63 research outputs found

    Per una lettura “begriffsgeschichtlich” della categoria di Gestalt. Le traduzioni di Stefan George dalla «Divina Commedia»

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    In the George-Kreis the category of “Gestalt” is often employed as a hermeneutic criterion for the interpretation of great authors of the past. Starting from the presence of the term “Gestalt” at various places in George’s translations from the Divina Commedia, which accompanied his poetic work for a long time, this article aims at reconstructing the way in which the paradigm of “Gestalt” fluctuates between the fields of historiographic inquiry and literary invention

    «Ist Ihnen bekannt, daß sechs Wasserstoffbomben genügen, um die ganze Bundesrepublik in einen Atomsumpf zu verwandeln?». Günther Weisenborns Stücke gegen die nukleare Aufrüstung

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    The atomic play Atom vor Christus (1952) by the Viennese playwright Kurt Becsi (1920-1988) is one of the very numerous works on the subject of the nuclear threat that appeared in German-speaking countries in the 1950s and ’60s. This article investigates the complex Christian religious discourse that embeds the dramatization of atomic issues and apocalyp­tic ideas of the End in Becsi’s play. Special focus is given to such aspects as the struggle between generations and, in particular, the conflict between the unscrupulous scientist (and his hubris) and the figure of the repentant bomber pilot that becomes a monk (Science versus love, logic versus Christian grace)

    Per una lettura “begriffsgeschichtlich” della categoria di Gestalt. Le traduzioni di Stefan George dalla «Divina Commedia»

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    In the George-Kreis the category of “Gestalt” is often employed as a hermeneutic criterion for the interpretation of great authors of the past. Starting from the presence of the term “Gestalt” at various places in George’s translations from the Divina Commedia, which accompanied his poetic work for a long time, this article aims at reconstructing the way in which the paradigm of “Gestalt” fluctuates between the fields of historiographic inquiry and literary invention

    Fame, teatro e memoria : "I Cannibali" di George Tabori

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    Starting from the representation of the hunger motif in Primo Levi\u2019s "If This Is a Man" (It. 1947, Engl. 1959) and its variation in George Tabori\u2019s "black mass" "The Cannibals" (Engl. 1968, Germ. 1969), the contribution aims to re-interpret the complex relationship of autobiographical, historical and fictional elements in the celebrated drama of the Jewish romancier and dramatist (1914-2007), who famously had "a mother tongue, Hungarian, a father tongue, English, and an uncle tongue, German". The metadramatic structure, combined with the focus on emotional, active memory, is thus related to the intertextual medley of the play as a sign for Tabori\u2019s search of a "third way" in representing the Holocaust on the stage, moving away both from documentarian realism and sentimental celebration of the victims

    Due lettere inedite di Giorgio Orelli

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    Si presentano due lettere appartenenti alla corrispondenza di Giorgio Orelli con l’avvocato Federico Masè Dari, presidente del Centro d’Arte e di Cultura di Bologna, responsabile del Premio letterario «Roberto Gatti», che Orelli vinse nel 1977 con Sinopie. Le lettere testimoniano dell’amicizia di Orelli con il gruppo cesenaticese della rivista Sul porto e presentano una piccola selezione antologica ‘d’autore’ di testi di Sinopie.  Keywords: Orelli, Premio Gatti, Sinopie, Sul porto, poetica&nbsp


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    Autor istražuje simbolizam i alegoriju u tumačenju oficija i obrednih gesta rimskog oficija 13. stoljeća u srednjovjekovnoj liturgijskoj ekspoziciji Rationale divinorum officiorum Vilima Duranda (1230. – 1296.), prvoj ne-biblijskoj tiskanoj knjizi. Peta knjiga, De divinis officiis, tumači kleru biskupije Mende raspored moljenja božanskog oficija. Durand se osvrće na razne liturgijske tradicije, ali oficij koji tumači pripada rimskome obredu. U prvom dijelu rada autor daje opći pregled teološko-alegorijskog tumačenja liturgijske ekspozicije nastale na vrhuncu pisanja ovakvih traktata, iz kojih su svećenici prije 14. stoljeća i bule Unam sanctam pape Bonifacija VIII. učili i usvajali nauk o Crkvi, i specifično znanje o svemu što se odvija tijekom liturgijskoga čina unutar liturgijskoga prostora. Tumačenje liturgijske prakse Durand temelji na povijesnoj, alegorijskoj, tropološkoj i anagoškoj egzegezi Svetoga pisma. Važnost Rationale divinorum officiorum nalazi se u broju izdanja nakon posljednje recenzije. Riječ je o četrdeset pet izdanja do 1501. g. te novih četrdeset i tri tijekom 16. stoljeća. Značaj Durandove ekspozicije je i u utjecaju na naraštaje teologa do Drugoga vatikanskoga koncila i liturgijske reforme koja mu je slijedila. U drugom dijelu rada autor istražuje simbolizam antifona i psalmodije u dijelu pete knjige s naslovom Quid sit officium. Treći dio rada istražuje značenja koja Durand dodaje noćnoj službi u dijelu pete knjige s naslovom De nocturnis, gdje ovaj molitveni dio dana povezuje s noćnom službom crkvene zajednice pred-konstantinovskoga razdoblja.The author researches symbolism and allegory in the exposition of the Divine Office from the 13th century in the liturgical exposition Rationale divinorum officiorum of William Durand (1230–1296). The fifth book of Rationale, De divinis officiis, explains the order of celebration of the Divine Office according to the Roman Rite. In the first part, the author provides a general overview of the theological and allegorical commentary of liturgical expositions before the 14th century from which the clergy learned about liturgical rites and their ecclesiological meaning. Durand’s commentary of liturgical practices is based on the historical, allegorical, tropological, and anagogical exegesis of the Holy Scripture, and its value is in the influence on the theologians and liturgical reforms until the Second Vatican Council. In the second part, the author researches symbolism of the Antiphons and Psalmody in part of the 5th book of Rationale entitled Quid sit officium. In the third part, the author researches meanings that Durand gives to the night office in the part of the 5th book of Rationale entitled De nocturnis

