32 research outputs found

    A robust orthogonal adaptive approach to SISO deconvolution

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    This paper formulates in a common framework some results from the fields of robust filtering, function approximation with orthogonal basis, and adaptive filtering, and applies them for the design of a general deconvolution processor for SISO systems. The processor is designed to be robust to small parametric uncertainties in the system model, with a partially adaptive orthogonal structure. A simple gradient type of adaptive algorithm is applied to update the coefficients that linearly combine the fixed robust basis functions used to represent the deconvolver. The advantages of the design are inherited from the mentioned fields: low sensitivity to parameter uncertainty in the system model, good numerical and structural behaviour, and the capability of tracking changes in the systems dynamics. The linear equalization of a simple ADSL channel model is presented as an example including comparisons between the optimal nominal, adaptive FIR, and the proposed design.Facultad de IngenieríaComisión de Investigaciones Científicas de la provincia de Buenos Aire

    A robust orthogonal adaptive approach to SISO deconvolution

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    This paper formulates in a common framework some results from the fields of robust filtering, function approximation with orthogonal basis, and adaptive filtering, and applies them for the design of a general deconvolution processor for SISO systems. The processor is designed to be robust to small parametric uncertainties in the system model, with a partially adaptive orthogonal structure. A simple gradient type of adaptive algorithm is applied to update the coefficients that linearly combine the fixed robust basis functions used to represent the deconvolver. The advantages of the design are inherited from the mentioned fields: low sensitivity to parameter uncertainty in the system model, good numerical and structural behaviour, and the capability of tracking changes in the systems dynamics. The linear equalization of a simple ADSL channel model is presented as an example including comparisons between the optimal nominal, adaptive FIR, and the proposed design.Facultad de IngenieríaComisión de Investigaciones Científicas de la provincia de Buenos Aire

    Interference suppression and parameter estimation in wireless communication systems over time-varing multipath fading channels

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    This dissertation focuses on providing solutions to two of the most important problems in wireless communication systems design, namely, 1) the interference suppression, and 2) the channel parameter estimation in wireless communication systems over time-varying multipath fading channels. We first study the interference suppression problem in various communication systems under a unified multirate transmultiplexer model. A state-space approach that achieves the optimal realizable equalization (suppression of inter-symbol interference) is proposed, where the Kalman filter is applied to obtain the minimum mean squared error estimate of the transmitted symbols. The properties of the optimal realizable equalizer are analyzed. Its relations with the conventional equalization methods are studied. We show that, although in general a Kalman filter has an infinite impulse response, the Kalman filter based decision-feedback equalizer (Kalman DFE) is a finite length filter. We also propose a novel successive interference cancellation (SIC) scheme to suppress the inter-channel interference encountered in multi-input multi-output systems. Based on spatial filtering theory, the SIC scheme is again converted to a Kalman filtering problem. Combining the Kalman DFE and the SIC scheme in series, the resultant two-stage receiver achieves optimal realizable interference suppression. Our results are the most general ever obtained, and can be applied to any linear channels that have a state-space realization, including time-invariant, time-varying, finite impulse response, and infinite impulse response channels. The second half of the dissertation devotes to the parameter estimation and tracking of single-input single-output time-varying multipath channels. We propose a novel method that can blindly estimate the channel second order statistics (SOS). We establish the channel SOS identifiability condition and propose novel precoder structures that guarantee the blind estimation of the channel SOS and achieve diversities. The estimated channel SOS can then be fit into a low order autoregressive (AR) model characterizing the time evolution of the channel impulse response. Based on this AR model, a new approach to time-varying multipath channel tracking is proposed

    Bridging the gap : an optimization-based framework for fast, simultaneous circuit & system design space exploration

