136 research outputs found

    Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks

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    Being infrastructure-less and without central administration control, wireless ad-hoc networking is playing a more and more important role in extending the coverage of traditional wireless infrastructure (cellular networks, wireless LAN, etc). This book includes state-of the-art techniques and solutions for wireless ad-hoc networks. It focuses on the following topics in ad-hoc networks: vehicular ad-hoc networks, security and caching, TCP in ad-hoc networks and emerging applications. It is targeted to provide network engineers and researchers with design guidelines for large scale wireless ad hoc networks

    A framework for traffic flow survivability in wireless networks prone to multiple failures and attacks

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    Transmitting packets over a wireless network has always been challenging due to failures that have always occurred as a result of many types of wireless connectivity issues. These failures have caused significant outages, and the delayed discovery and diagnostic testing of these failures have exacerbated their impact on servicing, economic damage, and social elements such as technological trust. There has been research on wireless network failures, but little on multiple failures such as node-node, node-link, and link–link failures. The problem of capacity efficiency and fast recovery from multiple failures has also not received attention. This research develops a capacity efficient evolutionary swarm survivability framework, which encompasses enhanced genetic algorithm (EGA) and ant colony system (ACS) survivability models to swiftly resolve node-node, node-link, and link-link failures for improved service quality. The capacity efficient models were tested on such failures at different locations on both small and large wireless networks. The proposed models were able to generate optimal alternative paths, the bandwidth required for fast rerouting, minimized transmission delay, and ensured the rerouting path fitness and good transmission time for rerouting voice, video and multimedia messages. Increasing multiple link failures reveal that as failure increases, the bandwidth used for rerouting and transmission time also increases. This implies that, failure increases bandwidth usage which leads to transmission delay, which in turn slows down message rerouting. The suggested framework performs better than the popular Dijkstra algorithm, proactive, adaptive and reactive models, in terms of throughput, packet delivery ratio (PDR), speed of transmission, transmission delay and running time. According to the simulation results, the capacity efficient ACS has a PDR of 0.89, the Dijkstra model has a PDR of 0.86, the reactive model has a PDR of 0.83, the proactive model has a PDR of 0.83, and the adaptive model has a PDR of 0.81. Another performance evaluation was performed to compare the proposed model's running time to that of other evaluated routing models. The capacity efficient ACS model has a running time of 169.89ms on average, while the adaptive model has a running time of 1837ms and Dijkstra has a running time of 280.62ms. With these results, capacity efficient ACS outperforms other evaluated routing algorithms in terms of PDR and running time. According to the mean throughput determined to evaluate the performance of the following routing algorithms: capacity efficient EGA has a mean throughput of 621.6, Dijkstra has a mean throughput of 619.3, proactive (DSDV) has a mean throughput of 555.9, and reactive (AODV) has a mean throughput of 501.0. Since Dijkstra is more similar to proposed models in terms of performance, capacity efficient EGA was compared to Dijkstra as follows: Dijkstra has a running time of 3.8908ms and EGA has a running time of 3.6968ms. In terms of running time and mean throughput, the capacity efficient EGA also outperforms the other evaluated routing algorithms. The generated alternative paths from these investigations demonstrate that the proposed framework works well in preventing the problem of data loss in transit and ameliorating congestion issue resulting from multiple failures and server overload which manifests when the process hangs. The optimal solution paths will in turn improve business activities through quality data communications for wireless service providers.School of ComputingPh. D. (Computer Science

    An enhanced ant colony system algorithm for dynamic fault tolerance in grid computing

