905 research outputs found

    Extending systems-on-chip to the third dimension : performance, cost and technological tradeoffs.

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    Because of the today's market demand for high-performance, high-density portable hand-held applications, electronic system design technology has shifted the focus from 2-D planar SoC single-chip solutions to different alternative options as tiled silicon and single-level embedded modules as well as 3-D integration. Among the various choices, finding an optimal solution for system implementation dealt usually with cost, performance and other technological trade-off analysis at the system conceptual level. It has been identified that the decisions made within the first 20% of the total design cycle time will ultimately result up to 80% of the final product cost. In this paper, we discuss appropriate and realistic metric for performance and cost trade-off analysis both at system conceptual level (up-front in the design phase) and at implementation phase for verification in the three-dimensional integration. In order to validate the methodology, two ubiquitous electronic systems are analyzed under various implementation schemes and discuss the pros and cons of each of them

    Test-Cost Modeling and Optimal Test-Flow Selection of 3D-Stacked ICs

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    Three-dimensional (3D) integration is an attractive technology platform for next-generation ICs. Despite the benefits offered by 3D integration, test cost remains a major concern, and analysis and tools are needed to understand test flows and minimize test cost.We propose a generic cost model to account for various test costs involved in 3D integration and present a formal representation of the solution space to minimize the overall cost. We present an algorithm based on A*—a best-first search technique—to obtain an optimal solution. An approximation algorithm with provable bounds on optimality is proposed to further reduce the search space. In contrast to prior work, which is based on explicit enumeration of test flows, we adopt a formal optimization approach, which allows us to select an effective test flow by systematically exploring an exponentially large number of candidate test flows. Experimental results highlight the effectiveness of the proposed method. Adopting a formal approach to solving the cost-minimization problem provides useful insights that cannot be derived via selective enumeration of a smaller number of candidate test flows.This research was supported in part by the National Science Foundation under grant no. CCF-1017391, the Semiconductor Research Corporation under contract no. 2118, a grant from Intel Corporation, and a gift from Cisco Systems through the Silicon Valley Community Foundation

    Investigation into yield and reliability enhancement of TSV-based three-dimensional integration circuits

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    Three dimensional integrated circuits (3D ICs) have been acknowledged as a promising technology to overcome the interconnect delay bottleneck brought by continuous CMOS scaling. Recent research shows that through-silicon-vias (TSVs), which act as vertical links between layers, pose yield and reliability challenges for 3D design. This thesis presents three original contributions.The first contribution presents a grouping-based technique to improve the yield of 3D ICs under manufacturing TSV defects, where regular and redundant TSVs are partitioned into groups. In each group, signals can select good TSVs using rerouting multiplexers avoiding defective TSVs. Grouping ratio (regular to redundant TSVs in one group) has an impact on yield and hardware overhead. Mathematical probabilistic models are presented for yield analysis under the influence of independent and clustering defect distributions. Simulation results using MATLAB show that for a given number of TSVs and TSV failure rate, careful selection of grouping ratio results in achieving 100% yield at minimal hardware cost (number of multiplexers and redundant TSVs) in comparison to a design that does not exploit TSV grouping ratios. The second contribution presents an efficient online fault tolerance technique based on redundant TSVs, to detect TSV manufacturing defects and address thermal-induced reliability issue. The proposed technique accounts for both fault detection and recovery in the presence of three TSV defects: voids, delamination between TSV and landing pad, and TSV short-to-substrate. Simulations using HSPICE and ModelSim are carried out to validate fault detection and recovery. Results show that regular and redundant TSVs can be divided into groups to minimise area overhead without affecting the fault tolerance capability of the technique. Synthesis results using 130-nm design library show that 100% repair capability can be achieved with low area overhead (4% for the best case). The last contribution proposes a technique with joint consideration of temperature mitigation and fault tolerance without introducing additional redundant TSVs. This is achieved by reusing spare TSVs that are frequently deployed for improving yield and reliability in 3D ICs. The proposed technique consists of two steps: TSV determination step, which is for achieving optimal partition between regular and spare TSVs into groups; The second step is TSV placement, where temperature mitigation is targeted while optimizing total wirelength and routing difference. Simulation results show that using the proposed technique, 100% repair capability is achieved across all (five) benchmarks with an average temperature reduction of 75.2? (34.1%) (best case is 99.8? (58.5%)), while increasing wirelength by a small amount

    Study of the impact of lithography techniques and the current fabrication processes on the design rules of tridimensional fabrication technologies

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    Working for the photolithography tool manufacturer leader sometimes gives me the impression of how complex and specific is the sector I am working on. This master thesis topic came with the goal of getting the overall picture of the state-of-the-art: stepping out and trying to get a helicopter view usually helps to understand where a process is in the productive chain, or what other firms and markets are doing to continue improvingUniversidad de sevilla.Máster Universitario en Microelectrónica: Diseño y Aplicaciones de Sistemas Micro/Nanométrico

