1,546 research outputs found

    Star p-hub center problem and star p-hub median problem with bounded path lengths

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    We consider two problems that arise in designing two-level star networks taking into account service quality considerations. Given a set of nodes with pairwise traffic demand and a central hub, we select p hubs and connect them to the central hub with direct links and then we connect each nonhub node to a hub. This results in a star/star network. In the first problem, called the Star p-hub Center Problem, we would like to minimize the length of the longest path in the resulting network. In the second problem, Star p-hub Median Problem with Bounded Path Lengths, the aim is to minimize the total routing cost subject to upper bound constraints on the path lengths. We propose formulations for these problems and report the outcomes of a computational study where we compare the performances of our formulations. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Algoritmos de aproximação para problemas de localização e alocação de terminais

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    Orientador: Lehilton Lelis Chaves PedrosaDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de ComputaçãoResumo: No Problema de Localização e Alocação de Terminais, a entrada é um espaço métrico composto por clientes, localidades e um conjunto de pares de clientes; uma solução é um subconjunto das localidades, onde serão abertos terminais, e uma atribuição de cada par de clientes a uma rota, que começa no primeiro cliente, passando em um ou dois terminais, e terminando no segundo cliente. O objetivo é encontrar uma solução que minimize o tamanho de todas as rotas somado com o custo de abertura de terminais. Os algoritmos de aproximação da literatura consideram apenas o caso em que o conjunto de terminais abertos é dado como parte da entrada, e o problema se torna atribuir clientes aos terminais; ou então quando o espaço é definido em classes especiais de grafos. Neste trabalho, apresentamos o primeiro algoritmo de aproximação com fator constante para o problema de, simultaneamente, escolher localidades para abrir terminais e atribuir clientes a estes. A primeira parte desta dissertação cria algoritmos de aproximação para diversas variantes do problema. A estratégia principal é reduzir os problemas de localização e alocação de terminais aos problemas clássicos de localidades, como o problema de localização de instalações e o problema das k-medianas. A redução transforma uma instância de localização e alocação de terminais em uma instância de um destes problemas, que então é resolvida usando algoritmos de aproximação já existentes na literatura. A saída do algoritmo induz uma solução para o problema original, com uma perda constante no fator de aproximação. Na segunda parte, o foco é o Problema de Localização e Alocação Única de Terminais (SAHLP), que é uma variação em que cada cliente deve estar conectado a apenas um terminal, além de não haver limite na quantidade de terminais abertos. A principal contribuição é um algoritmo 2.48-aproximado para o SAHLP, baseado em arredondamento de uma nova formulação de programa linear para o problema. O algoritmo é composto por duas fases: na primeira, a solução fracionária é escalada e um subconjunto de terminais é aberto, e na segunda, atribuímos clientes aos terminais abertos. A primeira fase segue o formato padrão de filtering para problemas de localidades. A segunda, no entanto, exigiu o desenvolvimento de novas ideias e é baseada em múltiplos critérios para realizar a atribuição. A principal técnica atribui cada cliente ao terminal aberto mais próximo, se este estiver em sua vizinhança; caso contrário, o cliente se conecta ao terminal que melhor balanceia múltiplos custos, relacionados à distância entre elesAbstract: In the Hub Location Problem (HLP), the input is a metric space composed of clients, locations and a set of pairs of clients; a solution is a subset of locations to open hubs and an assignment for each pair of clients to a route starting in the first client, passing through one or two hubs and ending in the second client. The objective is to find a solution that minimizes the length of all routes plus the cost of opening hubs. The currently known approximation algorithms consider only the case in which the set of hubs is given as part of the input and the problem is assigning clients to hubs; or when the space is defined on special classes of graphs. In this work, we present the first constant-factor approximation algorithms for the problem of, simultaneously, selecting hubs and allocating clients. The first part of the thesis derives approximation algorithms for several variants of the problem. The main strategy is to reduce the hub location problems to classical location problems, such as Facility Location and k-Median. The reduction transforms an instance of hub location into an instance of a corresponding location problem, which is then solved by known approximation algorithm. The algorithm¿s output induces a solution of the original problem within a constant loss in the approximation ratio. In the second part, we focus on the Single Allocation Hub Location Problem (SAHLP), that is the variant in which a client must be connected to only one hub and there is no limit on the number of open hubs. Our main contribution is a 2.48-approximation algorithm for the SAHLP, based on the rounding of a new linear programming formulation. The algorithm is composed of two phases: in the first one, we scale the fractional solution and open a subset of hub locations, and in the second one, we assign clients to open hubs. The first phase follows the standard filtering framework for location problems. The latter, however, demanded the development of new ideas and is based on a multiple criteria assignment. The main technique is assigning a client to a closest open hub only if there are near open hubs, and otherwise selecting the hub which balances multiple costsMestradoCiência da ComputaçãoMestre em Ciência da Computação2016/12006-1CAPESFAPES

