258,064 research outputs found

    On the Interpretation of Price Adjustments and Demand in Asset Pricing Models with Mean-Variance Optimization

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    With reference to the class of asset pricing models with a market maker and mean-variance optimization of speculative agents, the note seeks to clarify the concepts behind the price adjustment rule, which are often treated somewhat carelessly in this literature. Calling attention to the distinction between the agents? desired holding of the risky asset and the desired change in their position, the following conclusion is drawn. If market prices are said to adjust in the direction of excess demand, then the story of the maximization of expected wealth should be dropped. On the other hand, the story could be perfectly maintained if the market maker were assumed to adjust prices inversely to his accumulated inventory. --Expected wealth maximization,market maker,positions of speculative agents


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    The study was aimed to investigate the implementation of Cartoon Story Maker Software in the classroom. To gain the data, the author employed a qualitative case study and the data were obtained through the observation, interview and questionnaire. The author concluded that, the teacher used Cartoon Story Maker Software well in the classroom. The teacher had a strong perceptions on using Cartoon Story Maker Software that the teacher could make a good situation to motivate the students in teaching writing descriptive text. The teacher also confirmed that the students enjoyed it and it was found that almost all students (75%) preferred to learn to write descriptive text using Cartoon Story Maker Software and 25% was the rest who did not. Finally, the author provides suggestions for English teacher who teach English and students who learn English that Cartoon Story Maker Software gives the contribution to the learning process, so that the interaction in the teaching and learning process runs smoothly. Keywords: cartoon story maker software, descriptive text, writing

    The Implementation of Semester Learning Plan (RPS) on Maharah Istima’ Course by Using Cartoon Story Maker

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    ENGLISH ABSTRACT This is a descriptive qualitative research which aims to describe the implementation of Semester Learning Plan (RPS) on Maharah Istima’ Course by Using Cartoon Story Maker and its distinct characteristics from the previous RPS. The subject of this research is the Arabic language lecturers of IAIN Palangka Raya who teach Maharah Istima’ course. It uses observations, interviews, and documentations for the data collection techniques, and is validated using triangulation method. The results showed that there were nine learning activities of the implementation of Cartoon Story Maker based semester learning plan, namely; (1) Providing information to the students about the course’s learning objectives. (2) Giving apperception about the learning material. (3) Preparing and displaying Cartoon Story Maker media. (4) Students listen and prepare their stationeries (5) Students mention the main and supporting ideas. (6) Providing responses and corrections (7) Reminding the students to write the new vocabulary obtained. (8) Students make conclusions (9) Providing an explanation or summary about the material. The specification of this RPS with the previous one is that it is designed and clearly described the assessment indicators which include a series of more innovative activities, where learning is more centred on students and lecturers only act as facilitators and monitor the learning objectives. Lecturers only provide learning resources by creating Cartoon Story Maker as an interesting and effective learning media. INDONESIAN ABSTRACT Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif deksriftif yang bertujuan untuk mendeksrepsikan implementasi rencana pembelajaran semester mata kuliah Mahârah Istimâ’ berbasis media Cartoon Story Maker dan karakteristik yang membedakan RPS ini dengan RPS sebelumnya. Subjek penelitian ini adalah Dosen PBA IAIN Palangka Raya yang mengajar mata kuliah Mahârah Istimâ’’. Tekhnik pengumpulan data menggunakan instrument penelitian berupa observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Dan kemudian diabsahkan dengan menggunakan triangulasi. Dari hasil penelitian ini maka diketahui bahwa ada Sembilan langkah kegiatan pembelajaran yang merupakan bentuk implementasi rencana pembelajaran semester berbasis media Cartoon Story Maker yaitu; (1) Memberikan informasi kepada seluruh peserta didik mengenai tujuan pembelajaran mata kuliah. (2) Memberikan apersepsi mengenai materi pembelajaran yang akan di pelajari. (3) Menyiapkan dan menayangkan media Cartoon Story Maker. (4) Mahasiswa menyimak dan menyiapkan alat tulis (5) Mahasiswa menyebutkan ide utama dan ide penunjang. (6) Memberikan tanggapan dan mengoreksi (7) Mengingatkan mahasiswa untuk mencatat kosakata baru yang didapat. (8) Mahasiswa membuat kesimpulan (9) Memberikan penjelasan ataupun ringkasan tentang materi yang telah dipelajari. Adapun spesifikasi RPS ini dengan yang terdahulu adalah RPS ini dirancang dan dideksripsikan dengan jelas mengenai indicator penilaian yang mencakup rangkaian kegiatan yang lebih inovatif, dimana pembelajaran lebih dipusatkan kepada mahasiswa dan dosen hanya sebagai fasilitator dan monitor tujuan pembelajaran. Dosen hanya membantu menyediakan sumber pembelajaran dengan membuat media Cartoon Story Maker sebagai sarana pembelajaran yang menarik dan efektif

