506 research outputs found

    Revisión de la optimización de Bess en sistemas de potencia

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    The increasing penetration of Distributed Energy Resources has imposed several challenges in the analysis and operation of power systems, mainly due to the uncertainties in primary resource. In the last decade, implementation of Battery Energy Storage Systems in electric networks has caught the interest in research since the results have shown multiple positive effects when deployed optimally. In this paper, a review in the optimization of battery storage systems in power systems is presented. Firstly, an overview of the context in which battery storage systems are implemented, their operation framework, chemistries and a first glance of optimization is shown. Then, formulations and optimization frameworks are detailed for optimization problems found in recent literature. Next, A review of the optimization techniques implemented or proposed, and a basic explanation of the more recurrent ones is presented. Finally, the results of the review are discussed. It is concluded that optimization problems involving battery storage systems are a trending topic for research, in which a vast quantity of more complex formulations have been proposed for Steady State and Transient Analysis, due to the inclusion of stochasticity, multi-periodicity and multi-objective frameworks. It was found that the use of Metaheuristics is dominant in the analysis of complex, multivariate and multi-objective problems while relaxations, simplifications, linearization, and single objective adaptations have enabled the use of traditional, more efficient, and exact techniques. Hybridization in metaheuristics has been important topic of research that has shown better results in terms of efficiency and solution quality.La creciente penetración de recursos distribuidos ha impuesto desafíos en el análisis y operación de sistemas de potencia, principalmente debido a incertidumbres en los recursos primarios. En la última década, la implementación de sistemas de almacenamiento por baterías en redes eléctricas ha captado el interés en la investigación, ya que los resultados han demostrado efectos positivos cuando se despliegan óptimamente. En este trabajo se presenta una revisión de la optimización de sistemas de almacenamiento por baterías en sistemas de potencia. Pare ello se procedió, primero, a mostrar el contexto en el cual se implementan los sistemas de baterías, su marco de operación, las tecnologías y las bases de optimización. Luego, fueron detallados la formulación y el marco de optimización de algunos de los problemas de optimización encontrados en literatura reciente. Posteriormente se presentó una revisión de las técnicas de optimización implementadas o propuestas recientemente y una explicación básica de las técnicas más recurrentes. Finalmente, se discutieron los resultados de la revisión. Se obtuvo como resultados que los problemas de optimización con sistemas de almacenamiento por baterías son un tema de tendencia para la investigación, en el que se han propuesto diversas formulaciones para el análisis en estado estacionario y transitorio, en problemas multiperiodo que incluyen la estocasticidad y formulaciones multiobjetivo. Adicionalmente, se encontró que el uso de técnicas metaheurísticas es dominante en el análisis de problemas complejos, multivariados y multiobjetivo, mientras que la implementación de relajaciones, simplificaciones, linealizaciones y la adaptación mono-objetivo ha permitido el uso de técnicas más eficientes y exactas. La hibridación de técnicas metaheurísticas ha sido un tema relevante para la investigación que ha mostrado mejorías en los resultados en términos de eficiencia y calidad de las soluciones

    Energy storage for black start services : a review

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    With the increasing deployment of renewable energy-based power generation plants, the power system is becoming increasingly vulnerable due to the intermittent nature of renewable energy, and a blackout can be the worst scenario. The current auxiliary generators must be upgraded to energy sources with substantially high power and storage capacity, a short response time, good profitability, and minimal environmental concern. Difficulties in the power restoration of renewable energy generators should also be addressed. The different energy storage methods can store and release electrical/thermal/mechanical energy and provide flexibility and stability to the power system. Herein, a review of the use of energy storage methods for black start services is provided, for which little has been discussed in the literature. First, the challenges that impede a stable, environmentally friendly, and cost-effective energy storage-based black start are identified. The energy storage-based black start service may lack supply resilience. Second, the typical energy storage-based black start service, including explanations on its steps and configurations, is introduced. Black start services with different energy storage technologies, including electrochemical, thermal, and electromechanical resources, are compared. Results suggest that hybridization of energy storage technologies should be developed, which mitigates the disadvantages of individual energy storage methods, considering the deployment of energy storage-based black start services

    Black-start capability of PV power plants through a grid-forming control based on reactive power synchronization

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    Power system restoration is a critical process for any power system. As synchronous generators are being replaced by power electronic converters used in renewable energy generation, the contribution of renewable energy power plants to power system restoration (PSR) after a black-out is becoming more relevant, the so-called black start capability. Existing solutions for providing black start capability to photovoltaic (PV) power plants rely on the use of energy storage systems (ESS) in a hybrid PV plant. In contrast, this paper proposes a solution for the contribution of PV power plants to the PSR that allows a completely autonomous black start process. Reactive power synchronization is used for controlling the PV inverters as virtual synchronous generators (VSG), providing grid-forming control and ensuring synchronism. During the black start process, the PV power is regulated to match the demand using a decentralized solution to share the load between multiple PV inverters. The solution has been validated to handle the most critical situations during the black start process such as the variation on the power source, i.e. irradiance, or on the supplied load and the connection to the main grid.This paper was supported by the Spanish Research Agency under project reference PID2019-106028RB-I00/AEI/10.13039/501100011 033

