108 research outputs found

    Developing Machine Learning Algorithms for Behavior Recognition from Deep Brain Signals

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    Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a neurodegenerative condition and movement disorder that appears with symptoms such as tremor, rigidity of muscles and slowness of movements. Deep brain stimulation (DBS) is an FDA-approved surgical therapy for essential tremor and PD. Despite the fact that DBS substantially alleviates the motor signs of PD, it can cause cognitive side effects and speech malfunction mainly due to the lack of adaptivity and optimality of the stimulation signal to the patients’ current state. A behavior-adapted closed-loop DBS system may reduce the side effects and power consumption by adjusting the stimulation parameters to patients’ need. Behavior recognition based on physiological feedbacks plays a key role in designing the next generation of closed-loop DBS systems. Hence, this dissertation is concentrated on: 1. Investigating the capability of local field potential (LFP) signals recorded from Subthalamic nucleus (STN) in identifying behavioral activities 2. Developing advanced machine learning algorithms to recognize behavioral activities using LFP signals 3. Investigating the effects of medication and stimulation pulse on the behavior recognition task as well as characteristics of the LFP signal. STN-LFP is a great physiological signal candidate since the stimulation device itself can record it, eliminating the need for additional sensors. Continuous wavelet transform is utilized for time-frequency analysis of STN-LFPs. Experimental results demonstrate that different behaviors create different modulation patterns in STN within the beta frequency range. A hierarchical classification structure is proposed to perform the behavior classification through a multi-level framework. The beta frequency components of STN-LFPs recorded from all contacts of DBS leads are combined through an MKL-based SVM classifier for behavior classification. Alternatively, the inter-hemispheric synchronization of the LFP signals measured by an FFT-based synchronization approach is utilized to pair up the LFP signals from left and right STNs. Using these rearranged LFP signals reduces the computational cost significantly while keeping the classification ability almost unchanged. LFP-Net, a customized deep convolutional neural network (CNN) approach for behavior classification, is also proposed. CNNs learn different feature maps based on the beta power patterns associated with different behaviors. The features extracted by CNNs are passed through fully connected layers, and, then to the softmax layer for classification. The effect of medication and stimulation “off/on” conditions on characteristics of LFP signals and the behavior classification performance is studied. The beta power of LFP signals under different stimulation and medication paradigms is investigated. Experimental results confirm that the beta power is suppressed significantly when the patients take medication or therapeutic stimulation. The results also show that the behavior classification performance is not impacted by different medication or stimulation conditions. Identifying human behavioral activities from physiological signals is a stepping-stone toward adaptive closed-loop DBS systems. To design such systems, however, there are other open questions that need to be addressed, which are beyond the scope of this dissertation, such as developing event-related biomarkers, customizing the parameter of DBS system based on the patients’ current state, investigating the power consumption and computational complexity of the behavior recognition algorithms

    Adaptive Parameter Selection for Deep Brain Stimulation in Parkinson’s Disease

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    Each year, around 60,000 people are diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease (PD) and the economic burden of PD is at least 14.4billionayearintheUnitedStates.PharmaceuticalcostsforaParkinson’spatientcanbereducedfrom14.4 billion a year in the United States. Pharmaceutical costs for a Parkinson’s patient can be reduced from 12,000 to $6,000 per year with the addition of neuromodulation therapies such as Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS), transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS), Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS), etc. In neurodegenerative disorders such as PD, deep brain stimulation (DBS) is a desirable approach when the medication is less effective for treating the symptoms. DBS incorporates transferring electrical pulses to a specific tissue of the central nervous system and obtaining therapeutic results by modulating the neuronal activity of that region. The hyperkinetic symptoms of PD are associated with the ensembles of interacting oscillators that cause excess or abnormal synchronous behavior within the Basal Ganglia (BG) circuitry. Delayed feedback stimulation is a closed loop technique shown to suppress this synchronous oscillatory activity. Deep Brain Stimulation via delayed feedback is known to destabilize the complex intermittent synchronous states. Computational models of the BG network are often introduced to investigate the effect of delayed feedback high frequency stimulation on partially synchronized dynamics. In this work, we developed several computational models of four interacting nuclei of the BG as well as considering the Thalamo-Cortical local effects on the oscillatory dynamics. These models are able to capture the emergence of 34 Hz beta band oscillations seen in the Local Field Potential (LFP) recordings of the PD state. Traditional High Frequency Stimulations (HFS) has shown deficiencies such as strengthening the synchronization in case of highly fluctuating neuronal activities, increasing the energy consumed as well as the incapability of activating all neurons in a large-scale network. To overcome these drawbacks, we investigated the effects of the stimulation waveform and interphase delays on the overall efficiency and efficacy of DBS. We also propose a new feedback control variable based on the filtered and linearly delayed LFP recordings. The proposed control variable is then used to modulate the frequency of the stimulation signal rather than its amplitude. In strongly coupled networks, oscillations reoccur as soon as the amplitude of the stimulus signal declines. Therefore, we show that maintaining a fixed amplitude and modulating the frequency might ameliorate the desynchronization process, increase the battery lifespan and activate substantial regions of the administered DBS electrode. The charge balanced stimulus pulse itself is embedded with a delay period between its charges to grant robust desynchronization with lower amplitude needed. The efficiency and efficacy of the proposed Frequency Adjustment Stimulation (FAS) protocol in a delayed feedback method might contribute to further investigation of DBS modulations aspired to address a wide range of abnormal oscillatory behaviors observed in neurological disorders. Adaptive stimulation can open doors towards simultaneous stimulation with MRI recordings. We additionally propose a new pipeline to investigate the effect of Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) on patient specific models. The pipeline allows us to generate a full head segmentation based on each individual MRI data. In the next step, the neurosurgeon can adaptively choose the proper location of stimulation and transmit accurate magnetic field with this pipeline

