829 research outputs found

    Structure Theorem and Strict Alternation Hierarchy for FO^2 on Words

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    It is well-known that every first-order property on words is expressible using at most three variables. The subclass of properties expressible with only two variables is also quite interesting and well-studied. We prove precise structure theorems that characterize the exact expressive power of first-order logic with two variables on words. Our results apply to both the case with and without a successor relation. For both languages, our structure theorems show exactly what is expressible using a given quantifier depth, n, and using m blocks of alternating quantifiers, for any m \leq n. Using these characterizations, we prove, among other results, that there is a strict hierarchy of alternating quantifiers for both languages. The question whether there was such a hierarchy had been completely open. As another consequence of our structural results, we show that satisfiability for first-order logic with two variables without successor, which is NEXP-complete in general, becomes NP-complete once we only consider alphabets of a bounded size

    Structure Theorem and Strict Alternation Hierarchy for FO² on Words

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    It is well-known that every first-order property on words is expressible using at most three variables. The subclass of properties expressible with only two variables is also quite interesting and well-studied. We prove precise structure theorems that characterize the exact expressive power of first-order logic with two variables on words. Our results apply to FO2[<]^2[<] and FO2[<,suc]^2[<,suc], the latter of which includes the binary successor relation in addition to the linear ordering on string positions. For both languages, our structure theorems show exactly what is expressible using a given quantifier depth, nn, and using mm blocks of alternating quantifiers, for any mleqnmleq n. Using these characterizations, we prove, among other results, that there is a strict hierarchy of alternating quantifiers for both languages. The question whether there was such a hierarchy had been completely open since it was asked in [Etessami, Vardi, and Wilke 1997]

    On FO2 quantifier alternation over words

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    We show that each level of the quantifier alternation hierarchy within FO^2[<] -- the 2-variable fragment of the first order logic of order on words -- is a variety of languages. We then use the notion of condensed rankers, a refinement of the rankers defined by Weis and Immerman, to produce a decidable hierarchy of varieties which is interwoven with the quantifier alternation hierarchy -- and conjecturally equal to it. It follows that the latter hierarchy is decidable within one unit: given a formula alpha in FO^2[<], one can effectively compute an integer m such that alpha is equivalent to a formula with at most m+1 alternating blocks of quantifiers, but not to a formula with only m-1 blocks. This is a much more precise result than what is known about the quantifier alternation hierarchy within FO[<], where no decidability result is known beyond the very first levels

    The FO^2 alternation hierarchy is decidable

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    We consider the two-variable fragment FO^2[<] of first-order logic over finite words. Numerous characterizations of this class are known. Th\'erien and Wilke have shown that it is decidable whether a given regular language is definable in FO^2[<]. From a practical point of view, as shown by Weis, FO^2[<] is interesting since its satisfiability problem is in NP. Restricting the number of quantifier alternations yields an infinite hierarchy inside the class of FO^2[<]-definable languages. We show that each level of this hierarchy is decidable. For this purpose, we relate each level of the hierarchy with a decidable variety of finite monoids. Our result implies that there are many different ways of climbing up the FO^2[<]-quantifier alternation hierarchy: deterministic and co-deterministic products, Mal'cev products with definite and reverse definite semigroups, iterated block products with J-trivial monoids, and some inductively defined omega-term identities. A combinatorial tool in the process of ascension is that of condensed rankers, a refinement of the rankers of Weis and Immerman and the turtle programs of Schwentick, Th\'erien, and Vollmer

    Block products and nesting negations in FO2

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    The alternation hierarchy in two-variable first-order logic FO 2 [∈ < ∈] over words was recently shown to be decidable by Kufleitner and Weil, and independently by Krebs and Straubing. In this paper we consider a similar hierarchy, reminiscent of the half levels of the dot-depth hierarchy or the Straubing-Thérien hierarchy. The fragment of FO 2 is defined by disallowing universal quantifiers and having at most m∈-∈1 nested negations. One can view as the formulas in FO 2 which have at most m blocks of quantifiers on every path of their parse tree, and the first block is existential. Thus, the m th level of the FO 2 -alternation hierarchy is the Boolean closure of. We give an effective characterization of, i.e., for every integer m one can decide whether a given regular language is definable by a two-variable first-order formula with negation nesting depth at most m. More precisely, for every m we give ω-terms U m and V m such that an FO 2 -definable language is in if and only if its ordered syntactic monoid satisfies the identity U m ∈V m. Among other techniques, the proof relies on an extension of block products to ordered monoids. © 2014 Springer International Publishing Switzerland

