51 research outputs found

    Overcoming status quo bias in the human brain

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    Humans often accept the status quo when faced with conflicting choice alternatives. However, it is unknown how neural pathways connecting cognition with action modulate this status quo acceptance. Here we developed a visual detection task in which subjects tended to favor the default when making difficult, but not easy, decisions. This bias was suboptimal in that more errors were made when the default was accepted. A selective increase in subthalamic nucleus (STN) activity was found when the status quo was rejected in the face of heightened decision difficulty. Analysis of effective connectivity showed that inferior frontal cortex, a region more active for difficult decisions, exerted an enhanced modulatory influence on the STN during switches away from the status quo. These data suggest that the neural circuits required to initiate controlled, nondefault actions are similar to those previously shown to mediate outright response suppression. We conclude that specific prefrontal-basal ganglia dynamics are involved in rejecting the default, a mechanism that may be important in a range of difficult choice scenarios

    Effect of illicit drug use on human behaviors in west Africa: cases of Grand-Bassam (Côte d'Ivoire)

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    The use of illicit drug represents a growing danger to social, physical, emotional and job and institutional related problems affecting the well-being of Ivorian youth today. The purpose of this study was to investigated and evaluated the existing knowledge of illegal types of drug usage among youth groups and its associated behavioral disorders and effects in Grand-Bassam district (Côte d'Ivoire). Urine samples were collected from each participant, amongst targeted youth populations for analysis, participants (n=442), age (≥14 years), both genders were randomly selected. Basic information, economic status, and drug usage history were collected using structured questionnaires. Data were analyzed using Python and GraphPad (Prism 8.4.2). Our results finding show that people age 20-35 years with highest illicit drug consumption (57.7%), tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) was the most consumed illicit product, followed by benzodiazepines (BZO) with 92.09% and 24.05%, respectively. The common effects associated with THC use include hallucination, while use of morphine seems to be on steady increase with aggressiveness disorder observed among its users who come more than one illicit drug  combinations. Keywords: Behavioral disorders, illegal substances, drug consumption, health risks, mental health, drug-related harms

    Age of second language acquisition affects nonverbal conflict processing in children : an fMRI study

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    Background: In their daily communication, bilinguals switch between two languages, a process that involves the selection of a target language and minimization of interference from a nontarget language. Previous studies have uncovered the neural structure in bilinguals and the activation patterns associated with performing verbal conflict tasks. One question that remains, however is whether this extra verbal switching affects brain function during nonverbal conflict tasks. Methods: In this study, we have used fMRI to investigate the impact of bilingualism in children performing two nonverbal tasks involving stimulus-stimulus and stimulus-response conflicts. Three groups of 8-11-year-old children - bilinguals from birth (2L1), second language learners (L2L), and a control group of monolinguals (1L1) - were scanned while performing a color Simon and a numerical Stroop task. Reaction times and accuracy were logged. Results: Compared to monolingual controls, bilingual children showed higher behavioral congruency effect of these tasks, which is matched by the recruitment of brain regions that are generally used in general cognitive control, language processing or to solve language conflict situations in bilinguals (caudate nucleus, posterior cingulate gyrus, STG, precuneus). Further, the activation of these areas was found to be higher in 2L1 compared to L2L. Conclusion: The coupling of longer reaction times to the recruitment of extra language-related brain areas supports the hypothesis that when dealing with language conflicts the specialization of bilinguals hampers the way they can process with nonverbal conflicts, at least at early stages in life

    Association of protein phosphatase PPM1G with alcohol use disorder and brain activity during behavioral control in a genome-wide methylation analysis

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    OBJECTIVE: The genetic component of alcohol use disorder is substantial, but monozygotic twin discordance indicates a role for nonheritable differences that could be mediated by epigenetics. Despite growing evidence associating epigenetics and psychiatric disorders, it is unclear how epigenetics, particularly DNA methylation, relate to brain function and behavior, including drinking behavior. METHOD: The authors carried out a genome-wide analysis of DNA methylation of 18 monozygotic twin pairs discordant for alcohol use disorder and validated differentially methylated regions. After validation, the authors characterized these differentially methylated regions using personality trait assessment and functional MRI in a sample of 499 adolescents. RESULTS: Hypermethylation in the 3'-protein-phosphatase-1G (PPM1G) gene locus was associated with alcohol use disorder. The authors found association of PPM1G hypermethylation with early escalation of alcohol use and increased impulsiveness. They also observed association of PPM1G hypermethylation with increased blood-oxygen-level-dependent response in the right subthalamic nucleus during an impulsiveness task. CONCLUSIONS: Overall, the authors provide first evidence for an epigenetic marker associated with alcohol consumption and its underlying neurobehavioral phenotype

