23 research outputs found

    Methodological issues in developing a multi-dimensional coding procedure for small group chat communication

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    In CSCL research, collaboration through chat has primarily been studied in dyadic settings. This article discusses three issues that emerged during the development of a multi-dimensional coding procedure for small group chat communication: a) the unit of analysis and unit fragmentation, b) the reconstruction of the response structure and c) determining reliability without overestimation. Threading, i.e. connections between analysis units, proved essential to handle unit fragmentation, to reconstruct the response structure and for reliability of coding. In addition, a risk for reliability overestimation was illustrated. Implications for analysis methodology in CSCL are discussed

    The Application of The Polya's Steps Reviewed from Problem-Solving Ability in Two-Variable Linear Equation System (SPLDV)

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    The ability of students in this school is low in understanding the questions given by the teacher. As a result they find it difficult to know the steps on how to solve the problem. Efforts that can be done are implementing Polya's steps.Quasi-experimental research was conducted in this study with the Randomized Control Group Only Design. Students of class VIII at this school are used as population. The experimental class is class VIIIA and the control class is class VIIIB. Final test data in the form of essays obtained were analyzed by t test. The result is the average problem solving ability with the application of Polya's steps, 78.23 and the control class, 72.38, with achievement in the experimental class 81% and in the control class, 48%. After being analyzed, t_count = 2.33 and t_table = 1.68 with a confidence level of 95% so that t_count > t_table (2.33 > 1.68), meaning that the proposed hypothesis is accepted and the ability of students in solving problems using Polya steps is higher rather than without applying these steps


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    Designing a group study enables students to develop critical thinking, effective team work; appreciation and respect for other views, techniques and problem-solving methods by promoting active learning environment. The purpose of this quantitative study examined the effects of online collaboration on the pre-service teachers’ mathematical problem solving attitude. Specifically, the study examined the effects of group working to the mathematical word problem solving tasks alone. Forty-two pre-service teachers enrolled in the study which were divided into three groups: Synchronous online (n=12), face-to-face (n=15) and individual (n=15). Students in each group were required to solve four ill-structured problems under problem solving sessions over a six-week period. It is used a quantitative analysis of data. To measure the change in problem solving attitude, a pre and post-test problem solving attitude questionnaire administered to measure attitude change. The results indicate that, whether synchronous online or face-to-face group based problem solving processes resulted with more positive attitude than individual study. It is also revealed that students' problem solving attitudes were increased in all groups, however, F2F group students' showed positive higher difference than those SO and IND students.  Article visualizations


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    Abstract, This study aims to discover: (1) a description of the average mathematics learning achievement of students using the Talk Stick type of cooperative learning model in grade X IPA (science) at SMAN 18 Gowa, (2) a description of the average mathematics learning achievement of students using the Example Non-Example type of cooperative learning model in grade X IPA at SMAN 18 Gowa, (3) whether there is a significant difference in learning achievement between the students using the Talk Stick type of cooperative learning model and the ones using Example Non-Example type of cooperative learning model in grade X IPA at SMAN 18 Gowa, (4) whether there is a significant difference in learning achievement scores between the students who have high, moderate, and low motivation in grade X IPA at SMAN 18 Gowa, and (5) whether there is an interaction of cooperative learning model with motivation on the mathematics learning achievement of students in grade X IPA at SMAN 18 Gowa. This type of this study is an experimental research involving two experimental groups. The samples in this study were class X IPA 1 as the experimental class 1 and class X IPA 2 as the experimental class 2. Data were collected using questionnaires, tests, and observation sheets. The data were then analyzed descriptively and in two-way analysis of variance (ANAVA) followed by post hoc test. The results of teh study reveal that (1) the average mathematics learning achievement of students using the Talk Stick type of cooperative learning model is 88.7 from the ideal score of 100 with a very high category, (2) the average mathematics learning achievement of students using the Example Non-Example type of cooperative learning model is 87.6 out of 100 ideal score with very high category, (3) there is no significant difference in mathematics learning achievement between students taught by using the Talk Stick type of cooperative learning model and the Example Non-Example type of cooperative learning model with a significance of 0.392, (4) there is a significant difference in mathematics learning achievement between students who have high, moderate, and low learning motivation with a significance of 0.001. The average difference between high learning motivation and low motivation is 14.229 at a significance level of 0.05 with an interval of 6.89 to 21.57, moderate motivation with low motivation is 9 at a significance level of 0.05 with an interval of 3.66 to 14.34, and (5) there is no interaction of cooperative learning model with motivation on mathematics learning achievement of students in grade X IPA at SMAN 18 Gowa with a significance of 0.306. Keywords: cooperative model, learning achievement, motivatio

    A New Context Affording for Regulation: The Case of Musical Play

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    The present study set out to investigate theoretical speculations that regulation and musical play, an initial manifestation of musicality, are directly linked. This study aimed to explore the potential for regulation to occur during musical play and investigate the nature of the regulatory behaviours. Thirty-six children, aged 6 and 8, were observed during musical play sessions. These observations were analysed, using a coding framework, to identify and code regulatory behaviours as to the type of regulation, its social nature and the direction of activity. The data were subjected to quantitative analysis. The findings suggest that regulatory behaviours occurred during musical play. During musical play tasks, cognitive monitoring and emotional/motivational monitoring behaviours were the most prevalent, significantly more opportunities were provided for socially-shared regulation compared to self- or co-regulation, and the children more often directed their activity towards fundamental, rather than superficial aspects of tasks. The results can inform theory and practice


