285 research outputs found

    Structure Theorem and Strict Alternation Hierarchy for FO^2 on Words

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    It is well-known that every first-order property on words is expressible using at most three variables. The subclass of properties expressible with only two variables is also quite interesting and well-studied. We prove precise structure theorems that characterize the exact expressive power of first-order logic with two variables on words. Our results apply to both the case with and without a successor relation. For both languages, our structure theorems show exactly what is expressible using a given quantifier depth, n, and using m blocks of alternating quantifiers, for any m \leq n. Using these characterizations, we prove, among other results, that there is a strict hierarchy of alternating quantifiers for both languages. The question whether there was such a hierarchy had been completely open. As another consequence of our structural results, we show that satisfiability for first-order logic with two variables without successor, which is NEXP-complete in general, becomes NP-complete once we only consider alphabets of a bounded size

    Distribution Constraints: The Chase for Distributed Data

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    This paper introduces a declarative framework to specify and reason about distributions of data over computing nodes in a distributed setting. More specifically, it proposes distribution constraints which are tuple and equality generating dependencies (tgds and egds) extended with node variables ranging over computing nodes. In particular, they can express co-partitioning constraints and constraints about range-based data distributions by using comparison atoms. The main technical contribution is the study of the implication problem of distribution constraints. While implication is undecidable in general, relevant fragments of so-called data-full constraints are exhibited for which the corresponding implication problems are complete for EXPTIME, PSPACE and NP. These results yield bounds on deciding parallel-correctness for conjunctive queries in the presence of distribution constraints

    Dynamic Complexity of Formal Languages

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    The paper investigates the power of the dynamic complexity classes DynFO, DynQF and DynPROP over string languages. The latter two classes contain problems that can be maintained using quantifier-free first-order updates, with and without auxiliary functions, respectively. It is shown that the languages maintainable in DynPROP exactly are the regular languages, even when allowing arbitrary precomputation. This enables lower bounds for DynPROP and separates DynPROP from DynQF and DynFO. Further, it is shown that any context-free language can be maintained in DynFO and a number of specific context-free languages, for example all Dyck-languages, are maintainable in DynQF. Furthermore, the dynamic complexity of regular tree languages is investigated and some results concerning arbitrary structures are obtained: there exist first-order definable properties which are not maintainable in DynPROP. On the other hand any existential first-order property can be maintained in DynQF when allowing precomputation.Comment: Contains the material presenten at STACS 2009, extendes with proofs and examples which were omitted due lack of spac

    Two-Variable Logic with Two Order Relations

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    It is shown that the finite satisfiability problem for two-variable logic over structures with one total preorder relation, its induced successor relation, one linear order relation and some further unary relations is EXPSPACE-complete. Actually, EXPSPACE-completeness already holds for structures that do not include the induced successor relation. As a special case, the EXPSPACE upper bound applies to two-variable logic over structures with two linear orders. A further consequence is that satisfiability of two-variable logic over data words with a linear order on positions and a linear order and successor relation on the data is decidable in EXPSPACE. As a complementing result, it is shown that over structures with two total preorder relations as well as over structures with one total preorder and two linear order relations, the finite satisfiability problem for two-variable logic is undecidable

    History-Register Automata

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    Programs with dynamic allocation are able to create and use an unbounded number of fresh resources, such as references, objects, files, etc. We propose History-Register Automata (HRA), a new automata-theoretic formalism for modelling such programs. HRAs extend the expressiveness of previous approaches and bring us to the limits of decidability for reachability checks. The distinctive feature of our machines is their use of unbounded memory sets (histories) where input symbols can be selectively stored and compared with symbols to follow. In addition, stored symbols can be consumed or deleted by reset. We show that the combination of consumption and reset capabilities renders the automata powerful enough to imitate counter machines, and yields closure under all regular operations apart from complementation. We moreover examine weaker notions of HRAs which strike different balances between expressiveness and effectiveness.Comment: LMCS (improved version of FoSSaCS

    Parallel-Correctness and Containment for Conjunctive Queries with Union and Negation

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    Single-round multiway join algorithms first reshuffle data over many servers and then evaluate the query at hand in a parallel and communication-free way. A key question is whether a given distribution policy for the reshuffle is adequate for computing a given query, also referred to as parallel-correctness. This paper extends the study of the complexity of parallel-correctness and its constituents, parallel-soundness and parallel-completeness, to unions of conjunctive queries with and without negation. As a by-product it is shown that the containment problem for conjunctive queries with negation is coNEXPTIME-complete
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