574 research outputs found

    Hamiltonian interpolation of splitting approximations for nonlinear PDEs

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    We consider a wide class of semi linear Hamiltonian partial differential equa- tions and their approximation by time splitting methods. We assume that the nonlinearity is polynomial, and that the numerical tra jectory remains at least uni- formly integrable with respect to an eigenbasis of the linear operator (typically the Fourier basis). We show the existence of a modified interpolated Hamiltonian equation whose exact solution coincides with the discrete flow at each time step over a long time depending on a non resonance condition satisfied by the stepsize. We introduce a class of modified splitting schemes fulfilling this condition at a high order and prove for them that the numerical flow and the continuous flow remain close over exponentially long time with respect to the step size. For stan- dard splitting or implicit-explicit scheme, such a backward error analysis result holds true on a time depending on a cut-off condition in the high frequencies (CFL condition). This analysis is valid in the case where the linear operator has a discrete (bounded domain) or continuous (the whole space) spectrum

    Quasi invariant modified Sobolev norms for semi linear reversible PDEs

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    We consider a general class of infinite dimensional reversible differential systems. Assuming a non resonance condition on the linear frequencies, we construct for such systems almost invariant pseudo norms that are closed to Sobolev-like norms. This allows us to prove that if the Sobolev norm of index ss of the initial data z0z_0 is sufficiently small (of order Ï”\epsilon) then the Sobolev norm of the solution is bounded by 2Ï”2\epsilon during very long time (of order ϔ−r\epsilon^{-r} with rr arbitrary). It turns out that this theorem applies to a large class of reversible semi linear PDEs including the non linear Schr\"odinger equation on the d-dimensional torus. We also apply our method to a system of coupled NLS equations which is reversible but not Hamiltonian. We also notice that for the same class of reversible systems we can prove a Birkhoff normal form theorem that in turn implies the same bounds on the Sobolev norms. Nevertheless the technics that we use to prove the existence of quasi invariant pseudo norms is much more simple and direct

    Resonances in long time integration of semi linear Hamiltonian PDEs

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    We consider a class of Hamiltonian PDEs that can be split into a linear unbounded operator and a regular non linear part, and we analyze their numerical discretizations by symplectic methods when the initial value is small in Sobolev norms. The goal of this work is twofold: First we show how standard approximation methods cannot in general avoid resonances issues, and we give numerical examples of pathological behavior for the midpoint rule and implicit-explicit integrators. Such phenomena can be avoided by suitable truncations of the linear unbounded operator combined with classical splitting methods. We then give a sharp bound for the cut-off depending on the time step. Using a new normal form result, we show the long time preservation of the actions for such schemes for all values of the time step, provided the initial continuous system does not exhibit resonant frequencies

    Modified energy for split-step methods applied to the linear Schr\"odinger equation

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    We consider the linear Schr\"odinger equation and its discretization by split-step methods where the part corresponding to the Laplace operator is approximated by the midpoint rule. We show that the numerical solution coincides with the exact solution of a modified partial differential equation at each time step. This shows the existence of a modified energy preserved by the numerical scheme. This energy is close to the exact energy if the numerical solution is smooth. As a consequence, we give uniform regularity estimates for the numerical solution over arbitrary long tim

    Quasi-periodic solutions of the 2D Euler equation

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    We consider the two-dimensional Euler equation with periodic boundary conditions. We construct time quasi-periodic solutions of this equation made of localized travelling profiles with compact support propagating over a stationary state depending on only one variable. The direction of propagation is orthogonal to this variable, and the support is concentrated on flat strips of the stationary state. The frequencies of the solution are given by the locally constant velocities associated with the stationary state
