53,752 research outputs found

    Empowering and assisting natural human mobility: The simbiosis walker

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    This paper presents the complete development of the Simbiosis Smart Walker. The device is equipped with a set of sensor subsystems to acquire user-machine interaction forces and the temporal evolution of user's feet during gait. The authors present an adaptive filtering technique used for the identification and separation of different components found on the human-machine interaction forces. This technique allowed isolating the components related with the navigational commands and developing a Fuzzy logic controller to guide the device. The Smart Walker was clinically validated at the Spinal Cord Injury Hospital of Toledo - Spain, presenting great acceptability by spinal chord injury patients and clinical staf

    Restorative Justice-Informed Moral Acquaintance: Resolving the Dual Role Problem in Correctional and Forensic Practice

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    The issue of dual roles within forensic and correctional fields has typically been conceptualized as dissonance—experienced by practitioners— when attempting to adhere to the conflicting ethical requirements associated with client well-being and community protection. In this paper, we argue that the dual role problem should be conceptualized more broadly; to incorporate the relationship between the offender and their victim. We also propose that Restorative Justice (RJ) is able to provide a preliminary ethical framework to deal with this common ethical oversight. Furthermore, we unite the RJ framework with that of Ward’s (2013) moral acquaintance model to provide a more powerful approach—RJ informed moral acquaintance—aimed at addressing the ethical challenges faced by practitioners within forensic and correctional roles

    Development of a Step Counting Algorithm Using the Ambulatory Tibia Load Analysis System for Tibia Fracture Patients

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    Introduction: Ambulation can be used to monitor the healing of lower extremity fractures. However, the ambulatory behavior of tibia fracture patients remains unknown due to an inability to continuously quantify ambulation outside of the clinic. The goal of this study was to design and validate an algorithm to assess ambulation in tibia fracture patients using the ambulatory tibial load analysis system during recovery, outside of the clinic. Methods Data were collected from a cyclic tester, 14 healthy volunteers performing a 2-min walk test on the treadmill, and 10 tibia fracture patients who wore the ambulatory tibial load analysis system during recovery. Results The algorithm accurately detected 2000/2000 steps from simulated ambulatory data. (see full text for full abstract

    High-Intensity Variable Stepping Training in Patients With Motor Incomplete Spinal Cord Injury: A Case Series

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    Background and Purpose: Previous data suggest that large amounts of high-intensity stepping training in variable contexts (tasks and environments) may improve locomotor function, aerobic capacity, and treadmill gait kinematics in individuals poststroke. Whether similar training strategies are tolerated and efficacious for patients with other acute-onset neurological diagnoses, such as motor incomplete spinal cord injury (iSCI), is unknown. Individuals with iSCI potentially have greater bilateral impairments. This case series evaluated the feasibility and preliminary short- and long-term efficacy of highintensity variable stepping practice in ambulatory participants for more than 1 year post-iSCI. Case Series Description: Four participants with iSCI (neurological levels C5-T3) completed up to 40 one-hour sessions over 3 to 4 months. Stepping training in variable contexts was performed at up to 85% maximum predicted heart rate, with feasibility measures of patient tolerance, total steps/session, and intensity of training. Clinical measures of locomotor function, balance, peak metabolic capacity, and gait kinematics during graded treadmill assessments were performed at baseline and posttraining, with more than 1-year follow-up. Outcomes: Participants completed 24 to 40 sessions over 8 to 15 weeks, averaging 2222 ± 653 steps per session, with primary adverse events of fatigue and muscle soreness. Modest improvements in locomotor capacity where observed at posttraining, with variable changes in lower extremity kinematics during treadmill walking. Discussion: High-intensity, variable stepping training was feasible and tolerated by participants with iSCI although only modest gains in gait function or quality were observed. The utility of this intervention in patients with more profound impairments may be limited

    Neuromodulation of lumbosacral spinal networks enables independent stepping after complete paraplegia

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    © 2018, The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Nature America, Inc. Spinal sensorimotor networks that are functionally disconnected from the brain because of spinal cord injury (SCI) can be facilitated via epidural electrical stimulation (EES) to restore robust, coordinated motor activity in humans with paralysis1–3. Previously, we reported a clinical case of complete sensorimotor paralysis of the lower extremities in which EES restored the ability to stand and the ability to control step-like activity while side-lying or suspended vertically in a body-weight support system (BWS)4. Since then, dynamic task-specific training in the presence of EES, termed multimodal rehabilitation (MMR), was performed for 43 weeks and resulted in bilateral stepping on a treadmill, independent from trainer assistance or BWS. Additionally, MMR enabled independent stepping over ground while using a front-wheeled walker with trainer assistance at the hips to maintain balance. Furthermore, MMR engaged sensorimotor networks to achieve dynamic performance of standing and stepping. To our knowledge, this is the first report of independent stepping enabled by task-specific training in the presence of EES by a human with complete loss of lower extremity sensorimotor function due to SCI

    A functional electrical stimulation system for human walking inspired by reflexive control principles

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    This study presents an innovative multichannel functional electrical stimulation gait-assist system which employs a well-established purely reflexive control algorithm, previously tested in a series of bipedal walking robots. In these robots, ground contact information was used to activate motors in the legs, generating a gait cycle similar to that of humans. Rather than developing a sophisticated closed-loop functional electrical stimulation control strategy for stepping, we have instead utilised our simple reflexive model where muscle activation is induced through transfer functions which translate sensory signals, predominantly ground contact information, into motor actions. The functionality of the functional electrical stimulation system was tested by analysis of the gait function of seven healthy volunteers during functional electrical stimulation–assisted treadmill walking compared to unassisted walking. The results demonstrated that the system was successful in synchronising muscle activation throughout the gait cycle and was able to promote functional hip and ankle movements. Overall, the study demonstrates the potential of human-inspired robotic systems in the design of assistive devices for bipedal walking

    Gait Training, Strength Training, And Pain Management Of A 26 Year Old Female Recovering From A Multiple Sclerosis Exacerbation: A Case Report

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    Background and Purpose: Multiple Sclerosis can be a debilitating disease that affects millions of people. Exacerbations range from mild to very severe. Due to the inconsistent nature of multiple sclerosis, the most effective treatments are still unclear. The purpose of this case report was to document the findings of an individual, who suffered a severe multiple sclerosis exacerbation after a series of stressful life events. Case Description: This case report presents a 26 year old female with a known history of multiple sclerosis. This patient suffered an exacerbation and her level of function went from living independently to unable to care for herself or raise her limbs against gravity. This patient had history of social instability and lack of support, which caused stress. The patient underwent physical therapy with a focus on regaining strength and functional activity tolerance so that she could live independently again. Interventions focused on gait training, balance training, and functional training for daily activities. Outcomes: After 12 weeks of physical therapy intervention, the patient was able to safely ambulate unlimited distances continuously using a front wheeled walker. She had gained a gross strength of 5/5 in the Manual Muscle Testing grade, and was able to perform all functional tasks such as transfers and bed mobility. Discussion: Although the patient made significant gains during her rehabilitation, she was unable to achieve her previous level of function, needing an assistive device for ambulation and was limited in functional activities. Her persistent pain and unstable support system likely contributed to a lack of full progression. This patient was able to gain enough function to be discharged to an apartment that caters towards disabled persons