10 research outputs found

    Estudio comparativo completo de varios métodos basados en datos para la gestión de los recursos hídricos en ambientes mediterráneos a través de diferentes escalas temporales

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    Since the beginning of time, there has been innovation in the knowledge and technology of water and the hydraulic systems, to achieve an efficient and upgrade management of them. In this project, as an opening hypothesis, we will apply computational techniques and Artificial Intelligence concepts. Given that the primary asset of these studies is data, we have preferred to use the term ”Data-Driven”, as the term Artificial Intelligence can cause confusion in non-experts. This is an expanding field in all aspects of science and life, where the computing and processing powers are increasing periodic, so does the generation of information. There we have 5G technology, or the Internet of things, where the exponential build up in the volume of data utilised, pushes us to set up frameworks for the treatment and analysis of the information.Data-Driven techniques offers enormous potential to transform our perception to understand,monitor and predict the states of hydro-meteorological variables. Its application provides benefits, however, performing these exercises requires practice and explicit knowledge. Therefore, a deeper understanding of the capabilities and limitations of novel computational techniques within our field of knowledge is needed. Hence, it is essential to carry out ”hydro-informatics” experiences under this assumption. For the development of these models, we identify which points are the most relevant and need to be taken into account in regional conditions or frameworks. In consequence, we will work with the time series collected in the different monitoring networks, selecting the hydrological points of interest, in order to further develop hydrological frameworks that are useful for water management and optimisation. Here, we are interested in seeing the practical applicability to hydro-meteorology under Mediterranean conditions, where data are sometimes scarce, by selecting two hydrographic basins in south-east Andalusia: the Guadalhorce river (Málaga) and the Guadalfeo river (Granada). In chapter 1, an introduction to the doctoral thesis is made. Likewise, we establish the general and the specific objectives, and the motivation of the thesis. Afterwards, we describe the three fundamental exercises to be carried out in the research work: Regression, Classification and Optimisation. Ultimately, we carry out a brief review of previous works under Mediterranean climatic conditions and similar assumptions. Chapter 2 presents the study areas, analysing the spatial and temporal characteristics of two Andalusian Mediterranean basins in south-east Spain: Guadalhorce (GH) and Guadalfeo (GF). These are hydrographic basins with highly variable/heterogeneous spacetime patterns. The first hydrological system, GH, contains an area of socio-economic importance, such is the city of M´alaga. The second, GF, to the north has the Sierra Nevada National Park, crowned by the Mulhac´en peak and flowing in a few kilometres into the area of Motril. In this particular water system, we find large gradients of the geophysical agents. Both systems have regulation structures of great interest for the development and study of their optimisation. We also review the monitoring networks available in these basins, and which environmental agents and/or processes should be taken into account to meet the objectives of this work. We carry out a bibliographic review of the most relevant historical floods, listing the factors associated with these extreme events. In the data analysis stage of this chapter, we focus on the spatialtemporal evolution of the risk of flooding in the two mouths of the Guadalhorce and Guadalfeo Rivers into the Albor´an Sea. We quantify that had stepped up in recent years, noting that dangerous practices have increased the risk of flooding because of the intrusion of land uses with high-costs. This chapter also analyses collected data within the monitoring networks, to understand the occurrence of floods in the river GH related to upstream discharges. We found that this basin has limitations in regulation and cannot mitigate costs downstream. The results got, were part of the work presented in Egüen et al. (2015). These analyses allow us to identify in which parts of the flood management of this hydrological system need a more precise optimisation. Finally, a summary of another important hydrological risk is carried out, such as droughts, and how these water deficits can be represented by standardised indices, both in rainfall and the flow rates. The various approaches and methodologies for hydro-meteorological time series modelling are discussed in the chapter 3. The contrasting concepts are exposed antagonistically, to focus on the different design choices that we need to make: black box vs. grey box vs. white box, parametric vs. non-parametric, static vs. dynamic, linear vs. non-linear, frequency vs. Bayesian, single vs. multiple, among others..., detailing the advantages and disadvantages of each approach. We presented some ideas that emerged in this part of the research in Herrero et al. (2014). The partition, management and data transformation steps for the correct application of these experimental methods are also discussed. This is of great importance, since