18 research outputs found

    On super (a, 1)-edge-antimagic total labelings of regular graphs

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    A labeling of a graph is a mapping that carries some set of graph elements into numbers (usually positive integers). An (a,d)-edge-antimagic total labeling of a graph with p vertices and q edges is a one-to-one mapping that takes the vertices and edges onto the integers 1,2…,p+q, so that the sum of the labels on the edges and the labels of their end vertices forms an arithmetic progression starting at a and having difference d. Such a labeling is called super if the p smallest possible labels appear at the vertices. In this paper we prove that every even regular graph and every odd regular graph with a 1-factor are super (a,1)-edge-antimagic total. We also introduce some constructions of non-regular super (a,1)-edge-antimagic total graphs


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    Abstract. A G graph of order p and size q is called an (a,d)-edge antimagic total if there exist a bijection f:V(G)∪E(G)⟶{1,2,…,p+q} such that the edge-weights, w(uv)=f(u)+f(v)+f(uv), uv∈E(G), form an arithmetic sequence with first term a and common difference d. Such a graph G is called super if the smallest possible labels appear on the vertices. In this paper we study super (a, d)-edge-antimagic total properties of connected Tribun graph. The result shows that a connected Tribun graph admit a super(a,d)-edge antimagic total labeling ford=0,1,2 for n≥1. It can be concluded that the result of this research has covered all the feasible n,d. Key Words: (a,d)-edge antimagic vertex labeling, super(a,d)-edge antimagic total labeling, Tribun Graph.


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    Abstract. A G graph of order p and size q is called an (a,d)-edge antimagic total if there exist a bijection f: V(G)E(G) {1,2,…,p+q} such that the edge-weights, w(uv)=f(u)+f(v)+f(uv), uv E(G), form an arithmetic sequence with first term a and common difference d. Such a graph G is called super if the smallest possible labels appear on the vertices. In this paper we study super (a,d)-edge-antimagic total properties of connected £n,m by using deductive axiomatic and the pattern recognition method. The result shows that a connected Lampion graphs admit a super (a,d)-edge antimagic total  labeling for d = 0,1,2 for n It can be concluded that the result of this research has covered all the feasible d. Key Words: (a,d)-edge antimagic vertex labeling, super (a,d)-edge antimagic total labeling, Lampion Graph.


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    Abstract. A G graph of order p and size q is called an (a,d)-edge antimagic total if there exist a bijection f: V(G)E(G) {1,2,…,p+q} such that the edge-weights, w(uv)=f(u)+f(v)+f(uv), uv E(G), form an arithmetic sequence with first term a and common difference d. Such a graph G is called super if the smallest possible labels appear on the vertices. In this paper we study super (a, d)-edge-antimagic total properties of connected PCn by using deductive axiomatic and the pattern recognition method. The result shows that a connected pentagonal chain graphs admit a super (a,d)-edge antimagic total  labeling for d = 0,1,2 for n It can be concluded that the result of this research has covered all the feasible d. Key Words: (a,d)-edge antimagic vertex labeling, super (a,d)-edge antimagic total labeling, Pentagonal Chain Graph

    Structural properties and labeling of graphs

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    The complexity in building massive scale parallel processing systems has re- sulted in a growing interest in the study of interconnection networks design. Network design affects the performance, cost, scalability, and availability of parallel computers. Therefore, discovering a good structure of the network is one of the basic issues. From modeling point of view, the structure of networks can be naturally stud- ied in terms of graph theory. Several common desirable features of networks, such as large number of processing elements, good throughput, short data com- munication delay, modularity, good fault tolerance and diameter vulnerability correspond to properties of the underlying graphs of networks, including large number of vertices, small diameter, high connectivity and overall balance (or regularity) of the graph or digraph. The first part of this thesis deals with the issue of interconnection networks ad- dressing system. From graph theory point of view, this issue is mainly related to a graph labeling. We investigate a special family of graph labeling, namely antimagic labeling of a class of disconnected graphs. We present new results in super (a; d)-edge antimagic total labeling for disjoint union of multiple copies of special families of graphs. The second part of this thesis deals with the issue of regularity of digraphs with the number of vertices close to the upper bound, called the Moore bound, which is unobtainable for most values of out-degree and diameter. Regularity of the underlying graph of a network is often considered to be essential since the flow of messages and exchange of data between processing elements will be on average faster if there is a similar number of interconnections coming in and going out of each processing element. This means that the in-degree and out-degree of each processing element must be the same or almost the same. Our new results show that digraphs of order two less than Moore bound are either diregular or almost diregular.Doctor of Philosoph

    Local distance irregular labeling of graphs

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    We introduce the notion of distance irregular labeling, called the local distance irregular labeling. We define λ : V (G) −→ {1, 2, . . . , k} such that the weight calculated at the vertices induces a vertex coloring if w(u) 6≠ w(v) for any edge uv. The weight of a vertex u ∈ V (G) is defined as the sum of the labels of all vertices adjacent to u (distance 1 from u), that is w(u) = Σy∈N(u)λ(y). The minimum cardinality of the largest label over all such irregular assignment is called the local distance irregularity strength, denoted by disl(G). In this paper, we found the lower bound of the local distance irregularity strength of graphs G and also exact values of some classes of graphs namely path, cycle, star graph, complete graph, (n, m)-tadpole graph, unicycle with two pendant, binary tree graph, complete bipartite graphs, sun graph.Publisher's Versio