    Travelling on Graphs with Small Highway Dimension

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    We study the Travelling Salesperson (TSP) and the Steiner Tree problem (STP) in graphs of low highway dimension. This graph parameter was introduced by Abraham et al. [SODA 2010] as a model for transportation networks, on which TSP and STP naturally occur for various applications in logistics. It was previously shown [Feldmann et al. ICALP 2015] that these problems admit a quasi-polynomial time approximation scheme (QPTAS) on graphs of constant highway dimension. We demonstrate that a significant improvement is possible in the special case when the highway dimension is 1, for which we present a fully-polynomial time approximation scheme (FPTAS). We also prove that STP is weakly NP-hard for these restricted graphs. For TSP we show NP-hardness for graphs of highway dimension 6, which answers an open problem posed in [Feldmann et al. ICALP 2015]

    Star p-hub Center Problem and Star p-hub Median Problem with Bounded Path Lengths

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    We consider two problems that arise in designing two-level star networks taking into account service quality considerations. Given a set of nodes with pairwise traffic demand and a central hub, we select pp hubs and connect them to the central hub with direct links and then we connect each nonhub node to a hub. This results in a star/star network. In the first problem, called the Star pp-hub Center Problem, we would like to minimize the length of the longest path in the resulting network. In the second problem, Star pp-hub Median Problem with Bounded Path Lengths, the aim is to minimize the total routing cost subject to upper bound constraints on the path lengths. We propose formulations for these problems and report the outcomes of a computational study where we compare the performances of our formulations

    The hierarchical hub median problem with single assignment

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.We study the problem of designing a three level hub network where the top level consists of a complete network connecting the so-called central hubs and the second and third levels are unions of star networks connecting the remaining hubs to central hubs and the demand centers to hubs and central hubs, respectively. The problem is to decide on the locations of a predetermined number of hubs and central hubs and the connections in order to minimize the total routing cost in the resulting network. This problem includes the classical p-hub median problem as a special case. We also consider a version of this problem where service quality considerations are incorporated through delivery time restrictions. We propose mixed integer programming models for these two problems and report the outcomes of a computational study using the CAB data and the Turkey data. 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Complete / Incomplete Hierarchical Hub Center Single Assignment Network Problem

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    In this paper we present the problem of designing a three level hub center network. In our network, the top level consists of a complete network where a direct link is between all central hubs.  The second and third levels consist of star networks that connect the hubs to central hubs and the demand nodes to hubs and thus to central hubs, respectively. We model this problem in an incomplete network environment. In this case, the top level is an incomplete network where the direct link between all central hubs is not necessary and may lead to lower transportation costs. We propose mixed integer programming model for these problems and conduct a computational study for these two developed models by using the CAB data

    On the complexity of the upgrading version of the Maximal Covering Location Problem

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    In this article, we study the complexity of the upgrading version of the maximal covering location problem with edge length modifications on networks. This problem is NP-hard on general networks. However, in some particular cases, we prove that this problem is solvable in polynomial time. The cases of star and path networks combined with different assumptions for the model parameters are analysed. In particular, we obtain that the problem on star networks is solvable in (Formula presented.) time for uniform weights and NP-hard for non-uniform weights. On paths, the single facility problem is solvable in (Formula presented.) time, while the (Formula presented.) -facility problem is NP-hard even with uniform costs and upper bounds (maximal upgrading per edge), as well as, integer parameter values. Furthermore, a pseudo-polynomial algorithm is developed for the single facility problem on trees with integer parameters.</p