11 research outputs found

    Making the Most of High Inflation

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    The paper analyses inflationary real effects in situation where there are frequent episodes of high inflation. It is conjectured with the increase in high inflation, and when differences between the expected and output-neutral inflation become large, output stimulation through inflationary shocks is more effective than otherwise. It is shown that this conjecture is valid for most countries with high inflation episodes, where inflation is greater than 4.8% for at least 25% of quarterly observations. This leads to a simple policy prescription that anti-inflationary monetary decisions should be undertaken in periods where the expected inflation exceeds output-neutral

    Making the most of high inflation

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    The article examines the relationship between the real effects of inflation and its level in countries with frequent episodes of high inflation. The real effects are computed as asymmetric impulse responses of output to inflation separately for the regimes with different signs of the differences between the expected inflation and the predicted output-neutral inflation. It is found that, with the increase in inflation, such effects increase for the regime with the positive sign, relatively to the effects for the regime with the negative sign. It is also shown that this finding is valid for most countries with high inflation episodes, where inflation is greater than 4.8% for at least 25% of quarterly observations. This leads to a simple policy prescription that, in economies with frequent high inflation episodes, anti-inflationary monetary decisions are least damaging for output if undertaken in the periods when the difference between the expected and output-neutral inflation is negative

    Processing remotely sensed data for geological content over a part of the Barberton Greenstone Belt, Republic of South Africa.

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    Various methods and techniques developed by researchers worldwide for enhancement and processing ATM, MSS· and TM remotely sensed data are tested. on LANDSAT 5 Thematic Mapper data from a part of the Barberton Greenstone Belt straddling the border between the Republic of South Africa and the Kingdom of Swaziland. Various enhancement techniques employed to facilitate the extraction of structural features and lineaments, and the findings Of the ensuing photogeologlcal interpretation are compared with existing geological maps~ Methods for the detection of zones of hydrothermal alteration. are also considered. The reflectance from vegetation, both natural and cultivated, and the possible reduction of the interference caused by this reflectance, are considered in detail. Partial unmixing of reflectances through the use of various methods and techniques, some of which are readily available from the literature, are performed and its effectiveness tested. Since large areas within the study area are covered by plantations, the interfereiice from the two types of vegetation present (i.e. natural and cultivated), were initially considered separately. In an attempt to isolate the forested areas from the natural vegetation, masks derived through image classification were used to differentially enhance the various features. Results indicate that the use of any particular method to the exclusion of all others will seriously limit the scope of conclusions possible through interpretation of the information present. Enhancement of information in one domain will inadvertently lead to the suppression of information from one or more of the coexisting domains. A series of results from a sequence of procedures interpreted in parallel will in every case produce information of a higher decision making quality.AC201

    Integrative Genomics Implicates Disruption Of Prenatal Neurogenesis In Congenital Hydrocephalus

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    Congenital Hydrocephalus (CH) affects 1/1000 live births and costs the US healthcare system over $2 billion annually. Mainstay therapies, hinging on surgical cerebrospinal fluid diversion, exhibit high failure rates and substantial morbidity. Limited understanding of pathogenesis warrants identification of crucial genetic drivers underlying CH and their impact on brain development. This pioneering study integrates gene discovery from the largest whole-exome sequenced CH cohort with transcriptional networks (modules) and cell-type markers from the latest transcriptomic atlases of the mid-gestational human brain to uncover the genomic and molecular architecture of CH. Exome analysis of 381 radiographically-confirmed, neurosurgically-treated sporadic CH probands (including 232 case-parent trios) identified genes with rare de novo or transmitted mutations conferring disease risk. Transcriptome analyses identified mid-gestational brain modules and cell-types enriched for cohort-determined CH risk genes, known genes previously implicated in isolated and syndromic forms of CH, and risk genes of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and Developmental Disorder (DD). Genetic drivers of CH converge in a neurodevelopmental network and in early neurogenic cell-types, implicating genetic disruption of early brain development as a primary patho-mechanism for a significant subset of CH patients. Genetic and transcriptional overlap with ASD and DD may explain persistence of these conditions in CH patients despite surgical intervention, while greater potency of CH-enriched neural precursors may account for increased frequency of structural brain abnormalities in CH than in ASD or DD alone

    Signal Processing Using Non-invasive Physiological Sensors

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    Non-invasive biomedical sensors for monitoring physiological parameters from the human body for potential future therapies and healthcare solutions. Today, a critical factor in providing a cost-effective healthcare system is improving patients' quality of life and mobility, which can be achieved by developing non-invasive sensor systems, which can then be deployed in point of care, used at home or integrated into wearable devices for long-term data collection. Another factor that plays an integral part in a cost-effective healthcare system is the signal processing of the data recorded with non-invasive biomedical sensors. In this book, we aimed to attract researchers who are interested in the application of signal processing methods to different biomedical signals, such as an electroencephalogram (EEG), electromyogram (EMG), functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS), electrocardiogram (ECG), galvanic skin response, pulse oximetry, photoplethysmogram (PPG), etc. We encouraged new signal processing methods or the use of existing signal processing methods for its novel application in physiological signals to help healthcare providers make better decisions

    Theoretical analysis and simulations applied to rational design strategies of nanostructured materials

