774 research outputs found

    Turbomachinery CFD on parallel computers

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    The role of multistage turbomachinery simulation in the development of propulsion system models is discussed. Particularly, the need for simulations with higher fidelity and faster turnaround time is highlighted. It is shown how such fast simulations can be used in engineering-oriented environments. The use of parallel processing to achieve the required turnaround times is discussed. Current work by several researchers in this area is summarized. Parallel turbomachinery CFD research at the NASA Lewis Research Center is then highlighted. These efforts are focused on implementing the average-passage turbomachinery model on MIMD, distributed memory parallel computers. Performance results are given for inviscid, single blade row and viscous, multistage applications on several parallel computers, including networked workstations

    Designing a scalable dynamic load -balancing algorithm for pipelined single program multiple data applications on a non-dedicated heterogeneous network of workstations

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    Dynamic load balancing strategies have been shown to be the most critical part of an efficient implementation of various applications on large distributed computing systems. The need for dynamic load balancing strategies increases when the underlying hardware is a non-dedicated heterogeneous network of workstations (HNOW). This research focuses on the single program multiple data (SPMD) programming model as it has been extensively used in parallel programming for its simplicity and scalability in terms of computational power and memory size.;This dissertation formally defines and addresses the problem of designing a scalable dynamic load-balancing algorithm for pipelined SPMD applications on non-dedicated HNOW. During this process, the HNOW parameters, SPMD application characteristics, and load-balancing performance parameters are identified.;The dissertation presents a taxonomy that categorizes general load balancing algorithms and a methodology that facilitates creating new algorithms that can harness the HNOW computing power and still preserve the scalability of the SPMD application.;The dissertation devises a new algorithm, DLAH (Dynamic Load-balancing Algorithm for HNOW). DLAH is based on a modified diffusion technique, which incorporates the HNOW parameters. Analytical performance bound for the worst-case scenario of the diffusion technique has been derived.;The dissertation develops and utilizes an HNOW simulation model to conduct extensive simulations. These simulations were used to validate DLAH and compare its performance to related dynamic algorithms. The simulations results show that DLAH algorithm is scalable and performs well for both homogeneous and heterogeneous networks. Detailed sensitivity analysis was conducted to study the effects of key parameters on performance

    Parallel Aerodynamic Simulation on Open Workstation Clusters. Department of Aerospace Engineering Report no. 9830

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    The parallel execution of an aerodynamic simulation code on a non-dedicated, heterogeneous cluster of workstations is examined. This type of facility is commonly available to CFD developers and users in academia, industry and government laboratories and is attractive in terms of cost for CFD simulations. However, practical considerations appear at present to be discouraging widespread adoption of this technology. The main obstacles to achieving an efficient, robust parallel CFD capability in a demanding multi-user environment are investigated. A static load-balancing method, which takes account of varying processor speeds, is described. A dynamic re-allocation method to account for varying processor loads has been developed. Use of proprietary management software has facilitated the implementation of the method

    Progress Report: Application of the Multiblock Method in Computational Aerodynamics. Aero Report 9621

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    This report serves as a record of the progress made since October 1995 as a postgraduate research student smdying in the field of computational aerodynamics. The area of interest is the application of the multiblock method to examine real problems in aerodynamics. The experience gained in using various multiblock grid generation packages is discussed, along with an examination of the load balancing problem for parallel execution of aerodynamic flow solvers. Some initial results from the development of a static load balancer based on the method of simulated annealing are presented