part of the hard work in the application of these methods comes from the transformation of the data. So that, the algorithms and transfer functions work correctly. Finally, we focus on how to test and validate the deterministic and probabilistic behaviours through evaluative coefficients to avoid coefficients that mask the results, and therefore focus on the behaviours of our interest, in our case precision and predictability. We have also taken parsimony into account in models based on neural networks, since they can easily fall into over-parameterisation. In chapter 4, we present the experimental work, where seven short-term, six daily and one hourly rainfall-runoff regressions are performed. The case studies correspond to various points of interest within the study areas with important implications for hydrological management. On an hourly scale, we analyse the efficiency and predictive capacities of the MLR and BNN at ten time horizons for the level of the Guadalhorce River in Cártama. We found that, for closer predictive horizons, a simpler approach such as linear (MLR) can outperform other with a priori higher capabilities, such as non-linear (BNN). This finding could simplify greatly its development and application. At a daily scale, we establish a comparative framework between the two previous models and a complete Bayesian method such as the Gaussian Processes. This DD computational technique, allows us to apply different transfer functions under a single model. This is an advantage over the other two DD models, since the results show that they work well in one domain, but do not work well in the other. During the construction of the models, we do the selection of the input variables in a progressive way, through a trial-and-error method, where the significant improvements with respect to the last predictor structure are taken into account preserving the principle of parsimony. Here, we have used different types of data: real data collected in the monitoring networks, and data generated in parallel from physically based hydrological modelling (WiMMed). The results are robust, where the major limitation is the high computational cost by the recurrent and iterative method used. Some results of this chapter, were presented in Gulliver et al. (2014). In chapter 5 three medium-term time scale prediction experiments are performed. We base the first modelling experiment on a quarterly scale, where a hydrological time scheme determines the cumulative flow for specific time horizons. We start the scheme according to the relevant dates where hydrological planning takes place. It is validated that the forecasts are more prosperous after have been consumed the first six months of the hydrological year. Instead of the three months in which we carry out the evaluations. The observed input variables quantified in the water system are: cumulative stream flow, cumulative rainfall, cumulative snowfall values and atmospheric oscillations (AO). At the level of modelling with DD, this experience has shown the importance of combining mixed regression classification models instead of only regression models within static frameworks. In this manner, we reduce and narrow the space of possible solutions and, therefore, we optimised the predictive behaviour of the DD model. During the development of this exercise, we have also carried out a classification practice comparing three DD classifiers: Probabilistic Neural Network (PNN), K-Nearest Neighbour (KNN) and Support Vector Machine (SVM). We see that the SVM behaves better than the others with our data. However, more research is still needed on classifiers in hydro-meteorological frameworks like ours, because of their variability. We showed this part of the doctoral thesis in Gulliver et al. (2016). In the second section of this chapter (Sec. 5.3), we carry out a rain forecast exercise on a monthly scale. To do so, we use BNN following the same construction method of the SVI model exposed in the previous chapter (Sec. Ref. Chapter 4), thus validating it in another time scale. However, the results in predictive terms are poor for this hydro-meteorological variable. This confirms the difficulty of predicting this variable from historical data and without the incorporation of dynamic tools. Thus, the need for complex hydrodynamic modelling for the prediction of this important variable is confirmed. On the other hand, this case serves to empirically infer the causality of the most relevant atmospheric oscillations in the points of study. From multiple simulations with the model-based approach it has been possible to establish which indices have a greater influence. In the last section of this chapter (Section 5.4), an exercise was carried out to predict the deviation or anomaly of rainfall and runoff indices for four time series representative of different locations within the Guadalfeo BR. In this case, we verified the suitability of seven statistical distributions to characterize the anomalies/deviations under Mediterranean conditions. Under this hypothesis, the indices that passed the Shapiro-Wilk normality test were modelled to analyse the capabilities of BNN to predict these indices at various time horizons. Here, predictions of negative phases (droughts or deficit periods) have been poor, and the behaviour of the models for positive phases (wet periods) has been more successful. Regarding the causal inference of IC and its possible influence on the study area, we found out how NAO and WEMO