    Grid-Connected Energy Storage Systems: State-of-the-Art and Emerging Technologies

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    High penetration of renewable energy resources in the power system results in various new challenges for power system operators. One of the promising solutions to sustain the quality and reliability of the power system is the integration of energy storage systems (ESSs). This article investigates the current and emerging trends and technologies for grid-connected ESSs. Different technologies of ESSs categorized as mechanical, electrical, electrochemical, chemical, and thermal are briefly explained. Especially, a detailed review of battery ESSs (BESSs) is provided as they are attracting much attention owing, in part, to the ongoing electrification of transportation. Then, the services that grid-connected ESSs provide to the grid are discussed. Grid connection of the BESSs requires power electronic converters. Therefore, a survey of popular power converter topologies, including transformer-based, transformerless with distributed or common dc-link, and hybrid systems, along with some discussions for implementing advanced grid support functionalities in the BESS control, is presented. Furthermore, the requirements of new standards and grid codes for grid-connected BESSs are reviewed for several countries around the globe. Finally, emerging technologies, including flexible power control of photovoltaic systems, hydrogen, and second-life batteries from electric vehicles, are discussed in this article.This work was supported in part by the Office of Naval Research Global under Grant N62909-19-1-2081, in part by the National Research Foundation of Singapore Investigatorship under Award NRFI2017-08, and in part by the I2001E0069 Industrial Alignment Funding. (Corresponding author: Josep Pou.

    Energy Management Systems For Smart Active Residential Buildings

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    Sistemas de energía renovable en las áreas rurales: una demostración en el sector vitivinícola

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    La investigación ha tenido como objetivo elaborar una propuesta novedosa para el suministro de energía de origen 100% renovable en el medio rural, en modo no conectado a la red y aplicado a la satisfacción de consumos concretos del sector vitivinícola (viñedo).En el marco de la tesis, se desarrolló el proyecto LIFE REWIND (Renewable Energy in the Wine Industry), cofinanciado por la Comisión Europea. El prototipo se instaló en un viñedo de la bodega Viñas del Vero, en Barbastro (Huesca).La tesis incorpora un compendio de cinco artículos publicados en revistas con indexadas en Journal Citation Reports:1. Carroquino, J.; Dufo-López, R.; Bernal-Agustín, J. L. Sizing of off-grid renewable energy systems for drip irrigation in Mediterranean crops. Renewable Energy 2015, 76, 566–574, doi:10.1016/j.renene.2014.11.069.2. Carroquino, J.; Roda, V.; Mustata, R.; Yago, J.; Valiño, L.; Lozano, A.; Barreras, F. Combined production of electricity and hydrogen from solar energy and its use in the wine sector. Renewable Energy 2018, 122, 251–263, doi:10.1016/j.renene.2018.01.106.3. Roda, V.; Carroquino, J.; Valiño, L.; Lozano, A.; Barreras, F. Remodeling of a commercial plug-in battery electric vehicle to a hybrid configuration with a PEM fuel cell. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 2018, doi:10.1016/j.ijhydene.2017.12.171.4. Garcia-Casarejos, N.; Gargallo, P.; Carroquino, J. Introduction of renewable energy in the Spanish wine sector. Sustainability 2018, 10, doi:10.3390/su10093157.5. Carroquino, J.; Bernal-Agustín, J.-L.; Dufo-López, R. Standalone Renewable Energy and Hydrogen in an Agricultural Context: A Demonstrative Case. Sustainability 2019, 11, 951, doi:10.3390/SU11040951.El título y temática de la tesis es Sistemas de energía renovable en las áreas rurales: una demostración en el sector vitivinícola.La primera parte de la tesis abordó seis casos de estudio de riego en cultivos mediterráneos de viñedo y olivar, dimensionando los sistemas óptimos de generación renovable. Al término de esa fase, se elaboró el primer artículo “Sizing of off-grid renewable energy systems for drip irrigation in Mediterranean crops”. En la segunda fase, se abordó el diseño de un prototipo de sistema de energía renovable para viñedo. Dicho prototipo incluye la producción de hidrógeno. El diseño y los resultados se abordan en los artículos “Standalone Renewable Energy and Hydrogen in an Agricultural Context: A Demonstrative Case” y “Combined production of electricity and hydrogen from solar energy and its use in the wine sector”. El hidrógeno producido se utilizó en un vehículo eléctrico al que se le incorporó una pila de combustible, cuyo diseño y resultados se abordan en el artículo “Remodeling of a commercial plug-in battery electric vehicle to a hybrid configuration with a PEM fuel cell”.Finalmente, se estudió la disposición del sector del vino español a incorporar sistemas de energía renovable y se identificaron las vías para fomentar su adopción, en el artículo “Introduction of renewable energy in the Spanish wine sector”.<br /

