30 research outputs found

    Fuzzy superpixels for polarimetric SAR images classification

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    Superpixels technique has drawn much attention in computer vision applications. Each superpixels algorithm has its own advantages. Selecting a more appropriate superpixels algorithm for a specific application can improve the performance of the application. In the last few years, superpixels are widely used in polarimetric synthetic aperture radar (PolSAR) image classification. However, no superpixel algorithm is especially designed for image classification. It is believed that both mixed superpixels and pure superpixels exist in an image.Nevertheless, mixed superpixels have negative effects on classification accuracy. Thus, it is necessary to generate superpixels containing as few mixed superpixels as possible for image classification. In this paper, first, a novel superpixels concept, named fuzzy superpixels, is proposed for reducing the generation of mixed superpixels.In fuzzy superpixels ,not al lpixels are assigned to a corresponding superpixel. We would rather ignore the pixels than assigning them to improper superpixels. Second,a new algorithm, named FuzzyS(FS),is proposed to generate fuzzy superpixels for PolSAR image classification. Three PolSAR images are used to verify the effect of the proposed FS algorithm. Experimental results demonstrate the superiority of the proposed FS algorithm over several state-of-the-art superpixels algorithms

    Advanced techniques for classification of polarimetric synthetic aperture radar data

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    With various remote sensing technologies to aid Earth Observation, radar-based imaging is one of them gaining major interests due to advances in its imaging techniques in form of syn-thetic aperture radar (SAR) and polarimetry. The majority of radar applications focus on mon-itoring, detecting, and classifying local or global areas of interests to support humans within their efforts of decision-making, analysis, and interpretation of Earth’s environment. This thesis focuses on improving the classification performance and process particularly concerning the application of land use and land cover over polarimetric SAR (PolSAR) data. To achieve this, three contributions are studied related to superior feature description and ad-vanced machine-learning techniques including classifiers, principles, and data exploitation. First, this thesis investigates the application of color features within PolSAR image classi-fication to provide additional discrimination on top of the conventional scattering information and texture features. The color features are extracted over the visual presentation of fully and partially polarimetric SAR data by generation of pseudo color images. Within the experiments, the obtained results demonstrated that with the addition of the considered color features, the achieved classification performances outperformed results with common PolSAR features alone as well as achieved higher classification accuracies compared to the traditional combination of PolSAR and texture features. Second, to address the large-scale learning challenge in PolSAR image classification with the utmost efficiency, this thesis introduces the application of an adaptive and data-driven supervised classification topology called Collective Network of Binary Classifiers, CNBC. This topology incorporates active learning to support human users with the analysis and interpretation of PolSAR data focusing on collections of images, where changes or updates to the existing classifier might be required frequently due to surface, terrain, and object changes as well as certain variations in capturing time and position. Evaluations demonstrated the capabilities of CNBC over an extensive set of experimental results regarding the adaptation and data-driven classification of single as well as collections of PolSAR images. The experimental results verified that the evolutionary classification topology, CNBC, did provide an efficient solution for the problems of scalability and dynamic adaptability allowing both feature space dimensions and the number of terrain classes in PolSAR image collections to vary dynamically. Third, most PolSAR classification problems are undertaken by supervised machine learn-ing, which require manually labeled ground truth data available. To reduce the manual labeling efforts, supervised and unsupervised learning approaches are combined into semi-supervised learning to utilize the huge amount of unlabeled data. The application of semi-supervised learning in this thesis is motivated by ill-posed classification tasks related to the small training size problem. Therefore, this thesis investigates how much ground truth is actually necessary for certain classification problems to achieve satisfactory results in a supervised and semi-supervised learning scenario. To address this, two semi-supervised approaches are proposed by unsupervised extension of the training data and ensemble-based self-training. The evaluations showed that significant speed-ups and improvements in classification performance are achieved. In particular, for a remote sensing application such as PolSAR image classification, it is advantageous to exploit the location-based information from the labeled training data. Each of the developed techniques provides its stand-alone contribution from different viewpoints to improve land use and land cover classification. The introduction of a new fea-ture for better discrimination is independent of the underlying classification algorithms used. The application of the CNBC topology is applicable to various classification problems no matter how the underlying data have been acquired, for example in case of remote sensing data. Moreover, the semi-supervised learning approach tackles the challenge of utilizing the unlabeled data. By combining these techniques for superior feature description and advanced machine-learning techniques exploiting classifier topologies and data, further contributions to polarimetric SAR image classification are made. According to the performance evaluations conducted including visual and numerical assessments, the proposed and investigated tech-niques showed valuable improvements and are able to aid the analysis and interpretation of PolSAR image data. Due to the generic nature of the developed techniques, their applications to other remote sensing data will require only minor adjustments

