262 research outputs found

    The Impact of Tunneling on the Subthreshold Swing in Sub-20 nm Asymmetric Double Gate MOSFETs

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    This paper analyzes the subthreshold swing in asymmetric double gate MOSFETs with sub-20 nm channel lengths. The analysis of the carrier transport in the subthreshold region of these nano scaled MOSFET includes tunneling as an important additional mechanism to the thermionic emission. It is found that the subthreshold swing is increasing due to tunneling current and that the performance of nano scaled MOSFETs is degraded. The degradation of the subthreshold swing due to tunneling is quantified using analytical potential distribution and Wentzel–Kramers–Brillouin (WKB) approximation in this paper. This analytical approach is verified by two dimensional simulation. It is shown that the degradation of subthreshold swing increases with both reduction of channel length and increase of channel thickness. We also show that the subthreshold swing is increasing in case of different top and bottom gate oxide thicknesses

    Analytical Modeling of Ultrashort-Channel MOS Transistors

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    Les geometries de transistors d'avui són al rang de nanòmetres d'un sol dígit. En conseqüència, les funcionalitats dels dispositius es veuen afectades negativament pels efectes de canal curt i de mecànica quàntica (SCE i QMEs). Una transició de la geometria del transistor d'efecte de camp de tipus FinFET a Gate-All-Around (GAA) FETs com FETs de nanofils cilíndrics (NW) i de nanoplaques de silici (SiNS) es preveuen en els propers nodes tecnològics per suprimir els SCE i garantir una major miniaturització del MOSFET Aquesta dissertació se centra en el modelat analític de FETs de tipus NW i SiNS de canal ultracurt.S'introdueix un concepte de dimensions de doble porta (DG) equivalent per transferir un model de potencial de DG analític a FET de NW. Un model de corrent de DG compacte es modifica aprofitant la simetria rotacional dels FET de NW. L'efecte del confinament quàntic (QC) és implementat considerant l'eixamplament addicional de la banda prohibida al càlcul d'una concentració de portadors de càrrega intrínseca efectiva i al càlcul del voltatge llindar. L'efecte de corrent túnel directe de font a drenador (DSDT) a SiNS FET ultraescalats es modela amb el nou mètode de wavelets. Aquest model calcula analíticament la probabilitat de tunelització per a cada energia de l'electró, aproximant la forma de la barrera potencial mitjançant una barrera rectangular amb una altura de barrera equivalent. A causa de la fórmula de corrent túnel de Tsu-Esaki no analíticament integrable, es presenta un mètode analític anomenat model quasi-compacte (QCM). Aquest enfocament requereix, entre altres aproximacions, una iteració de Newton i una interpolació lineal de la densitat de corrent amb efecte túnel. A més, es realitza una anàlisi criogènica de temperatura i dopatge. S'investiga la forta influència de la distància del nivell de Fermi a la font des de la vora de la banda de conducció sobre el pendent subumbral, el corrent i la reducció de la barrera induïda per drenador (DIBL). A més, es demostra i explica la fusió de dos efectes relacionats amb el pendent subumbral i el DIBL. La validesa del concepte de dimensions DG equivalents es demostra mitjançant el mesurament i les dades de simulació de TCAD Sentaurus, mentre que el mètode de wavelets es verifica mitjançant simulacions NanoMOS NEGF.Las geometrías de transistores de hoy están en el rango de nanómetros de un solo dígito. En consecuencia, las funcionalidades de los dispositivos se ven afectadas negativamente por los efectos de canal corto y de mecánica cuántica (SCE y QMEs). Una transición de la geometría del transistor de efecto de campo de tipo FinFET a Gate-All -Around (GAA) FETs tales como FETs de nanohilos cilíndricos (NW) y de nanoplacas de silicio (SiNS) se prevén en los próximos nodos tecnológicos para suprimir los SCE y garantizar una mayor miniaturización del MOSFET. Esta disertación se centra en el modelado analítico de FETs de tipo NW y SiNS de canal ultracorto. Se introduce un concepto de dimensiones de doble puerta (DG) equivalente para transferir un modelo de potencial de DG analítico a FET de NW. Un modelo de corriente de DG compacto se modifica aprovechando la simetría rotacional de los FET de NW. El efecto del confinamiento cuántico (QC) es implementado considerando el ensanchamiento adicional de la banda prohibida en el cálculo de una concentración de portadores de carga intrínseca efectiva y en el cálculo del voltaje de umbral. El efecto de corriente túnel directa de fuente a drenador (DSDT) en SiNS FET ultraescalados se modela con el nuevo método de wavelets. Este modelo calcula analíticamente la probabilidad de tunelización para cada energía del electrón aproximando la forma de la barrera de potencial mediante una barrera rectangular con una altura de barrera equivalente. Usando la fórmula de corriente túnel de Tsu-Esaki no analíticamente integrable, se presenta un método analítico denominado modelo cuasi-compacto (QCM), querequiere una iteración de Newton y una interpolación lineal de la densidad de corriente de efecto túnel. Además, se realiza un análisis criogénico en temperatura y dopaje. Se investiga la fuerte influencia del nivel de Fermi de la fuente la sobre la pendiente subumbral, la corriente y la reducción del efecto DIBL. Además, se demuestra y explica la fusión de dos efectos relacionados con la pendiente subumbral y el DIBL. La validez del concepto de dimensiones DG equivalentes se demuestra mediante datos de mediciones y de simulaciones TCAD Sentaurus, mientras que el método de wavelets se verifica mediante simulaciones NanoMOS NEGF.Today's transistor geometries are in the single-digit nanometer range. Consequently, device functionalities are negatively affected by short-channel and quantum mechanical effects (SCEs & QMEs). A transition from fin field-effect transistor (FinFET) geometry to gate-all-around (GAA) FETs such as cylindrical nanowire (NW) and silicon nanosheet (SiNS) FETs is envisioned in the upcoming technology nodes to suppress SCEs and ensure further MOSFET miniaturization. This dissertation focuses on the analytical modeling of ultrashort-channel NW and SiNS FETs. An equivalent double-gate (DG) dimensions concept is introduced to transfer an analytical DG potential model to NW FETs. A compact DG current model is modified by exploiting the rotational symmetry of NW FETs. The effect of quantum confinement (QC) is implemented by considering the additional bandgap widening in the calculation of an effective intrinsic charge carrier concentration and in the calculation of the threshold voltage. The effect of direct source-to-drain tunneling (DSDT) current in ultrascaled SiNS FETs is modeled with the new wavelet approach. This model calculates the tunneling probability analytically for each electron energy by approximating the potential barrier shape by a rectangular barrier with an equivalent barrier height. Due to the nonanalytically integrable Tsu-Esaki tunneling formula an analytical approach named quasi-compact model (QCM) is presented. This approach requires, among other approximations, a Newton iteration, and a linear interpolation of the tunneling current density. Furthermore, a cryogenic temperature and doping analysis is performed. The strong influence of the distance of the source related Fermi level from the conduction band edge on the subthreshold swing, current, and drain-induced barrier lowering (DIBL) saturation is investigated. Also, the merging of two subthreshold swing and DIBL effects is demonstrated and explained. The validity of the equivalent DG dimensions concept is proven by measurement and TCAD Sentaurus simulation data, while the wavelet approach is verified by NanoMOS NEGF simulations

