14 research outputs found

    Transfer Function Synthesis without Quantifier Elimination

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    Traditionally, transfer functions have been designed manually for each operation in a program, instruction by instruction. In such a setting, a transfer function describes the semantics of a single instruction, detailing how a given abstract input state is mapped to an abstract output state. The net effect of a sequence of instructions, a basic block, can then be calculated by composing the transfer functions of the constituent instructions. However, precision can be improved by applying a single transfer function that captures the semantics of the block as a whole. Since blocks are program-dependent, this approach necessitates automation. There has thus been growing interest in computing transfer functions automatically, most notably using techniques based on quantifier elimination. Although conceptually elegant, quantifier elimination inevitably induces a computational bottleneck, which limits the applicability of these methods to small blocks. This paper contributes a method for calculating transfer functions that finesses quantifier elimination altogether, and can thus be seen as a response to this problem. The practicality of the method is demonstrated by generating transfer functions for input and output states that are described by linear template constraints, which include intervals and octagons.Comment: 37 pages, extended version of ESOP 2011 pape

    Constraint-based reachability

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    Iterative imperative programs can be considered as infinite-state systems computing over possibly unbounded domains. Studying reachability in these systems is challenging as it requires to deal with an infinite number of states with standard backward or forward exploration strategies. An approach that we call Constraint-based reachability, is proposed to address reachability problems by exploring program states using a constraint model of the whole program. The keypoint of the approach is to interpret imperative constructions such as conditionals, loops, array and memory manipulations with the fundamental notion of constraint over a computational domain. By combining constraint filtering and abstraction techniques, Constraint-based reachability is able to solve reachability problems which are usually outside the scope of backward or forward exploration strategies. This paper proposes an interpretation of classical filtering consistencies used in Constraint Programming as abstract domain computations, and shows how this approach can be used to produce a constraint solver that efficiently generates solutions for reachability problems that are unsolvable by other approaches.Comment: In Proceedings Infinity 2012, arXiv:1302.310

    Test-Case Generation for Embedded Binary Code Using Abstract Interpretation

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    This paper describes a framework for test-case generation for microcontroller binary programs using abstract interpretation techniques. The key idea of our approach is to derive program invariants a priori, and then use backward analysis to obtain test vectors that are executed on the target microcontroller. Due to the structure of binary code, the abstract interpretation framework is based on propositional encodings of the program semantics and SAT solving

    Programmiersprachen und Rechenkonzepte

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    Seit 1984 veranstaltet die GI-Fachgruppe "Programmiersprachen und Rechenkonzepte" regelmäßig im Frühjahr einen Workshop im Physikzentrum Bad Honnef. Das Treffen dient in erster Linie dem gegenseitigen Kennenlernen, dem Erfahrungsaustausch, der Diskussion und der Vertiefung gegenseitiger Kontakte. In diesem Forum werden Vorträge und Demonstrationen sowohl bereits abgeschlossener als auch noch laufender Arbeiten vorgestellt, unter anderem (aber nicht ausschließlich) zu Themen wie - Sprachen, Sprachparadigmen - Korrektheit von Entwurf und Implementierung - Werkzeuge - Software-/Hardware-Architekturen - Spezifikation, Entwurf - Validierung, Verifikation - Implementierung, Integration - Sicherheit (Safety und Security) - eingebettete Systeme - hardware-nahe Programmierung. In diesem Technischen Bericht sind einige der präsentierten Arbeiten zusammen gestellt

    Mapeo sistemático y estudio de caso sobre técnicas de generación automática de pruebas

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    Incluye bibliografía.El trabajo tiene como objetivo explorar la generación automática de casos de prueba a través de la identificación de las técnicas y sus problemas e investigar su utilidad práctica. Se realizó un mapeo sistemático de la literatura, extendiendo dos trabajos relacionados a la tesis para conocer las técnicas y los problemas investigados. A partir de este mapeo se realizó un estudio de caso con herramientas de generación para evaluar su eficacia con respecto a la detección de defectos

    Modélisation par contraintes de programmes en bytecode Java pour la génération automatique de tests

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    Program verification is essential to maintain a certain level of quality and reliability. Testing is to date the most used software verification mean in industry. Constraint programming is seen as an effective way to automate test data generation. In this thesis we propose a constraint modeling of the Java bytecode semantics, and a method, based on this modeling, to automatically generate test data. Our constraint model of the semantics of a Java bytecode program allows effective deductions, including in the presence of complex data structures or inheritance. In particular, the use of type variables can take into account inheritance and polymorphic method calls. Our method of test data generation uses the constraint model to cover specific instructions of the program under test. It uses a backward progression in the control flow graph to enumerate paths leading to the target instructions. This method suits particularly to cover instructions that are not reached by other methods of test data generation. Finally this method is implemented in a prototype named JAUT (Java Automatic Unit Testing). The experiments show that the prototype can increase the statements coverage obtained with the other available tools.La vérification des programmes est indispensable pour maintenir un certain niveau de qualité et de fiabilité. Le test est à ce jour le moyen de vérification des logiciels le plus utilisé dans l¤industrie. La programmation par contraintes est vue comme un moyen efficace pour automatiser la génération de données de test. Dans cette thèse nous proposons une modélisation par contraintes de la sémantique du bytecode Java, ainsi qu¤une méthode, basée sur cette modélisation, pour générer automatiquement des données de test. Notre modèle à contraintes de la sémantique d¤un programme en bytecode Java permet de faire des déductions efficaces, y compris en présence de structures de données complexes ou d¤héritage. En particulier, l¤utilisation de variables de type permet de prendre en compte l¤héritage et les appels de méthodes polymorphes. Notre méthode de génération de données de test exploite le modèle à contraintes pour couvrir des instructions particulières du programme sous test. Elle se base sur un parcours en arrière du graphe de flot de contrôle pour énumérer des chemins menant aux instructions cibles. Elle est en particulier adaptée à la couverture d¤instructions non couvertes par les autres méthodes de génération de données de test. Enfin cette méthode est mise en application dans un prototype, JAUT (Java Automatic Unit Testing). Les expériences montrent que le prototype permet d¤augmenter la couverture des instructions obtenue avec les autres outils disponibles