25 research outputs found

    Physical Properties Of Powdered Roselle-Pineapple Juice - Effects Of Maltodextrin

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    A study was conducted using LabPlant SD-06 Spray Dryer to produce spray-dried rosellepineapple powder. Roselle calyces and pineapples were extracted under optimum condition. Three different maltodextrin DE 10 concentrations (3%, 5% and 10%) were added (w/w) as the encapsulating agent prior to spray drying. Inlet temperatures were varied at 140 oC, 160 oC and 180 oC respectively and the outlet temperature was set at 80 oC. The spray-dried roselle-pineapple powder were analysed for moisture content, dissolution, water activity and hygroscopicity. The results indicated that maldodextrin concentration and inlet temperature had significant effects on the percentage of yield. Extracts with 10% maltodextrin gave the highest percentage of yield and produced less sticky film at the wall of the dryer chamber. At 180 oC, juice with 10% of maltodextrin produced the finest powder. When inlet temperature and the percentage of maltodextrin increased, the moisture content, dissolution and water activity decreased and its hygroscopicity increased

    Process simulation of pineapple juice spray drying

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    Pineapple juice is one of the known natural sources of bromelain, a bioactive compound beneficial to health. The dried powder has potential commercial value and is a convenient source of the juice drink. The quality of spray dried pineapple juice is dependent on the powder moisture content. Spray dried pineapple powders with low moisture contents were produced in a lab-scale spray dryer in this study. Powder production of 25% of total solids were obtained by use of DE6 maltodextrin to solids ratio of 0.41:0.59. A heat and mass transfer model of the spray drying process was implemented in Matlab and solved to determine its predictive utility. The simulation results showed agreement with experimental data at high inlet air temperatures but widely diverged at other air temperatures. The error size in predicted product moisture varied from 73% at 165 oC to almost zero at 185 oC while that for the predicted exit air temperatures varied from about 38% to zero over the same temperature range. Accuracy can be improved if transient heat effects, and sub models for the feed drying are included in the model

    Physico-chemical properties of spray-dried red pitaya (Hylocereus polyrhizus) peel powder during storage

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    The physico-chemical properties of spray-dried pitaya peel powders kept at accelerated (45 ± 2°C) and room temperature (28 ± 2°C) for 14 weeks and 6 months, respectively were evaluated. Changes in physico-chemical properties of the peel powder were used as indicators of stability, while changes of the betacyanin pigment retention was used to calculate the shelf-life of the powder. Storage temperatures significantly (p < 0.05) affected all the studied parameters and Hunter a value had the most significant change. The pigment retention of peel powder was approximately 87% at 45°C and 89% at room temperature storage. Degradation of betacyanin pigment in the powder followed the first order reaction kinetics with the half-life (t1/2) of approximately 76 weeks at 45°C and 38 months at 28°C. The spray-dried pitaya peel powder had a solubility of 87 to 92% and low in powder hygroscopicity. The final Aw of the powder did not exceed 0.6 for both storage temperatures