    The Use of Cartoon Story Maker in Writing Practice

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    Entering the new era of the Industrial Revolution 4.0, we have grown used to technology in education and, in particular, learning languages. The study aimed to explore and describe the use of Cartoon Story Maker, a digital comic software, in writing practice. It focuses on comparing the difficulties students experience in writing using Cartoon Story Maker and without the media. Besides, students’ responses were also investigated. The methods used included observation, planning, implementation, analysis, and data presentation. Data were obtained from the compositions and questionnaires of 30 students of STMIK STIKOM Indonesia. The findings showed that some problems did not occur repeatedly. Moreover, the students gave positive responses on the use of the software in writing practice because they could relate the writing experience to their real life. Keywords: Cartoon Story Maker, Students’ difficulties, digital comics, writin

    Meningkatkan kreativitas dan hasil belajar siswa menggunakan kartun digital berbasis aplikasi carton story maker

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    Penelitian tindakan ini bertujuan untuk: (a) meningkatan kreativitas siswa kelas IXC MTsN 9 Hulu Sungai Tengah dengan pembuatan kartun digital mengunakan aplikasi carton story maker dan (b) meningkatan hasil belajar siswa kelas IXC MTsN 9 Hulu Sungai Tengah dengan pembuatan kartun digital mengunakan aplikasi carton story maker. Subjek penelitian adalah siswa kelas IXC MTsN 9 Hulu Sungai Tengah tahun pelajaran 2019/2020 semester ganjil, berjumlah siswa 33 orang. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian tindakan kelas yang dilaksanakan dalam 2 siklus. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan test dan observasi, serta dianalisis dengan metode deskriptif. Kriteria keberhasilan adalah kreativitas siswa dikategorikan baik atau sangat baik, sedangkan hasil belajar ketuntasan yang diharapkan mencapai 80% siswa telah mencapai KKM (KKM = 70.0). Hasil penelitan terlihat kreativitas siswa menunjukkan adanya peningkatan dari siklus I ke siklus II. Pada siklus I yang masuk katagori kreativitas baik dan sangat baik sebanyak 51,5% dan mengalami peningkatan pada siklus II menjadi 87,9%. Ketuntasan hasil belajar siswa mengalami peningkatan dari 75,8 % pada siklus I menjadi 87,8% pada siklus II. Kesimpulan penelitian pembuatan kartun digital dengan aplikasi carton story maker materi pewarisan sifat di kelas IXC MTsN 9 Hulu Sungai Tengah dapat meningkatkan kreativitas dan hasil belajar siswa. The research aims to: (a) increase the creativity of students of ixc class MTsN 9 Hulu Sungai Tengah by making digital cartoons using carton story maker application and (b) improving the learning outcomes of grade IXC MTSN 9 students upstream of Sungai Tengah by making digital cartoons using carton story maker application. The subject of the study was students of IXC MTsN 9 Hulu Sungai Tengah class year 2019/2020 odd semester which amounts of students 33 people. This study is a class action research conducted in 2 cycles. Data collection techniques test and observation, and analyzed by descriptive methods. The criteria for success is that students' creativity is categorized as good or very good, while the results of learning completion are expected to reach 80% of students have achieved KKM (KKM=70.0). The results showed students' creativity showed an improvement from cycle I to cycle II. In cycle I that entered the category of good and excellent creativity there was 51.5% and increased in cycle II to 87.9%. Students'learning completion increased from 75.8% in cycle I to 87.8% in cycle II. The conclusion of the research on the creation of digital cartoons with the application of carton story maker nature inheritance material in class IXC MTsN 9 Hulu Sungai Tengah can improve creativity and student learning outcomes