    Algebraic Characterization of the Alternation Hierarchy in FO^2[<] on Finite Words

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    We give an algebraic characterization of the quantifier alternation hierarchy in first-order two-variable logic on finite words. As a result, we obtain a new proof that this hierarchy is strict. We also show that the first two levels of the hierarchy have decidable membership problems, and conjecture an algebraic decision procedure for the other levels

    The half-levels of the FO2 alternation hierarchy

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    © 2016, Springer Science+Business Media New York. The alternation hierarchy in two-variable first-order logic FO 2 [ < ] over words was shown to be decidable by Kufleitner and Weil, and independently by Krebs and Straubing. We consider a similar hierarchy, reminiscent of the half levels of the dot-depth hierarchy or the Straubing-Thérien hierarchy. The fragment Σm2 of FO 2 is defined by disallowing universal quantifiers and having at most m−1 nested negations. The Boolean closure of Σm2 yields the m th level of the FO 2 -alternation hierarchy. We give an effective characterization of Σm2, i.e., for every integer m one can decide whether a given regular language is definable in Σm2. Among other techniques, the proof relies on an extension of block products to ordered monoids

    Bounds for the quantifier depth in finite-variable logics: Alternation hierarchy

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    Given two structures G and H distinguishable in FO^k (first-order logic with k variables), let A^k(G,H) denote the minimum alternation depth of a FO^k formula distinguishing G from H. Let A^k(n) be the maximum value of A^k(G,H) over n-element structures. We prove the strictness of the quantifier alternation hierarchy of FO^2 in a strong quantitative form, namely A^2(n) >= n/8-2, which is tight up to a constant factor. For each k >= 2, it holds that A^k(n) > log_(k+1) n-2 even over colored trees, which is also tight up to a constant factor if k >= 3. For k >= 3 the last lower bound holds also over uncolored trees, while the alternation hierarchy of FO^2 collapses even over all uncolored graphs. We also show examples of colored graphs G and H on n vertices that can be distinguished in FO^2 much more succinctly if the alternation number is increased just by one: while in Sigma_i it is possible to distinguish G from H with bounded quantifier depth, in Pi_i this requires quantifier depth Omega(n2). The quadratic lower bound is best possible here because, if G and H can be distinguished in FO^k with i quantifier alternations, this can be done with quantifier depth n^(2k-2)

    Positive First-order Logic on Words and Graphs

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    We study FO+, a fragment of first-order logic on finite words, where monadic predicates can only appear positively. We show that there is an FO-definable language that is monotone in monadic predicates but not definable in FO+. This provides a simple proof that Lyndon's preservation theorem fails on finite structures. We lift this example language to finite graphs, thereby providing a new result of independent interest for FO-definable graph classes: negation might be needed even when the class is closed under addition of edges. We finally show that the problem of whether a given regular language of finite words is definable in FO+ is undecidable

    On logical hierarchies within FO^2-definable languages

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    We consider the class of languages defined in the 2-variable fragment of the first-order logic of the linear order. Many interesting characterizations of this class are known, as well as the fact that restricting the number of quantifier alternations yields an infinite hierarchy whose levels are varieties of languages (and hence admit an algebraic characterization). Using this algebraic approach, we show that the quantifier alternation hierarchy inside FO^{2}[<] is decidable within one unit. For this purpose, we relate each level of the hierarchy with decidable varieties of languages, which can be defined in terms of iterated deterministic and co-deterministic products. A crucial notion in this process is that of condensed rankers, a refinement of the rankers of Weis and Immerman and the turtle languages of Schwentick, Th\'erien and Vollmer.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:0904.289
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