10,056 research outputs found

    A Stochastic Immersed Boundary Method for Fluid-Structure Dynamics at Microscopic Length Scales

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    In this work it is shown how the immersed boundary method of (Peskin2002) for modeling flexible structures immersed in a fluid can be extended to include thermal fluctuations. A stochastic numerical method is proposed which deals with stiffness in the system of equations by handling systematically the statistical contributions of the fastest dynamics of the fluid and immersed structures over long time steps. An important feature of the numerical method is that time steps can be taken in which the degrees of freedom of the fluid are completely underresolved, partially resolved, or fully resolved while retaining a good level of accuracy. Error estimates in each of these regimes are given for the method. A number of theoretical and numerical checks are furthermore performed to assess its physical fidelity. For a conservative force, the method is found to simulate particles with the correct Boltzmann equilibrium statistics. It is shown in three dimensions that the diffusion of immersed particles simulated with the method has the correct scaling in the physical parameters. The method is also shown to reproduce a well-known hydrodynamic effect of a Brownian particle in which the velocity autocorrelation function exhibits an algebraic tau^(-3/2) decay for long times. A few preliminary results are presented for more complex systems which demonstrate some potential application areas of the method.Comment: 52 pages, 11 figures, published in journal of computational physic

    Systematic Stochastic Reduction of Inertial Fluid-Structure Interactions subject to Thermal Fluctuations

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    We present analysis for the reduction of an inertial description of fluid-structure interactions subject to thermal fluctuations. We show how the viscous coupling between the immersed structures and the fluid can be simplified in the regime where this coupling becomes increasingly strong. Many descriptions in fluid mechanics and in the formulation of computational methods account for fluid-structure interactions through viscous drag terms to transfer momentum from the fluid to immersed structures. In the inertial regime, this coupling often introduces a prohibitively small time-scale into the temporal dynamics of the fluid-structure system. This is further exacerbated in the presence of thermal fluctuations. We discuss here a systematic reduction technique for the full inertial equations to obtain a simplified description where this coupling term is eliminated. This approach also accounts for the effective stochastic equations for the fluid-structure dynamics. The analysis is based on use of the Infinitesmal Generator of the SPDEs and a singular perturbation analysis of the Backward Kolomogorov PDEs. We also discuss the physical motivations and interpretation of the obtained reduced description of the fluid-structure system. Working paper currently under revision. Please report any comments or issues to [email protected]: 19 pages, 1 figure. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1009.564

    Spatially Adaptive Stochastic Methods for Fluid-Structure Interactions Subject to Thermal Fluctuations in Domains with Complex Geometries

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    We develop stochastic mixed finite element methods for spatially adaptive simulations of fluid-structure interactions when subject to thermal fluctuations. To account for thermal fluctuations, we introduce a discrete fluctuation-dissipation balance condition to develop compatible stochastic driving fields for our discretization. We perform analysis that shows our condition is sufficient to ensure results consistent with statistical mechanics. We show the Gibbs-Boltzmann distribution is invariant under the stochastic dynamics of the semi-discretization. To generate efficiently the required stochastic driving fields, we develop a Gibbs sampler based on iterative methods and multigrid to generate fields with O(N)O(N) computational complexity. Our stochastic methods provide an alternative to uniform discretizations on periodic domains that rely on Fast Fourier Transforms. To demonstrate in practice our stochastic computational methods, we investigate within channel geometries having internal obstacles and no-slip walls how the mobility/diffusivity of particles depends on location. Our methods extend the applicability of fluctuating hydrodynamic approaches by allowing for spatially adaptive resolution of the mechanics and for domains that have complex geometries relevant in many applications

    Inertial Coupling Method for particles in an incompressible fluctuating fluid

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    We develop an inertial coupling method for modeling the dynamics of point-like 'blob' particles immersed in an incompressible fluid, generalizing previous work for compressible fluids. The coupling consistently includes excess (positive or negative) inertia of the particles relative to the displaced fluid, and accounts for thermal fluctuations in the fluid momentum equation. The coupling between the fluid and the blob is based on a no-slip constraint equating the particle velocity with the local average of the fluid velocity, and conserves momentum and energy. We demonstrate that the formulation obeys a fluctuation-dissipation balance, owing to the non-dissipative nature of the no-slip coupling. We develop a spatio-temporal discretization that preserves, as best as possible, these properties of the continuum formulation. In the spatial discretization, the local averaging and spreading operations are accomplished using compact kernels commonly used in immersed boundary methods. We find that the special properties of these kernels make the discrete blob a particle with surprisingly physically-consistent volume, mass, and hydrodynamic properties. We develop a second-order semi-implicit temporal integrator that maintains discrete fluctuation-dissipation balance, and is not limited in stability by viscosity. Furthermore, the temporal scheme requires only constant-coefficient Poisson and Helmholtz linear solvers, enabling a very efficient and simple FFT-based implementation on GPUs. We numerically investigate the performance of the method on several standard test problems...Comment: Contains a number of corrections and an additional Figure 7 (and associated discussion) relative to published versio

