1,443 research outputs found

    The Progress of OCT in Industry Applications

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    Metallic fractures assessments: OCT versus SEM

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    Metals can break either in a ductile or brittle manner if a static or dynamic load is applied to the same material. This depends on a variety of factors, such as the manner in which the load is applied, the shape of the mechanical part, the operating conditions, the nature and structure of the metallic material, and the working temperature. If subjected to variable loads, metallic materials break due to what is called fatigue. The microscopic analysis of fracture surfaces is currently carried out by using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). We have proposed, for the first time to our knowledge, a new method to analyze fracture surfaces, using a low coherence interferometry technique, Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) [Gh. Hutiu, V.-F. Duma, et al., Surface imaging of metallic material fractures using optical coherence tomography, Appl. Opt. 53, 5912-5916 (2014); Gh. Hutiu, V.-F. Duma, et al., Assessment of ductile, brittle, and fatigue fractures of metals using optical coherence tomography, Metals 8, 117 (2018)]. The present paper presents the way we have demonstrated that OCT can replace the gold standard in such assessments, i.e. SEM, despite the fact that OCT has a resolution of 20 to 4 μm (in our investigations), while the SEM we employed has a 4 to 2 nm resolution. A few examples are given in this respect–for different types of fractures. The advantages of OCT versus SEM are discussed. This development opens the way for in situ investigations, for example in forensic sciences, where OCT can be applied (including with handheld scanning probes. as we have developed). In contrast, SEM, TEM, and AFM are lab-based techniques, more expensive, and they require trained operators

    Loose powder detection and surface characterization in selective laser sintering via optical coherence tomography

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    Defects produced during selective laser sintering (SLS) are difficult to non-destructively detect after build completion without the use of X-ray-based methods. Overcoming this issue by assessing integrity on a layer-by-layer basis has become an area of significant interest for users of SLS apparatus. Optical coherence tomography (OCT) is used in this study to detect surface texture and sub-surface powder, which is un-melted/insufficiently sintered, is known to be a common cause of poor part integrity and would prevent the use of SLS where applications dictate assurance of defect-free parts. To demonstrate the capability of the instrument and associated data-processing algorithms, samples were built with graduated porosities which were embedded in fully dense regions in order to simulate defective regions. Simulated in situ measurements were then correlated with the process parameters used to generate variable density regions. Using this method, it is possible to detect loose powder and differentiate between densities of ±5% at a sub-surface depth of approximately 300 μm. In order to demonstrate the value of OCT as a surface-profiling technique, surface texture datasets are compared with focus variation microscopy. Comparable results are achieved after a spatial bandwidth- matching procedure

    Spectral 3d reconstruction based on macroscopic oct imaging

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    Various optical technologies have been utilized to improve art conservation by art conservators, such as laser triangulation, stereophotogrammetry, structured light, laser scanner and time of flight sensors. These methods have been deployed to capture the 3D or surface topography information of sculptures and architectures. Optical coherence tomography (OCT) has introduced new imaging methods to study the surface features and subsurface structures of delicate cultural heritage objects. However, despite its higher spatial resolution, the field of view (FOV) of OCT severely limits the size of the scanning area and does not allow macroscopic examination. To solve this issue, we develop and validate a hybrid scanning platform combined with effective algorithm for real-time sampling and artifact removal to achieve macroscopic OCT (macro-OCT) imaging and generate the spectral 3D reconstruction of impressionist style oil paintings as a digital model

    Tomographic measurement of all orthogonal components of three-dimensional displacement fields within scattering materials using wavelength scanning interferometry