    Machine learning based brain signal decoding for intelligent adaptive deep brain stimulation

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    Sensing enabled implantable devices and next-generation neurotechnology allow real-time adjustments of invasive neuromodulation. The identification of symptom and disease-specific biomarkers in invasive brain signal recordings has inspired the idea of demand dependent adaptive deep brain stimulation (aDBS). Expanding the clinical utility of aDBS with machine learning may hold the potential for the next breakthrough in the therapeutic success of clinical brain computer interfaces. To this end, sophisticated machine learning algorithms optimized for decoding of brain states from neural time-series must be developed. To support this venture, this review summarizes the current state of machine learning studies for invasive neurophysiology. After a brief introduction to the machine learning terminology, the transformation of brain recordings into meaningful features for decoding of symptoms and behavior is described. Commonly used machine learning models are explained and analyzed from the perspective of utility for aDBS. This is followed by a critical review on good practices for training and testing to ensure conceptual and practical generalizability for real-time adaptation in clinical settings. Finally, first studies combining machine learning with aDBS are highlighted. This review takes a glimpse into the promising future of intelligent adaptive DBS (iDBS) and concludes by identifying four key ingredients on the road for successful clinical adoption: i) multidisciplinary research teams, ii) publicly available datasets, iii) open-source algorithmic solutions and iv) strong world-wide research collaborations.Fil: Merk, Timon. CharitĂ© – UniversitĂ€tsmedizin Berlin; AlemaniaFil: Peterson, Victoria. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones CientĂ­ficas y TĂ©cnicas. Centro CientĂ­fico TecnolĂłgico Conicet - Santa Fe. Instituto de MatemĂĄtica Aplicada del Litoral. Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Instituto de MatemĂĄtica Aplicada del Litoral; Argentina. Harvard Medical School; Estados UnidosFil: Köhler, Richard. CharitĂ© – UniversitĂ€tsmedizin Berlin; AlemaniaFil: Haufe, Stefan. CharitĂ© – UniversitĂ€tsmedizin Berlin; AlemaniaFil: Richardson, R. Mark. Harvard Medical School; Estados UnidosFil: Neumann, Wolf Julian. CharitĂ© – UniversitĂ€tsmedizin Berlin; Alemani

    Wavelet-based bracketing, time–frequency beta burst detection: new insights in Parkinson's disease

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    Studies have shown that beta band activity is not tonically elevated but comprises exaggerated phasic bursts of varying durations and magnitudes, for Parkinson’s disease (PD) patients. Current methods for detecting beta bursts target a single frequency peak in beta band, potentially ignoring bursts in the wider beta band. In this study, we propose a new robust framework for beta burst identification across wide frequency ranges. Chronic local field potential at-rest recordings were obtained from seven PD patients implanted with Medtronic SenSightℱ deep brain stimulation (DBS) electrodes. The proposed method uses wavelet decomposition to compute the time–frequency spectrum and identifies bursts spanning multiple frequency bins by thresholding, offering an additional burst measure, ∆f, that captures the width of a burst in the frequency domain. Analysis included calculating burst duration, magnitude, and ∆f and evaluating the distribution and likelihood of bursts between the low beta (13–20 Hz) and high beta (21–35 Hz). Finally, the results of the analysis were correlated to motor impairment (MDS-UPDRS III) med off scores. We found that low beta bursts with longer durations and larger width in the frequency domain (∆f) were positively correlated, while high beta bursts with longer durations and larger ∆f were negatively correlated with motor impairment. The proposed method, finding clear differences between bursting behavior in high and low beta bands, has clearly demonstrated the importance of considering wide frequency bands for beta burst behavior with implications for closed-loop DBS paradigms

    The Parkinsonian subthalamic network: measures of power, linear, and non-linear synchronization and their relationship to L-DOPA treatment and OFF state motor severity

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    In this paper we investigated the dopaminergic modulation of neuronal interactions occurring in the subthalamic nucleus (STN) during Parkinson's disease (PD). We utilized linear measures of local and long range synchrony such as power and coherence, as well as Detrended Fluctuation Analysis for Phase Synchrony (DFA-PS)- a recently developed non-linear method that computes the extent of long tailed autocorrelations present in the phase interactions between two coupled signals. Through analysis of local field potentials (LFPs) taken from the STN we seek to determine changes in the neurodynamics that may underpin the pathophysiology of PD in a group of 12 patients who had undergone surgery for deep brain stimulation. We demonstrate up modulation of alpha-theta (5–12 Hz) band power in response to L-DOPA treatment, whilst low beta band power (15–20 Hz) band-power is suppressed. We also find evidence for significant local connectivity within the region surrounding STN although there was evidence for its modulation via administration of L-DOPA. Further to this we present evidence for a positive correlation between the phase ordering of bilateral STN interactions and the severity of bradykinetic and rigidity symptoms in PD. Although, the ability of non-linear measures to predict clinical state did not exceed standard measures such as beta power, these measures may help identify the connections which play a role in pathological dynamics

    Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) Applications

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    The issue is dedicated to applications of Deep Brain Stimulation and, in this issue, we would like to highlight the new developments that are taking place in the field. These include the application of new technology to existing indications, as well as ‘new’ indications. We would also like to highlight the most recent clinical evidence from international multicentre trials. The issue will include articles relating to movement disorders, pain, psychiatric indications, as well as emerging indications that are not yet accompanied by clinical evidence. We look forward to your expert contribution to this exciting issue
