652 research outputs found

    Neural network and multiple linear regression to predict school children dimensions for ergonomic school furniture design

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    The current study investigates the possibility of obtaining the anthropometric dimensions, critical to school furniture design, without measuring all of them. The study first selects some anthropometric dimensions that are easy to measure. Two methods are then used to check if these easy-to-measure dimensions can predict the dimensions critical to the furniture design. These methods are multiple linear regression and neural networks. Each dimension that is deemed necessary to ergonomically design school furniture is expressed as a function of some other measured anthropometric dimensions. Results show that out of the five dimensions needed for chair design, four can be related to other dimensions that can be measured while children are standing. Therefore, the method suggested here would definitely save time and effort and avoid the difficulty of dealing with students while measuring these dimensions. In


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    Movement of commodities, material and men from one place to another using various automated means remains a major activity of mankind. The operation of the transportation systems placed much demand on operators’ capabilities and limitations in relation to human body dimensions. A stratified sample size of 160 drivers were randomly selected among the operators of commercial buses in six (6) selected motor parks within the study area were considered and anthropometric variables relating to seated drivers’ workplace were collected using developed and calibrated anthropometric seat, stadiometer, vernier-calipers, tape rule and bathroom weighing scale. The collected data were analysed using STATA 11.0 and Microsoft excel 2010. Descriptive statistics which included; mean, standard deviation, range and percentiles (5th, 50th and 95th percentiles) were determined. The database developed were used to describe the drivers’anthropometry. Design-Expert 6.0.8 version was used in modelling the anthropometric equations. Models were developed for buttock popliteal length, anterior arm reach and thigh clearance height from data collected for statures, weight and popliteal height sitting. The resulting models exhibited quadratic property with coefficient of determination (R2) ranging between 0.88 and 0.94. These model provide significantly efficient and effective tool for predicting the studied anthropometric dimensions Automotive industries whose market is in Nigeria and other similar manufacturing companies would find this models useful in both design and manufacture of goods

    Architectural Indoor Analysis: A Holistic Approach to Understand the Relation of Higher Education Classrooms and Academic Performance

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    The influence of learning space on users has been broadly accepted and tested. However, the literature has focused on single factor research, instead of holistic approaches. Additionally, lower educational levels have been the focus of interest, while higher education is moving towards multi-method teaching. This paper focuses on how learning spaces for different purposes (practice and lecture rooms) may influence academic performance from a holistic approach of learning physical environment perception. For this, the iPEP scale (Indoor physical environment perception) is used and validated through Cronbach Alpha and Exploratory Factorial Analysis. Then, multiple linear regression is conducted. The results indicate that iPEP measures near to 63 percent of the construct, which is structured in six factors. Moreover, linear regression analyses support previous literature concerning the influence of learning physical environment on academic performance (R2 = 0.154). The differences obtained between practice and lecture room in terms of predictor variables bring to the light the need to diagnose learning environments before designing changes in educational buildings. This research provides a self-reported way to measure indoor environments, as well as evidence concerning the modern university, which desires to combine several teaching methods

    Evaluation of Physical Aspects of Classroom Environment in Terms of the Humanistic Approach: A Comprehensive Theoretical Framework

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    Building a school is an easy task, but keeping its physical facilities in a good condition is a real challenge. The literature indicates that the physical classroom environment has a critical role in the learning process. To optimize that role, the physical aspects being considered should be relevant to the human needs. This study was conducted to evaluate the physical aspects of classroom environment, which are related to students' needs. Data on 860 students from public high schools in Medina, Saudi Arabia, were collected using a paper-based closed-ended questionnaire. Multiple procedures were used for instrument validation, data screening, and data analysis. Findings from the study confirmed the validity of the proposed model for evaluating the physical environment. In addition, the findings suggest that the classroom environment needs improvement in the area of temperature, air quality, acoustics, class size, space, and cleanliness. Finally, implications for practice and future directions for research are discussed

    Perancangan Meja-Kursi Belajar Ergonomis Siswa Sekolah Dasar Berbasis Pemetaan Perubahan Data Antropometri

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    The optimal growth and development rate of children starts from pre-primary school age, so it is suspected that there are real differences in anthropometric data of students' bodies when they are 1 year older. If so, then for each class of elementary school students, the dimensions of the learning table-chair must also be differentiated. Different anthropometric data from grades one to six, the dimensions of the chairs and tables used during the learning process, and the unusual and uncomfortable sitting positions of students indicate that the facilities at school are not ergonomic. Therefore, it is necessary to design ergonomic facilities. This research is expected to provide certainty about the ergonomics of the dimensions of learning tables and chairs for each class in educational institutions to redesign learning tables and chairs by statistically mapping anthropometric data on the bodies of elementary school students in grades one to six to determine the ergonomic dimensions of their learning tables and chairs. The method approach used is statistical testing (One-Way Anova and Duncan). The data collection process with a sample of 240 anthropometric data and 80 musculoskeletal complaint data, the data analysis uses data uniformity test, data adequacy test, data normality test, anova, duncan, percentile and wilcoxon test. The results of this study obtained three anthropometric data mapping groups, namely group A (classes 1 and 2), group B (classes 3 and 4) and group C (classes 5 and 6). The three mapping groups were used to redesign ergonomic tables and chairs with different dimensions. The material used is teak wood and brown in color, after which the results of the redesign were tested, a decrease in musculoskeletal complaints was obtained by 32.57%. Keyword: Anthropometry, Design, Ergonomic, Mappin

    The prevalence of underweight, overweight and obesity in a multiracial group of urban adolescent schoolchildren in the Cape Metropole area of Cape Town

