517,543 research outputs found

    Vertical stiffness asymmetries during drop jumping are related to ankle stiffness asymmetries

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    Asymmetry in vertical stiffness has been associated with increased injury incidence and impaired performance. The determinants of vertical stiffness asymmetry have not been previously investigated. Eighteen healthy males performed three unilateral drop jumps during which vertical stiffness and joint stiffness of the ankle and knee were calculated. Reactive strength index was also determined during the jumps using the ratio of flight time to ground contact time. ‘Moderate’ differences in vertical stiffness (t17 = 5.49; P < 0.001), ‘small’ differences in centre of mass displacement (t17 = -2.19; P = 0.043) and ‘trivial’ differences in ankle stiffness (t17 = 2.68; P = 0.016) were observed between stiff and compliant limbs. A model including ankle stiffness and reactive strength index symmetry angles explained 79% of the variance in vertical stiffness asymmetry (R2 = 0.79; P < 0.001). None of the symmetry angles were correlated to jump height or reactive strength index. Results suggest that asymmetries in ankle stiffness may play an important role in modulating vertical stiffness asymmetry in recreationally trained males

    Comparison of Three Stiffness Testers

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    Stiffness is defined and some of the factors affecting stiffness are given. Also, the underlying principles upon which most stiffness testers are based are given. Three of the commonly used stiffness instruments are used for this comparison study. They are: Gurley, Smith-Taber, and the Clark. The correlation between the instruments is determined and the stiffness range that each instrument is best suited for is noted

    Evaluation of pressure-stiffness coupling in brush seals

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    Brush seals are comprised of fine diameter fibers densely packed between retaining and backing plates. To achieve seal compliance bristles are arranged to contact rotor with some lay angle. When axial pressure load is applied, bristles interlock and get stuck at the backing plate, and seal stiffness varies under operating conditions. Operating stiffness is critical to determine seal-rotor contact pressure and wear life. Typically, seal stiffness is measured by pressing a curved shoe to brush bore as reported in open literature. Due to the complex nature of pressure-stiffness bristle behavior, static and unpressurized measurements cannot represent actual working seal stiffness. This work presents a brush seal stiffness measurement system that is capable of measuring seal stiffness under working pressure and speed conditions. Rotor speed is achieved by an integrated spindle drive, while contact forces are measured via sensitive load cells. Rotor excursions are applied through lateral motions of the seal housing that is actuated by a motorized linear slide. Stiffness testing methodology and calibration procedure are discussed. Comparative experimental data are presented for both static pressurized and dynamic-pressurized stiffness tests

    Phonon abundance-stiffness-lifetime transition from the mode of heavy water to its confinement and hydration

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    A combination of the temporally and spatially resolved phonon spectroscopy has enabled calibration of hydrogen bond transition from the vibration mode of heavy water to the core/shelled nanodroplet and the subnanosized ionic hydration shell in terms of phonon abundance/lifetime/stiffness. It is uncovered that charge injection by salt solvation and skin formation by molecular undercoordination (often called confinement) share the same supersolidity of HO (DO as a probe) bond contraction, O:H elongation, and electron polarization. The bond transition stems the solution viscosity, surface stress, and slows down the molecular dynamics. The skin reflection further hinders phonon energy dissipation and thus lengthens the phonon lifetime of the nanodroplet

    Is High-frequency stiffness a measure for the number of attached cross-bridges?

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    Muscle stiffness is an important property for movement control. Stiffness is a measure for the resistance against mechanical disturbances in muscular-skeletal systems. In general muscle stiffness is assumed to depend on the number of attached cross-bridges. It is not possible to measure this number in vivo or vitro. In experiments, high frequency perturbations are used to obtain a measurement of stiffness. In this paper a simulation study is presented concerning the correlation between the number of attached cross-bridges and high-frequency stiffness. A model based on the sliding-filament theory was used for the simulation of dynamic contractions. It is concluded that these two methods of muscle stiffness determination do not yield compatible results during lengthenin

    Using stiffness to assess injury risk:comparison of methods for quantifying stiffness and their reliability in triathletes