    Computational Aerodynamics on unstructed meshes

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    New 2D and 3D unstructured-grid based flow solvers have been developed for simulating steady compressible flows for aerodynamic applications. The codes employ the full compressible Euler/Navier-Stokes equations. The Spalart-Al Imaras one equation turbulence model is used to model turbulence effects of flows. The spatial discretisation has been obtained using a cell-centred finite volume scheme on unstructured-grids, consisting of triangles in 2D and of tetrahedral and prismatic elements in 3D. The temporal discretisation has been obtained with an explicit multistage Runge-Kutta scheme. An "inflation" mesh generation technique is introduced to effectively reduce the difficulty in generating highly stretched 2D/3D viscous grids in regions near solid surfaces. The explicit flow method is accelerated by the use of a multigrid method with consideration of the high grid aspect ratio in viscous flow simulations. A solution mesh adaptation technique is incorporated to improve the overall accuracy of the 2D inviscid and viscous flow solutions. The 3D flow solvers are parallelised in a MIMD fashion aimed at a PC cluster system to reduce the computing time for aerodynamic applications. The numerical methods are first applied to several 2D inviscid flow cases, including subsonic flow in a bump channel, transonic flow around a NACA0012 airfoil and transonic flow around the RAE 2822 airfoil to validate the numerical algorithms. The rest of the 2D case studies concentrate on viscous flow simulations including laminar/turbulent flow over a flat plate, transonic turbulent flow over the RAE 2822 airfoil, and low speed turbulent flows in a turbine cascade with massive separations. The results are compared to experimental data to assess the accuracy of the method. The over resolved problem with mesh adaptation on viscous flow simulations is addressed with a two phase mesh reconstruction procedure. The solution convergence rate with the aspect ratio adaptive multigrid method and the direct connectivity based multigrid is assessed in several viscous turbulent flow simulations. Several 3D test cases are presented to validate the numerical algorithms for solving Euler/Navier-Stokes equations. Inviscid flow around the M6 wing airfoil is simulated on the tetrahedron based 3D flow solver with an upwind scheme and spatial second order finite volume method. The efficiency of the multigrid for inviscid flow simulations is examined. The efficiency of the parallelised 3D flow solver and the PC cluster system is assessed with simulations of the same case with different partitioning schemes. The present parallelised 3D flow solvers on the PC cluster system show satisfactory parallel computing performance. Turbulent flows over a flat plate are simulated with the tetrahedron based and prismatic based flow solver to validate the viscous term treatment. Next, simulation of turbulent flow over the M6 wing is carried out with the parallelised 3D flow solvers to demonstrate the overall accuracy of the algorithms and the efficiency of the multigrid method. The results show very good agreement with experimental data. A highly stretched and well-formed computational grid near the solid wall and wake regions is generated with the "inflation" method. The aspect ratio adaptive multigrid displayed a good acceleration rate. Finally, low speed flow around the NREL Phase 11 Wind turbine is simulated and the results are compared to the experimental data

    The coupling of fluids, dynamics, and controls on advanced architecture computers

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    This grant provided for the demonstration of coupled controls, body dynamics, and fluids computations in a workstation cluster environment; and an investigation of the impact of peer-peer communication on flow solver performance and robustness. The findings of these investigations were documented in the conference articles.The attached publication, 'Towards Distributed Fluids/Controls Simulations', documents the solution and scaling of the coupled Navier-Stokes, Euler rigid-body dynamics, and state feedback control equations for a two-dimensional canard-wing. The poor scaling shown was due to serialized grid connectivity computation and Ethernet bandwidth limits. The scaling of a peer-to-peer communication flow code on an IBM SP-2 was also shown. The scaling of the code on the switched fabric-linked nodes was good, with a 2.4 percent loss due to communication of intergrid boundary point information. The code performance on 30 worker nodes was 1.7 (mu)s/point/iteration, or a factor of three over a Cray C-90 head. The attached paper, 'Nonlinear Fluid Computations in a Distributed Environment', documents the effect of several computational rate enhancing methods on convergence. For the cases shown, the highest throughput was achieved using boundary updates at each step, with the manager process performing communication tasks only. Constrained domain decomposition of the implicit fluid equations did not degrade the convergence rate or final solution. The scaling of a coupled body/fluid dynamics problem on an Ethernet-linked cluster was also shown

    HPCCP/CAS Workshop Proceedings 1998

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    This publication is a collection of extended abstracts of presentations given at the HPCCP/CAS (High Performance Computing and Communications Program/Computational Aerosciences Project) Workshop held on August 24-26, 1998, at NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, California. The objective of the Workshop was to bring together the aerospace high performance computing community, consisting of airframe and propulsion companies, independent software vendors, university researchers, and government scientists and engineers. The Workshop was sponsored by the HPCCP Office at NASA Ames Research Center. The Workshop consisted of over 40 presentations, including an overview of NASA's High Performance Computing and Communications Program and the Computational Aerosciences Project; ten sessions of papers representative of the high performance computing research conducted within the Program by the aerospace industry, academia, NASA, and other government laboratories; two panel sessions; and a special presentation by Mr. James Bailey

    Parallel volume ray-casting for unstructured-grid data on distributed-memory architectures

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    As computing technology continues to advance, computational modeling of scientific and engineering problems produces data of increasing complexity: large in size and unstructured in shape. Volume visualization of such data is a challenging problem. This paper proposes a distributed parallel solution that makes ray-casting volume rendering of unstructured-grid data practical. Both the data and the rendering process are distributed among processors. At each processor, ray-casting of local data is performed independent of the other processors. The global image composing processes, which require inter-processor communication, are overlapped with the local ray-casting processes to achieve maximum parallel efficiency. This algorithm differs from previous ones in four ways: it is completely distributed, less view-dependent, reasonably scalable, and flexible. Without using dynamic load balancing, test results on the Intel Paragon using from two to 128 processors show, on average, about 60% parallel efficiency
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