help forecasts for shorter time horizons, while MOI helps for longer cumulative time horizons/times. We have analysed the relevance of these atmospheric variables in each case where sometimes their introduction was convenient and sometimes not, following the rules of construction and detailing them in each case study. Throughout the work, the usefulness of mixed modelling approaches has been verified, using models based on observed data from the different monitoring networks with physical modelling for the reproduction of essential hydrological processes. With the proposed methodology, a positive influence of atmospheric oscillations has been observed for medium-term prediction within the study regions, finding no evidence for short-term predictions (daily scale). The final conclusions and the most important points for future work are presented in the chapter 6. Applications of this type of methods are currently necessary. They help us to establish relationships based on measured hydro-meteorological data and thus ”based on real data”, without hypothesizing any assumptions. These data-based experiences are very useful for limiting future uncertainty and optimizing water resources. The establishment of temporal relationships between different environmental agents allows us, through supervised methods, to establish causal relationships. From here a physical inference exercise is necessary to add coherence and establish a robust scientific exercise. The results obtained in this work, reaffirm the practicality of implementing this Data- Driven frameworks, in both the public and private spheres, being a good starting point for technology transfer. Most of the routines and models provided in this thesis, could be directly applied in Hydro-meteorological Services, or Decision Support Systems for water officials. This includes potential users as varied as public administrations and basin organisations, reservoir managers, energy companies that manage hydroelectric generation, irrigation communities, water bottling plants,... etc. The establishment of iterative and automatic frameworks for data processing and modelling, needs to be implemented, to make the most of the data collected in the water systems.Desde el inicio de los tiempos, se innova en el conocimiento y la tecnología de los sistemas hídricos e hidráulicos con el fin de conseguir una eficiente y correcta gestión de los mismos. En este proyecto, como hipótesis de partida, se van a aplicar diversas técnicas computacionales y conceptos de Inteligencia Artificial. Dado que el principal activo de estas aplicaciones son los datos, optamos por el término ”Data-Driven” (DD), ya que el término de Inteligencia Artificial puede causar confusión en los no expertos. Este es un campo en expansión en todos los aspectos de la ciencia y de la vida, donde al tiempo que se incrementan las capacidades de computación y de procesamiento, se incrementa la generación de datos. Ahí tenemos la tecnología 5G, o el internet de las cosas, donde el incremento exponencial del volumen de datos que se utilizan nos obliga a desarrollar marcos para el tratamiento y el análisis de los mismos. Los métodos DD tienen un enorme potencial para transformar nuestra habilidad de establecer un seguimiento supervisado y predecir estados de variables hidro-meteorológicas. Su aplicación provee claramente de beneficios, sin embargo realizar estos ejercicios requiere una práctica y un conocimiento específico. Por ello, es necesario un entendimiento más profundo de las capacidades y de las limitaciones de estas técnicas computacionales, dentro de nuestro campo de conocimiento y casos específicos. Por estos motivos, es esencial realizar experiencias ”hidro-informáticas” bajo este supuesto, identificando así que puntos son los más relevantes y a tener en cuenta en el desarrollo y la validación de estos modelos en condiciones o marcos más regionales. Para ello, trabajaremos con las series temporales recogidas en las diferentes redes de monitorización, con series resultantes de modelado hidro-meteorológico y con series de las oscilaciones atmosféricas más relevantes en la zona de estudio. El objetivo principal de este trabajo es el desarrollo y la validación de marcos metodológicos basados en datos. Para ello, se seleccionan puntos de interés, con el fin de desarrollar marcos hidro-meteorológicos ´útiles en la gestión y optimización de los recursos hídricos. En este supuesto, nos interesa ver la aplicabilidad práctica de estas herramientas de aprendizaje automático, machine learning, en condiciones mediterráneas y locales, donde los datos a veces son escasos o de baja calidad. En el primer capítulo (Cap.1) se realiza una introducción a la tesis doctoral, estableciendo los objetivos tanto generales como específicos, y la motivación de la tesis. Seguidamente se realiza a modo introductorio una descripción de los tres ejercicios fundamentales a realizar en el trabajo de investigación: Regresión, Clasificación y Optimización. Finalmente, se realiza una revisión del estado del arte de trabajos previos bajo condiciones climáticas mediterráneas y similares. El capítulo 2 presenta las zonas de estudio, analizando las características espacio-temporales de dos cuencas mediterráneas andaluzas situadas en el sureste español: río Guadalhorce (GH) y río Guadalfeo (GF). Son cuencas hidrográficas con unos patrones espaciotemporales altamente variables/heterogéneos. El primer sistema hidrológico, GH, contiene una zona de gran importancia