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    Fault tolerance in grid computing allows the system to continue operate despite occurrence of failure. Most fault tolerance algorithms focus on fault handling techniques such as task reprocessing, checkpointing, task replication, penalty, and task migration. Ant colony system (ACS), a variant of ant colony optimization (ACO), is one of the promising algorithms for fault tolerance due to its ability to adapt to both static and dynamic combinatorial optimization problems. However, ACS algorithm does not consider the resource fitness during task scheduling which leads to poor load balancing and lower execution success rate. This research proposes dynamic ACS fault tolerance with suspension (DAFTS) in grid computing that focuses on providing effective fault tolerance techniques to improve the execution success rate and load balancing. The proposed algorithm consists of dynamic evaporation rate, resource fitness-based scheduling process, enhanced pheromone update with trust factor and suspension, and checkpoint-based task reprocessing. The research framework consists of four phases which are identifying fault tolerance techniques, enhancing resource assignment and job scheduling, improving fault tolerance algorithm and, evaluating the performance of the proposed algorithm. The proposed algorithm was developed in a simulated grid environment called GridSim and evaluated against other fault tolerance algorithms such as trust-based ACO, fault tolerance ACO, ACO without fault tolerance and ACO with fault tolerance in terms of total execution time, average latency, average makespan, throughput, execution success rate and load balancing. Experimental results showed that the proposed algorithm achieved the best performance in most aspects, and second best in terms of load balancing. The DAFTS achieved the smallest increase on execution time, average makespan and average latency by 7%, 11% and 5% respectively, and smallest decrease on throughput and execution success rate by 6.49% and 9% respectively as the failure rate increases. The DAFTS also achieved the smallest increment on execution time, average makespan and average latency by 5.8, 8.5 and 8.7 times respectively, and highest increase on throughput and highest execution success rate by 72.9% and 93.7% respectively as the number of jobs increases. The proposed algorithm can effectively overcome load balancing problems and increase execution success rates in distributed systems that are prone to faults

    Building Evacuation with Mobile Devices

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    In der Dissertation wird ein Konzept für ein Gebäudeevakuierungssystem vorgestellt, das es ermöglicht, Personen mit Hilfe mobiler Endgeräte im Evakuierungsfall aus einem Gebäude zu führen. Die Dissertation gliedert sich in drei thematische Bereiche, in denen zunächst ein Konzept für die Systemarchitektur vorgestellt wird und anschließend verschiedene Algorithmen zur Routenplanung sowie zur Lokalisierung der Geräte vorgestellt und evaluiert werden

    An Energy-Efficient and Reliable Data Transmission Scheme for Transmitter-based Energy Harvesting Networks

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    Energy harvesting technology has been studied to overcome a limited power resource problem for a sensor network. This paper proposes a new data transmission period control and reliable data transmission algorithm for energy harvesting based sensor networks. Although previous studies proposed a communication protocol for energy harvesting based sensor networks, it still needs additional discussion. Proposed algorithm control a data transmission period and the number of data transmission dynamically based on environment information. Through this, energy consumption is reduced and transmission reliability is improved. The simulation result shows that the proposed algorithm is more efficient when compared with previous energy harvesting based communication standard, Enocean in terms of transmission success rate and residual energy.This research was supported by Basic Science Research Program through the National Research Foundation by Korea (NRF) funded by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology(2012R1A1A3012227)

    Evolutionary Computation 2020

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    Intelligent optimization is based on the mechanism of computational intelligence to refine a suitable feature model, design an effective optimization algorithm, and then to obtain an optimal or satisfactory solution to a complex problem. Intelligent algorithms are key tools to ensure global optimization quality, fast optimization efficiency and robust optimization performance. Intelligent optimization algorithms have been studied by many researchers, leading to improvements in the performance of algorithms such as the evolutionary algorithm, whale optimization algorithm, differential evolution algorithm, and particle swarm optimization. Studies in this arena have also resulted in breakthroughs in solving complex problems including the green shop scheduling problem, the severe nonlinear problem in one-dimensional geodesic electromagnetic inversion, error and bug finding problem in software, the 0-1 backpack problem, traveler problem, and logistics distribution center siting problem. The editors are confident that this book can open a new avenue for further improvement and discoveries in the area of intelligent algorithms. The book is a valuable resource for researchers interested in understanding the principles and design of intelligent algorithms

    Particle Swarm Optimization

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    Particle swarm optimization (PSO) is a population based stochastic optimization technique influenced by the social behavior of bird flocking or fish schooling.PSO shares many similarities with evolutionary computation techniques such as Genetic Algorithms (GA). The system is initialized with a population of random solutions and searches for optima by updating generations. However, unlike GA, PSO has no evolution operators such as crossover and mutation. In PSO, the potential solutions, called particles, fly through the problem space by following the current optimum particles. This book represents the contributions of the top researchers in this field and will serve as a valuable tool for professionals in this interdisciplinary field