    "The Use of Affixation in Edgar Allan Poe's Short Stories"

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    Morphology is one of the important study in linguistics in word formation. Affixation is part of morphology that becomes one of the important way in the formation of new word. In this research there are two affixation processes, those are derivational and inflectional. The aim of this research is to describe the affixation process and to analyze the affixation function used in the short story of Edgar Allan Poe. The theory used in this research is the theory of Plag and Yule to analyze the data. In this research, the writer uses the descriptive qualitative method. The data are obtained from four short stories by Edgar Allan Poe. In the data collection, the writer makes several steps those are, reads the short stories, collects the data which contains affixation, analyses the words which is included into affixation and describes it by using theory related to this research. The result of this research shows that there are derivational and inflectional affixes in the short story of Edgar Allan Poe. There are two types of derivational affixes found in this research, they are prefixes and suffixes. The writer finds 15 words of prefixes (in-, un-, mis-, dis-, fore-). Meanwhile, the suffixes consist of 63 words of nominal suffixes (-age, -al, -ant, -cy/-ce, -er, -hood, -an/-ian, -ing, -ion, -ist, -ity, -ment, -ness, -ship), 2 words verbal suffixes (-en and -ize), 28 words adjectival suffixes (-able, -al, -ary, -ed, -ful, -ic , -less, -ly, -ous), 25 words adverbial suffixes (-ly and -wise). Whereas, the inflectional affixes consist of 10 words of plural maker (-S), 2 words of possessive maker (-S), 5 words of comparative maker (-er), 3 words of superlative maker (-est), 1 word of third person singular maker (-S ), 4 words of paste tense maker (-ed), 8 words of past participle maker (-en/-ed), and 4 words of present participle maker (-ing). Based on data analysis, it could be concluded that many of derivational affixes processes are found in short stories of Edgar Allan Poe. Derivational affix has a functions as a noun maker, verb maker, adjective maker, and adverb maker. Derivational affix could change the part of speech and meaning in the word. While inflectional affix does not change the part of speech and only change the form

    A short note on the problematic concept of excess demand in asset pricing models with mean-variance optimization

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    Referring to asset pricing models where demand is proportional to excess returns and said to be derived from a mean-variance optimization problem, the note formulates what probably is common knowledge but hardly ever made an explicit subject of discussion. This is an insufficient distinction between the desired holding of the risky asset on the part of the speculative agents, which is the solution to the optimization problem and usually directly presented as excess demand, and the desired change in this holding, which is what should reasonably constitute the excess demand on the market. The note arrives at the conclusion that in models with a market maker the story of the maximization of expected wealth should be dropped

    The effect of cartoon story maker toward students’ speaking score and motivation at the class of speaking III of the State Islamic Institute of Palangka raya