socio-económica como es la ciudad de Málaga. El segundo, GF, al norte tiene situado el Parque Nacional de Sierra Nevada, coronado por el pico Mulhacén y desemboca a pocos kilómetros en la costa de Motril. Esto hace que este sea un sistema con grandes gradientes geo-morfológicos e hidro-meteorológicos. En ambas cuencas existen estructuras de regulación de gran interés para el desarrollo y estudio de su optimización. También se revisan las redes de monitorización disponibles en estas cuencas, y que agentes deben ser tenidos en cuenta para la consecución de los objetivos del presente trabajo. En la etapa de análisis de datos de este capítulo, nos centramos en la evolución espacio temporal del riesgo frente a las inundaciones en las desembocaduras de ambos sistemas hidrológicos al mar de Alborán. Se cuantifica el aumento del riesgo frente a inundaciones ante la intrusión de usos del suelo con altos costes en las zonas potencialmente inundables en estos ´últimos años, constatando así una mala práctica en la planificación del territorio dentro de la zona de estudio. También, en este capítulo se analizan los datos registrados con el fin de comprender la ocurrencia de avenidas en el río GH y su relación con los desembalses aguas arriba. En este análisis se pudo identificar, como ante algunos eventos pluviométricos extremos (> 100mm/24h), esta cuenca tiene limitaciones en la regulación, no pudiendo así mitigar los costes aguas abajo. Parte de los resultados obtenidos formaron parte del trabajo presentado en Egüen et al. (2015). Estos análisis nos permiten identificar la necesidad de una optimización temporal más precisa en la gestión de avenidas en este sistema hidrológico. Finalmente, realizamos un análisis de otro riesgo hidrológico importante como son las sequías, y cómo podemos representar este déficit hídrico mediante índices estandarizados, tanto para la pluviometría como para la escorrentía. En el capítulo 3 se analizan los diversos enfoques y metodologías para el modelado de series temporales hidro-meteorológicas. Los enfoques se exponen de forma antagonista entre las diferentes opciones de modelado que tenemos: caja negra vs. caja gris vs. caja blanca, paramétricos vs. no-paramétricos, estático vs. dinámico, lineal vs. no-lineal, frecuentista vs. bayesiano, único vs múltiple, entre otros..., enumerando las ventajas e inconvenientes de cada enfoque. Algunas ideas surgidas en esta parte de la investigación fueron expuestas en Herrero et al. (2014). Por otro lado, también se discuten los pasos de partición, gestión y transformación de los datos para una correcta aplicación de este tipo de métodos experimentales. Esto es de gran importancia, ya que parte del trabajo duro en la aplicación de este tipo de metodologías, proviene de la transformación de los datos para que los algoritmos y las funciones de transferencia funcionen correctamente. En la parte final de este capítulo, nos centramos en cómo evaluar y validar el comportamiento determinista y probabilístico mediante coeficientes evaluativos. En este punto, prestamos especial atención en evitar la utilización de coeficientes que enmascaren los resultados o muy generalistas, y por lo tanto nos centramos en aquellos que evalúan las capacidades predictivas y de precisión de los modelos. También se ha tenido en cuenta la parsimonia para los modelos basados en redes neuronales, ya que pueden caer fácilmente en una sobre-parametrización. El capítulo 4 expone trabajo puramente experimental, donde se realizan siete regresiones lluvia escorrentía a corto plazo, seis diarias y una horaria. Los casos de estudio corresponden a diversos puntos de interés dentro de las zonas de estudio, con importantes implicaciones en la gestión hidrológica. A escala horaria se analiza las capacidades de eficiencia y predictivas de la Regresión Lineal Múltiple (MLR) y Redes Neuronales Bayesianas (BNN) a diez horizontes temporales para el nivel del río Guadalhorce en el puente de Cártama. Se encontró que, para horizontes predictivos más cercanos, un enfoque más sencillo como puede ser el lineal (MLR), puede superar a uno con mayores capacidades predictivas a priori, como pueden ser uno no lineal (BNN). Simplificando así, el desarrollo y la implementación de este tipo de técnicas computacionales bajo este tipo de marcos hidrológicos. Por otro lado, a escala diaria se establece un marco comparativo entre los dos modelos anteriores, MLR y BNN, y un método bayesiano completo: Procesos Gaussianos (GP). Esta técnica computacional, nos permite aplicar funciones de transferencia de diferente naturaleza bajo un único modelo. Esto es una ventaja con respecto a los otros dos modelos computacionales, ya que los resultados nos indican que a veces funcionan bien en un dominio, pero no funcionan bien en el contrario. Durante la construcción de los modelos, la selección de las variables de entrada se realiza de forma progresiva, mediante un método de prueba y error, donde se tienen en cuenta las mejoras significativas con respecto a la última estructura de predictores preservando el principio de parsimonia. Se han utilizado datos de diferente naturaleza: datos reales recogidos en las redes de monitorización y datos generados paralelamente de modalización hidrológica con base física (WiMMed). Los resultados son robustos donde la principal limitación es el alto coste computacional por el método recurrente e iterativo. Resultados de este capítulo fueron presentados en Gulliver et al. (2014). En el capítulo 5 se realizan tres

