587 research outputs found

    Error analysis for full discretizations of quasilinear parabolic problems on evolving surfaces

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    Convergence results are shown for full discretizations of quasilinear parabolic partial differential equations on evolving surfaces. As a semidiscretization in space the evolving surface finite element method is considered, using a regularity result of a generalized Ritz map, optimal order error estimates for the spatial discretization is shown. Combining this with the stability results for Runge--Kutta and BDF time integrators, we obtain convergence results for the fully discrete problems.Comment: -. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1410.048

    Galerkin/Runge-Kutta discretizations for semilinear parabolic equations

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    A new class of fully discrete Galerkin/Runge-Kutta methods is constructed and analyzed for semilinear parabolic initial boundary value problems. Unlike any classical counterpart, this class offers arbitrarily high, optimal order convergence. In support of this claim, error estimates are proved, and computational results are presented. Furthermore, it is noted that special Runge-Kutta methods allow computations to be performed in parallel so that the final execution time can be reduced to that of a low order method

    Galerkin/Runge-Kutta discretizations for parabolic equations with time dependent coefficients

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    A new class of fully discrete Galerkin/Runge-Kutta methods is constructed and analyzed for linear parabolic initial boundary value problems with time dependent coefficients. Unlike any classical counterpart, this class offers arbitrarily high order convergence while significantly avoiding what has been called order reduction. In support of this claim, error estimates are proved, and computational results are presented. Additionally, since the time stepping equations involve coefficient matrices changing at each time step, a preconditioned iterative technique is used to solve the linear systems only approximately. Nevertheless, the resulting algorithm is shown to preserve the original convergence rate while using only the order of work required by the base scheme applied to a linear parabolic problem with time independent coefficients. Furthermore, it is noted that special Runge-Kutta methods allow computations to be performed in parallel so that the final execution time can be reduced to that of a low order method

    A class of high-order Runge-Kutta-Chebyshev stability polynomials

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    The analytic form of a new class of factorized Runge-Kutta-Chebyshev (FRKC) stability polynomials of arbitrary order NN is presented. Roots of FRKC stability polynomials of degree L=MNL=MN are used to construct explicit schemes comprising LL forward Euler stages with internal stability ensured through a sequencing algorithm which limits the internal amplification factors to L2\sim L^2. The associated stability domain scales as M2M^2 along the real axis. Marginally stable real-valued points on the interior of the stability domain are removed via a prescribed damping procedure. By construction, FRKC schemes meet all linear order conditions; for nonlinear problems at orders above 2, complex splitting or Butcher series composition methods are required. Linear order conditions of the FRKC stability polynomials are verified at orders 2, 4, and 6 in numerical experiments. Comparative studies with existing methods show the second-order unsplit FRKC2 scheme and higher order (4 and 6) split FRKCs schemes are efficient for large moderately stiff problems.Comment: 24 pages, 5 figures. Accepted for publication in Journal of Computational Physics, 22 Jul 2015. Revise

    A-stable Runge-Kutta methods for semilinear evolution equations

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    We consider semilinear evolution equations for which the linear part generates a strongly continuous semigroup and the nonlinear part is sufficiently smooth on a scale of Hilbert spaces. In this setting, we prove the existence of solutions which are temporally smooth in the norm of the lowest rung of the scale for an open set of initial data on the highest rung of the scale. Under the same assumptions, we prove that a class of implicit, AA-stable Runge--Kutta semidiscretizations in time of such equations are smooth as maps from open subsets of the highest rung into the lowest rung of the scale. Under the additional assumption that the linear part of the evolution equation is normal or sectorial, we prove full order convergence of the semidiscretization in time for initial data on open sets. Our results apply, in particular, to the semilinear wave equation and to the nonlinear Schr\"odinger equation

    On implicit Runge-Kutta methods for parallel computations

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    Implicit Runge-Kutta methods which are well-suited for parallel computations are characterized. It is claimed that such methods are first of all, those for which the associated rational approximation to the exponential has distinct poles, and these are called multiply explicit (MIRK) methods. Also, because of the so-called order reduction phenomenon, there is reason to require that these poles be real. Then, it is proved that a necessary condition for a q-stage, real MIRK to be A sub 0-stable with maximal order q + 1 is that q = 1, 2, 3, or 5. Nevertheless, it is shown that for every positive integer q, there exists a q-stage, real MIRK which is I-stable with order q. Finally, some useful examples of algebraically stable MIRKs are given