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui: (1) Pengaruh penggunaan strategi pembelajaran Crossword Puzzel terhadap prestasi belajar matematika (2) Pengaruh Kemampuan awal terhadap prestasi belajar matematika (3) Pengaruh Motivasi belajar siswa terhadap prestasi belajar siswa (4) Untuk mengetahui interaksi antara strategi pembelajaran, kemampuan awal dan motivasi belajar matematika terhadap prestasi belajar siswa. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa kelas VII SMP Negeri 3 Mojolaban tahun ajaran 2008 / 2009 yang terdiri dari 6 kelas. Sampel digunakan diambil dengan cara cluster sampling dengan cara undian dan hasil dari teknik ini adalah kelas VII C sebagai kelas kontrol, VII A sebagai kelas eksperimen. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis variansi tiga jalan dengan frekuensi tak sama yang sebelumnya di uji prasyarat yaitu uji normalitas dan uji homogenitas. Hasil penelitian pada α = 5% menunjukkan bahwa: (1) Terdapat pengaruh penggunaan metode pembelajaran terhadap prestasi belajar matematika, dengan nilai sig. 0,039 < 0,05 (2) Terdapat pengaruh kemampuan awal siswa terhadap prestasi belajar matematika siswa, dengan nilai sig. 0,040 < 0,05 (3) Terdapat pengaruh motivasi belajar terhadap prestasi belajar matematika, dengan nilai sig. 0,000 < 0,01 (4) Tidak terdapat interaksi antara metode pembelajaran, kemampuan awal siswa dan motivasi belajar siswa terhadap prestasi belajar, dengan nilai sig. 0,326 > 0,05

    Chat-based problem solving in small groups: Developing a multi-dimensional coding scheme

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    Paper presented at the 11th Biannual Conference of the European Association for Research in Learning and Instruction, EARLI 2005, Nicosia, Cyprus. Retrieved July 18, 2007 from http://www.cis.drexel.edu/faculty/gerry/pub/earli2005jw.pdf.Collaboration through chat communication has been primarily studied in dyadic settings in the domain of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL). In the ‘Virtual Math Teams’ (VMT) project small groups of three to five students collaborate through chat to solve a math problem. As part of a multi-method analysis toolkit a coding scheme was devised to conduct quantitative content analysis. During the calibration several methodological problems emerged. Firstly, the analysis required that the interaction structure (i.e., who responds to whom) would be reconstructed. Secondly, the diversity of processes of interest (e.g., conversational and problem solving acts) proved to be problematic. Although initially assumed independent, ties could not be avoided. Reliability computation for threading and coding proved challenging, for example not all utterances are valid analysis units for a dimension and results in overestimation of reliability. Reliability for most dimensions was satisfactory. Coding of the math dimension proved a bridge too far due to subtle nuances; hence methods like conversation analysis may be more applicable. The implications of the methodological issues for analysis of chat communication are discussed

    Aprendizaje colaborativo mediado por un ambiente de liderazgo, en el desarrollo del Pensamiento Aleatorio

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    This study shows the influence of collaborative learning mediated by a leadership environment in the development of random thinking with tenth-grade students from an official educational institution in the department of Córdoba (Colombia). The problem revolved around the difficulties presented by the teaching-learning processes of random thinking and which are reflected in the results obtained by the students in internal and external tests. The quantitative research, under a quasi-experimental design, included two tests: one to determine leadership conditions in the experimental group and another to assess the level of development of random thinking, before and after the intervention. The results obtained were corroborated with the application of two non-parametric tests: Mann-Whitney U and Wilcoxon available in the free version 25 SPSS software. It should be noted that the students belonging to the experimental group achieved significant improvements in the development of random thinking, after being intervened with the collaborative learning strategy. Additionally, in this group, no significant differences were found regarding the development of competencies: interpretation and representation, and argumentation. However, the increase in the average ranges of their performance was noticeable, allowing to conclude the effectiveness that the application of the collaborative learning strategy favors in the development of random thinking in the students of the educational institution under study.Este estudio muestra la influencia del aprendizaje colaborativo mediado por un ambiente de liderazgo, en el desarrollo del pensamiento aleatorio con estudiantes de grado décimo de una institución educativa de carácter oficial en el departamento de Córdoba (Colombia). El problema giró entorno a las dificultades que presentan los procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje del pensamiento aleatorio y que se reflejan en los resultados obtenidos por los educandos en las pruebas internas y externas. La investigación de tipo cuantitativo, bajo un diseño cuasiexperimental incluyó dos test: uno para determinar condiciones de liderazgo en el grupo experimental y otro para evaluar el nivel de desarrollo del pensamiento aleatorio, antes y después de la intervención. Los resultados obtenidos fueron corroborados con la aplicación de dos pruebas no paramétricas: U de Mann Whitney y Wilcoxon, disponibles en el software SPSS versión libre 25. Se destaca que los estudiantes pertenecientes al grupo experimental alcanzaron mejoras significativas en cuanto al desarrollo del pensamiento aleatorio, después de ser intervenidos con la estrategia de aprendizaje colaborativo. Adicionalmente, en este grupo no se encontró diferencias significativas en cuanto al desarrollo de las competencias: de interpretación y representación y de argumentación; sin embargo, fue notorio el aumento en los rangos medios de su desempeño, permitiendo concluir la eficacia, que la aplicación de la estrategia de aprendizaje colaborativo favorece, en el desarrollo del pensamiento aleatorio en los estudiantes de la institución educativa en estudio