    Generalized averaged Gaussian quadrature and applications

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    A simple numerical method for constructing the optimal generalized averaged Gaussian quadrature formulas will be presented. These formulas exist in many cases in which real positive GaussKronrod formulas do not exist, and can be used as an adequate alternative in order to estimate the error of a Gaussian rule. We also investigate the conditions under which the optimal averaged Gaussian quadrature formulas and their truncated variants are internal

    MS FT-2-2 7 Orthogonal polynomials and quadrature: Theory, computation, and applications

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    Quadrature rules find many applications in science and engineering. Their analysis is a classical area of applied mathematics and continues to attract considerable attention. This seminar brings together speakers with expertise in a large variety of quadrature rules. It is the aim of the seminar to provide an overview of recent developments in the analysis of quadrature rules. The computation of error estimates and novel applications also are described

    Bibliography of Lewis Research Center technical publications announced in 1993

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    This compilation of abstracts describes and indexes the technical reporting that resulted from the scientific and engineering work performed and managed by the Lewis Research Center in 1993. All the publications were announced in the 1993 issues of STAR (Scientific and Technical Aerospace Reports) and/or IAA (International Aerospace Abstracts). Included are research reports, journal articles, conference presentations, patents and patent applications, and theses

    Detailed Numerical Simulation of Multi-Dimensional Plasma Assisted Combustion

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    Interaction between flames and plasmas are the guiding thread of this work. Nanosecond Repetitively Pulsed (NRP) discharges are non-thermal plasmas which have shown interesting features for combustion control. They can interact with flames not only through heat, but also chemically by producing active species. In this work, fully-coupled plasma assited combustion simulations are targeted. To achieve this goal, plasma discharge capabilities are built in the low temperature plasma code, AVIP. The corresponding numerical methods, as well as validation cases regarding each set of equations, are first presented. To simulate plasma discharges, the coupled drift-diffusion equations and the Poisson equation are considered. AVIP is coupled to the AVBP code which solves the reactive Navier-Stokes equations to describe combustion phenomena. In a second part, we start by constructing and validating a fully-detailed chemistry for methane-air mixtures in zero-dimensional reactors before reducing it for multi dimensional simulations. The multi-dimensional streamer simulation capabilities of the code are then assessed using simple chemistries. All the validated parts of the code come together in a fully detailed simulation of ignition using NRP discharges. We finish by discussing phenomenological models built upon the knowledge that we gained from fully-detailed simulations. In a last part, finally, attempt to solve the Poisson and generalized Poisson equations using neural networks, which have a potential for speedup compared to classical linear solvers, is carried out

    Dynamical systems : mechatronics and life sciences

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    Proceedings of the 13th Conference „Dynamical Systems - Theory and Applications" summarize 164 and the Springer Proceedings summarize 60 best papers of university teachers and students, researchers and engineers from whole the world. The papers were chosen by the International Scientific Committee from 315 papers submitted to the conference. The reader thus obtains an overview of the recent developments of dynamical systems and can study the most progressive tendencies in this field of science