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    The purposes of this research are (a) to know the effect of cartoon story maker for teaching English speaking, (b) to measure the effect of cartoon story maker toward the students’ speaking score, and (c) to measure the effect of cartoon story maker toward the students’ motivation. The writer used quantitative approach with quasi-experimental design. The writer designed the lesson plan, conducted the treatment, observed the students’ scores by pre-test and post-test. The population of the research is 36 students. They are all 2 classes of speaking class of the state Islamic institute of Palangka Raya, which control class is Speaking Class D, and for the experiment class is Speaking Class C. The writer used One-Way ANOVA to analyse the data, and the result shows that there is signifcant differences among groups after doing the treatment with Fvalue is higher than Ftable (18.216 ≥ 2.75). Then the writer applied Post Hoc Test to answer the research problems, and the result shows that (a) teaching by using cartoon story maker is more effective on students’ speaking score than teaching English without using cartoon story maker with the significant value was lower than alpha (0.03 lower ≤ 0.05), (b) teaching by using cartoon story maker is more effective on students’ motivation than teaching English without using cartoon story maker , with the significant value was lower than alpha (0.03 lower ≤ 0.05), and (c) There is no different effect between teaching speaking using cartoon story maker on students’ speaking score and motivation. It is based on the calculation using SPSS 18.0 statistic program, the result shows significant value is higher than alpha (0.924 ≥ 0.05). ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (a) mengetahui efek dari penggunaan Caartoon Story Maker dalam mengajarkan berbicara menggunakan Bahasa Inggirs, (b) untuk mengukur efek dari penggunaan Cartoon Story Maker terhadap kemampuan berbicara mahasiswa terhadap nilai berbicara, (c) untuk mengukur efek dari penggunaan Cartoon Story Maker terhadap motivasi mahasiswa. Penulis menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan kuasi eksperimental desain. Penulis menggunakan rencana pembelajaran, perlakuan menggunakan media, penghitungan pada nilai pre dan post test. Populasi dari jumlah mahasiswa ialah 36 mahasiswa. Terdapat 2 kelas sebagai kelas penelitian di kelas berbicara pada kampus IAIN Palangka Raya. Kelas kontrol ialah kelas berbicara D berjumlah 19 mahasiswa, kelas eksperimen ialah kelas berbicara C berjumlah 17 mahasiswa. Penulis menggunakan One Way ANOVA untuk menganalisis data, dan dari hasilnya menunjukkan ada perbedaan yang signifikan diantara kedua kelas setelah melakukan perlakuan menggunaka media, dengan Fvalue lebih besar dari Ftable (18.216 ≥ 2.75). Kemudian penulis menerapkan Post Hoc Test untuk menjawab rumusan masalah, dan hasilnya ialah (a) mengajar menggunakan Cartoon Story Maker lebih efektif pada nilai berbicara mahasiswa daripada mengajar tidak menggunakan Cartoon Story Maker dengan nilai signifikan ialah lebih rendah dari alpha (0.03 lebih rendah ≤ 0.05), (b) mengajar menggunakan Cartoon Story Maker lebih efektif pada motivasi mahasiswa daripada mengajar tidak menggunakan Cartoon Story, dengan nilai signifikan lebih rendah dari alpha (0.03 lebih rendah ≤ 0.05); (c) tidak ada perbedaan efek dalam mengajar menggunakan Cartoon Story Maker pada nilai berbicara dan motivasi mahasiswa. Hal ini berdasarkan pada kalkulasi menggunakan program SPSS 18.0 program statistik. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa nilai signifikan lebih tinggi daripada alpha (0.924 ≥ 0.05)

    `Cartoon Story Maker`: Linking Technology and ELT for Young Learners

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    Teaching English to young learners are claimed to be magical process of learning. In so many conventional ways, they are getting bored easily and difficult to be focus on what is taught. Eventually, they are creating words or even sentences that out of the language rules that they think were true.While, this digital era has been so familiar to the young learners daily routine.Almost every child are able to use the computer or phone. Therefore, the purpose of this article is to help the teachers of English especially for young learnerslinktechnology and language teaching in their particular schools and classrooms for their specific purposes by using Cartoon Movie Maker. In this preliminary study, the analysis wereconducted by observations, questionnaire, and pre-post Constructed-Response Assesment. It was found that the study gained enhancenment in the writing as well the speaking skills. Hence, the concluding argument of the article is that the Cartoon Movie Maker provides an interesting case study of the relationship between theory and practice in ELT and points to the way teachers might engage with other kind of interesting softwares in the technology for the young learners