847 research outputs found

    Large mass boundary condensation patterns in the stationary Keller-Segel system

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    We consider the boundary value problem −Δu+u=λeu-\Delta u + u =\lambda e^u in Ω\Omega with Neumann boundary condition, where Ω\Omega is a bounded smooth domain in R2\mathbb R^2, λ>0.\lambda>0. This problem is equivalent to the stationary Keller-Segel system from chemotaxis. We establish the existence of a solution uλu_\lambda which exhibits a sharp boundary layer along the entire boundary ∂Ω\partial\Omega as λ→0\lambda\to 0. These solutions have large mass in the sense that $ \int_\Omega \lambda e^{u_\lambda} \sim |\log\lambda|.

    A numerical comparison between degenerate parabolic and quasilinear hyperbolic models of cell movements under chemotaxis

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    We consider two models which were both designed to describe the movement of eukaryotic cells responding to chemical signals. Besides a common standard parabolic equation for the diffusion of a chemoattractant, like chemokines or growth factors, the two models differ for the equations describing the movement of cells. The first model is based on a quasilinear hyperbolic system with damping, the other one on a degenerate parabolic equation. The two models have the same stationary solutions, which may contain some regions with vacuum. We first explain in details how to discretize the quasilinear hyperbolic system through an upwinding technique, which uses an adapted reconstruction, which is able to deal with the transitions to vacuum. Then we concentrate on the analysis of asymptotic preserving properties of the scheme towards a discretization of the parabolic equation, obtained in the large time and large damping limit, in order to present a numerical comparison between the asymptotic behavior of these two models. Finally we perform an accurate numerical comparison of the two models in the time asymptotic regime, which shows that the respective solutions have a quite different behavior for large times.Comment: One sentence modified at the end of Section 4, p. 1

    A one-dimensional Keller-Segel equation with a drift issued from the boundary

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    We investigate in this note the dynamics of a one-dimensional Keller-Segel type model on the half-line. On the contrary to the classical configuration, the chemical production term is located on the boundary. We prove, under suitable assumptions, the following dichotomy which is reminiscent of the two-dimensional Keller-Segel system. Solutions are global if the mass is below the critical mass, they blow-up in finite time above the critical mass, and they converge to some equilibrium at the critical mass. Entropy techniques are presented which aim at providing quantitative convergence results for the subcritical case. This note is completed with a brief introduction to a more realistic model (still one-dimensional).Comment: short version, 8 page

    A High Order Stochastic Asymptotic Preserving Scheme for Chemotaxis Kinetic Models with Random Inputs

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    In this paper, we develop a stochastic Asymptotic-Preserving (sAP) scheme for the kinetic chemotaxis system with random inputs, which will converge to the modified Keller-Segel model with random inputs in the diffusive regime. Based on the generalized Polynomial Chaos (gPC) approach, we design a high order stochastic Galerkin method using implicit-explicit (IMEX) Runge-Kutta (RK) time discretization with a macroscopic penalty term. The new schemes improve the parabolic CFL condition to a hyperbolic type when the mean free path is small, which shows significant efficiency especially in uncertainty quantification (UQ) with multi-scale problems. The stochastic Asymptotic-Preserving property will be shown asymptotically and verified numerically in several tests. Many other numerical tests are conducted to explore the effect of the randomness in the kinetic system, in the aim of providing more intuitions for the theoretic study of the chemotaxis models

    A semilinear parabolic-elliptic chemotaxis system with critical mass in any space dimension

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    We study radial solutions in a ball of RN\mathbb{R}^N of a semilinear, parabolic-elliptic Patlak-Keller-Segel system with a nonlinear sensitivity involving a critical power. For N=2N = 2, the latter reduces to the classical linear model, well-known for its critical mass 8π8\pi. We show that a critical mass phenomenon also occurs for N≥3N \geq 3, but with a strongly different qualitative behaviour. More precisely, if the total mass of cells is smaller or equal to the critical mass M, then the cell density converges to a regular steady state with support strictly inside the ball as time goes to infinity. In the case of the critical mass, this result is nontrivial since there exists a continuum of stationary solutions and is moreover in sharp contrast with the case N=2N = 2 where infinite time blow-up occurs. If the total mass of cells is larger than M, then all solutions blow up in finite time. This actually follows from the existence (unlike for N=2N = 2) of a family of self-similar, blowing up solutions with support strictly inside the ball.Comment: 35 page

    On Spectra of Linearized Operators for Keller-Segel Models of Chemotaxis

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    We consider the phenomenon of collapse in the critical Keller-Segel equation (KS) which models chemotactic aggregation of micro-organisms underlying many social activities, e.g. fruiting body development and biofilm formation. Also KS describes the collapse of a gas of self-gravitating Brownian particles. We find the fluctuation spectrum around the collapsing family of steady states for these equations, which is instrumental in derivation of the critical collapse law. To this end we develop a rigorous version of the method of matched asymptotics for the spectral analysis of a class of second order differential operators containing the linearized Keller-Segel operators (and as we argue linearized operators appearing in nonlinear evolution problems). We explain how the results we obtain are used to derive the critical collapse law, as well as for proving its stability.Comment: 22 pages, 1 figur
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