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    Orientador: Douglas Soares GalvãoTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Física Gleb WataghinResumo: Esse documento apresenta uma coleção de trabalhos realizados dentro do amplo campo de materiais nanoestruturados, focando-se em descrições teóricas analíticas e simulações computacionais de diversos novos materias desse tipo. Uma nova fibra supereslástica e condutora é reportada. Essa fibra altamente esticável (até 1320%) é criada envolvendo-se um núcleo cilíndrico de borracha com uma camada de folha de nanotubos de carbono. O material resultante exibe uma interessante estrutura de enrugamentos hierárquicos na sua superfície, o que lhe garante propriedades elétricas úteis como conservar a sua resistencia constante enquanto esticada. Adicionando-se mais camadas de borracha ou nanotubos podemos obter aplicações como sensores de movimento ou deformação, atuadores/músculos artificiais ativados por corrente ou temperatura e operados reversivelmente por um mecanismo de acoplamento entre tensão e torção. Nós explicamos suas propriedades de condução elétrica e os fenômenos físicos envolvidos em cada uma dessas aplicações. Também desenvolvemos um novo método para o desenho racional de polímeros molecularmente impressos usando dinâmica molecular para simular o processo de impressão molecular e a análise subsequente utilizando experimentos de cromatografia simulada. Obtivemos com sucesso a primeira evidência teórica do mecanismo de impressão exibindo afinidade e seletividade para a substância alvo 17-beta-estradiol. Desenhamos e simulamos uma nova estrutura com formato de piramide em kirigami de grafeno, composta de uma folha de grafeno cortada em um padrão específico a fim de formar uma pirâmide quando sofre tensão na direção normal ao plano. Nós calculamos a resposta dessa estrutura a uma carga estática, quando ela age como uma mola de proporções nanométriacs. Também, utilizando simulações de dinâmica molecular de colisões balísticas, constatamos que a resistência desse material a impactos é ainda maior que de uma folha de grafeno puro, sendo ainda mais leve. Um novo método de reforçar fios de nanotubos de carbono, chamado ITAP, também é reportado. Esse método foi capaz de melhorar a resistencia mecanica do fio em até 1,5 vezes e torná-lo muito mais resistente ao ataque de ácido quando comparado com um fio não tratado. Utilizamos simulações de dinâmica molecular para testar a hipótese de que esse tratamento é suficiente para gerar ligações covalentes entre as paredes externas de nanotubos diferentes, o que seria responsável pelas propriedades do material. Aplicamos um algoritmo genético modificado ao problema do folding de proteínas em um modelo de rede 3D HP. Testamos o algoritmo utilizando um conjunto de sequencias de teste que têm estado em uso pelos últimos 20 anos na literatura. Fomos capazes de melhorar um dos resultados e demonstramos a aplicação e utilidade de operadores não canônicos que evitam a convergência prematura do algoritmo, sendo eles o operador de compartilhamento e efeito maternalAbstract: This document presents a colection of works done within the broad subject of nano-structured materials, focusing on analytical theoretical descriptions and computational simulations of new kinds of this class of materials. A new superelastic conducting fiber is reported, with improved properties and functionalities. They are highly stretchable (up to 1320%) conducting fibers created by wrapping carbon nanotube sheets on stretched rubber fiber cores. The resulting structure exhibited an interesting hierarchical buckled structure on its surface. By including more rubber and carbon nanotube layers, we created strain sensors, and electrically or thermally powered tensile and torsional muscles/actuators operating reversibly by a coupled tension-to-torsion actuation mechanism. We explain its electronic properties and quantitatively explain the compounded physical effects involved in each of these applications. We also developed a new method for the rational design of molecularly imprinted polymers using molecular dynamics to simulate the imprinting process and subsequent chromatography studies. We successfully obtained the first theoretical evidence of actual imprinting happening under unconstrained simulations showing affinity and selectivity to the target substance 17-beta estradiol. We designed and simulated a new graphene kirigami pyramid structure, composed of a cut graphene sheet in a specific pattern in order to form a pyramid when under stress perpendicular to the plane. We calculated the response to static loading of this structure that acts like a nano-sized spring. Also, with simulated ballistic collisions we obtained increased resistance to impact in comparison with a pure graphene sheet. A new method of strengthening carbon nanotube yarns, called ITAP, consisting of annealing at high temperature in vacuum is reported. This method is shown to increase the mechanical resistance of the wire up to 1.5 times and make it much more resistant to acid corrosion when compared to pristine non-treated wires. We applied a modified genetic algorithm to the protein folding problem using an 3D HP lattice model using known test sequences that have been in use for the last 20 years and obtained an improvement for the best solution found for one of these proteins. Also, the importance of new non-canonical operators that prevent rapid convergence of the algorithm was demonstrated, namely the Sharing and Maternal Effect operatorsDoutoradoFísicaDoutor em Ciências141198/2012-5CNP

    Smart Fabric sensors for foot motion monitoring

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    Smart Fabrics or fabrics that have the characteristics of sensors are a wide and emerging field of study. This thesis summarizes an investigation into the development of fabric sensors for use in sensorized socks that can be used to gather real time information about the foot such as gait features. Conventional technologies usually provide 2D information about the foot. Sensorized socks are able to provide angular data in which foot angles are correlated to the output from the sensor enabling 3D monitoring of foot position. Current angle detection mechanisms are mainly heavy and cumbersome; the sensorized socks are not only portable but also non-invasive to the subject who wears them. The incorporation of wireless features into the sensorized socks enabled a remote monitoring of the foot

    Modal matching : a method for describing, comparing, and manipulating digital signals

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Program in Media Arts & Sciences, 1995.Includes bibliographical references (leaves 134-144).by Stanley Edward Sclaroff.Ph.D