    Mehrsprachigkeit im europäischen Kontext. Zu einem vernachlässigten Forschungsfeld inter­dis­ziplinärer Mediävistik

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    Mittelalterliche Mehrsprachigkeit - gemeint ist sowohl das Verhältnis von Latein und Volkssprache als auch das Nebeneinander unterschiedlicher Volkssprachen oder volkssprachiger Varietäten - ist als bedeutender Aspekt vormoderner Textkultur und Spracherfahrung bisher nicht einmal innerhalb der Einzeldisziplinen ausreichend gewürdigt und systematisch erfasst worden. Zielführend wäre ein interdisziplinärer und methodenübergreifender Zugriff. Der Aufsatz bietet als Vorstudie dazu einen systematisierenden Überblick über prägende Sprachkontaktsituationen der westeuropäischen Sprachen und Literaturen vom 7. Jahrhundert bis ins Spätmittelalter und erarbeitet eine grundlegende Typologie. Die mittelalterliche Wahrnehmung von Sprache muss per se mit Multilingualität verbunden gewesen sein: erstens im Sinne einer fast überall gleichzeitigen Präsenz mehrerer gesprochener und geschriebener Volkssprachen, zweitens im Sinne der prinzipiellen Einbettung von Schriftlichkeit und Bildungskultur in eine anderssprachige (lateinische) Tradition, drittens im Sinne der intellektuell-mentalen Abbildung des Abstraktums ,,Sprache" auf das Lateinische, also eine Sprache, die niemals Muttersprache war. Sprach-, literatur- und kulturtheoretische Konsequenzen können nur angedeutet werden: Die Auswirkungen einer solchen neurologischen Prägung auf die - von ,,bilingual brains" getragenen - Textkulturen des Mittelalters könnten konzeptuelle Repräsentationen von Raum, Zeit, Emotionen oder Personalität betreffen

    The Visigothic Kingdom

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    How did the breakdown of Roman rule in the Iberian Peninsula eventually result in the formation of a Visigothic kingdom with authority centralised in Toledo? This collection of essays challenges the view that local powers were straightforwardly subjugated to the expanding central power of the monarchy. Rather than interpret countervailing events as mere ‘delays’ in this inevitable process, the contributors to this book interrogate where these events came from, which causes can be uncovered and how much influence individual actors had in this process. What emerges is a story of contested interests seeking cooperation through institutions and social practices that were flexible enough to stabilise a system that was hierarchical yet mutually beneficial for multiple social groups. By examining the Visigothic settlement, the interplay between central and local power, the use of ethnic identity, projections of authority, and the role of the Church, this book articulates a model for understanding the formation of a large and important early medieval kingdom

    The Visigothic Kingdom

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    How did the breakdown of Roman rule in the Iberian Peninsula eventually result in the formation of a Visigothic kingdom with authority centralised in Toledo? This collection of essays challenges the view that local powers were straightforwardly subjugated to the expanding central power of the monarchy. Rather than interpret countervailing events as mere ‘delays’ in this inevitable process, the contributors to this book interrogate where these events came from, which causes can be uncovered and how much influence individual actors had in this process. What emerges is a story of contested interests seeking cooperation through institutions and social practices that were flexible enough to stabilise a system that was hierarchical yet mutually beneficial for multiple social groups. By examining the Visigothic settlement, the interplay between central and local power, the use of ethnic identity, projections of authority, and the role of the Church, this book articulates a model for understanding the formation of a large and important early medieval kingdom