replication and widening in the hardware resources is more effective than applying only replication. Also, we confirm that multiply-add fused units will have a significant impact in raising the performance of future processor architectures with a reasonable increase in cost

    Software and hardware methods for memory access latency reduction on ILP processors

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    While microprocessors have doubled their speed every 18 months, performance improvement of memory systems has continued to lag behind. to address the speed gap between CPU and memory, a standard multi-level caching organization has been built for fast data accesses before the data have to be accessed in DRAM core. The existence of these caches in a computer system, such as L1, L2, L3, and DRAM row buffers, does not mean that data locality will be automatically exploited. The effective use of the memory hierarchy mainly depends on how data are allocated and how memory accesses are scheduled. In this dissertation, we propose several novel software and hardware techniques to effectively exploit the data locality and to significantly reduce memory access latency.;We first presented a case study at the application level that reconstructs memory-intensive programs by utilizing program-specific knowledge. The problem of bit-reversals, a set of data reordering operations extensively used in scientific computing program such as FFT, and an application with a special data access pattern that can cause severe cache conflicts, is identified in this study. We have proposed several software methods, including padding and blocking, to restructure the program to reduce those conflicts. Our methods outperform existing ones on both uniprocessor and multiprocessor systems.;The access latency to DRAM core has become increasingly long relative to CPU speed, causing memory accesses to be an execution bottleneck. In order to reduce the frequency of DRAM core accesses to effectively shorten the overall memory access latency, we have conducted three studies at this level of memory hierarchy. First, motivated by our evaluation of DRAM row buffer\u27s performance roles and our findings of the reasons of its access conflicts, we propose a simple and effective memory interleaving scheme to reduce or even eliminate row buffer conflicts. Second, we propose a fine-grain priority scheduling scheme to reorder the sequence of data accesses on multi-channel memory systems, effectively exploiting the available bus bandwidth and access concurrency. In the final part of the dissertation, we first evaluate the design of cached DRAM and its organization alternatives associated with ILP processors. We then propose a new memory hierarchy integration that uses cached DRAM to construct a very large off-chip cache. We show that this structure outperforms a standard memory system with an off-level L3 cache for memory-intensive applications.;Memory access latency has become a major performance bottleneck for memory-intensive applications. as long as DRAM technology remains its most cost-effective position for making main memory, the memory performance problem will continue to exist. The studies conducted in this dissertation attempt to address this important issue. Our proposed software and hardware schemes are effective and applicable, which can be directly used in real-world memory system designs and implementations. Our studies also provide guidance for application programmers to understand memory performance implications, and for system architects to optimize memory hierarchies

    Obtaining performance and programmability using reconfigurable hardware for media processing

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, School of Architecture and Planning, Program in Media Arts and Sciences, 2002.Includes bibliographical references (p. 127-132).An imperative requirement in the design of a reconfigurable computing system or in the development of a new application on such a system is performance gains. However, such developments suffer from long-and-difficult programming process, hard-to-predict performance gains, and limited scope of applications. To address these problems, we need to understand reconfigurable hardware's capabilities and limitations, its performance advantages and disadvantages, re-think reconfigurable system architectures, and develop new tools to explore its utility. We begin by examining performance contributors at the system level. We identify those from general-purpose and those from dedicated components. We propose an architecture by integrating reconfigurable hardware within the general-purpose framework. This is to avoid and minimize dedicated hardware and organization for programmability. We analyze reconfigurable logic architectures and their performance limitations. This analysis leads to a theory that reconfigurable logic can never be clocked faster than a fixed-logic design based on the same fabrication technology. Though highly unpredictable, we can obtain a quick upper bound estimate on the clock speed based on a few parameters. We also analyze microprocessor architectures and establish an analytical performance model. We use this model to estimate performance bounds using very little information on task properties. These bounds help us to detect potential memory-bound tasks. For a compute-bound task, we compare its performance upper bound with the upper bound on reconfigurable clock speed to further rule out unlikely speedup candidates.(cont.) These performance estimates require very few parameters, and can be quickly obtained without writing software or hardware codes. They can be integrated with design tools as front end tools to explore speedup opportunities without costly trials. We believe this will broaden the applicability of reconfigurable computing.by Ling-Pei Kung.Ph.D

    Simplified vector-thread architectures for flexible and efficient data-parallel accelerators

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2010.This electronic version was submitted by the student author. The certified thesis is available in the Institute Archives and Special Collections.Cataloged from student submitted PDF version of thesis.Includes bibliographical references (p. 165-170).This thesis explores a new approach to building data-parallel accelerators that is based on simplifying the instruction set, microarchitecture, and programming methodology for a vector-thread architecture. The thesis begins by categorizing regular and irregular data-level parallelism (DLP), before presenting several architectural design patterns for data-parallel accelerators including the multiple-instruction multiple-data (MIMD) pattern, the vector single-instruction multiple-data (vector-SIMD) pattern, the single-instruction multiple-thread (SIMT) pattern, and the vector-thread (VT) pattern. Our recently proposed VT pattern includes many control threads that each manage their own array of microthreads. The control thread uses vector memory instructions to efficiently move data and vector fetch instructions to broadcast scalar instructions to all microthreads. These vector mechanisms are complemented by the ability for each microthread to direct its own control flow. In this thesis, I introduce various techniques for building simplified instances of the VT pattern. I propose unifying the VT control-thread and microthread scalar instruction sets to simplify the microarchitecture and programming methodology. I propose a new single-lane VT microarchitecture based on minimal changes to the vector-SIMD pattern.(cont.) Single-lane cores are simpler to implement than multi-lane cores and can achieve similar energy efficiency. This new microarchitecture uses control processor embedding to mitigate the area overhead of single-lane cores, and uses vector fragments to more efficiently handle both regular and irregular DLP as compared to previous VT architectures. I also propose an explicitly data-parallel VT programming methodology that is based on a slightly modified scalar compiler. This methodology is easier to use than assembly programming, yet simpler to implement than an automatically vectorizing compiler. To evaluate these ideas, we have begun implementing the Maven data-parallel accelerator. This thesis compares a simplified Maven VT core to MIMD, vector-SIMD, and SIMT cores. We have implemented these cores with an ASIC methodology, and I use the resulting gate-level models to evaluate the area, performance, and energy of several compiled microbenchmarks. This work is the first detailed quantitative comparison of the VT pattern to other patterns. My results suggest that future data-parallel accelerators based on simplified VT architectures should be able to combine the energy efficiency of vector-SIMD accelerators with the flexibility of MIMD accelerators.by Christopher Francis Batten.Ph.D

    SAFA: Stack and frame architecture

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