    Atmospheric Downscaling using Multi-Objective Genetic Programming

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    Numerical models are used to simulate and to understand the interplay of physical processes in the atmosphere, and to generate weather predictions and climate projections. However, due to the high computational cost of atmospheric models, discrepancies between required and available spatial resolution of modeled atmospheric data occur frequently. One approach to generate higher-resolution atmospheric data from coarse atmospheric model output is statistical downscaling. The present work introduces multi-objective Genetic Programming (MOGP) as a method for downscaling atmospheric data. MOGP is applied to evolve downscaling rules, i.e., statistical relations mapping coarse-scale atmospheric information to the point scale or to a higher-resolution grid. Unlike classical regression approaches, where the structure of the regression model has to be predefined, Genetic Programming evolves both model structure and model parameters simultaneously. Thus, MOGP can flexibly capture nonlinear and multivariate predictor-predictand relations. Classical linear regression predicts the expected value of the predictand given a realization of predictors minimizing the root mean square error (RMSE) but in general underestimating variance. With the multi-objective approach multiple cost/fitness functions can be considered which are not solely aimed at the minimization of the RMSE, but simultaneously consider variance and probability distribution based measures. Two areas of application of MOGP for atmospheric downscaling are presented: The downscaling of mesoscale near-surface atmospheric fields from 2.8 km to 400 m grid spacing and the downscaling of temperature and precipitation series from a global reanalysis to a set of local stations. (1) With growing computational power, integrated modeling platforms, coupling atmospheric models to land surface and hydrological/subsurface models are increasingly used to account for interactions and feedback processes between the different components of the soil-vegetation-atmosphere system. Due to the small-scale heterogeneity of land surface and subsurface, land surface and subsurface models require a small grid spacing, which is computationally unfeasible for atmospheric models. Hence, in many integrated modeling systems, a scale gap occurs between atmospheric model component and the land surface/subsurface components, which potentially introduces biases in the estimation of the turbulent exchange fluxes at the surface. Under the assumption that the near surface atmospheric boundary layer is significantly influenced by land surface heterogeneity, MOGP is used to evolve downscaling rules that recover high-resolution near-surface fields of various atmospheric variables (temperature, wind speed, etc.) from coarser atmospheric data and high-resolution land surface information. For this application MOGP does not significantly reduce the RMSE compared to a pure interpolation. However, (depending on the state variable under consideration) large parts of the spatial variability can be restored without any or only a small increase in RMSE. (2) Climate change impact studies often require local information while the general circulation models used to create climate projections provide output with a grid spacing in the order of approximately 100~km. MOGP is applied to estimate the local daily maximum, minimum and mean temperature and the daily accumulated precipitation at selected stations in Europe from global reanalysis data. Results are compared to standard regression approaches. While for temperature classical linear regression already achieves very good results and outperforms MOGP, the results of MOGP for precipitation downscaling are promising and outperform a standard generalized linear model. Especially the good representation of precipitation extremes and spatial correlation (with the latter not incorporated in the objectives) are encouraging.Numerische Modelle, welche für Wettervorhersagen und Klimaprojektionen verwendet werden, simulieren das Zusammenspiel physikalischer Prozesse in der Atmosphäre. Bedingt durch den hohen Rechenaufwand atmosphärischer Modelle treten jedoch häufig Diskrepanzen zwischen benötigter und verfügbarer Auflösung atmosphärischer Daten auf. Ein möglicher Ansatz, höher aufgelöste atmosphärische Daten aus vergleichsweise grobem Modelloutput zu generieren, ist statistisches Downscaling. Die vorliegende Arbeit stellt multi-objektives Genetic Programming (MOGP) als Methode für das Downscaling atmosphärischer Daten vor. MOGP wird verwendet, um Downscaling Regeln (statistische Beziehungen) zu generieren, welche grobskalige atmosphärische Daten auf die Punktskala oder ein höher aufgelöstes Gitter abbilden. Im Gegensatz zu klassischen Regressionsansätzen, in welchen die Struktur des Regressionsmodells vorgegeben wird, entwickelt MOGP Modellstruktur und Modellparameter simultan. Dieses erlaubt es, auch nicht lineare und multivariate Beziehungen zwischen Prädiktoren und Prädiktand zu berücksichtigen. Ein klassisches lineares Regressionsmodel schätzt den Erwartungswert des Prädiktanden, eine Realisierung von Prädiktoren gegeben, und minimiert somit den mittleren quadratischen Fehler (root mean square error, RMSE), aber unterschätzt im Allgemeinen die Varianz. Mit einem multi-objektiven Ansatz können multiple Kostenfunktionen berücksichtigt werden, welche nicht ausschließlich auf die Minimierung des RMSE ausgelegt sind, sondern simultan auch Varianz und Wahrscheinlichkeitsverteilung berücksichtigen. In dieser Arbeit werden zwei verschiedene Anwendungen von MOGP für atmosphärisches Downscaling präsentiert: Das Downscaling mesoskaliger oberflächennaher atmosphärischer Felder von einem 2.8km auf ein 400 m Gitter und das Downscaling von Temperatur- und Niederschlagszeitreihen von globalen Reanalysedaten auf lokale Stationen. (1) Mit wachsender Rechenleistung werden integrierte Modellplattformen, welche Atmosphären-modelle mit Landoberflächenmodellen und hydrologischen Bodenmodellen koppeln, immer häufiger verwendet, um auch die Interaktionen und Feedbacks zwischen den Komponenten des Boden-Vegetations-Atmosphären Systems zu berücksichtigen. Aufgrund kleinskaliger Heterogenitäten in Landoberfläche und Boden benötigen die Landoberflächen- und Bodenmodelle eine hohe Gitterauflösung. Für atmosphärische Modelle hingegen ist eine solch hohe Auflösung rechnerisch nicht praktikabel. Daher findet sich typischerweise ein Skalenunterschied zwischen atmosphärischer und Landoberflächen-/hydrologischer Modellkomponente. Solch ein Skalensprung kann jedoch zu Problemen bei der Schätzung der turbulenten Flüsse zwischen Atmosphäre und Boden führen, da die turbulenten Flüsse in nichtlinearer Weise vom Zustand des Bodens und der bodennahen Atmosphäre abhängen. Die mit MOGP entwickelten Downscaling Regeln verwenden grob aufgelöste atmosphärische Daten und hoch aufgelöste Landoberflächen-Informationen, um hoch aufgelöste Felder verschiedener bodennaher atmosphärischer Variablen (Temperatur, Windgeschwindigkeit etc.) generieren. Die Regeln basieren somit auf der Annahme, dass die bodennahe atmosphärische Grenzschicht signifikant von der Heterogenität der Landoberfläche beeinflusst wird. Zwar erreicht MOGP für diese Anwendung nur selten eine signifikante Reduktion des RMSE gegenüber einer reinen Interpolation, jedoch kann, abhängig von der betrachteten atmosphärischen Variablen, ein großer Teil der räumlichen Variabilität wiederhergestellt werden ohne oder mit nur sehr geringem Anstieg des RMSE. (2) Studien zur Auswirkung des Klimawandels benötigen oft hochaufgelöste oder lokale atmosphärische Daten. Der Output globaler Klimamodelle, mit Hilfe derer Klimaprojektionen erstellt werden, ist gemeinhin zu grob. MOGP wird verwendet, um Tagesmaximum, -minimum und -mittel der Temperatur sowie den täglich akkumulierten Niederschlag an lokalen Stationen in Europa zu schätzen. Die Resultate werden mit linearen Regressionsmethoden verglichen. Für das Downscaling von Temperatur liefert eine klassische lineare Regression bereits sehr gute Resultate, welche MOGP im Allgemeinen an Qualität übertreffen. Für Niederschlag hingegen sind die MOGP Resultate vielversprechend, auch im Vergleich zu generalisierten linearen Modellen. Insbesondere die Repräsentation von Niederschlagsextremen und räumlicher Korrelation (letzteres ist nicht Bestandteil der Kostenfunktionen) sind vielversprechend