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    Objective: The objective was to determine the prevalence of underweight, overweight and obesity in high school learners in the Cape Town area.Design: A cross-sectional study was conducted.Setting: High schools in the Cape Metropole Area of the Western Cape.Subjects: A complex cluster sampling procedure was followed. Thirty-six students per school were selected from each randomly selected school. Thirteen- to 18-year-old pupils were eligible for inclusion.Outcome measures: Height and weight measurements.Results: The sample comprised 689 students. There were considerably  more underweight adolescent boys than adolescent girls (17.3% boys to 9.9% girls), and double the frequency of overweight adolescent girls than adolescent boys (7.7% girls to 3.5% boys). The 14-year-old boys had the highest prevalence of underweight (55.2%), and the 17-year-old girls the highest prevalence of overweight (22%). The highest prevalence of obesity was found in 15-year-old boys (11.1%), who also demonstrated a relatively high prevalence of underweight (30.2%).Conclusion: This study reported on a substantial percentage of underweight adolescents (27.1%). Noteworthy levels of overweight and obesity in  adolescent girls added to the substantial prevalence of underweight in adolescent boys. Africa has enough to contend with in respect of transmissible diseases, without additional lifestyle-based health burdens

    Anthropometry Application for Flexible Chair College

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    Anthropometry     is     a     part     of ergonomics that specifically studies body size which includes linear dimensions, as well as content, also includes areas of size, strength, speed, other aspects of body movement.Chairs are furniture that functions as seats, with the demands of the public for the design of chairs, many innovations have sprung up for the manufacture of chairs, the comfort factor is the most served in the process of making chairs, one of which is the lecture chair.The research subjects in this study were undergraduate students at a tertiary institution in East Java with male and female sex, with an age range of 18-25 years. As a result, for Hips Width The size of the seat width used is 36 cm (95th percentile) so that large people can  fit  when  occupying  a  chair,  for  Back Height The height of the chair is 57 cm (5th percentile)  so  that  people  with  small  body postures  can  sit  comfortably  without difficulty, for Knee Length The length of the knee is 61 cm (95th percentile)

    Indoor Environmental Quality of Classrooms and Student Outcomes: A Path Analysis Approach

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between indoor environmental quality (IEQ) in a set of university classrooms and students' outcomes, i.e., satisfaction with IEQ, perceived learning, and course satisfaction. Data collected from students (N = 631) of a Midwestern university were analyzed to test a hypothesized conceptual model by conducting a path analysis. Findings suggested that IEQ of the classrooms, such as thermal conditions, indoor air quality, acoustic conditions, lighting conditions, furnishings, aesthetics, technology, and view conditions, was associated with positive student outcomes. Implications for classroom design were discussed with suggestions for future research

    Perancangan Kursi Dan Meja Untuk Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini (Paud) Yang Ergonomis (Studi Kasus Pada Tk. Prime Montessori School Batam)

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    Chairs and tables are school facilities that affect the attitude of sitting learners while learning. Based on research on TK. Prime Montessori school Batam students it is known that the size of chairs and tables are not in accordance with the dimensions of the learner's body, namely the seat is too high, the length of the seat is too long, the seat is too wide, the backrest on the seat is too high, the seat has no foam pads on the base and Backrest, table height is too low, the distance between the table and the seat base is too narrow. From the research, conducted research to redesign the ergonomic chair and table. In this study, data collection of anthropometry of 40 data and measuring the chair and table that is currently used the school. The anthropometric data obtained were statistically tested, ie data uniformity test, normality test, data adequacy test and percentile calculation. The results of the calculations are used to perform the design using the software Creo 5.0. The results of this study are the design of chairs and desks are comfortable and in accordance with the anthropometry of learners

    Design of Bridge Control Console for Landing Ship Tank (LST)

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    In the Bridge Control Console, there are many equipment that must be operated in a long period repeatedly and with various obstacles faced in the middle of the sea. Therefore, a high concentration is required to avoid ship accident due to human error which is fatigue. The level of competition in shipbuilding industry increases sharply. In order for the company to survive in the midst of intense competition then the company must produce products that are reliable and have a good value in the eyes of the customer. Reliable products are products with ergonomic design or products that are developed by considering the ergonomic approach, one of them is anthropometry. Products that have a good ergonomic value will be able to increase the level of comfort in work so that the potential of human error can be reduced. In this research, Bridge Control Console design will be done by using anthropometry approach. Bridge Control Console designed in this research is expected to have good ergonomic value when operated by National Army of Indonesia (TNI) as the users. Therefore, anthropometry data used is anthropometric data of TNI which is approximated from the anthropometric data of Indonesian people. Prior to use, the data passed the process of data uniformity test and data adequacy test. After the data used is uniform and meets the minimum amount of data taken, the trial and error process to estimate the percentile of the height dimension of the TNI (165 cm) body and the result states that the percentile of the height dimension of TNI body is in percentile 25. From the trial and error, it can be known that the dimension height of TNI body (165 cm) is 25 percent of Indonesia population. Therefore, in this research, the percentile range used in the calculation is more than 25%. Before entering the Bridge Control Console design, the process of determining the design principles (minimum, & maximum) is done and then followed by determining the percentile value to be used. In this research, besides using the anthropometry approach, the Bridge Control Console designed also considers the guidance in the "Guidance Notes on Ergonomic Design of Navigation Bridge" or known as ABS (American Bureau Shipping). The Bridge Control Console design validation process obtained in this research is done by comparing each of the BCC dimensions between the results of this research and the ABS dimension
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