    Ekstrak Bawang Putih Bubuk Dengan Menggunakan Proses Spray Drying

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    Bawang putih banyak digunakan sebagai bumbu utama pada berbagai masakan karena aromanya yang khas. Aroma khas tersebut karena adanya komponen aktif (Allicin) pada bawang putih. Allicin juga berguna untuk daya anti kolesterol yang dapat mencegah penyakit jantung, tekanan darah tinggi dan lain sebagainya. Komponen Allicin bersifat volatil sehingga bila penanganannya salah maka dapat menyebabkan kerusakan. Untuk mengawetkan bawang putih yaitu dengan cara pengeringan. Salah satu proses yang dapat digunakan adalah spray drying karena proses ini membutuhkan waktu yang singkat. Proses spray drying adalah proses pengeringan dengan cara menyemprotkan fase cair menjadi butiran-butiran kecil kemudian mengontakkannya dengan udara panas sehingga menjadi bubuk. Umpan yang akan dikeringkan dapat berupa larutan ataupun suspensi dengan viskositas tertentu. Penelitian ini dilakukan percobaan pembuatan ekstrak bawang putih bubuk dengan variasi perbandingan massa bawang putih dengan pelarut air tertentu yang dimulai dari perbandingan 1:1, variasi konsentrasi maltodekstrin 0%, 10%, 20%, 30%, 40% dan 50%, serta variasi suhu udara masuk 160 oC, 170 oC, 180 oC dan 190 oC. Hal yang diamati adalah pengaruh konsentrasi maltodekstrin dan suhu udara masuk terhadap karakteristik ekstrak bawang putih bubuk yang dihasilkan. Karakteristik bubuk yang dianalisa meliputi kadar air, bulk density, wettability, solubility dan organoleptik. Dari hasil analisa diketahui bahwa dengan meningkatnya suhu udara inlet menyebabkan terjadinya penurunan kadar air. Begitu juga dengan meningkatnya suhu udara masuk menyebabkan terjadinya peningkatan bulk density, wettability dan solubility


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    Garlic is widely used as main ingredient in various dishes because of its distinctive aroma. The distinctive aroma comes from the active component (Allicin) in garlic. Allicin is also useful for anticholesterol power that can prevent heart disease, high blood pressure and so forth. Allicin is a volatile component so it needs to be handled carefully to preserve its quality. Garlic can be preserved by drying. One of the processes that can be used is spray drying because this process requires a short time. Spray drying is conducted by spraying the liquid phase of garlic into small granules then contacting it to hot air, turning it into powder. The feed to be dried can be either a solution or a suspension with a certain viscosity. In this research, we tried to make garlic ectract powder with variation of the ratio between garlic mass and water solvent, which started from 1;1. Maltodextrne comcentration was varied from 0%, 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, to 50% and inlet air temperature was varied from 160 o C, 170 o C, 180 o C, to 190 o C.. We observed the effect of maltodextrin concentration and inlet air temperature on the characteristic of the produced garlic ectract powder. The analysed characteristic were water content, bulk density, solubolity, and organoleptic. From the result of the analysis it was known that inlet air temperature increase caused water content to drop. On the other hand, inlet air temperature increase caused bulk density, weattability, and solubility to raise


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    Bawang putih banyak digunakan sebagai bumbu utama pada berbagai masakan karena aromanya yang khas. Aroma khas tersebut karena adanya komponen aktif (Allicin) pada bawang putih. Allicin juga berguna untuk daya anti kolesterol yang dapat mencegah penyakit jantung, tekanan darah tinggi dan lain sebagainya. Komponen Allicin bersifat volatil sehingga bila penanganannya salah maka dapat menyebabkan kerusakan. Untuk mengawetkan bawang putih yaitu dengan cara pengeringan. Salah satu proses yang dapat digunakan adalah spray drying karena proses ini  membutuhkan waktu yang singkat. Proses spray drying adalah proses pengeringan dengan cara menyemprotkan fase cair menjadi butiran-butiran kecil kemudian mengontakkannya dengan udara panas sehingga menjadi bubuk. Umpan yang akan dikeringkan dapat berupa larutan ataupun suspensi dengan viskositas tertentu. Penelitian ini dilakukan percobaan pembuatan ekstrak bawang putih bubuk dengan variasi perbandingan massa bawang putih dengan pelarut air tertentu yang dimulai dari perbandingan 1:1, variasi konsentrasi maltodekstrin 0%, 10%, 20%, 30%, 40% dan 50%, serta variasi suhu udara masuk 160 oC, 170 oC, 180 oC dan 190 oC. Hal yang diamati adalah pengaruh konsentrasi maltodekstrin dan suhu udara masuk terhadap karakteristik ekstrak bawang putih bubuk yang dihasilkan. Karakteristik bubuk yang dianalisa meliputi kadar air, bulk density, wettability, solubility dan organoleptik. Dari hasil analisa diketahui bahwa dengan meningkatnya suhu udara inlet menyebabkan terjadinya penurunan kadar air. Begitu juga dengan meningkatnya suhu udara masuk menyebabkan terjadinya peningkatan bulk density, wettability dan solubility