    Battery Electric Storage Systems: Advances, Challenges, and Market Trends

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    The increasing integration of renewable energy sources (RESs) and the growing demand for sustainable power solutions have necessitated the widespread deployment of energy storage systems. Among these systems, battery energy storage systems (BESSs) have emerged as a promising technology due to their flexibility, scalability, and cost-effectiveness. This paper aims to provide a comprehensive review of the diffusion and deployment of BESSs across various applications, analyzing their impact on grid stability, renewable energy integration, and the overall energy transition. The paper examines the key drivers and challenges associated with BESS adoption, as well as market trends influencing their proliferation. Through an analysis of empirical data, this study aims to shed light on the current state of BESS diffusion. Finally, this research contributes to the knowledge base surrounding battery storage technology and provides insights into its role in achieving a sustainable and reliable energy future

    Integration of Renewables in Power Systems by Multi-Energy System Interaction

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    This book focuses on the interaction between different energy vectors, that is, between electrical, thermal, gas, and transportation systems, with the purpose of optimizing the planning and operation of future energy systems. More and more renewable energy is integrated into the electrical system, and to optimize its usage and ensure that its full production can be hosted and utilized, the power system has to be controlled in a more flexible manner. In order not to overload the electrical distribution grids, the new large loads have to be controlled using demand response, perchance through a hierarchical control set-up where some controls are dependent on price signals from the spot and balancing markets. In addition, by performing local real-time control and coordination based on local voltage or system frequency measurements, the grid hosting limits are not violated

    The Influence of Electric Vehicle Availability on Vehicle-to-Grid Provision within a Microgrid.

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    By 2030, the number of electric vehicles (EVs) on the road is expected to increase to 11 million in the UK, meaning that there will be an increase in electricity demand. A potential solution to help manage this increase in demand is to use a technology called vehicle-to-grid (V2G) which is essentially a connection post that allows a bidirectional flow of energy, which means that EVs can charge and discharge when connected. Through this technology, the electrical grid can make use of the energy already stored in the battery of the EV. This research aimed to understand the effects of EV availability on V2G technology within a microgrid and evaluated the feasibility of providing ancillary services. A predictive model, primarily trained on internal combustion engine vehicle (ICEV) trips, used the UK’s historical travel data to predict the location of EVs, achieving significant understanding of travel behaviour and EV availability. Split into two tasks—predicting start and end locations—this model utilised light gradient boosting machine (LightGBM) due to its superior performance. After fine-tuning, it yielded a weighted average F1 score of 0.900 and 0.902 for tasks 1 and 2, respectively. The model, when informed by new, real-world EV data, derived travel start and end locations, which was the fed into an optimisation model. This optimisation model use a mixed integer linear programming (MILP) approach to schedule EV battery usage at the household level and study various case studies involving V2G technology. Simulations factored in different photovoltaic (PV) penetration rates, energy tariffs, and peer-to-peer (P2P) pricing mechanisms within a microgrid. First, the technical and economic benefits of home batteries, smart charging (V1G), and Vehicle-to-home (V2H) systems in EVs were evaluated, with an emphasis on performance and electricity bill reduction. The second case studied the potential of EVs to provide short term operation reserve (STOR) services. The third case explored a payment mechanism to optimise the state of charge (SOC) for EVs under V1G and V2H technologies for a week and estimate the energy available for restoration services. The study reveals that both stationary home batteries and EVs, when integrated with solar power and dynamic tariffs, can effectively reduce electricity costs, despite the fluctuating availability of EVs. Notably, EVs, when combined with P2P energy sharing and V2H systems, offer comparable performance to stationary batteries, in addition to their transportation benefit. In terms of STOR provision, EVs meet the technical requirements, with their availability significantly influencing STOR provision. Factors like energy tariffs, solar power penetration rates, and P2P mechanisms have minimal effect on the STOR energy amount, but they do affect the overall microgrid performance. The study also highlights the need to maintain a 15% surplus of EVs within the microgrid for ensured resilience. Effective strategies to maintain a high SOC in EVs include higher payment rate systems, implementation of V1G and V2H strategies, and dynamic energy tariffs. The study, however, recommends limiting users to V1G to prioritise potential energy use for restoration services. Although EV availability affects the minimum SOC, it is not more significant than other factors such as EV penetration rates, energy tariffs, and P2P price mechanisms. The findings imply that EV availability can reduce some of the benefits that stationary home battery have, such as surplus noon charging, while V2H might match home batteries in certain situations. EVs can offer STOR services as the fulfil most of the technical requirements, but the energy amount is dependant on available EVs during STOR events. EV availability had minimal effect on maintaining minimum SOC for a week that could potentially be used for restoration services, with energy tariffs and end-of-week incentives being more influential. Different PV penetration rates, energy tariffs, and P2P price mechanisms each have varied impacts on grid performance and V2G provision depending on the scenario

    Provision of Flexibility Services by Industrial Energy Systems

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