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    Background: A review of the literature has indicated that lower body stiffness, defined as the extent to which the lower extremity joints resists deformation upon contact with the ground, may be a useful measure for assessing Achilles injury risk in triathletes. The nature of overuse injuries suggests that a variety of different movement patterns could conceivably contribute to the final injury outcome, any number and combination of which might be observed in a single individual. Measurements which incorporate both kinetics and kinematics (such as stiffness) of a movement may be better able to shed light on individuals at risk of injury, with further analysis then providing the exact mechanism of injury for the individual. Stiffness can be measured as vertical, leg or joint stiffness to model how the individual interacts with the environment upon landing. However, several issues with stiffness assessments limit the effectiveness of these measures to monitor athletes’ performance and/or injury risk. This may reflect the variety of common biomechanical stiffness calculations (dynamic, time, true leg and joint) that have been used to examine these three stiffness levels (vertical, leg and joint) across a variety of human movements (i.e. running or hopping) as well as potential issues with the reliability of these measures, especially joint stiffness. Therefore, the aims of this study were to provide a comparison of the various methods for measuring stiffness during two forms of human bouncing locomotion (running and hopping) along with the measurement reliability to determine the best methods to assess links with injury risk in triathletes. Methods: Vertical, leg and joint stiffness were estimated in 12 healthy male competitive triathletes on two occasions, 7 days apart, using both running at 5.0 ms−1 and hopping (2.2 Hz) tasks. Results: Inter-day reliability was good for vertical (ICC = 0.85) and leg (ICC = 0.98) stiffness using the time method. Joint stiffness reliability was poor when assessed individually. Reliability was improved when taken as the sum of the hip, knee and ankle (ICC = 0.86). The knee and ankle combination provided the best correlation with leg stiffness during running (Pearson’s Correlation = 0.82). Discussion: The dynamic and time methods of calculating leg stiffness had better reliability than the “true” method. The time and dynamic methods had the best correlation with the different combinations of joint stiffness, which suggests that they should be considered for biomechanical screening of triathletes. The knee and ankle combination had the best correlation with leg stiffness and is therefore proposed to provide the most information regarding lower limb mechanics during gait in triathletes

    Does shear wave ultrasound independently predict axillary lymph node metastasis in women with invasive breast cancer?

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    Shear wave elastography (SWE) shows promise as an adjunct to greyscale ultrasound examination in assessing breast masses. In breast cancer, higher lesion stiffness on SWE has been shown to be associated with features of poor prognosis. The purpose of this study was to assess whether lesion stiffness at SWE is an independent predictor of lymph node involvement. Patients with invasive breast cancer treated by primary surgery, who had undergone SWE examination were eligible. Data were retrospectively analysed from 396 consecutive patients. The mean stiffness values were obtained using the Aixplorer(®) ultrasound machine from SuperSonic Imagine Ltd. Measurements were taken from a region of interest positioned over the stiffest part of the abnormality. The average of the mean stiffness value obtained from each of two orthogonal image planes was used for analysis. Associations between lymph node involvement and mean lesion stiffness, invasive cancer size, histologic grade, tumour type, ER expression, HER-2 status and vascular invasion were assessed using univariate and multivariate logistic regression. At univariate analysis, invasive size, histologic grade, HER-2 status, vascular invasion, tumour type and mean stiffness were significantly associated with nodal involvement. Nodal involvement rates ranged from 7 % for tumours with mean stiffness <50 kPa to 41 % for tumours with a mean stiffness of >150 kPa. At multivariate analysis, invasive size, tumour type, vascular invasion, and mean stiffness maintained independent significance. Mean stiffness at SWE is an independent predictor of lymph node metastasis and thus can confer prognostic information additional to that provided by conventional preoperative tumour assessment and staging

    A statistical treatment of the loss of stiffness during cyclic loading for short fiber reinforced injection molded composites

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    Injection molded short fiber reinforced composites (SFRC) have different local fiber orientation distribution (FOD) at every point. SN curves of short fiber reinforced composites are known to depend on the fiber orientation distribution. Such materials also suffer from continuous loss of stiffness during cyclic loading. It is not known whether the loss of stiffness is different for SFRC with different FOD. A statistical analysis of the loss of stiffness curves is presented in this paper. Tension-tension fatigue experiments are performed and loss of stiffness is collected for every data point in the SN curve. A systematic method for comparing the loss of stiffness is developed. It is concluded that the difference in loss of stiffness curves for coupons of SFRC with different FOD is not statistically significant. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved