22,157 research outputs found

    Accuracy assessment of Digital Surface Models generated by Semiglobal matching algorithm using Lidar data

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    To measure the accuracy of Digital Surface Models (DSMs) generated by high resolution satellite images (HRSI) using semi-global matching algorithm in comparison with LIDAR DSMs, two different test areas with different properties and corresponding attributes and magnitudes of errors are considered. Error characteristics are classified as systematic and gross errors and significance of them to measure the accuracy of DSMs are evaluated. In this manner and to avoid the influence of outliers in accuracy assessment robust statistical methods are proposed. According to final values obtained for two test areas it can be concluded that the performance of DSMs generated by stereo matching for mountainous wooden areas in respect to the accuracy of LIDAR DSM are poor. In contrast, in case of residential urban areas the quality of the DSM generated by HRSI is able to follow the accuracy of LIDAR data

    Guided Filtering based Pyramidal Stereo Matching for Unrectified Images

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    Stereo matching deals with recovering quantitative depth information from a set of input images, based on the visual disparity between corresponding points. Generally most of the algorithms assume that the processed images are rectified. As robotics becomes popular, conducting stereo matching in the context of cloth manipulation, such as obtaining the disparity map of the garments from the two cameras of the cloth folding robot, is useful and challenging. This is resulted from the fact of the high efficiency, accuracy and low memory requirement under the usage of high resolution images in order to capture the details (e.g. cloth wrinkles) for the given application (e.g. cloth folding). Meanwhile, the images can be unrectified. Therefore, we propose to adapt guided filtering algorithm into the pyramidical stereo matching framework that works directly for unrectified images. To evaluate the proposed unrectified stereo matching in terms of accuracy, we present three datasets that are suited to especially the characteristics of the task of cloth manipulations. By com- paring the proposed algorithm with two baseline algorithms on those three datasets, we demonstrate that our proposed approach is accurate, efficient and requires low memory. This also shows that rather than relying on image rectification, directly applying stereo matching through the unrectified images can be also quite effective and meanwhile efficien

    Near real-time stereo vision system

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    The apparatus for a near real-time stereo vision system for use with a robotic vehicle is described. The system is comprised of two cameras mounted on three-axis rotation platforms, image-processing boards, a CPU, and specialized stereo vision algorithms. Bandpass-filtered image pyramids are computed, stereo matching is performed by least-squares correlation, and confidence ranges are estimated by means of Bayes' theorem. In particular, Laplacian image pyramids are built and disparity maps are produced from the 60 x 64 level of the pyramids at rates of up to 2 seconds per image pair. The first autonomous cross-country robotic traverses (of up to 100 meters) have been achieved using the stereo vision system of the present invention with all computing done onboard the vehicle. The overall approach disclosed herein provides a unifying paradigm for practical domain-independent stereo ranging

    Assessment of a photogrammetric approach for urban DSM extraction from tri-stereoscopic satellite imagery

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    Built-up environments are extremely complex for 3D surface modelling purposes. The main distortions that hamper 3D reconstruction from 2D imagery are image dissimilarities, concealed areas, shadows, height discontinuities and discrepancies between smooth terrain and man-made features. A methodology is proposed to improve automatic photogrammetric extraction of an urban surface model from high resolution satellite imagery with the emphasis on strategies to reduce the effects of the cited distortions and to make image matching more robust. Instead of a standard stereoscopic approach, a digital surface model is derived from tri-stereoscopic satellite imagery. This is based on an extensive multi-image matching strategy that fully benefits from the geometric and radiometric information contained in the three images. The bundled triplet consists of an IKONOS along-track pair and an additional near-nadir IKONOS image. For the tri-stereoscopic study a densely built-up area, extending from the centre of Istanbul to the urban fringe, is selected. The accuracy of the model extracted from the IKONOS triplet, as well as the model extracted from only the along-track stereopair, are assessed by comparison with 3D check points and 3D building vector data

    Enhancment of dense urban digital surface models from VHR optical satellite stereo data by pre-segmentation and object detection

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    The generation of digital surface models (DSM) of urban areas from very high resolution (VHR) stereo satellite imagery requires advanced methods. In the classical approach of DSM generation from stereo satellite imagery, interest points are extracted and correlated between the stereo mates using an area based matching followed by a least-squares sub-pixel refinement step. After a region growing the 3D point list is triangulated to the resulting DSM. In urban areas this approach fails due to the size of the correlation window, which smoothes out the usual steep edges of buildings. Also missing correlations as for partly – in one or both of the images – occluded areas will simply be interpolated in the triangulation step. So an urban DSM generated with the classical approach results in a very smooth DSM with missing steep walls, narrow streets and courtyards. To overcome these problems algorithms from computer vision are introduced and adopted to satellite imagery. These algorithms do not work using local optimisation like the area-based matching but try to optimize a (semi-)global cost function. Analysis shows that dynamic programming approaches based on epipolar images like dynamic line warping or semiglobal matching yield the best results according to accuracy and processing time. These algorithms can also detect occlusions – areas not visible in one or both of the stereo images. Beside these also the time and memory consuming step of handling and triangulating large point lists can be omitted due to the direct operation on epipolar images and direct generation of a so called disparity image fitting exactly on the first of the stereo images. This disparity image – representing already a sort of a dense DSM – contains the distances measured in pixels in the epipolar direction (or a no-data value for a detected occlusion) for each pixel in the image. Despite the global optimization of the cost function many outliers, mismatches and erroneously detected occlusions remain, especially if only one stereo pair is available. To enhance these dense DSM – the disparity image – a pre-segmentation approach is presented in this paper. Since the disparity image is fitting exactly on the first of the two stereo partners (beforehand transformed to epipolar geometry) a direct correlation between image pixels and derived heights (the disparities) exist. This feature of the disparity image is exploited to integrate additional knowledge from the image into the DSM. This is done by segmenting the stereo image, transferring the segmentation information to the DSM and performing a statistical analysis on each of the created DSM segments. Based on this analysis and spectral information a coarse object detection and classification can be performed and in turn the DSM can be enhanced. After the description of the proposed method some results are shown and discussed

    Disparity and Optical Flow Partitioning Using Extended Potts Priors

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    This paper addresses the problems of disparity and optical flow partitioning based on the brightness invariance assumption. We investigate new variational approaches to these problems with Potts priors and possibly box constraints. For the optical flow partitioning, our model includes vector-valued data and an adapted Potts regularizer. Using the notation of asymptotically level stable functions we prove the existence of global minimizers of our functionals. We propose a modified alternating direction method of minimizers. This iterative algorithm requires the computation of global minimizers of classical univariate Potts problems which can be done efficiently by dynamic programming. We prove that the algorithm converges both for the constrained and unconstrained problems. Numerical examples demonstrate the very good performance of our partitioning method

    Depth mapping of integral images through viewpoint image extraction with a hybrid disparity analysis algorithm

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    Integral imaging is a technique capable of displaying 3–D images with continuous parallax in full natural color. It is one of the most promising methods for producing smooth 3–D images. Extracting depth information from integral image has various applications ranging from remote inspection, robotic vision, medical imaging, virtual reality, to content-based image coding and manipulation for integral imaging based 3–D TV. This paper presents a method of generating a depth map from unidirectional integral images through viewpoint image extraction and using a hybrid disparity analysis algorithm combining multi-baseline, neighbourhood constraint and relaxation strategies. It is shown that a depth map having few areas of uncertainty can be obtained from both computer and photographically generated integral images using this approach. The acceptable depth maps can be achieved from photographic captured integral images containing complicated object scene

    Object-Based Greenhouse Classification from GeoEye-1 and WorldView-2 Stereo Imagery

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    Remote sensing technologies have been commonly used to perform greenhouse detection and mapping. In this research, stereo pairs acquired by very high-resolution optical satellites GeoEye-1 (GE1) and WorldView-2 (WV2) have been utilized to carry out the land cover classification of an agricultural area through an object-based image analysis approach, paying special attention to greenhouses extraction. The main novelty of this work lies in the joint use of single-source stereo-photogrammetrically derived heights and multispectral information from both panchromatic and pan-sharpened orthoimages. The main features tested in this research can be grouped into different categories, such as basic spectral information, elevation data (normalized digital surface model; nDSM), band indexes and ratios, texture and shape geometry. Furthermore, spectral information was based on both single orthoimages and multiangle orthoimages. The overall accuracy attained by applying nearest neighbor and support vector machine classifiers to the four multispectral bands of GE1 were very similar to those computed from WV2, for either four or eight multispectral bands. Height data, in the form of nDSM, were the most important feature for greenhouse classification. The best overall accuracy values were close to 90%, and they were not improved by using multiangle orthoimages

    Probabilistic ToF and Stereo Data Fusion Based on Mixed Pixel Measurement Models

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    This paper proposes a method for fusing data acquired by a ToF camera and a stereo pair based on a model for depth measurement by ToF cameras which accounts also for depth discontinuity artifacts due to the mixed pixel effect. Such model is exploited within both a ML and a MAP-MRF frameworks for ToF and stereo data fusion. The proposed MAP-MRF framework is characterized by site-dependent range values, a rather important feature since it can be used both to improve the accuracy and to decrease the computational complexity of standard MAP-MRF approaches. This paper, in order to optimize the site dependent global cost function characteristic of the proposed MAP-MRF approach, also introduces an extension to Loopy Belief Propagation which can be used in other contexts. Experimental data validate the proposed ToF measurements model and the effectiveness of the proposed fusion techniques