    Deep learning in remote sensing: a review

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    Standing at the paradigm shift towards data-intensive science, machine learning techniques are becoming increasingly important. In particular, as a major breakthrough in the field, deep learning has proven as an extremely powerful tool in many fields. Shall we embrace deep learning as the key to all? Or, should we resist a 'black-box' solution? There are controversial opinions in the remote sensing community. In this article, we analyze the challenges of using deep learning for remote sensing data analysis, review the recent advances, and provide resources to make deep learning in remote sensing ridiculously simple to start with. More importantly, we advocate remote sensing scientists to bring their expertise into deep learning, and use it as an implicit general model to tackle unprecedented large-scale influential challenges, such as climate change and urbanization.Comment: Accepted for publication IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazin

    Unsupervised classification of multilook polarimetric SAR data using spatially variant wishart mixture model with double constraints

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    This paper addresses the unsupervised classification problems for multilook Polarimetric synthetic aperture radar (PolSAR) images by proposing a patch-level spatially variant Wishart mixture model (SVWMM) with double constraints. We construct this model by jointly modeling the pixels in a patch (rather than an individual pixel) so as to effectively capture the local correlation in the PolSAR images. More importantly, a responsibility parameter is introduced to the proposed model, providing not only the possibility to represent the importance of different pixels within a patch but also the additional flexibility for incorporating the spatial information. As such, double constraints are further imposed by simultaneously utilizing the similarities of the neighboring pixels, respectively, defined on two different parameter spaces (i.e., the hyperparameter in the posterior distribution of mixing coefficients and the responsibility parameter). Furthermore, the variational inference algorithm is developed to achieve effective learning of the proposed SVWMM with the closed-form updates, facilitating the automatic determination of the cluster number. Experimental results on several PolSAR data sets from both airborne and spaceborne sensors demonstrate that the proposed method is effective and it enables better performances on unsupervised classification than the conventional methods

    Unsupervised Classification of Polarimetric SAR Images via Riemannian Sparse Coding

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    Unsupervised classification plays an important role in understanding polarimetric synthetic aperture radar (PolSAR) images. One of the typical representations of PolSAR data is in the form of Hermitian positive definite (HPD) covariance matrices. Most algorithms for unsupervised classification using this representation either use statistical distribution models or adopt polarimetric target decompositions. In this paper, we propose an unsupervised classification method by introducing a sparsity-based similarity measure on HPD matrices. Specifically, we first use a novel Riemannian sparse coding scheme for representing each HPD covariance matrix as sparse linear combinations of other HPD matrices, where the sparse reconstruction loss is defined by the Riemannian geodesic distance between HPD matrices. The coefficient vectors generated by this step reflect the neighborhood structure of HPD matrices embedded in the Euclidean space and hence can be used to define a similarity measure. We apply the scheme for PolSAR data, in which we first oversegment the images into superpixels, followed by representing each superpixel by an HPD matrix. These HPD matrices are then sparse coded, and the resulting sparse coefficient vectors are then clustered by spectral clustering using the neighborhood matrix generated by our similarity measure. The experimental results on different fully PolSAR images demonstrate the superior performance of the proposed classification approach against the state-of-the-art approachesThis work was supported in part by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant 61331016 and Grant 61271401 and in part by the National Key Basic Research and Development Program of China under Contract 2013CB733404. The work of A. Cherian was supported by the Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence for Robotic Vision under Project CE140100016.