    Heterogeneous 2.5D integration on through silicon interposer

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    © 2015 AIP Publishing LLC. Driven by the need to reduce the power consumption of mobile devices, and servers/data centers, and yet continue to deliver improved performance and experience by the end consumer of digital data, the semiconductor industry is looking for new technologies for manufacturing integrated circuits (ICs). In this quest, power consumed in transferring data over copper interconnects is a sizeable portion that needs to be addressed now and continuing over the next few decades. 2.5D Through-Si-Interposer (TSI) is a strong candidate to deliver improved performance while consuming lower power than in previous generations of servers/data centers and mobile devices. These low-power/high-performance advantages are realized through achievement of high interconnect densities on the TSI (higher than ever seen on Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs) or organic substrates), and enabling heterogeneous integration on the TSI platform where individual ICs are assembled at close proximity

    High-Density Solid-State Memory Devices and Technologies

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    This Special Issue aims to examine high-density solid-state memory devices and technologies from various standpoints in an attempt to foster their continuous success in the future. Considering that broadening of the range of applications will likely offer different types of solid-state memories their chance in the spotlight, the Special Issue is not focused on a specific storage solution but rather embraces all the most relevant solid-state memory devices and technologies currently on stage. Even the subjects dealt with in this Special Issue are widespread, ranging from process and design issues/innovations to the experimental and theoretical analysis of the operation and from the performance and reliability of memory devices and arrays to the exploitation of solid-state memories to pursue new computing paradigms

    Test Cost Analysis for 3D Die-to-Wafer Stacking

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    The industry is preparing itself for three-dimensional stacked ICs (3D-SICs); a technology that promises hetero-geneous integration with higher performance and lower power dissipation at a smaller footprint. Several 3D stacking approaches are under development. From a yield point of view, Die-to-Wafer (D2W) stacking seems the most favorable approach, due to the ability of Known Good Die stacking. Minimizing the test cost for such a stacking approach is a challenging task. Every manufactured chip has to be tested, and any tiny test saving per 3D-SIC impacts the overall cost, especially in high-volume produc-tion. This paper establishes a cost model for D2W SICs and investigates the impact of the test cost for different test flows. It first introduces a framework covering different test flows for 3D D2W ICs. Subsequently, it proposes a test cost model to estimate the impact of the test flow on the overall 3D-SIC cost. Our simulation results show that (a) test flows with pre-bond testing significantly reduce the overall cost, (b) a cheaper test flow does not necessary result in lower overall cost, (c) test flows with intermediate tests (performed during the stacking process) pay off, (d) the most cost-effective test flow consists of pre-bond tests and strongly depends on the stack yield; hence, adapting the test according the stack yield is the best approach to use

    On Mitigation of Side-Channel Attacks in 3D ICs: Decorrelating Thermal Patterns from Power and Activity

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    Various side-channel attacks (SCAs) on ICs have been successfully demonstrated and also mitigated to some degree. In the context of 3D ICs, however, prior art has mainly focused on efficient implementations of classical SCA countermeasures. That is, SCAs tailored for up-and-coming 3D ICs have been overlooked so far. In this paper, we conduct such a novel study and focus on one of the most accessible and critical side channels: thermal leakage of activity and power patterns. We address the thermal leakage in 3D ICs early on during floorplanning, along with tailored extensions for power and thermal management. Our key idea is to carefully exploit the specifics of material and structural properties in 3D ICs, thereby decorrelating the thermal behaviour from underlying power and activity patterns. Most importantly, we discuss powerful SCAs and demonstrate how our open-source tool helps to mitigate them.Comment: Published in Proc. Design Automation Conference, 201

    Integrating Through-Wafer Interconnects with Active Devices and Circuits

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    Through wafer interconnects (TWIs) enable vertical stacking of integrated circuit chips in a single package. A complete process to fabricate TWIs has been developed and demonstrated using blank test wafers. The next step in integrating this technology into 3D microelectronic packaging is the demonstration of TWIs on wafers with preexisting microcircuitry. The circuitry must be electrically accessible from the backside of the wafer utilizing the TWIs; the electrical performance of the circuitry must be unchanged as a result of the TWI processing; and the processing must be as cost effective as possible. With these three goals in mind, several options for creating TWIs were considered. This paper explores the various processing options and describes in detail, the final process flow that was selected for testing, the accompanying masks that were designed, the actual processing of the wafers, and the electrical test results

    Signal and Power Integrity Challenges for High Density System-on-Package

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    As the increasing desire for more compact, portable devices outpaces Moore’s law, innovation in packaging and system design has played a significant role in the continued miniaturization of electronic systems.Integrating more active and passive components into the package itself, as the case for system-on-package (SoP), has shown very promising results in overall size reduction and increased performance of electronic systems.With this ability to shrink electrical systems comes the many challenges of sustaining, let alone improving, reliability and performance. The fundamental signal, power, and thermal integrity issues are discussed in detail, along with published techniques from around the industry to mitigate these issues in SoP applications