    Electron mobility in surface- and buried- channel flatband In<sub>0.53</sub>Ga<sub>0.47</sub>As MOSFETs with ALD Al<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub> gate dielectric.

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    In this paper, we investigate the scaling potential of flatband III-V MOSFETs by comparing the mobility of surface and buried In&lt;sub&gt;0.53&lt;/sub&gt;Ga&lt;sub&gt;0.47&lt;/sub&gt;As channel devices employing an Atomic Layer Deposited (ALD) Al&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt;O&lt;sub&gt;3&lt;/sub&gt; gate dielectric and a delta-doped InGaAs/InAlAs/InP heterostructure. Peak electron mobilities of 4300 cm&lt;sup&gt;2&lt;/sup&gt;/V·s and 6600 cm&lt;sup&gt;2&lt;/sup&gt;/V·s at a carrier density of 3×1012 cm&lt;sup&gt;-2&lt;/sup&gt; for the surface and buried channel structures respectively were determined. In contrast to similarly scaled inversion-channel devices, we find that mobility in surface channel flatband structures does not drop rapidly with electron density, but rather high mobility is maintained up to carrier concentrations around 4x10&lt;sup&gt;12&lt;/sup&gt; cm&lt;sup&gt;-2&lt;/sup&gt; before slowly dropping to around 2000 cm&lt;sup&gt;2&lt;/sup&gt;/V·s at 1x10M&lt;sup&gt;13&lt;/sup&gt; cm&lt;sup&gt;-2&lt;/sup&gt;. We believe these to be world leading metrics for this material system and an important development in informing the III-V MOSFET device architecture selection process for future low power, highly scaled CM

    Ballistic Transport in Submicron Silicon Mosfets

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    Performance comparison between p-i-n tunneling transistors and conventional MOSFETs

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    Field-effect transistors based on band-to-band tunneling (BTBT) have gained a lot of recent interest due to their potential for reducing power dissipation in integrated circuits. In this paper we present a detailed performance comparison between conventional n-i-n MOSFET transistors, and BTBT transistors based on the p-i-n geometry (p-i-n TFET), using semiconducting carbon nanotubes as the model channel material. Quantum transport simulations are performed using the nonequilibrium Green's function formalism including realistic phonon scattering. We find that the TFET can indeed produce subthreshold swings below the conventional MOSFET limit of 60mV/decade at room temperature leading to smaller off-currents and standby power dissipation. Phonon assisted tunneling, however, limits the off-state performance benefits that could have been achieved otherwise. Under on-state conditions the drive current and the intrinsic device delay of the TFET are mainly governed by the tunneling barrier properties. On the other hand, the switching energy for the TFET is observed to be fundamentally smaller than that for the MOSFET, reducing the dynamic power dissipation. Aforementioned reasons make the p-i-n geometry well suited for low power applications.Comment: 37 pages, 12 figure

    Proceedings of the Cold Electronics Workshop

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    The benefits and problems of the use of cold semiconductor electronics and the research and development effort required to bring cold electronics into more widespread use were examined