67 research outputs found

    Subversion-zero-knowledge SNARKs

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    Subversion zero knowledge for non-interactive proof systems demands that zero knowledge (ZK) be maintained even when the common reference string (CRS) is chosen maliciously. SNARKs are proof systems with succinct proofs, which are at the core of the cryptocurrency Zcash, whose anonymity relies on ZK-SNARKs; they are also used for ZK contingent payments in Bitcoin. We show that under a plausible hardness assumption, the most efficient SNARK schemes proposed in the literature, including the one underlying Zcash and contingent payments, satisfy subversion ZK or can be made to at very little cost. In particular, we prove subversion ZK of the original SNARKs by Gennaro et al. and the almost optimal construction by Groth; for the Pinocchio scheme implemented in libsnark we show that it suffices to add 4 group elements to the CRS. We also argue informally that Zcash is anonymous even if its parameters were set up maliciously

    A Unified Framework for Non-Universal SNARKs

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    We propose a general framework for non-universal SNARKs. It contains (1) knowledge-sound and non-black-box any-simulation-extractable (ASE), (2) zero-knowledge and subversion-zero knowledge SNARKs for the well-known QAP, SAP, QSP, and QSP constraint languages that all by design have \emph{relatively} simple security proofs. The knowledge-sound zero-knowledge SNARK is similar to Groth\u27s SNARK from EUROCRYPT 2016, except having fewer trapdoors, while the ASE subversion-zero knowledge SNARK relies on few additional conditions. We prove security in a weaker, more realistic version of the algebraic group model. We characterize SAP, SSP, and QSP in terms of QAP; this allows one to use a SNARK for QAP directly for other languages. Our results allow us to construct a family of SNARKs for different languages and with different security properties following the same proof template. Some of the new SNARKs are more efficient than prior ones. In other cases, the new SNARKs cover gaps in the landscape, e.g., there was no previous ASE or Sub-ZK SNARK for SSP or QSP

    Secure formation of public parameters and elimination of vulnerabilities of zero-knowledge succint non-interactive arguments of knowledge

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    Рассматриваются известные методы устранения уязвимостей кратких неинтерактивнвгх аргументов с нулевым разглашением на основе корректировки уравнений верификации доказателвств, значений публичных параметров в виде главных ссылочных строк и ключей формирования доказателвств. Описаны способы защищённого формирования главных ссылочных строк с исполвзованием доверенной третьей стороны и многостороннего взаимодействия

    On the security of the BCTV Pinocchio zk-SNARK variant

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    The main result of this note is a severe flaw in the description of the zk-SNARK in [BCTV14]. The flaw stems from including redundant elements in the CRS, as compared to that of the original Pinocchio protocol [PHGR16], which are vital not to expose. The flaw enables creating a proof of knowledge for *any* public input given a valid proof for *some* public input. We also provide a proof of security for the [BCTV14] zk-SNARK in the generic group model, when these elements are excluded from the CRS, provided a certain linear algebraic condition is satisfied by the QAP polynomials

    Practical Witness-Key-Agreement for Blockchain-based Dark Pools Financial Trading

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    We introduce a new cryptographic scheme, Witness Key Agreement (WKA), that allows a party to securely agree on a secret key with a counter party holding publicly committed information only if the counter party also owns a secret witness in a desired (arithmetic) relation with the committed information. Our motivating applications are over-the-counter (OTC) markets and dark pools, popular trading mechanisms. In such pools investors wish to communicate only to trading partners whose transaction conditions and asset holdings satisfy some constraints. The investor must establish a secure, authenticated channel with eligible traders where the latter committed information matches a desired relation. At the same time traders should be able to show eligibility while keeping their financial information secret. We construct a WKA scheme for languages of statements proven in the designated-verifier Succinct Zero-Knowledge Non-Interactive Argument of Knowledge Proof System (zk-SNARK). We illustrate the practical feasibility of our construction with some arithmetic circuits of practical interest by using data from US$ denominated corporate securities traded on Bloomberg Tradebook

    Lattice-based Zero-knowledge SNARGs for Arithmetic Circuits

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    Succinct non-interactive arguments (SNARGs) enable verifying NP computations with substantially lower complexity than that required for classical NP verification. In this work, we construct a zero-knowledge SNARG candidate that relies only on lattice-based assumptions which are claimed to hold even in the presence of quantum computers. Central to this new construction is the notion of linear-targeted malleability introduced by Bitansky et al. (TCC 2013) and the conjecture that variants of Regev encryption satisfy this property. Then, using the efficient characterization of NP languages as Square Arithmetic Programs we build the first quantum-resilient zk-SNARG for arithmetic circuits with a constant-size proof consisting of only 2 lattice-based ciphertexts. Our protocol is designated-verifier, achieves zero-knowledge and has shorter proofs and shorter CRS than the previous such schemes, e.g. Boneh et al. (Eurocrypt 2017)

    Uncontrolled Randomness in Blockchains:Covert Bulletin Board for Illicit Activity

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    Public blockchains can be abused to covertly store and disseminate potentially harmful digital content which poses a serious regulatory issue. In this work, we show the severity of the problem by demonstrating that blockchains can be exploited to surreptitiously distribute arbitrary content. More specifically, all major blockchain systems use randomized cryptographic primitives, such as digital signatures and non-interactive zero-knowledge proofs; we illustrate how the uncontrolled randomness in such primitives can be maliciously manipulated to enable covert communication and hidden persistent storage. To clarify the potential risk, we design, implement and evaluate our technique against the widely-used ECDSA signature scheme, the CryptoNote's ring signature scheme, and Monero's ring confidential transactions. Importantly, the significance of the demonstrated attacks stems from their undetectability, their adverse effect on the future of decentralized blockchains, and their serious repercussions on users' privacy and crypto funds. Finally, we present a generic framework to immunize blockchains against these attacks

    Lattice-Based zk-SNARKs from Square Span Programs

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    Zero-knowledge SNARKs (zk-SNARKs) are non-interactive proof systems with short (i.e., independent of the size of the witness) and efficiently verifiable proofs. They elegantly resolve the juxtaposition of individual privacy and public trust, by providing an efficient way of demonstrating knowledge of secret information without actually revealing it. To this day, zk-SNARKs are widely deployed all over the planet and are used to keep alive a system worth billion of euros, namely the cryptocurrency Zcash. However, all current SNARKs implementations rely on so-called pre-quantum assumptions and, for this reason, are not expected to withstand cryptanalitic efforts over the next few decades. In this work, we introduce a new zk-SNARK that can be instantiated from lattice-based assumptions, and which is thus believed to be post-quantum secure. We provide a generalization in the spirit of Gennaro et al. (Eurocrypt'13) to the SNARK of Danezis et al. (Asiacrypt'14) that is based on Square Span Programs (SSP) and relies on weaker computational assumptions. We focus on designated-verifier proofs and propose a protocol in which a proof consists of just 5 LWE encodings. We provide a concrete choice of parameters, showing that our construction is practically instantiable