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    Experimental mechanics is currently contemplating tremendous opportunities of further advancements thanks to a combination of powerful computational techniques and also fullfield non-contact methods to measure displacement and strain fields in a wide variety of materials. Identification techniques, aimed to evaluate material mechanical properties given known loads and measured displacement or strain fields, are bound to benefit from increased data availability (both in density and dimensionality) and efficient inversion methods such as finite element updating (FEU) and the virtual fields method (VFM). They work at their best when provided with dense and multicomponent experimental displacement (or strain) data, i.e. when all orthogonal components of displacements (or all components of the strain tensor) are known at points closely spaced within the volume of the material under study. Although a very challenging requirement, an increasing number of techniques are emerging to provide such data. In this Thesis, a novel wavelength scanning interferometry (WSI) system that provides three dimensional (3-D) displacement fields inside the volume of semi-transparent scattering materials is proposed. Sequences of two-dimensional interferograms are recorded whilst tuning the frequency of a laser at a constant rate. A new approach based on frequency multiplexing is used to encode the interference signal corresponding to multiple illumination directions at different spectral bands. Different optical paths along each illumination direction ensure that the signals corresponding to each sensitivity vector do not overlap in the frequency domain. All the information required to reconstruct the location and the 3-D displacement vector of scattering points within the material is thus recorded simultaneously in a single wavelength scan. By comparing phase data volumes obtained for two successive scans, all orthogonal components of the three dimensional displacement field introduced between scans (e.g. by means of loading or moving the sample under study) are readily obtained with high displacement sensitivity. The fundamental principle that describes the technique is presented in detail, including the correspondence between interference signal frequency and its associated depth within the sample, depth range, depth resolution, transverse resolution and displacement sensitivity. Data processing of the interference signal includes Fourier transformation, noise reduction, re-registration of data volumes, measurement of the illumination and sensitivity vectors from experimental data using a datum surface, phase difference evaluation, 3-D phase unwrapping and 3-D displacement field evaluation. Experiments consisting of controlled rigid body rotations and translations of a phantom were performed to validate the results. Both in-plane and the out-of-plane displacement components were measured for each voxel in the resulting data volume, showing an excellent agreement with the expected 3-D displacement

    Optical coherence tomography for characterization of nanocomposite materials

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    Nanocomposite materials play an increasingly important role in various application areas, be it in an industrial, medical or everyday environment. The unique properties of nanocomposites go beyond those of conventional composite materials. Because nanoparticles have a high surface-to-volume ratio such as carbon nanotubes, they can reinforce an embedding polymer host matrix mechanically, or they enhance the electrical material conductivity. A major challenge in the development of nanoparticles and nanocomposites is the control of particle size and shape, and of the uniform dispersion of nanoparticles in the host material. Conventional characterization techniques lack either resolution, or can only inspect details of small samples. In this book, the application of optical coherence tomography (OCT) for nanocomposite and nanoparticle characterization is investigated. OCT is a threedimensional imaging method with microscopic resolution. We follow a multiscale approach: Along with imaging in the micrometre to millimetre regime, we employ a light scattering model to extend the measurement range towards nanoparticle sizes. Industrial use cases pose additional challenges to OCT systems, namely robustness, small system cost and size, and an open path towards parallelization. Photonic integrated systems comply with these requirements, and they allow a dense integration of a multitude of systems on a single chip. We design and investigate silicon photonic integrated OCT systems that comprise interferometer and balanced photodetectors on a silicon chip

    Characterization of defects in fiber composites using terahertz imaging

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    Terahertz radiation or T-rays or THz radiation refers to the region of the electromagnetic spectrum between approximately 100 GHz and 30 THz. This spectral region is often referred to as the THz gap as these frequencies fall between electronic (measurement of field with antennas) and optical (measurement of power with optical detectors) means of generation. THz measurements may yield useful information about the structural and chemical nature of the material inspected. Examples include detection of voids in materials and protein binding in biomolecules. This report provides an overview of THz measurements of defects in fiber composites. We find that it efficiently detects defects such as voids and delamination in glass fiber composites better than ultrasound, which was widely used for defect characterization in glass fiber earlier. Comparison of the existing methods with THz is presented in the report for characterization of defects.M.S.Committee Member: Citrin, David; Committee Member: Denison, Doug; Committee Member: Ralph, Stephe
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