    Inference with interference between units in an fMRI experiment of motor inhibition

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    An experimental unit is an opportunity to randomly apply or withhold a treatment. There is interference between units if the application of the treatment to one unit may also affect other units. In cognitive neuroscience, a common form of experiment presents a sequence of stimuli or requests for cognitive activity at random to each experimental subject and measures biological aspects of brain activity that follow these requests. Each subject is then many experimental units, and interference between units within an experimental subject is likely, in part because the stimuli follow one another quickly and in part because human subjects learn or become experienced or primed or bored as the experiment proceeds. We use a recent fMRI experiment concerned with the inhibition of motor activity to illustrate and further develop recently proposed methodology for inference in the presence of interference. A simulation evaluates the power of competing procedures.Comment: Published by Journal of the American Statistical Association at http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/01621459.2012.655954 . R package cin (Causal Inference for Neuroscience) implementing the proposed method is freely available on CRAN at https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=ci

    Striatal intrinsic reinforcement signals during recognition memory: relationship to response bias and dysregulation in schizophrenia

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    Ventral striatum (VS) is a critical brain region for reinforcement learning and motivation, and VS hypofunction is implicated in psychiatric disorders including schizophrenia. Providing rewards or performance feedback has been shown to activate VS. Intrinsically motivated subjects performing challenging cognitive tasks are likely to engage reinforcement circuitry even in the absence of external feedback or incentives. However, such intrinsic reinforcement responses have received little attention, have not been examined in relation to behavioral performance, and have not been evaluated for impairment in neuropsychiatric disorders such as schizophrenia. Here we used fMRI to examine a challenging “old” vs. “new” visual recognition task in healthy subjects and patients with schizophrenia. Targets were unique fractal stimuli previously presented as salient distractors in a visual oddball task, producing incidental memory encoding. Based on the prediction error theory of reinforcement learning, we hypothesized that correct target recognition would activate VS in controls, and that this activation would be greater in subjects with lower expectation of responding correctly as indexed by a more conservative response bias. We also predicted these effects would be reduced in patients with schizophrenia. Consistent with these predictions, controls activated VS and other reinforcement processing regions during correct recognition, with greater VS activation in those with a more conservative response bias. Patients did not show either effect, with significant group differences suggesting hyporesponsivity in patients to internally generated feedback. These findings highlight the importance of accounting for intrinsic motivation and reward when studying cognitive tasks, and add to growing evidence of reward circuit dysfunction in schizophrenia that may impact cognition and function

    Activation of the pre-supplementary motor area but not inferior prefrontal cortex in association with short stop signal reaction time – an intra-subject analysis

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    Abstract Background Our previous work described the neural processes of motor response inhibition during a stop signal task (SST). Employing the race model, we computed the stop signal reaction time (SSRT) to index individuals' ability in inhibitory control. The pre-supplementary motor area (preSMA), which shows greater activity in individuals with short as compared to those with long SSRT, plays a role in mediating response inhibition. In contrast, the right inferior prefrontal cortex (rIFC) showed greater activity during stop success as compared to stop error. Here we further pursued this functional differentiation of preSMA and rIFC on the basis of an intra-subject approach. Results Of 65 subjects who participated in four sessions of the SST, we identified 30 individuals who showed a difference in SSRT but were identical in other aspects of stop signal performance between the first ("early") and last two ("late") sessions. By comparing regional brain activation between the two sessions, we confirmed greater preSMA but not rIFC activity during short as compared to long SSRT session within individuals. Furthermore, putamen, anterior cerebellum and middle/posterior cingulate cortex also showed greater activity in association with short SSRT. Conclusion These results are consistent with a role of medial prefrontal cortex in controlled action and inferior frontal cortex in orienting attention. We discussed these findings with respect to the process of attentional monitoring and inhibitory motor control during stop signal inhibition.</p

    Exploring stop signal reaction time over two sessions of the anticipatory response inhibition task

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    Various behavioural tasks measure response inhibition encompassing the ability to cancel unwanted actions, evaluated via stop signal reaction time (SSRT). It is unclear whether SSRT is an unchangeable inherent measure of inhibitory network integrity or whether it can improve with repetition. The current study explored if and how SSRT changed over two sessions for the Anticipatory Response Inhibition Task (ARIT), and how this compared with the Stop Signal Task (SST). Forty-four participants repeated the ARIT and SST over two sessions. SSRT and its constituent measures (Go trial reaction time, stop signal delay) were calculated. SSRT reflecting non-selective response inhibition was consistent between sessions in the ARIT and SST (both p > 0.293). Reaction time and stop signal delay also remained stable across sessions in the ARIT (all p > 0.063), whereas in the SST, reaction time (p = 0.013) and stop signal delay (p = 0.009) increased. SSRT reflecting behaviourally selective stopping on the ARIT improved (p < 0.001) over two sessions, which was underpinned by changes to reaction time (p < 0.001) and stop signal delay (p < 0.001). Overall, the maximal efficiency of non-selective inhibition remained stable across two sessions in the ARIT. Results of the SST confirmed that non-selective inhibition can, however, be affected by more than inhibitory network integrity. Behaviourally selective stopping on the ARIT changed across sessions, suggesting the sequential neural process captured by the SSRT occurred more quickly in session two. These findings have implications for future studies that necessitate behavioural measures over multiple sessions.publishedVersio