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    Thesis (S.M.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2008.Includes bibliographical references (p. 107-110).Design of modern mixed signal integrated circuits is becoming increasingly difficult. Continued MOSFET scaling is approaching the global power dissipation limits while increasing transistor variability, thus requiring careful allocation of power and area resources to achieve increasingly more aggressive performance specifications. In this tightly constrained environment traditional iterative system-to-circuit redesign loop, is becoming inefficient. With complex system architectures and circuit specifications approaching technological limits of the process employed, the designers have less room to margin for the overhead of strict system and circuit design interdependencies. Severely constrained modern mixed IC design can take many iterations to converge in such a design flow. This is an expensive and time consuming process. The situation is particularly acute in high-speed links. As an important building block of many systems (high speed I/O, on-chip communication, ...) power efficiency and area footprint are of utmost importance. Design of these systems is challenging in both system and circuit domain. On one hand system architectures are becoming increasingly complex to provide necessary performance increase. On the other, circuit implementation of these increasingly complicated systems is difficult to achieve under tight power and area budget. To bridge this gap between system and circuit design, we formulate a circuit-to-system optimization-driven framework. It is an equation-based description, powered by a human designer. Provided with equation-based model we use fast optimization tools to quickly scout the available design space. Presence of a designer in the flow is invaluable resource enabling significant saving by simplifying the models to capture only the relevant information and constraining the search space to areas where meaningful solutions might be expected to be found.(cont) Thus, the computational effort overhead that plagues the simulation-based design space exploration and design optimization is greatly reduced. The flow is powered by a signomial optimization engine. The key challenge is to bring, from the modeling point of view, very different problems such as circuit design and system design into the realm of an optimization engine that can solve them jointly, thus breaking the re-design loop or at least cutting it shorter. Relying on signomial programming is necessary in order to accurately model all the necessary phenomenons that arise in electrical circuits and at system level. For example, defining regions of operation of transistors under polarization conditions can not be modeled accurately with simpler type of equations. Similarly, calculating the effect of filtering to a signal also requires possibility to handle signomial equations. Thus, signomial programming is necessary yet not fully explored and finding suitable formulation might take some experimenting as we will see in this thesis. Signomial programming, as a general non-convex optimization problem, is still an active research area. Most of the solutions proposed so far involve local convexification of the problem in addition to branch & bound type of search. Furthermore, most of the non-convex problems are solved for one particular system of equations, and general methodology that is reliable and efficient is not known. Thus, a big part the work to be presented in this thesis is detailing how to construct a system formulation that the optimization engine can solve efficiently and reliably. We tested different formulations and their performance measured in terms of parsing and solving speed and accuracy. From these tests we motivate and explain how a series of transformations we introduce improve our formulation and arrive to a well-behaved and reliable form. We show how to apply our design flow in high-speed link design.(cont) By restructuring the traditional design flow we derive system and circuit abstractions. These sub-problems are interfaced through a set of well defined interface variables, which enables code level separation of problem descriptions, thus building a modular and easy to read and maintain system and circuit model. Finally we develop a set of scripts to automate formulating parametrized system level description. We explain how our transformations influence the speed of this process as well as the size of the model produced.by Ranko Sredojević.S.M

    A compressed sensing approach to block-iterative equalization: connections and applications to radar imaging reconstruction