    Classification of Compact Polarimetric Synthetic Aperture Radar Images

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    The RADARSAT Constellation Mission (RCM) was launched in June 2019. RCM, in addition to dual-polarization (DP) and fully quad-polarimetric (QP) imaging modes, provides compact polarimetric (CP) mode data. A CP synthetic aperture radar (SAR) is a coherent DP system in which a single circular polarization is transmitted followed by the reception in two orthogonal linear polarizations. A CP SAR fully characterizes the backscattered field using the Stokes parameters, or equivalently, the complex coherence matrix. This is the main advantage of a CP SAR over the traditional (non-coherent) DP SAR. Therefore, designing scene segmentation and classification methods using CP complex coherence matrix data is advocated in this thesis. Scene classification of remotely captured images is an important task in monitoring the Earth's surface. The high-resolution RCM CP SAR data can be used for land cover classification as well as sea-ice mapping. Mapping sea ice formed in ocean bodies is important for ship navigation and climate change modeling. The Canadian Ice Service (CIS) has expert ice analysts who manually generate sea-ice maps of Arctic areas on a daily basis. An automated sea-ice mapping process that can provide detailed yet reliable maps of ice types and water is desirable for CIS. In addition to linear DP SAR data in ScanSAR mode (500km), RCM wide-swath CP data (350km) can also be used in operational sea-ice mapping of the vast expanses in the Arctic areas. The smaller swath coverage of QP SAR data (50km) is the reason why the use of QP SAR data is limited for sea-ice mapping. This thesis involves the design and development of CP classification methods that consist of two steps: an unsupervised segmentation of CP data to identify homogeneous regions (superpixels) and a labeling step where a ground truth label is assigned to each super-pixel. An unsupervised segmentation algorithm is developed based on the existing Iterative Region Growing using Semantics (IRGS) for CP data and is called CP-IRGS. The constituents of feature model and spatial context model energy terms in CP-IRGS are developed based on the statistical properties of CP complex coherence matrix data. The superpixels generated by CP-IRGS are then used in a graph-based labeling method that incorporates the global spatial correlation among super-pixels in CP data. The classifications of sea-ice and land cover types using test scenes indicate that (a) CP scenes provide improved sea-ice classification than the linear DP scenes, (b) CP-IRGS performs more accurate segmentation than that using only CP channel intensity images, and (c) using global spatial information (provided by a graph-based labeling approach) provides an improvement in classification accuracy values over methods that do not exploit global spatial correlation

    Sentinel-1 InSAR coherence for land cover mapping: a comparison of multiple feature-based classifiers

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    This article investigates and demonstrates the suitability of the Sentinel-1 interferometric coherence for land cover and vegetation mapping. In addition, this study analyzes the performance of this feature along with polarization and intensity products according to different classification strategies and algorithms. Seven different classification workflows were evaluated, covering pixel- and object-based analyses, unsupervised and supervised classification, different machine-learning classifiers, and the various effects of distinct input features in the SAR domain—interferometric coherence, backscattered intensities, and polarization. All classifications followed the Corine land cover nomenclature. Three different study areas in Europe were selected during 2015 and 2016 campaigns to maximize diversity of land cover. Overall accuracies (OA), ranging from 70% to 90%, were achieved depending on the study area and methodology, considering between 9 and 15 classes. The best results were achieved in the rather flat area of Doñana wetlands National Park in Spain (OA 90%), but even the challenging alpine terrain around the city of Merano in northern Italy (OA 77%) obtained promising results. The overall potential of Sentinel-1 interferometric coherence for land cover mapping was evaluated as very good. In all cases, coherence-based results provided higher accuracies than intensity-based strategies, considering 12 days of temporal sampling of the Sentinel-1 A stack. Both coherence and intensity prove to be complementary observables, increasing the overall accuracies in a combined strategy. The accuracy is expected to increase when Sentinel-1 A/B stacks, i.e., six-day sampling, are considered.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Dual and single polarized sar image classification using compact convolutional neural networks

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    Accurate land use/land cover classification of synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images plays an important role in environmental, economic, and nature related research areas and applications. When fully polarimetric SAR data is not available, single- or dual-polarization SAR data can also be used whilst posing certain difficulties. For instance, traditional Machine Learning (ML) methods generally focus on finding more discriminative features to overcome the lack of information due to single- or dual-polarimetry. Beside conventional ML approaches, studies proposing deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs) come with limitations and drawbacks such as requirements of massive amounts of data for training and special hardware for implementing complex deep networks. In this study, we propose a systematic approach based on sliding-window classification with compact and adaptive CNNs that can overcome such drawbacks whilst achieving state-of-the-art performance levels for land use/land cover classification. The proposed approach voids the need for feature extraction and selection processes entirely, and perform classification directly over SAR intensity data. Furthermore, unlike deep CNNs, the proposed approach requires neither a dedicated hardware nor a large amount of data with ground-truth labels. The proposed systematic approach is designed to achieve maximum classification accuracy on single and dual-polarized intensity data with minimum human interaction. Moreover, due to its compact configuration, the proposed approach can process such small patches which is not possible with deep learning solutions. This ability significantly improves the details in segmentation masks. An extensive set of experiments over two benchmark SAR datasets confirms the superior classification performance and efficient computational complexity of the proposed approach compared to the competing methods. - 2019 by the authors.Scopu