    The Stokes-Einstein Relation at Moderate Schmidt Number

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    The Stokes-Einstein relation for the self-diffusion coefficient of a spherical particle suspended in an incompressible fluid is an asymptotic result in the limit of large Schmidt number, that is, when momentum diffuses much faster than the particle. When the Schmidt number is moderate, which happens in most particle methods for hydrodynamics, deviations from the Stokes-Einstein prediction are expected. We study these corrections computationally using a recently-developed minimally-resolved method for coupling particles to an incompressible fluctuating fluid in both two and three dimensions. We find that for moderate Schmidt numbers the diffusion coefficient is reduced relative to the Stokes-Einstein prediction by an amount inversely proportional to the Schmidt number in both two and three dimensions. We find, however, that the Einstein formula is obeyed at all Schmidt numbers, consistent with linear response theory. The numerical data is in good agreement with an approximate self-consistent theory, which can be used to estimate finite-Schmidt number corrections in a variety of methods. Our results indicate that the corrections to the Stokes-Einstein formula come primarily from the fact that the particle itself diffuses together with the momentum. Our study separates effects coming from corrections to no-slip hydrodynamics from those of finite separation of time scales, allowing for a better understanding of widely observed deviations from the Stokes-Einstein prediction in particle methods such as molecular dynamics.Comment: Submitte

    The Stochastic Dynamics of Rectangular and V-shaped Atomic Force Microscope Cantilevers in a Viscous Fluid and Near a Solid Boundary

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    Using a thermodynamic approach based upon the fluctuation-dissipation theorem we quantify the stochastic dynamics of rectangular and V-shaped microscale cantilevers immersed in a viscous fluid. We show that the stochastic cantilever dynamics as measured by the displacement of the cantilever tip or by the angle of the cantilever tip are different. We trace this difference to contributions from the higher modes of the cantilever. We find that contributions from the higher modes are significant in the dynamics of the cantilever tip-angle. For the V-shaped cantilever the resulting flow field is three-dimensional and complex in contrast to what is found for a long and slender rectangular cantilever. Despite this complexity the stochastic dynamics can be predicted using a two-dimensional model with an appropriately chosen length scale. We also quantify the increased fluid dissipation that results as a V-shaped cantilever is brought near a solid planar boundary.Comment: 10 pages, 15 images, corrected equation (8

    Stochastic Eulerian Lagrangian Methods for Fluid-Structure Interactions with Thermal Fluctuations

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    We present approaches for the study of fluid-structure interactions subject to thermal fluctuations. A mixed mechanical description is utilized combining Eulerian and Lagrangian reference frames. We establish general conditions for operators coupling these descriptions. Stochastic driving fields for the formalism are derived using principles from statistical mechanics. The stochastic differential equations of the formalism are found to exhibit significant stiffness in some physical regimes. To cope with this issue, we derive reduced stochastic differential equations for several physical regimes. We also present stochastic numerical methods for each regime to approximate the fluid-structure dynamics and to generate efficiently the required stochastic driving fields. To validate the methodology in each regime, we perform analysis of the invariant probability distribution of the stochastic dynamics of the fluid-structure formalism. We compare this analysis with results from statistical mechanics. To further demonstrate the applicability of the methodology, we perform computational studies for spherical particles having translational and rotational degrees of freedom. We compare these studies with results from fluid mechanics. The presented approach provides for fluid-structure systems a set of rather general computational methods for treating consistently structure mechanics, hydrodynamic coupling, and thermal fluctuations.Comment: 24 pages, 3 figure

    Feedback control of unstable steady states of flow past a flat plate using reduced-order estimators

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    We present an estimator-based control design procedure for flow control, using reduced-order models of the governing equations, linearized about a possibly unstable steady state. The reduced models are obtained using an approximate balanced truncation method that retains the most controllable and observable modes of the system. The original method is valid only for stable linear systems, and we present an extension to unstable linear systems. The dynamics on the unstable subspace are represented by projecting the original equations onto the global unstable eigenmodes, assumed to be small in number. A snapshot-based algorithm is developed, using approximate balanced truncation, for obtaining a reduced-order model of the dynamics on the stable subspace. The proposed algorithm is used to study feedback control of 2-D flow over a flat plate at a low Reynolds number and at large angles of attack, where the natural flow is vortex shedding, though there also exists an unstable steady state. For control design, we derive reduced-order models valid in the neighborhood of this unstable steady state. The actuation is modeled as a localized body force near the leading edge of the flat plate, and the sensors are two velocity measurements in the near-wake of the plate. A reduced-order Kalman filter is developed based on these models and is shown to accurately reconstruct the flow field from the sensor measurements, and the resulting estimator-based control is shown to stabilize the unstable steady state. For small perturbations of the steady state, the model accurately predicts the response of the full simulation. Furthermore, the resulting controller is even able to suppress the stable periodic vortex shedding, where the nonlinear effects are strong, thus implying a large domain of attraction of the stabilized steady state.Comment: 36 pages, 17 figure

    The stochastic dynamics of micron and nanoscale elastic cantilevers in fluid: fluctuations from dissipation

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    The stochastic dynamics of micron and nanoscale cantilevers immersed in a viscous fluid are quantified. Analytical results are presented for long slender cantilevers driven by Brownian noise. The spectral density of the noise force is not assumed to be white and the frequency dependence is determined from the fluctuation-dissipation theorem. The analytical results are shown to be useful for the micron scale cantilevers that are commonly used in atomic force microscopy. A general thermodynamic approach is developed that is valid for cantilevers of arbitrary geometry as well as for arrays of multiple cantilevers whose stochastic motion is coupled through the fluid. It is shown that the fluctuation-dissipation theorem permits the calculation of stochastic quantities via straightforward deterministic methods. The thermodynamic approach is used with deterministic finite element numerical simulations to quantify the autocorrelation and noise spectrum of cantilever fluctuations for a single micron scale cantilever and the cross-correlations and noise spectra of fluctuations for an array of two experimentally motivated nanoscale cantilevers as a function of cantilever separation. The results are used to quantify the noise reduction possible using correlated measurements with two closely spaced nanoscale cantilevers.Comment: Submitted to Nanotechnology April 26, 200