    Examining Inter- And Intra-Individual Differences In The Neurobiological Mechanisms Associated With Inhibitory Control

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    Adolescence is an ideal time to measure the development of the neural mechanisms associated with inhibitory control because this age period is marked by impulsive and risk taking behaviors. Maturational brain changes in the prefrontal cortex that are associated with the emergence of inhibitory control are thought to occur during this age. With knowledge of how this system develops, it may be possible to identify the development of disorders that arise from poor inhibitory control such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and substance use. The goal of the current dissertation is to examine the neurobiological correlates associated with individual differences in inhibitory ability, and examine the age-related changes in neurobiological mechanisms of inhibitory control. This report will be the first of its size (n = 538) to examine within-subject changes longitudinally over five years of adolescent development (age 14 to 19). Furthermore, we supplement the longitudinal data with findings from a split-brain patient on the lateralization of inhibitory control, and we explore a subtle nuance that may have large implications on how to best measure inhibition-related brain activity. In the second chapter of the dissertation, we examine the lateralization of inhibitory control by measuring hemispheric differences in the ability to inhibit a motor response in a split-brain patient. Here, we found patient J.W.’s right hemisphere performed better than his left hemisphere on three different inhibitory control tasks. Interestingly, although inferior to the performance of the right hemisphere, the left hemisphere still performed relatively well on the three tasks, suggesting the left hemisphere can perform response inhibition independently. The third chapter examines both the functional correlates of Stop Signal Task performance, and the age-related differences in the functional mechanisms of response inhibition. At age 14 and age 19, similar patterns of activation were associated with performance, however relatively little overall activity exhibited performance-related effects. Superior performance was associated with greater right inferior frontal gyrus (rIFG) activation, as well as greater activation in a set of regions potentially involved with a stimulus-detection and attention-orienting system. However, at age 14 performance was also negatively associated with default mode network activity, and at age 19 performance was also positively associated with left amygdala activity. In the absence of within-subject differences in performance between ages 14 to 19, there were significant decreases in functional activation associated with successful inhibition. The potential mechanisms by which activity decreases over time while performance remains stable are discussed. The fourth chapter of the dissertation examines the effect of objective task difficulty on the magnitude of activation associated with successful inhibition. The Stop Signal Task employs an adaptive algorithm that alters task difficulty to meet participants’ abilities. Typically, when capturing functional activation associated with response inhibition, activation is extracted from all successful trials. Here, we find that individual differences in activation are expanded when using the activation from the extreme, rather than average, aspects of task performance variables. Individual differences in performance may best be captured by examining the maximum difficultly at which a participant is able to inhibit a response, rather than the average of all successful inhibitions. These results also lend support to the minimal activity associated with performance in Chapter 3, and we discuss how improving the measure of stop-related activity may help explain both inter- and intra-individual differences in inhibitory control

    The role of the left head of caudate in suppressing irrelevant words

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    Suppressing irrelevant words is essential to successful speech production and is expected to involve general control mechanisms that reduce interference from task-unrelated processing. To investigate the neural mechanisms that suppress visual word interference, we used fMRI and a Stroop task, using a block design with an event-related analysis. Participants indicated with a finger press whether a visual stimulus was colored pink or blue. The stimulus was either the written word "BLUE," the written word "PINK," or a string of four Xs, with word interference introduced when the meaning of the word and its color were "incongruent" (e.g., BLUE in pink hue) relative to congruent (e.g., BLUE in blue) or neutral (e.g., XXXX in pink). The participants also made color decisions in the presence of spatial interference rather than word interference (i.e., the Simon task). By blocking incongruent, congruent, and neutral trials, we identified activation related to the mechanisms that suppress interference as that which was greater at the end relative to the start of incongruency. This highlighted the role of the left head of caudate in the control of word interference but not spatial interference. The response in the left head of caudate contrasted to bilateral inferior frontal activation that was greater at the start than at the end of incongruency, and to the dorsal anterior cingulate gyrus which responded to a change in the motor response. Our study therefore provides novel insights into the role of the left head of caudate in the mechanisms that suppress word interference