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    The widespread of underdetermined systems has brought forth a variety of new algorithmic solutions, which capitalize on the Compressed Sensing (CS) of sparse data. While well known greedy or iterative threshold type of CS recursions take the form of an adaptive filter followed by a proximal operator, this is no different in spirit from the role of block iterative decision-feedback equalizers (BI-DFE), where structure is roughly exploited by the signal constellation slicer. By taking advantage of the intrinsic sparsity of signal modulations in a communications scenario, the concept of interblock interference (IBI) can be approached more cunningly in light of CS concepts, whereby the optimal feedback of detected symbols is devised adaptively. The new DFE takes the form of a more efficient re-estimation scheme, proposed under recursive-least-squares based adaptations. Whenever suitable, these recursions are derived under a reduced-complexity, widely-linear formulation, which further reduces the minimum-mean-square-error (MMSE) in comparison with traditional strictly-linear approaches. Besides maximizing system throughput, the new algorithms exhibit significantly higher performance when compared to existing methods. Our reasoning will also show that a properly formulated BI-DFE turns out to be a powerful CS algorithm itself. A new algorithm, referred to as CS-Block DFE (CS-BDFE) exhibits improved convergence and detection when compared to first order methods, thus outperforming the state-of-the-art Complex Approximate Message Passing (CAMP) recursions. The merits of the new recursions are illustrated under a novel 3D MIMO Radar formulation, where the CAMP algorithm is shown to fail with respect to important performance measures.A proliferação de sistemas sub-determinados trouxe a tona uma gama de novas soluções algorítmicas, baseadas no sensoriamento compressivo (CS) de dados esparsos. As recursões do tipo greedy e de limitação iterativa para CS se apresentam comumente como um filtro adaptativo seguido de um operador proximal, não muito diferente dos equalizadores de realimentação de decisão iterativos em blocos (BI-DFE), em que um decisor explora a estrutura do sinal de constelação. A partir da esparsidade intrínseca presente na modulação de sinais no contexto de comunicações, a interferência entre blocos (IBI) pode ser abordada utilizando-se o conceito de CS, onde a realimentação ótima de símbolos detectados é realizada de forma adaptativa. O novo DFE se apresenta como um esquema mais eficiente de reestimação, baseado na atualização por mínimos quadrados recursivos (RLS). Sempre que possível estas recursões são propostas via formulação linear no sentido amplo, o que reduz ainda mais o erro médio quadrático mínimo (MMSE) em comparação com abordagens tradicionais. Além de maximizar a taxa de transferência de informação, o novo algoritmo exibe um desempenho significativamente superior quando comparado aos métodos existentes. Também mostraremos que um equalizador BI-DFE formulado adequadamente se torna um poderoso algoritmo de CS. O novo algoritmo CS-BDFE apresenta convergência e detecção aprimoradas, quando comparado a métodos de primeira ordem, superando as recursões de Passagem de Mensagem Aproximada para Complexos (CAMP). Os méritos das novas recursões são ilustrados através de um modelo tridimensional para radares MIMO recentemente proposto, onde o algoritmo CAMP falha em aspectos importantes de medidas de desempenho

    Distribution dependent adaptive learning

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    Timing recovery techniques for digital recording systems

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    Enhanced coding, clock recovery and detection for a magnetic credit card

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    Merged with duplicate record 10026.1/2299 on 03.04.2017 by CS (TIS)This thesis describes the background, investigation and construction of a system for storing data on the magnetic stripe of a standard three-inch plastic credit in: inch card. Investigation shows that the information storage limit within a 3.375 in by 0.11 in rectangle of the stripe is bounded to about 20 kBytes. Practical issues limit the data storage to around 300 Bytes with a low raw error rate: a four-fold density increase over the standard. Removal of the timing jitter (that is prob-' ably caused by the magnetic medium particle size) would increase the limit to 1500 Bytes with no other system changes. This is enough capacity for either a small digital passport photograph or a digitized signature: making it possible to remove printed versions from the surface of the card. To achieve even these modest gains has required the development of a new variable rate code that is more resilient to timing errors than other codes in its efficiency class. The tabulation of the effects of timing errors required the construction of a new code metric and self-recovering decoders. In addition, a new method of timing recovery, based on the signal 'snatches' has been invented to increase the rapidity with which a Bayesian decoder can track the changing velocity of a hand-swiped card. The timing recovery and Bayesian detector have been integrated into one computation (software) unit that is self-contained and can decode a general class of (d, k) constrained codes. Additionally, the unit has a signal truncation mechanism to alleviate some of the effects of non-linear distortion that are present when a magnetic card is read with a magneto-resistive magnetic sensor that has been driven beyond its bias magnetization. While the storage density is low and the total storage capacity is meagre in comparison with contemporary storage devices, the high density card may still have a niche role to play in society. Nevertheless, in the face of the Smart card its long term outlook is uncertain. However, several areas of coding and detection under short-duration extreme conditions have brought new decoding methods to light. The scope of these methods is not limited just to the credit card