    Applications of Monte Carlo Methods in Biology, Medicine and Other Fields of Science

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    This volume is an eclectic mix of applications of Monte Carlo methods in many fields of research should not be surprising, because of the ubiquitous use of these methods in many fields of human endeavor. In an attempt to focus attention on a manageable set of applications, the main thrust of this book is to emphasize applications of Monte Carlo simulation methods in biology and medicine

    Advances in Computational Social Science and Social Simulation

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    Aquesta conferència és la celebració conjunta de la "10th Artificial Economics Conference AE", la "10th Conference of the European Social Simulation Association ESSA" i la "1st Simulating the Past to Understand Human History SPUHH".Conferència organitzada pel Laboratory for Socio­-Historical Dynamics Simulation (LSDS-­UAB) de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.Readers will find results of recent research on computational social science and social simulation economics, management, sociology,and history written by leading experts in the field. SOCIAL SIMULATION (former ESSA) conferences constitute annual events which serve as an international platform for the exchange of ideas and discussion of cutting edge research in the field of social simulations, both from the theoretical as well as applied perspective, and the 2014 edition benefits from the cross-fertilization of three different research communities into one single event. The volume consists of 122 articles, corresponding to most of the contributions to the conferences, in three different formats: short abstracts (presentation of work-in-progress research), posters (presentation of models and results), and full papers (presentation of social simulation research including results and discussion). The compilation is completed with indexing lists to help finding articles by title, author and thematic content. We are convinced that this book will serve interested readers as a useful compendium which presents in a nutshell the most recent advances at the frontiers of computational social sciences and social simulation researc