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    The objective of this study was to investigate effect of blending three types of different gum (arabic, carrageenan and xanthan) in Pouzolzia zeylanica extract together with maltodextrin as well as encapsulated material during spray-drying process on the stability of antioxidant components (anthocyanin, flavonoid, polyphenol, tannin and antioxidant activities through DPPH radical scavenging capacity, ferrous reducing/antioxidant power FRAP and antioxidant ability index AAI); and physical properties (moisture content, water activity, particle size and morphology as well as the color, nonenzymatic browning) of products. The results showed that the sample which was blended with arabic gum and maltodextrin maintained well bioactive compounds and obtained powder had better quality characteristics than others. In this optimal sample, the content of anthocyanin, flavonoid, polyphenol and tannin were determined as 7.56 ± 0.106 mgCE/100 g, 31.15 ± 1.035 mgQE/g, 27.96 ± 0.380 mgGAE/g, 25.79 ± 0.530 mgTAE/g. The antioxidant activity through DPPH, FRAP and AAI were determined as 75.55 ± 0.65%, 102.87 ± 3.85 mM FeSO4/g and 38.17 ± 11.24. The moisture content, water activity, particle size, the color value of (L, a, b), total color difference (DE) and non enzyme browning (NEB) were determined as 6.42 ± 0.085 %, 0.5142 ± 0.0076, 6.26 ± 0.110 µm, 78.43 ± 0.189, 7.55 ± 0.065, 6.96 ± 0.180, 18.85 ± 0.580 and 0.298 ± 0.015, respectively

    Extraction of selected bioactive compounds from averrhoa bilimbi and their thermal stability during spray drying

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    A. bilimbi (ver. name Belimbing Buluh) contains many useful bioactive compounds leading to various activities such as antioxidant, anti-diabetic and anti-tuberculosis. Analysis of the A. bilimbi extracts using UHPLC-QTOF-MS, qualitative analysis and identification using Metlin Database shows the presence of three compounds; nicotinic acid, pantothenic acid and catechin. Following the mass spectrometry and UV spectra confirmation, the nicotinic acid, pantothenic acid and catechin can be used as a marker of A. bilimbi. Recovery of bioactive compounds from the plant materials are normally performed via extraction. The yield of bioactive compound in the extract is dependent on the solvent used, extraction method and condition. In this work, ultrasonic assisted extraction was studied. The highest extraction yields of 0.28 mg/g DW nicotinic acid, 1.00 mg/g DW pantothenic acid and 0.22 mg/g DW catechin from A. bilimbi were obtained at temperature of 30 °C, sonication power of 0.070 W/ml, time of 30 min, solvent to solid ratio of 8 ml/g and methanol concentration of 40%. Bioactive compounds are known to suffer from a degradation process when exposed to high temperature over a long period, which is often the case during the extraction and powder making process. The recovery process is often accomplished at slightly elevated temperatures, thus it is vital to understand the loss of bioactive compounds due to thermal degradation before the mitigating method can be formulated. The results showed nicotinic acid, pantothenic acid and catechin degradation followed the firstorder kinetics model. Pantothenic acid showed the lowest degradation rate constant, followed by nicotinic acid and catechin for all studied temperature, indicating a slowest degradation. The thermal degradation activation energy of nicotinic acid, pantothenic acid and catechin were 43.85 kJ/mol, 58.86 kJ/mol, and 21.27 kJ/mol, respectively. Pantothenic acid has the highest activation energy which implies that the compound is more sensitive to temperature change. Microencapsulation can provide a physical barrier between the core compound and the other components of the product which would then provide a better heat protection during spray drying. Microencapsulation of bioactive compounds from A. bilimbi by spray drying using maltodextrin resulted in a high retention of nicotinic acid, pantothenic acid and catechin. Results obtained from this work demonstrated that the best operating conditions for spray drying of A. bilimbi extract whereby the highest retention of nicotinic acid, pantothenic acid and catechin are 10% maltodextrin DE18 and air inlet temperature 140 °C